The aim shall be to support the ACP States' efforts to derive maximum benefit from national, regional and international tourism in view of tourism's impact on economic development and to stimulate private financial flows from the Community and other sources into the development of tourism in the ACP States. Particular attention shall be given to the need to integrate tourism into the social, cultural and economic life of the people.
Article 122.
Specific tourism development measures shall aim at the definition, adaptation and development of appropriate policies at national, regional, subregional and international levels. Tourism development programmes and projects shall be based on these policies on the basis of the following four components:
(a) human resources and institutional development, inter alia:
- professional management development in specific skills and continuous training at appropriate levels in the private and public sectors to ensure adequate planning and development,
- establishment and strengthening of tourism promotion centres,
- education and training for specific segments of the population and public/private organizations active in the tourism sector, including personnel involved in the support sector of tourism,
- intra-ACP cooperation and exchanges in the fields of training, technical assistance and the development of institutions;
(b) product development, inter alia:
- identification of the tourism product, development of non-traditional and new tourism products, including the preservation and development of cultural heritage, ecological and environmental aspects, management, protection and conservation of flora and fauna, historical, social and other natural assets, development of ancillary services,
- promotion of private investment in the tourist industry of ACP States, including the creation of joint ventures,
- provision of technical assistance for the hotel industry,
- production of crafts of a cultural nature for the tourist market.
(c) market development, inter alia:
- assistance for the definition and execution of objectives and market development plans at national, subregional, regional and international levels,
- provision of support for ACP States' efforts to gain access to services for the tourist industry such as central reservation systems and air traffic control and security systems;
- provision of marketing and promotional measures and materials in the framework of integrated market development plans and programmes and adaptation of existing products with a view to improved market penetration, aimed at the main generators of tourism flows in traditional and non-traditional origin markets as well as specific activities such as participation at specialized trade events, such as fairs, production of quality literature, films and marketing aids.
(d) research and information, inter alia:
- improving tourism information and collecting, analysing, disseminating and utilizing statistical data,
- assessment of the socio-economic impact of tourism on the economies of ACP States with particular emphasis on the development of linkages to other sectors in ACP States and regions such as food production, construction, technology and management.
Chapter 4. Transport, Communications and Informatics
Article 123.
1. Cooperation in the area of transport shall be aimed at the development of road transport, railways, port installations and shipping, transport by domestic waterways and air transport.
2. Cooperation in the area of communications shall be aimed at the development of postal services and telecommunications, including radiocommunications and informatics.
3. Cooperation in these areas shall be directed particularly towards the following objectives:
(a) the creation of conditions fostering the movement of goods, services and persons at national, regional and international level;
(b) the provision, rehabilitation, maintenance and efficient operation of cost-effective systems serving the requirements of social and economic development and adjusted to the needs of users and to the overall economic situation of the States concerned;
(c) greater complementarity of transport and communications systems at national, regional and international level;
(d) the harmonization of the national systems installed in ACP States, while facilitating their adjustment to technological progress;
(e) the reduction of barriers to frontier-crossing transport and communications, in terms of legis- lation, regulations and administrative procedures.
Article 124.
1. In all cooperation projects and programmes in the fields concerned, efforts shall be made to ensure an appropriate transfer of technology and know-how.
2. Particular attention shall be given to training ACP nationals in the planning, management, maintenance and operation of transport and communications systems.
Article 125.
1. The Contracting Parties recognize the importance of air transport in forging closer economic, cultural and social links between. the ACP States and between them and the Community, in improving the communications of isolated or not easily accessible regions and in developing tourism.
2. The objective of cooperation in this field shall be to promote the harmonious development of national and regional ACP air transport networks and the moderni- zation of the ACP fleet of aircraft in line with technical progress, the implementation of the International Civil Aviation Organization air navigation plan, the improvement of reception infrastructures and the application of international operating standards, the development and improvement of air maintenance centres, the provision of training and the development of modern airport security systems.
Article 126.
1. The Contracting Parties acknowledge the importance of shipping services as one of the forces behind economic development and promotion of trade between them.
