Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (2016)
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Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

At the central level of government, Australia reserves the right to limit the initial transfer or disposal of government owned entities or assets, or a portion or percentage of the initial transfer, to Australian persons. For greater certainty, if Australia transfers or disposes of a government owned entity or asset in multiple phases, this right shall apply separately to each phase. At the remaining levels of government, Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to: (a) the devolution to the private sector of services provided in the exercise of governmental authority at the date of entry into force of this Agreement; and (b) the privatisation of government owned entities or assets. For the purposes of this entry, any measure adopted after the date of entry into force of this Agreement in relation to subparagraph (a) or (b) shall be deemed an existing non-conforming measure subject to paragraphs 1, 5, 6 and 7 of Article 9.12 (Non-Conforming Measures) and paragraph 1 of Article 10.7 (Non-Conforming Measures).

Sector: All

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure (6) with respect to the provision of law enforcement and correctional services, and the following services (7) to the extent that they are social services established or maintained for a public purpose: income security or insurance, social security or insurance, social welfare, public education, public training, health (8), child care, public utilities9, public transport and public housing.

(6) For greater certainty, measures adopted or maintained with respect to the provision of services covered by this entry include measures for the protection of personal information relating to health and children.
(7) This includes any measure with respect to: the collection of blood and its components; the distribution of blood and blood-related products, including plasma derived products; plasma fractionation services; and the procurement of blood and blood-related products and services.
(8) For greater certainty, the subsidies programmes under Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Medicare Benefits Scheme, or successor programmes, are not subject to Article 9.4 (National Treatment), Article 9.5 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), and Article 9.11 (Senior Management and Boards of Directors), in accordance with Article 9.12(6)(b) (Non-Conforming Measures). 9 With respect to the central level of government, applies only with respect to Article 10.5 (Market Access).

Sector: Broadcasting and Audio-visual Services Advertising Services Live Performance (10)

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4) (11) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6) (12)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure (13) with respect to: (a) Transmission quotas for local content on free-to-air commercial television broadcasting services. (b) Non-discriminatory expenditure requirements for Australian production on subscription television broadcasting services. (c) Transmission quotas for local content on free-to-air radio broadcasting services. (d) Other audio-visual services transmitted electronically, in order to make Australian audio-visual content reasonably available to Australian consumers.(14) (e) Spectrum management and licensing of broadcasting services.(15) (f) Subsidies or grants for investment in Australian cultural activity. This entry does not apply to foreign investment restrictions in the broadcasting and audio-visual services sector. Existing Measures: Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) Radiocommunications Act 1992 (Cth) Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) Screen Australia Act 2008 (Cth) Broadcasting Services (Australian Content) Standard 2005 Children’s Television Standards 2009 Television Program Standard 23 – Australian Content in Advertising Commercial Radio Codes of Practice and Guidelines Community Broadcasting Codes of Practice.

(10) Applies only in respect of subparagraph (f).
(11) Applies only to the treatment as local content of New Zealand programmes or productions.
(12) Applies only in respect of subparagraph (e) and in respect of the licensing of services covered by subparagraph (d).
(13) For greater certainty, this includes the right to adopt or maintain measures under subparagraphs (a) through (f) with respect to the services supplied by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the Special Broadcasting Service Corporation.
(14) Any such measure will be implemented in a manner that is consistent with Australia’s commitments under Article XVI and Article XVII of GATS.
(15) In respect of subparagraph (e), Australia’s reservation applies only in respect of Article 10.5 (Market Access) and Article 10.6 (Local Presence).

Sector: Broadcasting and Audio-visual Services

Obligations Concerned: Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain, under the International Co-production Program, preferential co-production arrangements for film and television productions. Official co-production status, which may be granted to a co-production produced under these co-production arrangements, confers national treatment on works covered by these arrangements.

Existing Measures: International Co-production Program

Sector: Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Services (other than audio-visual services)

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to the creative arts (16),(17) Indigenous traditional cultural expressions and other cultural heritage. (18)

(16) For the purposes of this entry, “creative arts” means: the performing arts (including live theatre, dance and music); visual arts and craft; literature (other than literary works transmitted electronically); and hybrid art works, including those which use new technologies to transcend discrete art form divisions. For live performances of the “creative arts”, as defined, this entry does not extend beyond subsidies and grants for investment in Australian cultural activity.
(17) Notwithstanding this, such measures shall be implemented in a manner that is consistent with Australia’s commitments under Article XVI and Article XVII of GATS, as applicable.
(18) For the purposes of this entry, “cultural heritage” means: ethnological, archaeological, historical, literary, artistic, scientific or technological moveable or built heritage, including the collections which are documented, preserved and exhibited by museums, galleries, libraries, archives and other heritage collecting institutions.

Sector: Distribution Services

Obligations Concerned: Market Access (Article 10.5)

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to wholesale and retail trade services of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or firearms.

Sector: Education Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to primary education.

Sector: Gambling and Betting

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to gambling and betting.

Existing Measures: Legislation and ministerial statements including the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth).

Sector: Maritime Transport

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services and Investment

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to maritime cabotage services and offshore transport services. (19)

Existing Measures: Customs Act 1901 (Cth) Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) Seafarers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1992 (Cth) Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 (Cth) Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 (Cth) Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012 (Cth) Shipping Reform (Tax Incentives) Act 2012 (Cth)

(19) For the purposes of this entry, “cabotage” is defined as the transportation of passengers or goods between a port located in Australia and another port located in Australia and traffic originating and terminating in the same port located in Australia. “Offshore transport” refers to shipping services involving the transportation of passengers or goods between a port located in Australia and any location associated with or incidental to the exploration or exploitation of natural resources of the continental shelf of Australia, the seabed of the Australian coastal sea and the subsoil of that seabed.

Sector: Transport Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11)

Description: Investment

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to investment in federal leased airports.

Existing Measures: Airports Act 1996 (Cth) Airports (Ownership-Interests in Shares) Regulations 1996 (Cth) Airports Regulations 1997 (Cth)

Sector: Services related to Air Transportation

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the provision of ground handling services as defined in Article 10.1 (Definitions) in relation to each Party that: (a) maintains, in its Schedule to Annex II, an entry with respect to ground handling services; and (b) lists against Article 10.3 (National Treatment), but only in relation to the obligations listed by that Party. Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the provision of airport operation services as defined in Article 10.1 (Definitions) in relation to each Party that: (a) maintains, in its Schedule to Annex II, an entry with respect to airport operation services; and (b) lists against two of the following obligations: Article 10.3 (National Treatment), Article 10.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment) and Article 10.6 (Local Presence), but only in relation to the obligations listed by that Party.

Sector: All

Obligations Concerned: Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that accords more favourable treatment to any service supplier or investor under any bilateral or multilateral international agreement in force or signed prior to the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that accords more favourable treatment to any service supplier or investor taken as part of a process of economic integration or trade liberalisation between the Parties to the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) done at Canberra on March 28, 1983.20 Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that accords more favourable treatment to any service supplier or investor of a Pacific Island Forum member state under any international agreement in force or signed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Australia reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that accords more favourable treatment to any service supplier or investor under any bilateral or multilateral international agreement in force or signed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement involving: (a) aviation; (b) fisheries; or (c) maritime matters, including salvage. 20 For the avoidance of doubt, this includes measures adopted or maintained under any existing or future protocol to that agreement.

APPENDIX A. Australia

For the following sectors, Australia’s commitments under Article XVI of GATS as set out in Australia’s Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS (GATS/SC/6, GATS/SC/6/Suppl.1, GATS/SC/6/Suppl.1/Rev.1, GATS/SC/6/Suppl.2, GATS/SC/6/Suppl.3 and GATS/SC/6/Suppl.4) are improved as described below.

