Article 15. Movement of Persons and Readmission
1. The Parties that are bound by the following Agreements shall ensure the full implementation of:
(a) the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation ("the Readmission Agreement"), which entered into force on 1 January 2014; and
(b) the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia on the facilitation of the issuance of visas ("the Visa-facilitation Agreement"), which entered into force on 1 January 2014.
2. The Parties shall continue to promote the mobility of citizens through the Visa-facilitation Agreement and consider in due course the opening of a visa-liberalisation dialogue provided that conditions for well-managed and secure mobility are in place. They shall cooperate in fighting irregular migration, including through the implementation of the Readmission Agreement, as well as promoting border-management policy as well as legal and operational frameworks.
Article 16. Fight Against Organised Crime and Corruption
1. The Parties shall cooperate in combating and preventing criminal and illegal activities, including transnational activities, organised or otherwise, such as:
(a) smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings;
(b) smuggling and trafficking in firearms including SALWs;
(c) smuggling and trafficking illicit drugs;
(d) smuggling and trafficking in goods;
(e) illegal economic and financial activities such as counterfeiting, fiscal fraud and public-procurement fraud;
(f) embezzlement in projects funded by international donors;
(g) active and passive corruption, in both the private and public sector;
(h) forging documents and submitting false statements; and
(i) cybercrime.
2. The Parties shall enhance bilateral, regional and international cooperation among law- enforcement bodies, including the possible development of cooperation between European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and the relevant authorities of the Republic of Armenia. The Parties are committed to implementing effectively the relevant international standards, in particular those enshrined in the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime of 2000 and the three Protocols thereto. The Parties shall cooperate in preventing and fighting corruption in line with the UN Convention Against Corruption of 2003, the recommendations of the Group of States against corruption (GRECO) and the OECD, transparency with regard to asset declaration, the protection of whistle-blowers, and the disclosure of information on final beneficiaries of legal entities.
Article 17. Illicit Drugs
1. Within their respective powers and competencies, the Parties shall cooperate to ensure a balanced and integrated approach towards preventing and combating illicit drugs as well as new psychoactive substances. Drug policies and actions shall be aimed at reinforcing structures for preventing and combating illicit drugs, reducing the supply of, trafficking in and the demand for illicit drugs and coping with the health and social consequences of drug abuse with a view to reducing harm, as well as at more effective prevention of the diversion of chemical precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic or psychoactive substances.
2. The Parties shall agree on the necessary methods of cooperation to attain the objectives referred to in paragraph 1. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles set out in the relevant international conventions, and shall aim at implementing the recommendations enshrined in the Outcome Document of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem held in April 2016.
Article 18. Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
1. The Parties shall cooperate in order to prevent the use of their financial and relevant non- financial systems for the laundering of the proceeds of criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular, as well as for the purpose of terrorism financing. That cooperation extends to the recovery of assets or funds derived from the proceeds of crime.
2. Cooperation in this area shall allow for exchanges of relevant information within the framework of the Parties' respective legislation and relevant international instruments as well as the adoption of appropriate standards to prevent and combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism equivalent to those adopted by relevant international bodies active in this area, such as the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.
Article 19. Cooperation In the Fight Against Terrorism
1. In accordance with the principles underlying the fight against terrorism as set out in Article 11, the Parties reaffirm the importance of a law-enforcement and judicial approach to the fight against terrorism, and agree to cooperate in the prevention and suppression of terrorism, in particular by:
(a) exchanging information on terrorist groups and individuals and their support networks, in accordance with international and national law, in particular as regards data protection and the protection of privacy;
(b) exchanging experience with regard to the prevention and suppression of terrorism, means and methods and their technical aspects, as well as training, in accordance with applicable law;
(c) exchanging views on radicalisation and recruitment, and ways to counter radicalisation and promote rehabilitation;
(d) exchanging views and experience concerning cross-border movement and travel of terrorist suspects as well as terrorist threats;
(e) sharing best practices as regards the protection of human rights in the fight against terrorism, in particular in relation to criminal proceedings;
(f) ensuring the criminalisation of terrorist offences; and
(g) taking measures against the threat of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear terrorism, and undertaking necessary measures to prevent the acquisition, transfer and use for terrorist purposes of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials as well as to prevent illegal acts against high-risk chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear facilities.
2. Cooperation shall be based on relevant available assessments and conducted through mutual consultation between the Parties.
Article 20. Legal Cooperation
1. The Parties agree to develop judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters as regards the negotiation, ratification and implementation of multilateral conventions on civil judicial cooperation and, in particular, the Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the fields of international legal cooperation and litigation as well as the protection of children.