2. The objective of cooperation in this field shall be to ensure harmonious development of efficient and reliable shipping services on economically satisfactory terms by facilitating the active participation of all parties according to the principle of unrestricted access to the trade on a commercial basis.
Article 127.
1. The Contracting Parties underline the importance of the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences and the ratification instruments thereof, which safeguard the terms of competition in maritime matters and afford, inter alia, the shipping lines of developing countries extended opportunities to participate in the conference system.
2. Consequently, the Contracting Parties are agreed, when ratifying the Code, on taking prompt measures for its implementation at national level, in conformity with its scope and provisions. The Community shall assist ACP States to apply the relevant provisions of the Code.
3. In conformity with Resolution 2 on non- Conference lines, annexed to the Code, the Contracting Parties shall not prevent non-Conference lines from operating in competition with a Conference line as long as they comply with the principle of fair competition on a commercial basis.
Article 128.
Attention shall be given in the context of cooperation to encouraging the efficient shipment of cargo at economically and commercially meaningful rates and to the aspirations of ACP States for greater participation in such international shipping services. In this respect, the Community acknowledges the aspirations of the ACP States for greater participation in bulk cargo shipping. The Contracting Parties agree that competitive access to the trade shall not be impaired.
Article 129.
In the framework of financial and technical assistance for shipping, special attention shall be given to:
- effective development of efficient and reliable shipping services in the ACP States, notably the gearing of port infrastructure to meet traffic requirements and the maintenance of port equipment,
- maintenance or acquisition of handling equipment and watercraft and their modernization in line with technical progress,
- development of inter-regional shipping with a view to encouraging intra-ACP cooperation and improvements in the functioning of ACP shipping,
- technology transfer including multimodal transport and containerization for the promotion of joint ventures,
- setting up of appropriate legislative and adminis- trative infrastructure and the improvement of port management, notably through vocational training,
- development of inter-island shipping services and connecting infrastructure and to increased cooperation with economic operators.
Article 130.
The Contracting Parties undertake to promote shipping safety, security of crews and the prevention of pollution.
Article 131.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of Articles 126 to 130, consultation may take place, at the request of either Contracting Party, where necessary under the conditions provided for in the rules of procedure referred to in Article 11.
Article 132.
1. In the field of cooperation on communications, particular attention shall be paid to technological development in supporting ACP States' efforts to establish and develop effective systems. This includes studies and programmes concerning satellite communication, where this is justified by operational considerations, in particular at regional and subregional level. Cooperation shall also cover means of observation of the earth by satellite for meteorology and remote-sensing purposes, notably their use for desertification control, halting all forms of pollution, the management of natural resources, agriculture and mining in particular, and land use planning.
2. Particular importance shall be attached to telecom- munications in rural areas, in order to stimulate their economic and social development.
Article 133.
The aim of cooperation in the field of information technology shall be the building up of the ACP States' information technology and telematics capacity by offering countries which wish to give high priority to this sector support for their efforts to acquire and install information technology systems; the development of efficient telematic networks, including international financial information; the production, in time, of computer components and software in the ACP States; their participation in international activities in the field of data processing and the publication of books and reviews.
Article 134.
Cooperation activities in the transport and communi- cations fields shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions and procedures laid down in Title III, Part Three of this Convention.
Article 135.
With a view to attaining the objectives set out in Article 167 on trade cooperation, the Contracting Parties shall implement measures for the development of trade at all stages up to final distribution of the product.
The object is to ensure that the ACP States derive the maximum benefit from the provisions of this Convention in the fields of trade, agricultural and industrial cooperation and may participate under the most favourable conditions in the Community, domestic, subregional, regional and international markets by diver- sifying the range and increasing the value and the volume of ACP States' trade in goods and services.
Article 136.
1. In promoting the development of trade and services, in addition to developing trade between the ACP States and the Community, particular attention shall be given to operations designed to increase the ACP States' self-reliance, develop intra-ACP trade, trade to international markets and improve regional cooperation in trade and services.