Sector/subsectorMarket Access Improvement 
Professional Services 
Legal services (21)   
Legal advisory and representational services in domestic law (host-country law)Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3. Mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Legal advisory services in foreign law and international law and (in relation to foreign and international law only) legal arbitration and conciliation/mediation services.Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 1 and 2, mode 3 is limited as follows: In South Australia, natural persons practising foreign law may only join a local law firm as a consultant and may not enter into partnership with or employ local lawyers. Mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Research and Development Services
 Research and Development (R&D) services on natural sciences and engineering (CPC 851)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Interdisciplinary research and development (R&D) services (CPC 853) Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Other Business Services
Landscape architectural services (CPC 86742)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Technical testing and analysis services (CPC 8676)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Site preparation work for mining (CPC 5115)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Services incidental to manufacturing (CPC 884 and 885, except for 88442).Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Related scientific and technical consulting services (CPC 8675)
- Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services (CPC 86751)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
- Subsurface surveying services (CPC 86752)Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section, for the whole sector.
- Map-making services (CPC 86754)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Maintenance and repair of equipment (not including maritime vessels, aircraft or other transport equipment) (CPC 633 and 8861-8866).  Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Packaging services (CPC 8760) Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Specialty design services (CPC 87907) Replace existing commitments on Interior Design with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound as indicated in the horizontal section.
COMMUNICATION SERVICES. This covers the following sub-sectors from the Services Sectoral Classification List (W/120) and related CPC numbers 7521,7522,7523, 7529** (a) Voice telephone services (b) Packet-switched data transmission services (c) Circuit-switched data transmission services (d) Telex services (e) Telegraph services (f) Facsimile services (g) Private leased circuit services (o) Other: Digital cellular services Paging services Personal communications services Trunked radio system services Mobile data services Services covered by the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) are excluded from the basic telecommunications sector.  Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Other general construction work for civil engineering (CPC 511, 515 and 518)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 2 and 3, mode 1 unbound*, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Commission agents’ services (CPC 62111, 62112**, 62113-62118) Includes services by commission agents, commodity brokers, auctioneers and other wholesalers who trade on behalf of others, of food products, and non-alcoholic beverages. Excludes tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and firearms. 
Wholesale trade services (CPC 6221**, 6222**, 6223 - 6228**) Wholesale trade services of agricultural raw materials and live animals. Excludes wholesale trade services of unmanufactured tobacco, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and firearms.  Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section. 
Retailing services (CPC 631**, 63211**, 63212, 6322, 6323, 6324, 6325, 6329**, 61112, 6113, 6121) Australia’s commitments in relation to these services extend to cover the following services not listed in relevant CPC classifications: inventory management of goods, assembling, sorting and grading of goods, breaking bulk, re-distribution and delivery services for retailing. Does not cover dispensing of pharmaceuticals, retailing services of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and firearms.Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 2 and 3, mode 1 unbound except for mail order, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Wastewater management (CPC 9401) This covers removal, treatment and disposal of household, commercial and industrial sewage and other waste waters including tank emptying and cleaning, monitoring, removal and treatment of solid wastes.Replace existing commitments on “Sewage services” with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Waste management (CPC 9402, 9403) This covers hazardous and non-hazardous waste collection, treatment and disposal (including incineration, composting and landfill); sweeping and snow removal, and other sanitation servicesReplace existing commitments on “Refuse disposal services” and “Sanitation and similar services” with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Protection of ambient air and climate (CPC 9404) This covers services at power stations or industrial complexes to remove air pollutants; monitoring of mobile emissions and implementation of control systems or reduction programmes.  Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Remediation and clean-up of soil and water (CPC 9406**) (24) This covers cleaning-up systems in situ or mobile, emergency response, clean-up and longer term abatement of spills and natural disasters; and rehabilitation programmes (e.g. recovery of mining sits) including monitoring.Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Noise and vibration abatement (CPC 9405) This covers monitoring programmes, and installation of noise reduction systems and screens.Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CPC 9406**) (25) This covers ecology and habitat protection and promotion of forests and promoting sustainable forestry.   Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as  indicated in the horizontal section.
Other environmental and ancillary services (CPC 9409) This covers other environment protection services, including services related to environmental impact assessment.Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Travel agencies and tour operators services (CPC 7471)Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Air Transport services
Airport operation services, as defined in Article 10.1 (Definitions)Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section. 
Ground handling services, as defined in Article 10.1 (Definitions)Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Aircraft repair and maintenance services during which an aircraft is withdrawn from service, excluding so-called line maintenance (CPC 8868**) This covers establishments mainly engaged in periodic maintenance and repair (routine and emergency) of airframes (including wings, doors, control surfaces) avionics, engines and engine components, hydraulics, pressurisation and electrical systems and landing gear. Includes painting, other fuselage surface treatments and repair of flight-deck (and other) transparencies. Further includes rotary and glider aircraft.  Replace existing commitment on “Maintenance and repair of aircraft” with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Selling and marketing of air transport services, as defined in Article 10.1 (Definitions) This commitment confirms, without extending, the application to air transport services of the following: (a) Travel agencies and tour operator services (CPC 7471), (b) Market research and public opinion polling services (CPC 864), (c) Advertising services (CPC 87110, 87120**, 87190), Covers services by advertising agencies in creating and placing advertising in periodicals, newspapers, radio and television for clients; outdoor advertising, media representation i.e. sale of time and space for various media; distribution and delivery of advertising material or samples. Does not include production or broadcast/screening of advertisements for radio, television or cinema. (d) Distribution: Commission agents’ services (CPC 62113-62118); Wholesale trade services (CPC 6223-6228); Retailing services (as described in this Appendix); and Franchising (CPC 8929). Excludes unmanufactured tobacco, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and firearms.Insert new commitments with no limitations on mode 1 except that Retailing services (CPC 631**, 63211**, 63212, 61112, 6113, 6121, 6322, 6323, 6324, 6325, 6329**) are unbound except for mail order, no limitations on modes 2 and 3. Mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Rail Transportation services 
Freight transportation (CPC 7112); Pushing and towing services (CPC 7113); and Supporting services for rail transport services (CPC 743).Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1 and 2. Mode 3 is limited as follows: (a) Below track: Most rail-track networks in Australia are government owned although much is leased to private operators. There are no restrictions on the right to establish new networks but access to public land may not be guaranteed. (b) Above track (rail transport services (such as trains) that operate over the rail-track infrastructure): none except that access to rail infrastructure is allocated under pro-competitive principles for safety, efficiency and the long term interests of users. Mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Road transportation services. Freight transportation (CPC 7123)
- Transportation of frozen or refrigerated goods (CPC 71231)Insert new commitments with no limitations for mode 1.
- Transportation of bulk liquids or gases (CPC 71232 )Insert new commitments with no limitations for mode 1.   
- Transportation of containerized freight (CPC 71233)Insert new commitments with no limitations for mode 1.
- Transportation of furniture (CPC 71234) Insert new commitments with no limitations for mode 1.
- Mail transportation (CPC 71235)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
- Freight transportation by man- or animal-drawn vehicles (CPC 71236)Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
- Transportation of other freight (CPC 71239) Insert new commitments with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Rental of commercial vehicles with operator (CPC 7124)Insert new commitments with no limitations on modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section
Services auxiliary to all modes of transport
Storage and warehouse services (CPC 742 excluding maritime) Australia’s commitment in relation to these services extends to cover the following services in addition to those listed in CPC 742: distribution centre services and materials handling and equipment services such as container station and depot services (excluding maritime).Replace existing commitments with no limitations for modes 2 and 3, mode 1 is unbound*, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Freight transport agency services (CPC 748 excluding maritime) Australia’s commitment in relation to these services extends to cover the following services in addition to those listed in CPC 748: customs agency services and load scheduling services (excluding maritime).Replace existing commitments on “freight forwarding” with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Other supporting and auxiliary transport services (CPC 749 excluding maritime) Australia’s commitment in relation to these services extends to cover the following services in addition to those listed under CPC 749: container leasing and rental services (excluding maritime).Replace existing commitments on “pre-shipment inspections” with no limitations for modes 1-3, mode 4 is unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.
(21) For the purposes of this entry: “legal advisory services” – includes provision of advice to and consultation with clients in matters, including transactions, relationships and disputes, involving the application or interpretation of law; participation with or on behalf of clients in negotiations and other dealings with third parties in such matters; and preparation of documents governed in whole or in part by law, and the verification of documents of any kind for purposes of and in accordance with the requirements of law. Does not include advice, consultation and documentation services performed by service suppliers entrusted with public functions, such as notary services, or services provided by patent or trade mark attorneys. “legal representational services” – includes preparation of documents intended to be submitted to courts, administrative agencies, and other duly constituted official tribunals in matters involving the application and interpretation of law; and appearance before courts, administrative agencies, and other duly constituted official tribunals in matters involving the application and interpretation of the specified body of law. (Note: The inclusion of representational services before administrative agencies and other duly constituted official tribunals within the context of legal services does not necessarily mean that a licensed lawyer must supply such services in all cases. The precise scope of services subject to licensing requirements is subject to the discretion of the relevant regulatory authority.) Does not include documentation services performed by service suppliers entrusted with public functions, such as notary services, or services provided by patent or trade mark attorneys. “legal arbitration, conciliation and mediation services” – preparation of documents to be submitted to, preparation for and appearance before, an arbitrator, conciliator or mediator in any dispute involving the application and interpretation of law. Does not include arbitration, conciliation and mediation services in disputes for which the law has no bearing which fall under services incidental to management consulting. As a sub-category, international legal arbitration, conciliation and mediation services refer to the same services when the dispute involves parties from two or more countries. “domestic law (host country law)” – the law of Australia. “foreign law” – the law of the territories of WTO Members and other countries other than the law of Australia. “international law” – includes law established by international treaties and conventions, as well as customary law. For the purposes of these definitions: “arbitration” is taken to mean a process in which the parties to a dispute present arguments and evidence to a dispute resolution practitioner (the arbitrator) who makes a determination. “mediation” is taken to mean a process in which the parties to a dispute, with the assistance of a dispute resolution practitioner (the mediator), identify the disputed issues, develop options, consider alternatives and endeavour to reach an agreement. The mediator has no advisory or determinative role in regard to the content of the dispute or the outcome of its resolution, but may advise on or determine the process of mediation whereby resolution is attempted. “conciliation” is taken to mean a process in which the parties to a dispute, with the assistance of a dispute resolution practitioner (the conciliator), identify the issues in dispute, develop options, consider alternatives and endeavour to reach an agreement. The conciliator may have an advisory role on the content of the dispute or the outcome of its resolution, but not a determinative role. The conciliator may advise on or determine the process of conciliation whereby resolution is attempted, and may make suggestions for terms of settlement, give expert advice on likely settlement terms, and may actively encourage the participants to reach an agreement.
(22) Australia’s commitments on environmental services exclude the provision of water for human use, including water collection, purification and distribution through mains.
(23) The classification scheme adopted on environmental services is largely based upon the scheme proposed by the European Communities (EC) in 2000 (see pages 6-7 of the EC paper “GATS 2000: Environmental Services”, S/CSS/W/38), but see especially footnote 22 above.
(24) This commitment and Australia’s commitment on protection of biodiversity and landscape combine to cover the entirety of CPC 9406 services.
(25) This commitment and Australia’s commitment on remediation and clean-up of soil and water combine to cover the entirety of CPC 9406 services.
* Unbound due to lack of technical feasibility.
** Indicates that the service specified constitutes only a part of the total range of activities covered by the CPC concordance.


