- improvement and diversification of supply,
- formulation and planning of energy policy,
- management and training for the energy sector,
- the development of energy resources,
- the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency,
- the environmental impact of energy production and consumption,
- the nuclear energy sector,
- the electricity and gas sectors, including consideration of the possibility of interconnection of supply networks,
- the formulation of framework conditions for cooperation between undertakings in this sector,
- the transfer of technology and know-how,
- opening up the energy market to a greater degree; facilitating transit of gas and electricity.
Article 79. Cooperation In the Nuclear Sector
1. Cooperation in the nuclear field shall mainly cover the following topics:
- upgrading the nuclear law and regulation in Poland,
- nuclear safety, nuclear emergency preparedness and accident management,
- radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring,
- fuel cycle problems, safeguarding and physical protection of nuclear materials,
- radioactive waste management,
- decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear installations,
- decontamination.
2. Cooperation will include exchange of information and experience and R& D activities in accordance with Article 75.
Article 80. Environment
1. The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation in the vital task of combating the deterioration of the environment, which they have judged to be a priority.
2. Cooperation shall centre on:
- effective monitoring of pollution levels,
- combating regional and transboundary air and water pollution,
- efficient energy production and consumption, safety of industrial plants,
- classification and safe handling of chemicals,
- water quality, particularly of cross-boundary waterways,
- waste reduction, recycling and safe disposal; implementation of the Basle Convention,
- the environmental impact of agriculture, soil erosion, the protection of forests and flora and fauna,
- land-use planning, including construction and urban planning,
- use of economic and fiscal instruments,
- global climate change.
3. To these ends, the Parties plan to cooperate particularly in the following areas:
- exchange of information and experts, including information and experts dealing with the transfer of clean technologies,
- training programmes,
- approximation of laws (Community standards),
- cooperation at regional level (including cooperation within the framework of the European Environment Agency, when established by the Community) and international level,
- development of strategies, particularly with regard to global and climatic issues.
Article 81. Transport
1. The Parties shall develop and step up cooperation in order to enable Poland to:
- restructure and modernize transport,
- facilitate the movement of passengers and goods and improve access to the transport market by removing administrative, technical and other obstacles,
- achieve operating standards comparable to those in the Community.
2. Cooperation shall include the following in particular:
- economic, legal and technical training programmes,
- the provision of technical assistance and advice, and the exchange of information (conferences and seminars).
3. Priority areas shall be the following:
- road transport, including the gradual easing of transit conditions,
- the management of railways and airports, including cooperation between the appropriate national authorities,
- the modernization, on major routes of common interest and trans-European links, of road, inland waterway, railway, port and airport infrastructure,
- land-use planning including construction and urban planning,
- the upgrading of technical equipment to meet Community standards, particularly in the fields of road-rail transport, multimodal transport and transhipment,
- the setting-up of consistent transport policies compatible with the transport policies applicable in the Community.
Article 82.
1. The Parties shall expand and strengthen cooperation in this area, and shall to this end initiate in particular the following actions:
- exchange information on telecommunications policies,
- exchange technical and other information and organize seminars, workshops and conferences for experts of both sides,
- conduct training and advisory operations,
- carry out transfers of technology,
- have the appropriate bodies from both sides carry out joint projects,
- promote European standards, systems of certification and regulatory approaches,
- promote new communications, services and facilities, particularly those with commercial applications.
2. These activities shall focus on the following priority areas:
- the modernization of Poland's telecommunications network and its integration into European and world networks,
- cooperation within the structures of European standardization,
- the integration of trans-European systems; the legal and regulatory aspects of telecommunications,
- the management of telecommunications in the new economic environment: organizational structures, strategy and planning, purchasing principles,
- land-use planning, including construction and urban planning.
Article 83.
Banking, insurance and other financial services
1. The Parties shall cooperate on the adoption of a common set of rules and standards inter alia for accounting and for supervisory and regulatory systems of banking, insurance and financial sectors.
2. Both sides shall establish precise methods of facilitating the process of reform, in particular by:
- contributing to the preparation of glossaries and the translation of Community and Polish legislation,
- holding discussions and information meetings on the laws in force or being drafted in Poland and in the Community,
- providing training.
Article 84. Monetary Policy
At the request of the Polish authorities, the Community shall provide technical assistance designed to support the efforts of Poland towards the introduction of full convertibility of the Zloty and the gradual approximation of its policies to those of the European Monetary System. This will include informal exchange of information concerning the principles and the functioning of the European Monetary System.
Article 85. Money Laundering
1. The Parties agree on the necessity of making every effort and cooperating in order to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular.
2. Cooperation in this area shall include administrative and technical assistance with the purpose of establishing suitable standards against money laundering equivalent to those adopted by the Community and international fora in this field, in particular the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
Article 86. Regional Development
1. The Parties shall strengthen cooperation between them on regional development and land-use planning.
2. To this end, any of the following measures are planned:
- the provision of information for national, regional or local authorities on regional and land-use planning policy, and, where appropriate, the provision of assistance for the formulation of such policy,
- joint action by regional and local authorities in the area of economic development,
- the study of coordinated approaches for the development of border areas between the Community and Poland,
- exchange visits to explore the opportunities for cooperation and assistance,
- the exchange of civil servants,
- the provision of technical assistance with special attention to the development of disadvantaged areas,
- the establishment of programmes for the exchange of information and experience, by methods including seminars.