2. Operations shall be undertaken at the request of
- the ACP States, particularly in the following areas:
- the establishment of coherent trade strategies,
- development of human resources and professional skills in the field of trade and services,
- the establishment, adaptation and strengthening of organizations in the ACP States dealing with the development of trade and services, particular attention being paid to the special needs of organiz- ations in the least-developed, landlocked and island ACP States,
- support for the ACP States' efforts to develop and improve the quality of their products, adapt them to market requirements and diversify their outlets,
- market development measures including increasing contacts and exchange of information between economic operators in ACP States, the Member States of the Community and in third countries,
- support for ACP States in the application of modern marketing techniques in production-oriented sectors and programmes in areas such as rural development and agriculture,
- support for the ACP States' efforts to develop and improve supportive service infrastructure, including transport and storage facilities, in order to ensure effective distribution of goods and services and in order to enhance the flow of exports from ACP States,
- support for ACP States in developing their internal capacities, information systems and awareness of the role and importance of trade in economic development,
- support to small and medium-sized enterprises for product identification and development, market outlets and joint marketing ventures.
3. With a view to expediting the procedures, financing decisions may deal with multiannual programmes in accordance with the provisions of Article 290 on implementation procedures.
4. Support for ACP States' participation in trade fairs, exhibitions and trade missions should be carried out, only where such events form an integral part of overall trade and market development programmes.
5. Participation of the least-developed, landlocked and island ACP States in various trade activities shall be encouraged by special provisions, inter alia, the payment of travel expenses of personnel and costs of transporting exhibits, on the occasion of their participation in national, regional and third-country fairs, exhibitions or trade missions, including the cost of the temporary construction and/or renting of exhibition booths and stalls. Special assistance shall be provided to least-developed, landlocked and island ACP States for the preparation and/or purchase of promotional material.
Article 137.
Within the framework of the instruments provided for in this Convention and in accordance with the provisions for development finance cooperation, assistance for the development of trade and services shall include technical assistance for the establishment and development of insurance and credit institutions in connection with trade development.
Article 138.
In addition to the appropriations which, within the framework of the national indicative programmes referred to in Article 281, may be allocated by each ACP State to the financing of operations to develop the fields referred to in Titles IX and X, Part Two, the contribution of the Community to the financing of such operations, where they are of a regional nature, may amount, within the framework of the regional cooperation programmes referred to in Article 156, to the amount provided for in the Financial Protocol annexed to this Convention.
Article 139.
Cooperation shall contribute to the self-reliant development of the ACP States, a process centred on man himself and rooted in each people's culture. The human and cultural dimension must embrace all areas and be reflected in all development projects and programmes. Cooperation shall back up the policies and measures adopted by those States to enhance their human resources, increase their own creative capacities and promote their cultural identities. It shall foster participation by the population in the process of development.
Such cooperation shall aim at promoting, in the interests of dialogue, exchange and mutual enrichment and, on a basis of equality, a better understanding and greater solidarity between ACP governments and peoples on the one hand, and between ACP and Community governments and peoples on the other.
Article 140.
1. Cultural and social cooperation shall be expressed through:
- the taking into account of the cultural and social dimension in projects and programmes,
- promotion of the cultural identities of the ACP States' peoples, with a view to fostering their self- advancement, stimulating their creativity and encourging intercultural dialogue,
- operations with the purpose of enhancing human resources with a view to the judicious and optimum use of natural resources and the satisfaction of basic physical and non-material needs.
2. Cultural and social cooperation schemes shall be undertaken in accordance with the arrangements and procedures laid down in Title HI of Part Three. Resources may also be mobilized through the use of targeted counterpart funds, which may be employed in the social sectors. All schemes shall be governed by the priorities and objectives set in the indicative programmes or in the context of regional cooperation, depending on their inherent characteristics.
Article 141.
The Foundation for ACP-EEC Cultural Cooperation shall be recognized as having the task of contributing to the implementation of the objectives of this Title.