Sector:  All 

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6) 

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services 

1. Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the privatisation, corporatisation, commercialisation or divestment of Government assets, entities or agencies including: 

(a) limitations on ownership of assets; 

(b) transfer or disposal of equity interests or their assets; 

(c) the right of foreign investors or their investments to control their assets; and 

(d) nationality of the senior management or members of the board of directors. 

2. This entry pertains only to the initial transfer or disposal of interest in Government assets, entities or agencies. Brunei Darussalam does not reserve this right with respect to subsequent transfers or disposals of Government interest in such assets, entities or agencies. 

3. For greater certainty: 

(a) where Brunei Darussalam transfers an interest in an existing state enterprise to another state enterprise, such transfer shall not be considered to be an initial transfer or disposal of the interest for purposes of this entry; and

(b) where Brunei Darussalam transfers or disposes of an interest in an existing state enterprise in multiple phases, subparagraph (a) shall apply separately to each such phase.

Sector: All

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5) (1)

Description: Investment

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to all land transactions other than strata title, which shall be subject to approval and consent by His Majesty-in-Council, including but not limited to: (a) ownership and lease of land; (b) conditions on which such land shall be held; and (c) reciprocal arrangements on ownership or lease of diplomatic properties.

(1) Applies only in respect of subparagraph (c).

Sector: All

Obligations Concerned: Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that accords differential treatment: (a) to countries under any bilateral or multilateral international agreement in force or signed prior to the date of entry into force of this Agreement; (b) to ASEAN Member States under any ASEAN agreement open to participation by any ASEAN Member State, in force or signed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement; and (c) to countries under any international agreement in force or signed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement involving: (i) air services; and (ii) maritime and port matters.

Sector: All

Obligations Concerned: Market Access (Article 10.5)

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to the supply of a service by the presence of natural persons, including on the total number of foreign natural persons that may be employed in any sector, subject to the provisions of Chapter 12 (Temporary Entry for Business Persons), and in a manner that is not inconsistent with Brunei Darussalam’s obligations under Article XVI of GATS.

Sector: Fisheries and Services Incidental to Fisheries

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5 and Article 10.4)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to any fisheries and services related to fisheries activity in its territory, including its exclusive economic zone, including but not limited to: (a) any differential treatment to foreign nationals due to the application of reciprocity of commitments relating to artisanal fishery activity; and (b) ensuring the availability and sustainability of fisheries resources.

Sector: Logging

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4)

Description: Investment

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to logging activities.

Sector: Silica Sand

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10)

Description: Investment

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure with respect to the commercialisation of activities relating to silica sand deposits, including mining, quarrying, manufacture and export of such deposits.

Sector: Petroleum

Obligations Concerned: Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5)

Description: Investment

1. Brunei Darussalam has no existing statutes, regulations or other similar measures that mandate preferential treatment to be accorded to investors of another Party or their investments as compared to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments.

2. With respect to the making of or entry into petroleum mining agreements for the exploration, exploitation, development, and production rights of petroleum in the territory of Brunei Darussalam, and collateral agreements (2), (3) Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to continue to exercise discretion (4) to accord investors of another Party or their investments less favourable treatment than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments, except that: (a) Brunei Darussalam shall not adopt any statute, regulation or other similar measure (5) that mandates according investors of another Party or their investments treatment less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments; and (b) Brunei Darussalam shall accord investors of another Party or their investments treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments, under any bilateral or multilateral international agreement that enters into force or is signed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

3. The terms “petroleum mining agreement”, “collateral agreement” and “petroleum” used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them under the Act.

