Investment Facilitation for Development (2024)
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The Parties to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"),

Recognizing the complementary relationship between investment and trade and their key role in advancing development in the global economy;

Recognizing the importance of investment in the promotion of sustainable development, economic growth, poverty reduction, job creation, technology transfer, the expansion and diversification of productive capacity and trade, as well as for the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals;

Desiring to increase the participation of developing countries in investment flows including, inter alia, through a more transparent and efficient investment environment;

Aiming to enhance investment, including investment in and by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "MSMEs");

Wishing to establish multilateral rules and disciplines on investment facilitation to enhance the transparency, efficiency and predictability of the investment regulatory environment;

Affirming the importance of responsible business conduct and of combating corruption for the promotion of sustainable investment;

Recognizing the special needs of developing and particularly least-developed country Parties and the importance of supporting them in implementing this Agreement through enhanced technical assistance and capacity building;

Recognizing the importance of information sharing, the exchange of best practices and other means of international cooperation on investment facilitation, including with relevant international organizations;

Recognizing the importance of domestic coordination, regulatory coherence and enhancing relations with relevant stakeholders;

Recognizing the right of Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories so as to meet their policy objectives;

Desiring to encourage acceptance of this Agreement by all Members of the WTO;

Hereby agree as follows:



Article 1. Objectives

The purpose of this Agreement is to improve the transparency of measures, streamline administrative procedures, adopt other investment facilitation measures and promote international cooperation, as a means of facilitating the flow of foreign direct investment between the Parties, particularly to developing and least-developed country Parties, with the aim of fostering sustainable development.

Article 2. Scope

2.1 With the aim of facilitating foreign direct investment, this Agreement applies to measures adopted or maintained by a Party relating to investment activities of investors of another Party.

2.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as to create new or modify existing commitments relating to market access, nor to create new or modify existing rules on the protection of investments or Investor-State Dispute Settlement. (1)

2.3 A Party's obligations under this Agreement shall apply to measures adopted or maintained by:

(a) its central, regional or local governments and authorities; and

(b) non-governmental bodies in the exercise of powers delegated by central, regional or local governments or authorities.

2.4 In fulfilling its obligations and commitments under this Agreement, each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure their observance by regional and local governments and authorities and non-governmental bodies, as referred to in subparagraph 2.3(b), within its territory. 2.5 This Agreement shall not apply to:

(a) government procurement; or

(b) subsidies or grants of a Party, which under that Party's laws and regulations are not available to an investor of another Member.

(1) For greater certainty, this Agreement does not confer any right of establishment of an investment on investors of another Party. Hence, the provisions of this Agreement are without prejudice to the right of a Party to accept or reject an investment in accordance with its laws and regulations or to adopt or maintain measures relating to authorization in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of Section III.

Article 3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement:

(a) "investment activities" means the establishment, acquisition, expansion, operation,  management, maintenance and sale or other disposal of an investment;

(b) "measure" means any measure by a Party, whether in the form of a law, regulation, rule, procedure, decision, administrative action, or any other form;

(c) "authorization" means the permission (2) by a competent authority (3) to pursue investment activities, resulting from a procedure an investor must adhere to in order to demonstrate compliance with the necessary requirements;

(d) "investor of another Party" means:

(i) a natural person having the nationality of that Party in accordance with its laws and regulations;

(ii) a natural person who has the right of permanent residence in that Party, where such Party does not have nationals or has made a notification pursuant to Article XXVIII(k)(ii) of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (hereinafter referred to as the "GATS"); or

(iii) a juridical person with substantive business operations in the territory of that Party; that is engaged in investment activities in the territory of any other Party; and

(e) "juridical person" means any legal entity duly constituted or otherwise organized under applicable law, whether for profit or otherwise, and whether privately-owned or governmentally-owned, including any corporation, trust, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship or association; and

(f) "country" includes any separate customs territory Member of the WTO that is a Party to this Agreement. In the case of a separate customs territory Member of the WTO that is a Party to this Agreement, where an expression in this Agreement is qualified by the term "national', such expression shall be read as pertaining to that customs territory, unless otherwise specified.