2. As regards judicial cooperation in criminal matters, the Parties shall seek to enhance cooperation on mutual legal assistance on the basis of relevant multilateral agreements. Such cooperation shall include, where appropriate, accession to, and implementation of, the relevant international instruments of the UN and the Council of Europe and closer cooperation between Eurojust and the competent authorities of the Republic of Armenia.
Article 21. Consular Protection
The Republic of Armenia agrees that the diplomatic and consular authorities of any represented Member State shall provide protection to any national of an Member State which does not have a permanent representation in the Republic of Armenia effectively in a position to provide consular protection in a given case, on the same conditions as to nationals of that Member State.
Title IV. Economic Cooperation
Chapter 1. Economic Dialogue
Article 22.
1. The European Union and the Republic of Armenia shall facilitate the process of economic reform by improving shared understanding of the fundamentals of each economy and the formulation and implementation of economic policies.
2. The Republic of Armenia shall take further steps to develop a well-functioning market economy and to gradually approximate its economic and financial regulations and policies to those of the European Union, as appropriate. The European Union will support the Republic of Armenia in ensuring sound macroeconomic policies, including central-bank independence and price stability, sound public finances, and a sustainable exchange-rate regime and balance of payments.
Article 23.
To that end, the Parties agree to conduct a regular economic dialogue aimed at:
(a) exchanging information on macroeconomic trends and policies, as well as on structural reforms, including strategies for economic development;
(b) exchanging expertise and best practices in areas such as public-finance, monetary and exchange-rate policy frameworks, financial-sector policy and economic statistics;
(c) exchanging information and experiences on regional economic integration, including the functioning of the European economic and monetary union;
(d) reviewing the status of bilateral cooperation in the economic, financial and statistical fields.
Article 24. Public Sector Internal Control and Auditing Arrangements
The Parties shall cooperate in the areas of public internal control and external audit with the following objectives:
(a) further developing and implementing the public internal control system in accordance with the principle of decentralised managerial accountability, including an independent internal audit function for the entire public sector in the Republic of Armenia, by means of harmonisation with generally accepted international standards, frameworks and guidance and European Union good practice, on the basis of the public internal financial control reform programme approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia;
(b) developing an adequate financial inspection system in the Republic of Armenia to complement, but not duplicate, the internal audit function;
(c) supporting the central harmonisation unit for public internal financial control in the Republic of Armenia and strengthening its ability to steer the reform process;
(d) further strengthening the Chamber of Control as the supreme audit institution of the Republic of Armenia, in particular in terms of its financial, organisational and operational independence in accordance with internationally accepted external audit (INTOSAI) standards; and
(e) providing for the exchange of information, experiences and good practice.
Chapter 2. Taxation
Article 25.
The Parties shall cooperate to enhance good governance in the area of tax, with a view to the further improvement of economic relations, trade, investment and fair cooperation.
Article 26.
With reference to Article 25, the Parties recognise and commit themselves to implement the principles of good governance in the area of tax, i.e. the principles of transparency, exchange of information and fair tax competition, as subscribed to by Member States at European Union level. To that effect, without prejudice to European Union and Member State competences, the Parties shall improve international cooperation in the area of tax, facilitate the collection of tax revenues, and develop measures for the effective implementation of those principles of good governance.
Article 27.
The Parties shall enhance and strengthen their cooperation aimed at the improvement and development of the Republic of Armenia's tax system and administration, including the enhancement of collection and control capacity, ensure effective tax collection and reinforce the fight against tax fraud and tax avoidance. The Parties shall not discriminate between imported products and like domestic products, in accordance with Articles I and II] of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 ("GATT 1994"). The Parties shall strive to enhance cooperation and the sharing of experiences in combating tax fraud and tax avoidance, in particular carousel fraud, as well as with regard to transfer pricing and anti-offshore regulation issues.
Article 28.
The parties shall develop their cooperation with a view to reaching shared policies for counteracting and fighting fraud and the smuggling of excisable products. The cooperation shall involve the exchange of information. To that end, the Parties shall look to strengthen their cooperation within the regional context and in line with the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control of 2003.
Article 29.
A regular dialogue shall take place on the issues covered by this Chapter.
Chapter 3. Statistics
Article 30.
The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation on statistical issues, thereby contributing to the long-term objective of providing timely, internationally comparable and reliable statistical data. It is expected that a sustainable, efficient and professionally independent national statistical system shall produce information relevant for citizens, businesses and decision-makers in the European Union and in the Republic of Armenia, enabling them to take informed decisions on that basis. The national statistical system shall respect the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and take into account the EU acquis in the field of statistics, including the European Statistics Code of Practice, in order to align national statistical production with European norms and standards.