Existing Measures: Petroleum Mining Act (Chapter 44) (the Act) Brunei National Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad Order, 2002 Petroleum (Pipe-Lines) Act (Chapter 45) Administrative Measures and Guidelines

(2) For greater certainty, the expression “making of or entry into petroleum mining agreements for the exploration, exploitation, development, and production rights of petroleum in the territory of Brunei Darussalam, and collateral agreements” includes: (a) the negotiation, determination and amendment of any terms and conditions in petroleum mining agreements for the exploration, exploitation, development, and production rights of petroleum, and collateral agreements, or the renewal or extension of the term of such agreements; and (b) any decision by Brunei Darussalam to conduct a bid or tender or other process in relation to any proposed petroleum mining agreement, for the exploration, exploitation, development, and production rights of petroleum in the territory of Brunei Darussalam, and collateral agreements, and, if any such bid or tender or other process is conducted, the terms and conditions on which any such bid or tender or other process is conducted.
(3) For greater certainty, the expression “collateral agreements” shall include shareholders’ participation agreements and agreements providing fiscal incentives with respect to petroleum mining agreements.
(4) For greater certainty, the discretion under this paragraph may be exercised pursuant to any measure that Brunei Darussalam may adopt or maintain.
(5) For greater certainty, the expression “other similar measure(s)” used in paragraphs 1 and 2(a) of this entry excludes any decisions or guidance by any member of the Cabinet with respect to the making of or entry into, or amendment of, an individual petroleum mining agreement or collateral agreements. For greater certainty, any such decision or guidance, shall not be subject to the dispute settlement provisions of this Agreement with respect to Article 9.5 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment).

Sector: Coal

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) (6) Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 9.5) (7) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) (8) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

1. Subject to paragraph 2, Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal reserves in Brunei Darussalam.

2. In the event that Brunei Darussalam determines that it is in its national interest to permit exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal reserves by foreign nationals and enterprises, this entry will not apply in relation to the Senior Management and Boards of Directors obligation. However, in respect of the remaining Obligations Concerned, Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt and maintain any measure: (a) relating to the making of or entry into of contracts for the exploration, exploitation, development and production rights of coal in the territory of Brunei Darussalam. (9) In this regard, Brunei Darussalam may: (i) exercise discretion10 to accord investors of another Party, or their investments, less favourable treatment than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments, except that: Brunei Darussalam shall not adopt any statute or regulation that mandates according investors of another Party, or their investments, treatment less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments, and; Brunei Darussalam shall accord investors of another Party, or their investments, treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of any other Party, or of any non-Party, or their investments, under any bilateral or multilateral international agreement that enters into force or is signed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement; and (ii) require an investor of another Party, or its investment, engaged in the exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal reserves to form a joint venture or a similar arrangement with a  Bruneian enterprise. However, such an investor of another Party, or its investment, shall, upon request, be permitted to hold the majority share in the joint venture or similar arrangement. (11) Brunei Darussalam may require as a contractual term that, during the exploration or development period, all relevant costs with respect to the maximum participating interest of the Bruneian enterprise be borne by the partner that is an investor of another Party. Consequently, on the expiration of the carry interest period, the Bruneian enterprise will bear the costs of future operations in proportion to its participating interests in the contract; and may require as a contractual term that a Bruneian enterprise may acquire a participating interest, or increase its participating interest, in the joint venture or similar arrangement upon the occurrence of a stipulated event; and (b) requiring foreign enterprises acting as operators in the exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal to: (i) provide a portion of coal or its derivatives in Brunei Darussalam for domestic use (“domestic supply obligations”) as outlined in a contract, provided that such measure is not more restrictive than the requirements stipulated in Annex I – Brunei Darussalam – 35; and  (ii) unless as may otherwise be authorised by Brunei Darussalam, purchase the services listed in Appendix I – A to Annex I – Brunei Darussalam – 36 either from Brunei nationals or Bruneian enterprises, or foreign nationals or enterprises under a contract, provided that they engage Brunei nationals or Bruneian enterprises to provide other services. 3. Any non-conforming measure adopted or maintained after the signature of this Agreement in relation to paragraph 2(a)(ii) and paragraph 2(b) above shall be deemed to be an existing non-conforming measure and subject to paragraphs 1, 5, 6 and 7 of Article 9.12 (Non-Conforming Measures).

(6) In the event that Brunei Darussalam determines that it is in its national interest to permit exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal reserves by foreign nationals and enterprises, Article 9.4 (National Treatment) applies only with respect to subparagraph 2(a)(ii) and subparagraph 2(b) of this entry, and Article 10.3 (National Treatment) applies only with respect to subparagraph 2(b)(ii) of this entry.
(7) In the event that Brunei Darussalam determines that it is in its national interest to permit exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal reserves by foreign nationals and enterprises, Article 9.5 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment) applies only with respect to subparagraph 2(a)(i) of this entry.
(8) In the event that Brunei Darussalam determines that it is in its national interest to permit exploration, exploitation, development and production of coal reserves by foreign nationals and enterprises, Article 9.10 (Performance Requirements) applies only with respect to subparagraph 2(b)(i) of this entry.
(9) For greater certainty, the expression “making of or entry into of contracts for the exploration, exploitation, development and production rights of coal in the territory of Brunei Darussalam” includes: (a) the negotiation, determination and amendment of any terms and conditions in contracts for the exploration, exploitation, development and production rights of coal, or the renewal or extension of the term of such contracts; and (b) any decision by Brunei Darussalam to conduct a bid or tender or other process in relation to any proposed contracts for the exploration, exploitation, development and production rights of coal in the territory of Brunei Darussalam, and, if any such bid or tender or other process is conducted, the terms and conditions on which any such bid or tender or other process is conducted.
(10) For greater certainty, the discretion under this paragraph may be exercised pursuant to any measure that Brunei Darussalam may adopt or maintain.
(11) For greater certainty, this does not preclude a Bruneian enterprise from holding a majority share in a joint venture or other similar arrangement as a result of commercial negotiations between such an investor of another Party, or its investment, and that Bruneian enterprise.

Sector: Private Health Services

Sub-Sector: Pharmacists, nurses, midwives and allied health services, Private laboratory services, Private radiology services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4 and Article 10.3) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

1. Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the private practice of pharmacists, nurses, midwives and allied health services.

2. Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the establishment of private laboratory services and private radiology services.

Sector: Private Health Services

Sub-Sector: Private health centres or clinics

Obligations Concerned: Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to the establishment of private health centres or clinics, including but not limited to: (a) requiring that such private health centres or clinics be established in the form of a joint venture with a Brunei national; (b) limiting the number of private health centres or clinics that can be established in Brunei Darussalam; (c) requiring such private health centre or clinic to carry out research and development within the territory of Brunei Darussalam, or transfer of technology; and (d) requiring a majority of the senior managers in the private health centres or clinics to be of Bruneian nationality.

Sector: Broadcasting Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 9.4) Performance Requirements (Article 9.10) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 9.11) Market Access (Article 10.5) Local Presence (Article 10.6)

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure relating to any licensable free-to-air or subscription broadcasting services offered on a scheduled programming basis. These measures include, but are not limited to ownership, control and funding of an enterprise providing the aforementioned services.

