Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) Supply Chain Agreement (2023)
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3. This Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the date on which at least five of the States listed in paragraph | have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval with the Depositary. For each State listed in paragraph 1 that submits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval with the Depositary after the date of the fifth deposit, this Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the date on which that State deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval with the Depositary.

Article 22. Designation of Delegates

1. No later than 30 days after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, a signatory that has not deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval may, through a written notification to the Depositary, designate:

(a) a relevant senior official from the central level of government as a delegate to each IPEF supply chain body; and

(b) in accordance with Article 8.2, a worker representative and an employer representative as delegates to the IPEF Labor Rights Advisory Board,

provided that any such delegate is subject to appropriate confidentiality requirements consistent with the requirements set out in Article 13.

2. Each delegate shall be treated as a member of the relevant IPEF supply chain body for the purposes of taking any relevant action under this Agreement.

3. A signatory that has designated a delegate pursuant to paragraph 1 may choose an appropriate official as its designee to a subsidiary body of an IPEF supply chain body, provided that the official is subject to appropriate confidentiality requirements consistent with the requirements set out in Article 13. The designee shall be treated as a representative to the subsidiary body for the purposes of taking any relevant action under this Agreement.

4. A signatory's delegates and designees may participate in the IPEF supply chain body or subsidiary body to which they have been designated pursuant to this Article until such time as this Agreement has entered into force for that signatory or one year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, whichever comes first.

Article 23. Withdrawal

1. At any time after three years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, a Party may withdraw from this Agreement by providing written notification of withdrawal to the Depositary. A withdrawal shall take effect six months after the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, unless the Parties decide on a different period.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, Article 13 shall remain in effect with respect to a State or separate customs territory that has withdrawn from this Agreement with respect to any information, recommendation, report, or other material covered by Article 13 that the State or separate customs territory retains after the withdrawal takes effect.

Article 24. Amendments

1. The Parties may agree, in writing, to amend this Agreement. An amendment shall enter into force 30 days after the date on which all Parties have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval with the Depositary, or on such other date as the Parties may decide.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Parties shall not amend this Agreement until one year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement or the date on which this Agreement has entered into force for all States listed in Article 21.1, whichever comes first.

Article 25. Accession

1. Any State or separate customs territory may accede to this Agreement, subject to the consent of the Parties and any terms or conditions that may be decided between the Parties and the State or separate customs territory. The Agreement shall enter into force with respect to an acceding Party 30 days after the date of deposit ofits instrument of accession with the Depositary.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, no State or separate customs territory may accede to this Agreement until one year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement or after the date on which this Agreement has entered into force for all States listed in Article 21.1, whichever comes first.

Article 26. Depositary

1. The original text of this Agreement, and any amendment thereto, shall be deposited with the United States, which is hereby designated as the Depositary of this Agreement.

2. The Depositary shall promptly provide a certified copy of the original text of this Agreement, and any amendment thereto, to all signatories and Parties.

3. The Depositary shall promptly inform all signatories and Parties, and provide the date and a copy, of any notification or instrument deposited pursuant to Articles 20 through 25.

Article 27. General Review

1. Every five years in the anniversary month of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, unless they decide otherwise, the Parties shall commence a general review with a view to updating and enhancing this Agreement in furtherance of its objectives. The Parties should complete the review within six months.

2. Upon completion of the review, if the Parties decide to amend this Agreement, such amendment shall be made in accordance with Article 24.1.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done [at Place] on this [ DDth] day of [Month], [Year] in the English language.

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