(2) For greater certainty, the legal system of a Party may prescribe that permission be provided in a certain form, such as an administrative act.
(3) For the purposes of this definition, "competent authority" means a central, regional or local government or authority of a Party, or a non-governmental body In the exercise of powers delegated by a central, regional or local government or authority of a Party, that grants authorization.

Article 4. Relation to International Investment Agreements

4.1 International investment agreements shall not serve as a means to interpret or apply this Agreement.

4.2 This Agreement shall not serve as a means to interpret any provision of an international investment agreement, and shall not be used as the basis for a claim or in any way by a claimant under the procedures for the resolution of investment disputes between investors and States provided for in an international investment agreement. (4)

(4) For greater certainty, provisions included in this Agreement do not in themselves constitute "treatment" within the meaning of relevant provisions of international investment agreements.

Article 5. Most-Favoured Nation Treatment

5.1 Each Party shall accord to investors of another Member and their investments treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Member and their investments, in applying the provisions set out in this Agreement in its territory. (5)

5.2 Paragraph 5.1 shall not be construed as requiring a Party to extend to investors of another Member or their investments, the advantage of any treatment resulting from:

(a) any international investment agreement, whether it is:

(i) a separate agreement; or

(ii) investment-related chapters in an agreement forming a free-trade area or a customs union pursuant to Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "GATT 1994") set out in Annex 1A to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO (hereinafter referred to as "WTO Agreement"), or the Decision on Differential and More Favourable Treatment, Reciprocity, and Fuller Participation of Developing Countries (hereinafter referred to as the "Enabling Clause"), or an economic integration agreement pursuant to Article V of the GATS;

(b) any other relevant provision (6) in an agreement forming a free-trade area or a customs union pursuant to Article XXIV of the GATT 1994, or the Enabling Clause, or an economic integration agreement pursuant to Article V of the GATS; or

(c) any measure providing for recognition, including the recognition of the standards or criteria for authorization, licensing or certification of a natural person or an enterprise to carry out an economic activity, or the recognition of prudential measures as referred to in paragraph 3 of the Annex on Financial Services of the GATS.

5.3 For greater certainty, provisions of any other international agreement entered into by a Party do not in themselves constitute "treatment" as referred to in paragraph 5.1 and thus cannot be taken into account when assessing a breach of this Agreement.

5.4 For greater certainty, the treatment accorded by a Party under this Article means, with respect to a government other than at the central level, treatment accorded, in like circumstances, by that government to investors of any other Member and their investments.

(5) For greater certainty, this paragraph shall not be construed as creating any obligation for Members that have not accepted this Agreement, nor shall it be construed as creating any right for those Members, including the right to refer matters arising from this Agreement to a dispute settlement proceeding under the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (hereinafter referred to as the "Dispute Settlement Understanding").
(6) For greater certainty, the term "relevant provision" refers to provisions that relate to the same subject matter or to the same category of subjects as those to which this Agreement applies.


Article 6. Publication and Availability of Measures and Information

6.1 Each Party shall promptly publish (7) or otherwise make publicly available and, except in emergency situations, at the latest by the time of their entry into force, all relevant measures of general application with respect to matters falling within the scope of this Agreement in such a manner as to enable investors, other interested persons and other Parties to become acquainted with them. Each Party shall publish, at the latest by the time of their entry into force for the Party, international agreements affecting investment to which it is a signatory party.

6.2 Each Party shall, to the extent practicable, endeavour to allow reasonable time between publication of the text of a law or regulation referred to in paragraph 6.1 and the date on which investors must comply with the law or regulation.

6.3 In publishing a new law or regulation referred to in paragraph 6.1, or changes thereto, or in advance of such publication, to the extent practicable and in a manner consistent with its legal system for adopting measures, a Party shall endeavour to explain the purpose and rationale of the law or regulation.