Sector: Business Services

  • Section   A Initial Provisions 1
  • Article   1.1 Establishment of a Free Trade Area 1
  • Article   1.2 Relation to other Agreements 1
  • Section   B General Definitions 1
  • Article   1.3 General Definitions 1
  • Section   A Definitions and Scope 2
  • Article   2.1 Definitions 2
  • Article   2.2 Scope 2
  • Section   B National Treatment and Market Access for Goods 2
  • Article   2.3 National Treatment 2
  • Article   2.4 Elimination of Customs Duties 2
  • Article   2.5 Waiver of Customs Duties 2
  • Article   2.6 Goods Re-entered after Repair and Alteration 2
  • Article   2.7 Duty-Free Entry of Commercial Samples of Negligible Value and Printed Advertising Material 2
  • Article   2.8 Temporary Admission of Goods 2
  • Article   2.9 Ad Hoc Discussions 2
  • Article   2.10 Import and Export Restrictions 2
  • Article   2.11 Remanufactured Goods 2
  • Article   2.12 Import Licensing 2
  • Article   2.13 Transparency In Export Licensing Procedures  (7) 3
  • Article   2.14 Administrative Fees and Formalities 3
  • Article   2.15 Export Duties, Taxes or other Charges 3
  • Article   2.16 Publication 3
  • Article   2.17 Trade In Information Technology Products 3
  • Article   2.18 Committee on Trade In Goods 3
  • Section   C Agriculture 3
  • Article   2.19 Definitions 3
  • Article   2.20 Scope 3
  • Article   2.21 Agricultural Export Subsidies 3
  • Article   2.22 Export Credits, Export Credit Guarantees or Insurance Programmes 3
  • Article   2.23 Agricultural Export State Trading Enterprises 3
  • Article   2.24 Export Restrictions - Food Security 3
  • Article   2.25 Committee on Agricultural Trade 3
  • Article   2.26 Agricultural Safeguards 3
  • Article   2.27 Trade of Products of Modern Biotechnology 3
  • Section   D Tariff-Rate Quota Administration 4
  • Article   2.28 Scope and General Provisions 4
  • Article   2.29 Administration and Eligibility 4
  • Article   2.30 Allocation  (18) 4
  • Article   2.31 Return and Reallocation of TRQs 4
  • Article   2.32 Transparency 4
  • Section   A Rules of Origin 4
  • Article   3.1 Definitions 4
  • Article   3.2 Originating Goods 4
  • Article   3.3 Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods 4
  • Article   3.4 Treatment of Recovered Materials Used In Production of a Remanufactured Good 4
  • Article   3.5 Regional Value Content 4
  • Article   3.6 Materials Used In Production 4
  • Article   3.7 Value of Materials Used In Production 4
  • Article   3.8 Further Adjustments to the Value of Materials 4
  • Article   3.9 Net Cost 4
  • Article   3.10 Accumulation 5
  • Article   3.11 De Minimis 5
  • Article   3.12 Fungible Goods or Materials 5
  • Article   3.13 Accessories, Spare Parts, Tools and Instructional or other Information Materials 5
  • Article   3.14 Packaging Materials and Containers for Retail Sale 5
  • Article   3.15 Packing Materials and Containers for Shipment 5
  • Article   3.16 Indirect Materials 5
  • Article   3.17 Sets of Goods 5
  • Article   3.18 Transit and Transhipment 5
  • Section   B Origin Procedures 5
  • Article   3.19 Application of Origin Procedures 5
  • Article   3.20 Claims for Preferential Treatment 5
  • Article   3.21 Basis of a Certification of Origin 5
  • Article   3.22 Discrepancies 5
  • Article   3.23 Waiver of Certification of Origin 5
  • Article   3.24 Obligations Relating to Importation 5
  • Article   3.25 Obligations Relating to Exportation 5
  • Article   3.26 Record Keeping Requirements 5
  • Article   3.27 Verification of Origin 5
  • Article   3.28 Determinations on Claims for Preferential Tariff Treatment 6
  • Article   3.29 Refunds and Claims for Preferential Tariff Treatment after Importation 6
  • Article   3.30 Penalties 6
  • Article   3.31 Confidentiality 6
  • Section   C Other Matters 6
  • Article   3.32 Committee on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures 6
  • Article   4.1 Definitions 6
  • Article   4.2 Rules of Origin and Related Matters 6
  • Article   4.3 Emergency Actions 6
  • Article   4.4 Cooperation 6
  • Article   4.5 Monitoring 6
  • Article   4.6 Verification 6
  • Article   4.7 Determinations 6
  • Article   4.8 Committee on Textile and Apparel Trade Matters 7
  • Article   4.9 Confidentiality 7
  • Article   5.1 Customs Procedures and Facilitation of Trade 7
  • Article   5.2 Customs Cooperation 7
  • Article   5.3 Advance Rulings 7
  • Article   5.4 Response to Requests for Advice or Information 7
  • Article   5.5 Review and Appeal 7
  • Article   5.6 Automation 7
  • Article   5.7 Express Shipments 7
  • Article   5.8 Penalties 7
  • Article   5.9 Risk Management 7
  • Article   5.10 Release of Goods 7
  • Article   5.11 Publication 7
  • Article   5.12 Confidentiality 7
  • Chapter   6 TRADE REMEDIES 7
  • Section   A Safeguard Measures 7
  • Article   6.1 Definitions 7
  • Article   6.2 Global Safeguards 7
  • Article   6.3 Imposition of a Transitional Safeguard Measure 8
  • Article   6.4 Standards for a Transitional Safeguard Measure 8
  • Article   6.5 Investigation Procedures and Transparency Requirements 8
  • Article   6.6 Notification and Consultation 8
  • Article   6.7 Compensation 8
  • Section   B Antidumping and Countervailing Duties 8
  • Article   6.8 Antidumping and Countervailing Duties 8
  • Article   7.1 Definitions 8
  • Article   7.2 Objectives 8
  • Article   7.3 Scope 8
  • Article   7.4 General Provisions 8
  • Article   7.5 Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 8
  • Article   7.6 Competent Authorities and Contact Points 8
  • Article   7.7 Adaptation to Regional Conditions, Including Pest- or Disease- Free Areas and Areas of Low Pest or Disease Prevalence 8
  • Article   7.8 Equivalence 8
  • Article   7.9 Science and Risk Analysis 8
  • Article   7.10 Audits  (6) 8
  • Article   7.11 Import Checks 8
  • Article   7.12 Certification 9
  • Article   7.13 Transparency  (10) 9
  • Article   7.14 Emergency Measures 9
  • Article   7.15 Cooperation 9
  • Article   7.16 Information Exchange 9
  • Article   7.17 Cooperative Technical Consultations 9
  • Article   7.18 Dispute Settlement 9
  • Article   8.1 Definitions 9
  • Article   8.2 Objective 9
  • Article   8.3 Scope 9
  • Article   8.4 Incorporation of Certain Provisions of the TBT Agreement 9
  • Article   8.5 International Standards, Guides and Recommendations 9
  • Article   8.6 Conformity Assessment 9
  • Article   8.7 Transparency 9
  • Article   8.8 Compliance Period for Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures 10
  • Article   8.9 Cooperation and Trade Facilitation 10
  • Article   8.10 Information Exchange and Technical Discussions 10
  • Article   8.11 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade 10
  • Article   8.12 Contact Points 10
  • Article   8.13 Annexes 10
  • Section   A Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Products That Use Cryptography 10
  • Section   B Electromagnetic Compatibility of Information Technology Equipment (ITE) Products 10
  • Section   C Regional Cooperation Activities on Telecommunications Equipment 10
  • Chapter   9 INVESTMENT 10
  • Section   9.1 Definitions 10
  • Article   9.2 Scope 11
  • Article   9.3 Relation to other Chapters 11
  • Article   9.4 National Treatment  (14) 11
  • Article   9.5 Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment 11
  • Article   9.6 Minimum Standard of Treatment  (15) 11