Article 31.
Cooperation in the area of statistics shall aim at:
(a) further strengthening the capacity of the national statistical system, including legal basis, the production of good-quality data and metadata, dissemination policy and user-friendliness, and taking into account users in the public and private sectors, the academic community and society at large;
(b) the progressive alignment of the statistical system of the Republic of Armenia with norms and practice applied in the European Statistical System;
(c) the fine-tuning of data provision to the European Union, taking into account the application of relevant international and European methodologies, including classifications;
(d) enhancing the professional and management capacity of the national statistical staff to facilitate the application of statistical standards of the European Union and to contribute to the development of the statistical system of the Republic of Armenia;
(e) exchanging experience with regard to the development of statistical know-how; and
(f) promoting quality assurance and management in all statistical production processes and dissemination.
Article 32.
The Parties shall cooperate within the framework of the European Statistical System in which Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. That cooperation shall ensure the professional independence of the statistical office and the application of the principles of the European statistics Code of practice as well as focus on the areas of:
(a) demographic statistics, including censuses and social statistics;
(b) agricultural statistics, including agricultural censuses;
(c) business statistics, including business registers and the use of administrative sources for statistical purposes;
(d) macroeconomic statistics, including national accounts, foreign trade statistics, balance-of-payments statistics and foreign direct-investment statistics;
(e) energy statistics, including balances;
(f) environment statistics;
(g) regional statistics; and
(h) horizontal activities, including quality assurance and management, statistical classifications, training, dissemination and the use of modern information technologies.
Article 33.
The Parties shall, inter alia, exchange information and expertise and shall develop their cooperation, taking into account the experience accumulated in the reform of the statistical system launched within the framework of various assistance programmes. Efforts shall be directed towards further alignment with the EU acquis in statistics, on the basis of the national strategy for the development of the statistical system of the Republic of Armenia, and taking into account the development of the European Statistical System. Emphasis in the statistical data production shall be on the increased use of administrative records and streamlining statistical surveys, while taking into account the need to reduce response burden. The data produced shall be relevant for the design and monitoring of policies in key areas of social and economic life.
Article 34.
A regular dialogue shall take place on the issues covered by this Chapter. To the extent possible, the activities undertaken within the European Statistical System, including training, shall be open for the participation of the Republic of Armenia.
Article 35.
Gradual approximation of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia to the EU acquis in statistics shall be carried out in accordance with the annually updated Statistical Requirements Compendium as produced by Eurostat, which is considered by the Parties as annexed to this Agreement.
Title V. Other Cooperation Policies
Chapter 1. Transport
Article 36.
The Parties shall:
(a) expand and strengthen their transport cooperation in order to contribute to the development of sustainable transport systems;
(b) promote efficient, safe and secure transport operations as well as intermodality and interoperability of transport systems; and
(c) endeavour to enhance the main transport links between their territories.
Article 37.
Transport cooperation shall cover, the following areas:
(a) the development of a sustainable national transport policy covering all modes of transport, in particular with a view to ensuring environmentally friendly, efficient, safe and secure transport systems and promoting the integration of transport-related considerations into other policy areas;
(b) the development of sector-specific strategies in light of the national transport policy (including legal requirements for the upgrading of technical equipment and transport fleets to meet highest international standards) for road, rail, inland waterway, maritime, aviation and intermodality, including timetables and milestones for implementation, administrative responsibilities as well as financing plans;
(c) the improvement of the infrastructure policy in order to better identify and evaluate infrastructure projects in the various modes of transport;
(d) the development of funding strategies focusing on maintenance, capacity constraints and missing-link infrastructure as well as activating and promoting the participation of the private sector in transport projects;
(e) accession to relevant international transport organisations and agreements, including procedures for ensuring strict implementation and effective enforcement of international transport agreements and conventions;
(f) cooperation and the exchange of information for the development and improvement of technologies in transport, such as intelligent transport systems; and
(g) the promotion of the use of intelligent transport systems and information technology in managing and operating all modes of transport as well as supporting intermodality and cooperation in the use of space systems and commercial applications facilitating transport.
Article 38.
1. Cooperation shall also aim at improving the movement of passengers and goods, increasing fluidity of transport flows between the Republic of Armenia, the European Union and third countries in the region, promoting open borders with cross border movement by removing administrative, technical and other obstacles, enhancing the operation of the existing transport networks and developing infrastructure in particular on the main networks connecting the Parties.