6.4 Each Party shall make available, via electronic means, information of importance to investors, and keep the information updated, as appropriate. Such information includes:

(a) laws and regulations specifically addressing foreign direct investment, where they exist;

(b) information on which sectors are open, restricted or prohibited to foreign direct investment;

(c) where practicable, information on the practical steps relevant to investing in its territory. This information should cover, inter alia, the requirements and procedures, where they exist, relating to:

(i) company establishment and business registration;

(ii) connecting to essential infrastructure;

(iii) acquisition and registration of property;

(iv) construction permits;

(v) capital transfers and payments;

(vi) the payment of taxes;

(vii) public incentives available to investors; and

(viii) resolving insolvency; and

(d) contact information of relevant competent authorities.

6.5 Parties that adopt or maintain measures of general application to facilitate outward foreign direct investment, are encouraged to publish them or otherwise make them publicly available, including through electronic means.

(7) For the purposes of this Agreement, "publish" means to include in an official publication, such as an official journal, or on an official website.

Article 7. Information to Be Made Publicly Available If Authorization Is Required for an Investment

7.1 If a Party requires authorization for an investment in its territory, the Party shall promptly publish or otherwise make publicly available in writing, to the extent practicable via electronic means, and keep updated, the information necessary to comply with the requirements and procedures for obtaining, maintaining, amending and renewing such authorization. Such information shall include, inter alia, where it exists (8):

(a) the requirements including the relevant technical regulations and standards applicable to the investment;

(b) the relevant forms;

(c) procedures;

(d) indicative timeframes for processing of an application;

(e) authorization fees;

(f) opportunities for public involvement, such as through hearings or comments;

(g) procedures for appeal or review of decisions concerning applications;

(h) procedures for monitoring or enforcing compliance with the terms and conditions of authorizations; and

(i) contact information of the relevant competent authorities.

7.2 To the extent practicable, the information in paragraph 7.1 should be made available in one of the official languages of the WTO.

(8) With respect to an authorization a Party requires regarding financial services, the requirement under this Article to publish or make publicly available technical regulations or standards, indicative timeframes for processing of an application, or authorization fees, applies to the extent that this Is consistent with the laws, regulations, guidelines and regular administrative practices of the Party.

Article 8. Single Information Portal

8.1 To the extent practicable, each Party is encouraged to make available measures and information referred to in paragraphs 6.1, 6.4 and 7.1 through a single information portal, which includes making available the relevant web links to electronic publications.

8.2 Parties shall endeavour to ensure that the single information portal is kept updated.

8.3 Each Party should include in the single information portal the contact information of the focal points or appropriate mechanisms referred to in paragraph 22.1.

8.4 Each Party is encouraged to publish on the single information portal the measures and information referred to in paragraphs 6.4 and 7.1 in one of the official languages of the WTO.

Article 9. No Fees Imposed for Access to Information

No fees shall be imposed on any investor or person seeking to invest in a Party's territory for access to the measures or information provided under this Section.

Article 10. Publication In Advance and Opportunity to Comment on Proposed Measures

10.1 To the extent practicable and in a manner consistent with its legal system for adopting measures, each Party (9) shall publish in advance:

(a) its laws and regulations of general application, or changes thereto, it proposes to adopt in relation to matters falling within the scope of this Agreement; or

(b) documents that provide sufficient details about such a possible new law or regulation to allow investors, other interested persons and other Parties to assess whether and how their interests might be significantly affected.

10.2 To the extent practicable and in a manner consistent with its legal system for adopting measures, each Party is encouraged to apply paragraph 10.1 to procedures and administrative rulings of general application it proposes to adopt in relation to matters falling within the scope of this Agreement.