  • Article   9.7 Treatment In Case of Armed Conflict or Civil Strife 11
  • Article   9.8 Expropriation and Compensation  (16) 11
  • Article   9.9 Transfers  (20) 11
  • Article   9.10 Performance Requirements 11
  • Article   9.11 Senior Management and Boards of Directors 11
  • Article   9.12 Non-Conforming Measures 11
  • Article   9.13 Subrogation 12
  • Article   9.14 Special Formalities and Information Requirements 12
  • Article   9.15 Denial of Benefits 12
  • Article   9.16 Investment and Environmental, Health and other Regulatory Objectives 12
  • Article   9.17 Corporate Social Responsibility 12
  • Section   B Investor-State Dispute Settlement 12
  • Article   9.18 Consultation and Negotiation 12
  • Article   9.19 Submission of a Claim to Arbitration 12
  • Article   9.20 Consent of Each Party to Arbitration 12
  • Article   9.21 Conditions and Limitations on Consent of Each Party 12
  • Article   9.22 Selection of Arbitrators 12
  • Article   9.23 Conduct of the Arbitration 12
  • Article   9.24 Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings 12
  • Article   9.25 Governing Law 12
  • Article   9.26 Interpretation of Annexes 12
  • Article   9.27 Expert Reports 12
  • Article   9.28 Consolidation 12
  • Article   9.29 Awards 13
  • Article   9.30 Service of Documents 13
  • ANNEX 9-E  TRANSFERS  (40) 13
  • ANNEX 9-F  DL 600. Chile 13
  • ANNEX 9-H  14
  • Article   10.1 Definitions 14
  • Article   10.2 Scope 14
  • Article   10.3 National Treatment  (2) 14
  • Article   10.4 Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment 14
  • Article   10.5 Market Access 14
  • Article   10.6 Local Presence 14
  • Article   10.7 Non-Conforming Measures 14
  • Article   10.8 Domestic Regulation 14
  • Article   10.9 Recognition 15
  • Article   10.10 Denial of Benefits 15
  • Article   10.11 Transparency 15
  • Article   10.12 Payments and Transfers  (9) 15
  • Article   10.13 Other Matters 15
  • Chapter   11 FINANCIAL SERVICES 15
  • Article   11.1 Definitions 15
  • Article   11.2 Scope 15
  • Article   11.3 National Treatment  (5) 15
  • Article   11.4 Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment 16
  • Article   11.5 Market Access for Financial Institutions 16
  • Article   11.6 Cross-Border Trade 16
  • Article   11.7 New Financial Services  (7) 16
  • Article   11.8 Treatment of Certain Information 16
  • Article   11.9 Senior Management and Boards of Directors 16
  • Article   11.10 Non-Conforming Measures 16
  • Article   11.11 Exceptions 16
  • Article   11.12 Recognition 16
  • Article   11.13 Transparency and Administration of Certain Measures 16
  • Article   11.14 Self-Regulatory Organisations 16
  • Article   11.15 Payment and Clearing Systems 16
  • Article   11.16 Expedited Availability of Insurance Services 16
  • Article   11.17 Performance of Back-Office Functions 16
  • Article   11.18 Specific Commitments 16
  • Article   11.19 Committee on Financial Services 16
  • Article   11.20 Consultations 16
  • Article   11.21 Dispute Settlement 16
  • Article   11.22 Investment Disputes In Financial Services 16
  • Section   A Portfolio Management 17
  • Section   B Transfer of Information 18
  • Section   C Supply of Insurance by Postal Insurance Entities 18
  • Section   D Electronic Payment Card Services 18
  • Section   E Transparency Considerations 18
  • ANNEX 11-E   18
  • Article   12.1 Definitions 18
  • Article   12.2 Scope 19
  • Article   12.3 Application Procedures 19
  • Article   12.4 Grant of Temporary Entry 19
  • Article   12.5 Business Travel 19
  • Article   12.6 Provision of Information 19
  • Article   12.7 Committee on Temporary Entry for Business Persons 19
  • Article   12.8 Cooperation 19
  • Article   12.9 Relation to other Chapters 19
  • Article   12.10 Dispute Settlement 19
  • Chapter   13 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 19
  • Article   13.1 Definitions 19
  • Article   13.2 Scope  19
  • Article   13.3 Approaches to Regulation 19
  • Article   13.4 Access to and Use of Public Telecommunications Services  (3) 19
  • Article   13.5 Obligations Relating to Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Services 19
  • Article   13.6 International Mobile Roaming 19
  • Article   13.7 Treatment by Major Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Services 20
  • Article   13.8 Competitive Safeguards 20
  • Article   13.9 Resale 20
  • Article   13.10 Unbundling of Network Elements by Major Suppliers 20
  • Article   13.11 Interconnection with Major Suppliers General Terms and Conditions 20
  • Article   13.12 Provisioning and Pricing of Leased Circuits Services by Major Suppliers 20
  • Article   13.13 Co-Location by Major Suppliers 20
  • Article   13.14 Access to Poles, Ducts, Conduits and Rights-of-way Owned or Controlled by Major Suppliers  (15) 20
  • Article   13.15 International Submarine Cable Systems  (16) (17) 20
  • Article   13.16 Independent Regulatory Bodies and Government Ownership 20
  • Article   13.17 Universal Service 20
  • Article   13.18 Licensing Process 20
  • Article   13.19 Allocation and Use of Scarce Resources 20
  • Article   13.20 Enforcement 20
  • Article   13.21 Resolution of Telecommunications Disputes 20
  • Article   13.22 Transparency 20
  • Article   13.23 Flexibility In the Choice of Technology 20
  • Article   13.24 Relation to other Chapters 20
  • Article   13.25 Relation to International Organisations 20
  • Article   13.26 Committee on Telecommunications 20
  • Chapter   14 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 20
  • Article   14.1 Definitions 20
  • Article   14.2 Scope and General Provisions 21
  • Article   14.3 Customs Duties 21
  • Article   14.4 Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products 21
  • Article   14.5 Domestic Electronic Transactions Framework 21
  • Article   14.6 Electronic Authentication and Electronic Signatures 21
  • Article   14.7 Online Consumer Protection 21
  • Article   14.8 Personal Information Protection  (5) 21
  • Article   14.9 Paperless Trading     21
  • Article   14.10 Principles on Access to and Use of the Internet for Electronic Commerce 21
  • Article   14.11 Cross-Border Transfer of Information by Electronic Means 21
  • Article   14.12 Internet Interconnection Charge Sharing 21
  • Article   14.13 Location of Computing Facilities 21
  • Article   14.14 Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Messages  (8) 21
  • Article   14.15 Cooperation 21
  • Article   14.16 Cooperation on Cybersecurity Matters  21
  • Article   14.17 Source Code 21
  • Article   14.18 Dispute Settlement 21
  • Article   15.1 Definitions    21
  • Article   15.2 Scope Application of Chapter 21
  • Article   15.3 Exceptions 22
  • Article   15.4 General Principles 22
  • Article   15.5 Transitional Measures 22
  • Article   15.6 Publication of Procurement Information 22
  • Article   15.7 Notices of Intended Procurement 22
  • Article   15.8 Conditions for Participation 22
  • Article   15.9 Qualification of Suppliers 22
  • Article   15.10 Limited Tendering 22
  • Article   15.11 Negotiations 23
  • Article   15.12 Technical Specifications 23
  • Article   15.13 Tender Documentation 23
  • Article   15.14 Time Periods General 23
  • Article   15.15 Treatment of Tenders and Awarding of Contracts 23
  • Article   15.16 Post-Award Information 23