2. Cooperation shall include actions to facilitate border crossings, taking into account the specificities of landlocked countries as referred to in the relevant international instruments.
3. Cooperation shall include information exchange and joint activities:
(a) at regional level, in particular taking into consideration progress achieved under regional transport cooperation arrangements such as the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) and other transport initiatives at international level, including with regard to international transport organisations and international agreements and conventions ratified by the Parties; and
(b) in the framework of the various transport agencies of the European Union, as well as within the Eastern Partnership.
Article 39.
1. With a view to ensuring the coordinated development and progressive liberalisation of air transport between the Parties adapted to their reciprocal commercial needs, the conditions of mutual market access in air transport should be addressed in accordance with the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia.
2. Prior to the conclusion of the Common Aviation Area Agreement, the Parties shall not take any measures or actions which are more restrictive or discriminatory as compared with the situation existing prior to the entry into force of this Agreement.
Article 40.
A regular dialogue will take place on the issues covered by this Chapter.
Article 41.
1. The Republic of Armenia shall carry out approximation of its legislation to the acts of the European Union referred to in Annex I in accordance with the provisions of that Annex.
2. Regulatory approximation may also take place through sectoral agreements.
Chapter 2. Energy Cooperation, Including Nuclear Safety
Article 42.
1. The Parties shall cooperate on energy matters on the basis of the principles of partnership, mutual interest, transparency and predictability. Cooperation shall aim at regulatory harmonisation in the areas of the energy sector areas referred to hereinafter, taking into account the need to ensure access to secure, environmentally friendly and affordable energy.
2. That cooperation shall cover, inter alia, the following areas:
(a) energy strategies and policies, including for the promotion of energy security and diversity of energy supplies and power generation;
(b) the enhancement of energy security, including by stimulating the diversification of energy sources and routes;
(c) the development of competitive energy markets;
(d) the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and energy savings;
(e) the promotion of regional cooperation on energy and on integration into regional markets;
(f) the promotion of common regulatory frameworks to facilitate trade in oil products, electricity and potentially in other energy commodities, as well as a level playing field in terms of nuclear safety, aiming at a high level of safety and security;
(g) the civil nuclear sector, taking into account the specificities of the Republic of Armenia and focusing in particular on high levels of nuclear safety, on the basis of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards and standards and practices of the European Union referred to hereinafter, and on high levels of nuclear security, on the basis of international guidance and practices. The cooperation in that area will include:
(i) the exchange of technologies, best practices and training in the fields of safety, security and waste management in order to ensure the safe operation of nuclear power plants;
(ii) the closure and safe decommissioning of Medzamor nuclear power plant and the early adoption of a road map or action plan to that effect, taking into consideration the need for its replacement with new capacity to ensure the energy security of the Republic of Armenia and conditions for sustainable development;
(h) pricing policies, transit and transport, in particular a general cost-based system for the transmission of energy resources, if and when appropriate, and further precisions regarding access to hydrocarbons, as appropriate;
(i) the promotion of regulatory aspects reflecting key principles of energy market regulation and non-discriminatory access to energy networks and infrastructures at competitive, transparent and cost-effective tariffs, and adequate and independent oversight;
(j) scientific and technical cooperation, including the exchange of information for the development and improvement of technologies in energy production, transportation, supply and end use with particular attention to energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.
Article 43.
A regular dialogue will take place on the issues covered by this Chapter.
Article 44.
The Republic of Armenia shall carry out approximation of its legislation to the instruments referred to in Annex II in accordance with the provisions of that Annex.
Chapter 3. Environment
Article 45.
The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation on environmental issues, thereby contributing to the long-term objective of sustainable development and greening the economy. It is expected that enhanced environmental protection will bring benefits to citizens and businesses in the European Union and in the Republic of Armenia, including through improved public health, preserved natural resources, and increased economic and environmental efficiency, as well as through the use of modern, cleaner technologies contributing to more sustainable production patterns. Cooperation shall be conducted while taking into account the interests of the Parties on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the interdependence existing between the Parties in the field of environmental protection, and multilateral agreements in that field.
Article 46.
1. Cooperation shall aim at preserving, protecting, improving and rehabilitating the quality of the environment, protecting human health, utilising natural resources in a sustainable manner and promoting measures at international level to address regional or global environmental problems, including in the areas of:
(a) environmental governance and horizontal issues, including strategic planning, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment, education and training, monitoring and environmental information systems, inspection and enforcement, environmental liability, combating environmental crime, transboundary cooperation, public access to environmental information, decision-making processes, and effective administrative and judicial review procedures;