Article 87. Social Cooperation
1. With regard to health and safety, cooperation between the Parties shall aim at improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers, taking as a reference the level of protection existing in the Community, in particular through:
- the provision of technical assistance,
- the exchange of experts,
- cooperation between firms,
- information and training operations.
2. With regard to employment, cooperation between the Parties shall focus in particular on:
- organization of the labour market,
- job-finding and careers advice services,
- planning and realization of regional restructuring programmes,
- encouragement of local employment development.
Cooperation in these fields shall be realized through actions such as the performance of studies, provision of the services of experts and information and training.
3. With regard to social security, cooperation between the Parties shall seek to adapt the social security system in Poland to the new economic and social situation, primarily by providing the services of experts and information and training.
Article 88. Tourism
The Parties shall step up and develop cooperation between them, in particular by:
- facilitating the tourist trade,
- stepping up the flow of information through international networks, data banks, etc,
- transferring know-how through training, exchanges, seminars,
- studying the opportunities for joint operations such as cross-frontier projects, town-twinning, etc.
Article 89. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
1. The Parties shall aim to develop and strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperation between SMEs in the Community and Poland.
2. They shall encourage the exchange of information and know-how in the following areas:
- bringing about the legal, administrative, technical, tax and financial conditions necessary to the establishment and expansion of SMEs and for cross-border cooperation,
- the provision of the specialized services required by SMEs (management training, accounting, marketing, quality control, etc.) and the strengthening of agencies providing such services,
- the establishment of appropriate links with Community operators with the aim of improving the flow of information to SMEs and promoting cross-border cooperation (e.g. the Business Cooperation Network (BC-NET), Euro-Info Centres, conferences, etc).
Article 90. Information and the Audiovisual Media
1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to stimulate an effective mutual exchange of information. Initial priority shall be given to programmes providing basic information about the Community for the general public, and specialized information for specific audiences in Poland; the latter shall include wherever possible access to Community computerized data bases.
2. The Parties shall cooperate to promote the audiovisual industry in Europe. In particular, the audiovisual sector in Poland may take part in the actions undertaken by the Community within the framework of the Media programme 1991 to 1995, under procedures to be agreed with the bodies responsible for managing each action, and in accordance with the provisions of the decision of the Council of the European Communities of 21 December 1990, which established the programme.
The Parties shall coordinate and where appropriate harmonize their policies concerning the regulation of cross-border broadcasting, technical norms in the audiovisual field, and the promotion of European audiovisual technology.
Article 91. Customs
1. The aim of cooperation shall be to guarantee compliance with all the provisions scheduled for adoption in connection with trade and to achieve the approximation of Poland's customs system to that of the Community, thus helping to ease the steps towards liberalization planned under this Agreement.
2. Cooperation shall include the following in particular:
- the exchange of information,
- the organization of seminars and placements,
- the development of cross-frontier infrastructure between the Parties,
- the introduction of the single administrative document and of an interconnection between the transit systems of the Community and Poland,
- the simplification of inspections and formalities in respect of the carriage of goods.
Technical assistance shall be provided where appropriate.
3. Without prejudice to further cooperation provided for in this Agreement, and in particular Article 94, the mutual assistance between administrative authorities of the Contracting Parties in customs matters shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 6.
Article 92. Statistical Cooperation
1. Cooperation in this area shall have as its aim the development of an efficient statistical system to provide, in a rapid and timely fashion, the reliable statistics needed to plan and monitor the process of reform and to contribute to the development of private enterprise in Poland.
2. To these ends it shall in particular seek:
- to set up a reliable and independent statistical system,
- to bring about harmonization with international (and particularly Community) methods, standards and classifications,
- to provide the data needed to maintain and monitor economic reform,
- to provide private-sector economic operators with the appropriate macro-economic and micro-economic data,
- to guarantee the confidentiality of data.
3. Technical assistance shall be provided by the Community as appropriate.
Article 93. Economics
1. The Community and Poland will facilitate the process of economic reforms and integration by cooperating to improve understanding of the fundamentals of their respective economies and of devising and implementing economic policy in market economies.
2. To these ends the Community and Poland will:
- exchange information on macro-economic performance and prospects and on strategies for development,
- analyse jointly economic issues of mutual interest, including the framing of economic policy and the instruments for implementing it,
- through the programme of Action for Cooperation in Economics in particular, encourage extensive cooperation among economists and managers in the Community and Poland, in order to speed up the transfer of know-how for the drafting of economic policies, and provide for wide dissemination of the results of policy-relevant research.
Article 94. Drugs
1. The cooperation is in particular aimed at increasing the efficiency of policies and measures to counter the supply and illicit traffic of narcotics and psychotropic substances and the reduction of abuse of these products.
2. The Contracting Parties shall agree on the necessary methods of cooperation to attain these objectives, including the modalities of the implementation of common actions. Their actions will be based on consultation on and close coordination of the objectives and the policy measures in the fields targeted in paragraph 1.