  • Article   15.17 Disclosure of Information 23
  • Article   15.18 Ensuring Integrity In Procurement Practices 23
  • Article   15.19 Domestic Review 23
  • Article   15.20 Modifications and Rectifications of Annex 23
  • Article   15.21 Facilitation of Participation by SMEs 23
  • Article   15.22 Cooperation 23
  • Article   15.23 Committee on Government Procurement 23
  • Article   15.24 Further Negotiations 24
  • Chapter   16 COMPETITION POLICY 24
  • Article   16.1 Competition Law and Authorities and Anticompetitive Business Conduct  (1) 24
  • Article   16.2 Procedural Fairness In Competition Law Enforcement  (3) 24
  • Article   16.3 Private Rights of Action  (6) 24
  • Article   16.4 Cooperation 24
  • Article   16.5 Technical Cooperation 24
  • Article   16.6 Consumer Protection 24
  • Article   16.7 Transparency 24
  • Article   16.8 Consultations 24
  • Article   16.9 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 24
  • Article   17.1 Definitions 24
  • Article   17.2 Scope  (8) 24
  • Article   17.3 Delegated Authority 25
  • Article   17.4 Non-discriminatory Treatment and Commercial Considerations 25
  • Article   17.5 Courts and Administrative Bodies 25
  • Article   17.6 Non-commercial Assistance 25
  • Article   17.7 Adverse Effects 25
  • Article   17.8 Injury 25
  • Article   17.9 Party-Specific Annexes 25
  • Article   17.10 Transparency (26) (27) 25
  • Article   17.11 Technical Cooperation 25
  • Article   17.12 Committee on State-Owned Enterprises and Designated 25
  • Article   17.13 Exceptions 25
  • Article   17.14 Further Negotiations 26
  • Article   17.15 Process for Developing Information 26
  • Section   A General Provisions 26
  • Article   18.1 Definitions 26
  • Article   18.2 Objectives 26
  • Article   18.3 Principles 26
  • Article   18.4 Understandings In Respect of this Chapter 26
  • Article   18.5 Nature and Scope of Obligations 26
  • Article   18.6 Understandings Regarding Certain Public Health Measures 26
  • Article   18.7 International Agreements 26
  • Article   18.8 National Treatment 26
  • Article   18.9 Transparency 26
  • Article   18.10 Application of Chapter to Existing Subject Matter and Prior Acts 26
  • Article   18.11 Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights 26
  • Section   B Cooperation 26
  • Article   18.12 Contact Points for Cooperation 26
  • Article   18.13 Cooperation Activities and Initiatives 26
  • Article   18.14 Patent Cooperation and Work Sharing 26
  • Article   18.15 Public Domain 26
  • Article   18.16 Cooperation In the Area of Traditional Knowledge 26
  • Article   18.17 Cooperation on Request Cooperation 26
  • Section   C Trademarks 26
  • Article   18.18 Types of Signs Registrable as Trademarks 26
  • Article   18.19 Collective and Certification Marks 26
  • Article   18.20 Use of Identical or Similar Signs 26
  • Article   18.21 Exceptions 26
  • Article   18.22 Well-Known Trademarks 26
  • Article   18.23 Procedural Aspects of Examination, Opposition and Cancellation 26
  • Article   18.24 Electronic Trademarks System Each Party Shall Provide: 27
  • Article   18.25 Classification of Goods and Services 27
  • Article   18.26 Term of Protection for Trademarks 27
  • Article   18.27 Non-Recordal of a Licence 27
  • Article   18.28 Domain Names 27
  • Section   D Country Names 27
  • Article   18.29 Country Names 27
  • Section   E Geographical Indications 27
  • Article   18.30 Recognition of Geographical Indications 27
  • Article   18.31 Administrative Procedures for the Protection or Recognition of Geographical Indications 27
  • Article   18.32 Grounds of Opposition and Cancellation  (20) 27
  • Article   18.33 Guidelines for Determining Whether a Term Is the Term Customary In the Common Language 27
  • Article   18.34 Multi-Component Terms 27
  • Article   18.35 Date of Protection of a Geographical Indication 27
  • Article   18.36 International Agreements 27
  • Section   F Patents and Undisclosed Test or other Data 27
  • Subsection   A General Patents 27
  • Article   18.37 Patentable Subject Matter 27
  • Article   18.38 Grace Period 27
  • Article   18.39 Patent Revocation 27
  • Article   18.40 Exceptions 27
  • Article   18.41 Other Use without Authorisation of the Right Holder 27
  • Article   18.42 Patent Filing 27
  • Article   18.43 Amendments, Corrections and Observations 27
  • Article   18.44 Publication of Patent Applications 27
  • Article   18.45 Information Relating to Published Patent Applications and Granted Patents 27
  • Article   18.46 Patent Term Adjustment for Unreasonable Granting Authority Delays 27
  • Subsection   B Measures Relating to Agricultural Chemical Products 27
  • Article   18.47 Protection of Undisclosed Test or other Data for Agricultural Chemical Products 27
  • Subsection   C Measures Relating to Pharmaceutical Products 27
  • Article   18.48 Patent Term Adjustment for Unreasonable Curtailment 27
  • Article   18.49 Regulatory Review Exception 28
  • Article   18.50 Protection of Undisclosed Test or other Data  (50) 28
  • Article   18.51 Biologics (58) 28
  • Article   18.52 Definition of New Pharmaceutical Product 28
  • Article   18.53 Measures Relating to the Marketing of Certain Pharmaceutical Products 28
  • Article   18.54 Alteration of Period of Protection 28
  • Section   G Industrial Designs 28
  • Article   18.55 Protection 28
  • Article   18.56 Improving Industrial Design Systems 28
  • Section   H Copyright and Related Rights 28
  • Article   18.57 Definitions 28
  • Article   18.58 Right of Reproduction 28
  • Article   18.59 Right of Communication to the Public 28
  • Article   18.60 Right of Distribution 28
  • Article   18.61 No Hierarchy 28
  • Article   18.62 Related Rights 28
  • Article   18.63 Term of Protection for Copyright and Related Rights 28
  • Article   18.64 Application of Article 18 of the Berne Convention and Article 14.6 of the TRIPS Agreement 28
  • Article   18.65 Limitations and Exceptions 28
  • Article   18.66 Balance In Copyright and Related Rights Systems 28
  • Article   18.67 Contractual Transfers 28
  • Article   18.68 Technological Protection Measures (TPMs)  (82) 28
  • Article   18.69 Rights Management Information (RMI)  (96) 29
  • Article   18.70 Collective Management 29
  • Section   I Enforcement 29
  • Article   18.71 General Obligations 29
  • Article   18.72 Presumptions 29
  • Article   18.73 Enforcement Practices with Respect to Intellectual Property Rights 29
  • Article   18.74 Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies 29
  • Article   18.75 Provisional Measures 29
  • Article   18.76 Special Requirements Related to Border Measures 29
  • Article   18.77 Criminal Procedures and Penalties 29
  • Article   18.78 Trade Secrets (136) 30
  • Article   18.79 Protection of Encrypted Program-Carrying Satellite and Cable Signals 30
  • Article   18.80 Government Use of Software 30
  • Section   J Internet Service Providersœ  (148) 30
  • Article   18.81 Definitions 30
  • Article   18.82 Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours (149) 30
  • Section   K Final Provisions 30
  • Article   18.83 Final Provisions 30
  • Chapter   19 LABOUR 31
  • Article   19.1 Definitions 31
  • Article   19.2 Statement of Shared Commitment 31
  • Article   19.3 Labour Rights 31
  • Article   19.4 Non Derogation 31
  • Article   19.5 Enforcement of Labour Laws 31