10.3 To the extent practicable and in a manner consistent with its legal system for adopting measures, each Party shall provide investors, other interested persons and other Parties a reasonable opportunity to comment on such proposed measures or documents published under paragraph 10.1 or 10.2 and shall consider the comments received. (10) (11)

(9) For the purposes of paragraphs 10.1 to 10.3, the Parties recognize that each Party has different systems to consult interested persons and other Parties on certain measures before their adoption, and that the alternatives set out in paragraph 10.1 reflect different legal systems.
(10) This provision does not place any obligation on the final decision of a Party that adopts or maintains any measure for authorization for an investment. The submission of comments does not oblige the relevant competent authorities to accept them In whole or in part.
(11) For greater certainty, the sole fact that the legal system of a Party may provide that proposed measures on taxation are published for information only and not for comment, is not inconsistent with paragraph 10.3.

Article 11. Notification to the WTO

Each Party shall promptly notify the Committee on Investment Facilitation (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") established under paragraph 39.1 of:

(a) the introduction of any new, or any significant changes to existing, laws or regulations of general application referred to in paragraph 6.1;

(b) the official place(s) where the measures referred to in paragraphs 6.1 and 7.1 have been published;

(c) the website(s) referred to in paragraphs 6.4, 7.1 and 8.1; and

(d) the contact information of the relevant competent authorities referred to in subparagraphs 6.4(d) and 7.1(i), and of the focal points or appropriate mechanisms referred to in paragraph 22.1.

Article 12. Information to Be Made Publicly Available on the Entry and Temporary Stay of Natural Persons for the Purpose of Conducting Investment Activities

12.1 Except as set out in paragraph 12.3, this Agreement shall not apply to measures by a Party relating to the entry of natural persons into, or temporary stay in, its territory.

12.2 For greater certainty, this Agreement shall not apply to measures affecting natural persons seeking access to the employment market of a Party, nor shall it apply to measures regarding citizenship, nationality, residence or employment on a permanent basis.

12.3 To the extent practicable, each Party shall make publicly available online information on the requirements and procedures for entry and temporary stay of natural persons in its territory, including, where applicable, relevant forms, documents, fees, and explanatory materials that will enable interested persons of any other Party to become acquainted with applicable requirements and procedures.


(12) For the purposes of this Section, "applicant" means a natural or juridical person of another Party who has applied for an authorization to invest in the territory of any other Party.

Article 13. Reasonable, Objective and Impartial Administration of Measures

Each Party shall ensure that all measures of general application within the scope of this Agreement are administered in a reasonable, objective and impartial manner.

Article 14. General Principles for Authorization Procedures

14.1 Each Party shall ensure that the authorization procedures it adopts or maintains do not unduly complicate or delay investment activities.

14.2 If a Party adopts or maintains measures relating to the authorization for an investment, the Party shall ensure that:

(a) such measures are based on objective and transparent criteria (13);

(b) the procedures are impartial, and that the procedures are adequate for applicants to demonstrate whether they meet the requirements, where such requirements exist; and

(c} the procedures do not in themselves unjustifiably prevent the fulfilment of requirements.

14.3 The assessment by a Party's relevant competent authorities of an application for authorization shall be made on the basis of criteria set out in a measure in accordance with the Party's legal system. (14)

(13) Such criteria may include, /nter alia, competence and the ability to conduct an investment activity, including to do so in a manner consistent with a Party's regulatory requirements, such as health and environmental requirements. Competent authorities may assess the weight to be given to each criterion.
(14) For greater certainty, the assessment of a single application based upon the assessment-specific criteria referred to In paragraph 14.3, or the conclusion reached by the competent authorities regarding a single application, is not subject to the Dispute Settlement Understanding.

Article 15. Authorization Procedures

15.1 If a Party requires authorization for an investment, it shall ensure that its competent authorities:

Application periods

(a) to the extent practicable, permit submission of an application at any time throughout the year. (15) If a specific time period exists for applying for an authorization, the Party shall ensure that the competent authorities allow a reasonable period for the submission of an application;

(15) Competent authorities are not required to start considering applications outside of their official working hours and working days.