Actions conducted by the Foundation to that end shall cover the following areas:
- studies, research and measures concerning the cultural aspects of taking into account the cultural dimension of cooperation,
- studies, research and measures to promote the cultural identities of the ACP peoples and ail initiatives likely to contribute to intercultural dialogue.
Chapter 1. Cultural and Social Dimension
Article 142.
1. The design, appraisal, execution and evaluation of each project or programme shall be based on understanding of, and regard for, the cultural and social features of the milieu.
2. This involves in particular:
- assessment of opportunities for participation by the population,
- thorough knowledge of the milieu and ecosystems concerned,
- study of local technology and of other appropriate forms of technology,
- provision of relevant information for all those concerned in the design and execution of operations, including technical cooperation personnel,
- evaluation of the human resources available for executing and maintaining projects,
- provision of integrated programmes for the promotion of human resources.
Article 143. The Following Shall Be Taken Into Account In the Appraisal of All Projects and Programmes:
(a) under the heading of cultural aspects:
- adaptation to the cultural milieu and the impli- cations for that milieu,
- integration and enhancement of the local cultural heritage, notably value systems, way of life, modes of thought and know-how, materials and styles,
- methods of information acquisition and trans- mission,
- interaction between people and their environment and between population and natural resources;
(b) under the heading of social aspects, the impact of such projects or programmes on:
- reinforcement of capacities and structures for self-development,
- improvement of the status and role of women,
- the involvement of young people in economic, cultural and social development,
- contribution to the satisfaction of the basic cultural and physical needs of the population,
- promotion of employment and training,
- balance between demographic structure and other resources,
- social and interpersonal relationships,
- structures, methods and forms of production and processing.
Article 144.
1. Cooperation shall support the ACP States' efforts to ensure that grassroots communities are closely and continuously involved in development operations. Participation by the population should be encouraged from the earliest stages of the preparation of projects and programmes and must be designed to overcome linguistic, educational or cultural barriers.
To this end, and with the internal dynamics of the people as the starting point, the following factors shall be taken into consideration:
(a) strengthening institutions capable of encouraging participation by the people, through operations involving work organization, staff training and management;
(b) helping the people to organize themselves, particularly within cooperative-type associations, and placing at the disposal of the different groups concerned means complementary to their own initiative and efforts;
(c) encouraging participation initiatives through education, training and cultural motivation and promotion;
(d) involving the people concerned in the various stages of development. Special attention should be given to the role of women, young people, the elderly and the disabled and the impact of development projects and programmes on these groups;
(e) expanding job opportunities, including those offered by the works undertaken as part of development operations.
2. Measures to improve the situation of young people and encourage recognition of their aspirations and their role in society may be supported in the context of cooperation in this sphere.
3. Existing institutions or associations shall be used as widely as possible for the preparation and execution of development operations.
Chapter 2. Promotion of Cultural Identities and Intercultural Dialogue
Article 145.
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation through operations fostering the recognition of the cultural identities of the ACP peoples, which are part of their histories and systems of values. It shall foster the reciprocal cultural enrichment of the ACP peoples and those of the Community.
Schemes to promote cultural identities shall be aimed at preserving and enhancing the cultural heritage, the production and dissemination of cultural products and services, highly representative cultural events and support for information and communications media.
Intercultural dialogue shall be geared to more thorough knowledge and a better understanding of cultures. By clearing obstacles to intercultural communication, cooperation shall stimulate awareness of the interdependence of peoples of different cultures.
Article 146. Safeguarding the Cultural Heritage
Support shall be provided for action by the ACP States to:
(a) safeguard and promote their cultural heritage, notably through the establishment of cultural databanks and sound-recording libraries for the collection of oral traditions and the enhancement of such traditions;
(b) conserve historical and cultural monuments and promote traditional architecture.
Article 147. Production and Distribution of Cultural Goods
Cooperation schemes aimed at developing ACP States' cultural productions or co-productions and their distribution shall be designed as components of an integrated programme or as specific projects.
Cooperation shall be aimed at fostering the distribution of the ACP States' cultural goods and services which are highly representative of their cultural identities. in the ACP countries and the Community.