  • Article   19.6 Forced or Compulsory Labour 31
  • Article   19.7 Corporate Social Responsibility 31
  • Article   19.8 Public Awareness and Procedural Guarantees 31
  • Article   19.9 Public Submissions 31
  • Article   19.10 Cooperation 31
  • Article   19.11 Cooperative Labour Dialogue 31
  • Article   19.12 Labour Council 31
  • Article   19.13 Contact Points 32
  • Article   19.14 Public Engagement 32
  • Article   19.15 Labour Consultations 32
  • Chapter   20 ENVIRONMENT 32
  • Article   20.1 Definitions 32
  • Article   20.2 Objectives 32
  • Article   20.3 General Commitments 32
  • Article   20.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements 32
  • Article   20.5 Protection of the Ozone Layer 32
  • Article   20.6 Protection of the Marine Environment from Ship Pollution 32
  • Article   20.7 Procedural Matters 32
  • Article   20.8 Opportunities for Public Participation 32
  • Article   20.9 Public Submissions 32
  • Article   20.10 Corporate Social Responsibility 32
  • Article   20.11 Voluntary Mechanisms to Enhance Environmental Performance 32
  • Article   20.12 Cooperation Frameworks 32
  • Article   20.13 Trade and Biodiversity 33
  • Article   20.14 Invasive Alien Species 33
  • Article   20.15 Transition to a Low Emissions and Resilient Economy 33
  • Article   20.16 Marine Capture Fisheries (10) 33
  • Article   20.17 Conservation and Trade 33
  • Article   20.18 Environmental Goods and Services 33
  • Article   20.19 Environment Committee and Contact Points 33
  • Article   20.20 Environment Consultations 33
  • Article   20.21 Senior Representative Consultations 33
  • Article   20.22 Ministerial Consultations 33
  • Article   20.23 Dispute Resolution 33
  • ANNEX 20-A  33
  • ANNEX 20-B  33
  • Article   21.1 General Provisions 34
  • Article   21.2 Areas of Cooperation and Capacity Building 34
  • Article   21.3 Contact Points for Cooperation and Capacity Building 34
  • Article   21.4 Committee on Cooperation and Capacity Building 34
  • Article   21.5 Resources 34
  • Article   21.6 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 34
  • Article   22.1 Definitions 34
  • Article   22.2 Committee on Competitiveness and Business Facilitation 34
  • Article   22.3 Supply Chains 34
  • Article   22.4 Engagement with Interested Persons 34
  • Article   22.5 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 34
  • Chapter   23 DEVELOPMENT 34
  • Article   23.1 General Provisions 34
  • Article   23.2 Promotion of Development 34
  • Article   23.3 Broad-Based Economic Growth 34
  • Article   23.4 Women and Economic Growth 34
  • Article   23.5 Education, Science and Technology, Research and Innovation 34
  • Article   23.6 Joint Development Activities 34
  • Article   23.7 Committee on Development 34
  • Article   23.8 Relation to other Chapters 34
  • Article   23.9 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 34
  • Article   24.1 Information Sharing 34
  • Article   24.2 Committee on SMEs 34
  • Article   24.3 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 35
  • Chapter   25 REGULATORY COHERENCE 35
  • Article   25.1 Definitions 35
  • Article   25.2 General Provisions 35
  • Article   25.3 Scope of Covered Regulatory Measures 35
  • Article   25.4 Coordination and Review Processes or Mechanisms 35
  • Article   25.5 Implementation of Core Good Regulatory Practices 35
  • Article   25.6 Committee on Regulatory Coherence 35
  • Article   25.7 Cooperation 35
  • Article   25.8 Engagement with Interested Persons 35
  • Article   25.9 Notification of Implementation 35
  • Article   25.10 Relation to other Chapters 35
  • Article   25.11 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 35
  • Section   A Definitions 35
  • Article   26.1 Definitions 35
  • Section   B Transparency 35
  • Article   26.2 Publication 35
  • Article   26.3 Administrative Proceedings 35
  • Article   26.4 Review and Appeal  (3) 35
  • Article   26.5 Provision of Information 35
  • Section   C Anti-Corruption 35
  • Article   26.6 Scope 35
  • Article   26.7 Measures to Combat Corruption 35
  • Article   26.8 Promoting Integrity Among Public Officials 36
  • Article   26.9 Application and Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Laws 36
  • Article   26.10 Participation of Private Sector and Society 36
  • Article   26.11 Relation to other Agreements 36
  • Article   26.12 Dispute Settlement 36
  • Article   27.1 Establishment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission 36
  • Article   27.2 Functions of the Commission 36
  • Article   27.3 Decision-Making 36
  • Article   27.4 Rules of Procedure of the Commission 36
  • Article   27.5 Contact Points 36
  • Article   27.6 Administration of Dispute Settlement Proceedings 36
  • Article   27.7 Reporting In Relation to Party-specific Transition Periods 36
  • Chapter   28 DISPUTE SETTLEMENT 36
  • Section   A Dispute Settlement 36
  • Article   28.1 Definitions 36
  • Article   28.2 Cooperation 36
  • Article   28.3 Scope 36
  • Article   28.4 Choice of Forum 36
  • Article   28.5 Consultations 36
  • Article   28.6 Good Offices, Conciliation and Mediation 36
  • Article   28.7 Establishment of a Panel 36
  • Article   28.8 Terms of Reference 37
  • Article   28.9 Composition of Panels 37
  • Article   28.10 Qualifications of Panellists 37
  • Article   28.11 Roster of Panel Chairs and Party Specific Lists Roster of Panel Chairs 37
  • Article   28.12 Function of Panels 37
  • Article   28.13 Rules of Procedure for Panels 37
  • Article   28.14 Third Party Participation 37
  • Article   28.15 Role of Experts 37
  • Article   28.16 Suspension or Termination of Proceedings 37
  • Article   28.17 Initial Report 37
  • Article   28.18 Final Report 37
  • Article   28.19 Implementation of Final Report 37
  • Article   28.20 Non-Implementation - Compensation and Suspension of Benefits 37
  • Article   28.21 Compliance Review 37
  • Section   B Domestic Proceedings and Private Commercial Dispute Settlement 38
  • Article   28.22 Private Rights 38
  • Article   28.23 Alternative Dispute Resolution 38
  • Section   A Exceptions 38
  • Article   29.1 General Exceptions 38
  • Article   29.2 Security Exceptions 38
  • Article   29.3 Temporary Safeguard Measures 38
  • Article   29.4 Taxation Measures 38
  • Article   29.5 Tobacco Control Measures  (11) 38
  • Article   29.6 Treaty of Waitangi 38
  • Section   B General Provisions 38
  • Article   29.7 Disclosure of Information 38
  • Article   29.8 Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions 38
  • Chapter   30 FINAL PROVISIONS 38
  • Article   30.1 Annexes, Appendices and Footnotes 38
  • Article   30.2 Amendments 38
  • Article   30.3 Amendment of the WTO Agreement 38
  • Article   30.4 Accession 38
  • Article   305 Entry Into Force 38
  • Article   30.6 Withdrawal 38
  • Article   30.7 Depositary 38
  • Article   308 Authentic Texts 38
  • ANNEX I 39
  • APPENDIX I-A  Work Categories 41
  • APPENDIX I-A  Illustrative List of Canada’s Regional Non-conforming Measures  (1) 43
  • APPENDIX I-A  Illustrative list of U.S. regional non-conforming measures  (3) 57
  • APPENDIX I-A  Illustrative list of U.S. regional non-conforming measures  (4) 57
  • APPENDIX A  Australia 60
  • APPENDIX II  Canada 62
  • APPENDIX A  New Zealand 67
  • APPENDIX II-A  United States 72
  • APPENDIX II-A  Viet Nam 74