Acceptance of authenticated copies

(b) accept copies of documents that are authenticated in accordance with the Party's laws and regulations, in place of original documents, unless the competent authorities require original documents to protect the integrity of the authorization process;

(c) where any other competent authority of the Party requires and holds original documents, and to the extent that it is consistent with the Party's laws and regulations, accept an authenticated copy from the applicant or, where applicable, a copy from the competent authority holding the original;

Processing of applications

(d) to the extent practicable, provide an indicative timeframe for processing of an application;

(e) at the request of the applicant, provide without undue delay information concerning the status of the application;

(f) to the extent practicable, ascertain without undue delay the completeness of an application for processing under the Party's laws and regulations;

(g) if they consider an application complete for processing under the Party's laws and regulations (16), within a reasonable period of time after the submission of the application, ensure that:

(i) the processing of the application is completed; and

(ii) the applicant is informed of the decision concerning the application (17), to the extent possible in writing (18);

Treatment of incomplete applications

(h) if they consider an application incomplete for processing under the Party's laws and regulations, within a reasonable period of time after the submission of the application, to the extent practicable:

(i) inform the applicant that the application is incomplete;

Page 1 Next page
  • Article   1 Objectives 1
  • Article   2 Scope 1
  • Article   3 Definitions 1
  • Article   4 Relation to International Investment Agreements 1
  • Article   5 Most-Favoured Nation Treatment 1
  • Article   6 Publication and Availability of Measures and Information 1
  • Article   7 Information to Be Made Publicly Available If Authorization Is Required for an Investment 1
  • Article   8 Single Information Portal 1
  • Article   9 No Fees Imposed for Access to Information 1
  • Article   10 Publication In Advance and Opportunity to Comment on Proposed Measures 1
  • Article   11 Notification to the WTO 1
  • Article   12 Information to Be Made Publicly Available on the Entry and Temporary Stay of Natural Persons for the Purpose of Conducting Investment Activities 1
  • Article   13 Reasonable, Objective and Impartial Administration of Measures 1
  • Article   14 General Principles for Authorization Procedures 1
  • Article   15 Authorization Procedures 1
  • Article   16 Multiple Applications 2
  • Article   17 Authorization Fees 2
  • Article   17Bis Authorization Fees - Financial Services (23) 2
  • Article   18 Use of Information and Communication Technologies or E-Government (24) 2
  • Article   19 Independence of Competent Authorities 2
  • Article   20 Appeal or Review 2
  • Article   21 Periodic Review 2
  • Article   22 Focal Points (27) 2
  • Article   23 Domestic Regulatory Coherence 2
  • Article   24 Domestic Supplier Databases 2
  • Article   25 Supplier-Development Programmes 2
  • Article   26 Cross-Border Cooperation on Investment Facilitation 2
  • Article   27 General Principles 2
  • Article   28 Categories of Provisions 2
  • Article   29 Notification and Implementation of Category a 2
  • Article   30 Notification of Dates for Implementation of Categories B and C 2
  • Article   31 Early Warning Mechanism: Extension of Implementation Dates for Provisions In Categories B and C 2
  • Article   32 Expert Group to Support Implementation of Category B and Category C Provisions 2
  • Article   33 Shifting between Categories B and C 2
  • Article   34 Grace Period for the Application of the Dispute Settlement Understanding 2
  • Article   35 Provision of Assistance and Support for Capacity Building 2
  • Article   36 Information on Assistance and Support for Capacity Building to Be Submitted to the Committee 3
  • Article   37 Responsible Business Conduct 3
  • Article   38 Measures Against Corruption 3
  • Article   39 WTO Committee on Investment Facilitation 3
  • Article   40 Disclosure of Confidential Information 3
  • Article   41 General and Security Exceptions 3
  • Article   42 Financial Exceptions 3
  • Article   43 Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies 3
  • Article   44 Dispute Settlement 3
  • Article   45 Final Provisions (46) 3