- promote development of organic agriculture, processing, marketing of production,
- promote implementation of Community food standards,
- restructure, develop, mondernise and decentralise food-processing firms and their marketing techniques,
- promote complementarity in agriculture,
- promote industrial cooperation in agriculture and the exchange of know-how, particularly between the private sectors in the Community and Estonia,
- develop cooperation on animal and plant health with the aim of bringing about gradual harmonisation with Community standards through assistance for training and the organisation of checks,
- promote exchange of information in respect of agricultural policy and legislation,
- promote joint ventures, particularly for cooperation on the markets of third countries.
2. To these ends, technical assistance shall be provided by the Community as appropriate.
Article 79. Fisheries
1. The Parties shall develop their cooperation on fisheries in accordance with the Agreement on Fisheries Relations between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Estonia.
2. The cooperation shall in particular take into account:
- the establishment of sustainable fishing in the world's oceans and the Baltic Sea,
- traditional cooperation on fisheries,
- the necessity of developing fishing control systems, catch statistics and information systems,
- the development of scientific potential for the study of fishery resources in the Baltic Sea and mutual action for the conservation and renewal of fish stocks (especially salmon and cod) and the introduction of modern technologies in this field,
- the gradual modernisation of Estonia's fishing fleet and fish-processing industry, through the establishment of joint ventures,
- the development of private enterprises in this field and the necessity of obtaining EC experience in marketing techniques,
- the development of industrial cooperation in fisheries and exchange of know-how,
- the introduction in Estonia of EC production quality and health standards for fish farming (including feed),
- the exchange of information on fisheries policy and legislation and on the establishment of a market for fishery products,
- cooperation in international fishery organisations.
Article 80. Energy
1. Within the principles of the market economy and of the Treaty on the European Energy Charter, the Parties shall cooperate to develop the progressive integration of the energy markets in Europe.
2. The cooperation shall focus on the following in particular:
- formulation and planning of energy policy, including its long-term aspects,
- management and training in the energy sector,
- promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency,
- development of energy resources,
- improvement of distribution as well as improvement and diversification of supply,
- environmental impact of energy production and consumption,
- the nuclear energy sector, in particular nuclear safety,
- opening up the energy market to a greater degree, including facilitating transit of gas and electricity,
- the electricity and gas sectors, including consideration of the possibility of the inter-connection of European supply networks,
- modernisation of energy infrastructures;
- formulation of framework conditions for cooperation between undertakings in this sector,
- transfer of technology and know-how,
- cooperation on pricing and taxation policies in the energy sector,
- regional cooperation in the energy sector among the Baltic Sea States, particularly as an important contribution to security of energy supply in the region.
3. Technical assistance shall be provided where appropriate.
Article 81. Nuclear Safety
1. The aim of cooperation is to provide for a safer use of nuclear energy.
2. Cooperation in the nuclear field shall mainly cover the following topics:
- research and protective measures to increase safety particularly of the tailings at the uranium ore processing plant at Sillamäe, and at the former Soviet nuclear submarine training centre at Paldiski,
- staff training,
- upgrading of Estonia's laws and regulations on nuclear safety and strengthening of the supervisory authorities and their resources,
- nuclear safety, preparation for nuclear emergencies and accident management,
- radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring,
- fuel cycle problems, safeguarding and physical protection of nuclear materials,
- radioactive waste management,
- decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear installations,
- decontamination,
- establishment of uniform safety standards to protect the health of workers, the general public and the environment and ensuring that they are applied.
3. Cooperation will include the exchange of information and experience and R & D activities in accordance with the provisions on science and technology.
4. The Parties agree on the necessity of making efforts to cooperate, within the framework of their respective powers and competences, in order to combat nuclear smuggling. Cooperation in this area should include exchange of information, technical support for analysing, identifying and disposing of the material, and administrative and technical assistance for the installation of efficient customs controls. Further cooperation in this field could be identified as need arises.
Article 82. Environment
1. The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation on environment and human health.
2. Cooperation shall concern in particular:
- effective monitoring of pollution levels,
- combating local, regional and cross-border air and water pollution,
- efficient, sustainable and clean energy production and consumption, safety of industrial plants (including nuclear facilities),
- classification and safe handling of chemicals,
- water quality, particularly in cross-border waterways (protection of the Baltic Sea against pollution from ships, artificial islands, platforms and other sources),
- reduction, recycling and safe disposal of waste and implementation of the Basle Convention,
- sustainable use of non-renewable natural resources,
- the environmental impact of agriculture, soil erosion and pollution by agricultural chemicals, water eutrophication,
- protection of forests and flora and fauna,
- conservation of biodiversity,
- protected areas,
- land-use planning, including construction and town planning,
- improvement of public transport, especially in cities,
- use of economic and fiscal instruments,
- management of the coastline and prevention of marine pollution,
- global climate change,
- rehabilitation of contaminated areas,
- protecting human health against environmental hazards.
3. Cooperation shall take place notably through:
- exchange of information and experts, especially in the field of the transfer of clean technologies and the safe use of environmentally-friendly biotechnologies,
- institution-building and training programmes,
- transfer of technology and know-how,
- approximation of laws (Community standards),
- cooperation at regional level (including cooperation between the three Baltic States and in the framework of the European Environment Agency) and at international level,
- development of strategies, particularly with regard to global and climatic issues,
- education and information on environmental issues,
- environmental impact studies.
Article 83. Transport
1. The Parties shall develop and step up their cooperation in the field of transport in order to enable Estonia to:
- restructure and modernize transport,
- improve the movement of passengers and goods and the access to transport markets by removing administrative, technical and other obstacles,
- facilitate Community transit through Estonia by road, rail, inland waterway and combined transport,
- achieve operating standards comparable with those in the Community,
- improve traffic and transport safety, reduce harmful effects on the environment.
2. The cooperation shall cover the following in particular:
- economic, legal and technical training programmes and the preparation of the legislative and institutional framework for policy development and implementation, including privatisation of the transport sector,
- the provision of technical assistance and advice, and the exchange of information (conferences and seminars),
- support for the development of infrastructure in Estonia.
3. Priority areas of cooperation will be:
- the construction and modernisation, on recognised trans-European corridors and major routes of common interest, of road, rail, inland waterway, port and airport infrastructures,
- the improvement of conditions, the reduction of waiting times and the easing of transit at the border crossings on the Estonian stretch of the multimodal Crete corridor No 1, on the basis of norms set by international agreements of the European Union to secure interoperability,
- the management of railways, ports and airports, including cooperation between the appropriate national authorities,
- land-use planning, including construction and urban planning,
- the upgrading of technical equipment to meet Community standards, particularly in the fields of road-rail transport, containerisation and trans-shipment,
- contributing to the development of transport policies compatible with those in the Community,
- the promotion of short-sea shipping as an alternative to overland transport and as a transport mode particularly suited to the Baltic Sea region,
- the promotion of joint research and development programmes,
- concrete projects in a tri- or multilateral (CBSS - Council of the Baltic Sea States) context of regional cooperation, such as Via Baltica,
- mutual exchange of transport data.
Article 84. Telecommunications, Postal Services and Broadcasting
1. The Parties shall endeavour to expand and strengthen telecommunications cooperation. This shall involve:
- exchange of information on telecommunications policies, postal services and broadcasting policies,
- establishment of a stable and consistent regulatory framework for telecommunications, postal services and broadcasting,
- exchange of technical and other information and the organisation of seminars, workshops and conferences for experts of both sides,
- training and advisory operations,
- transfer of technology,
- joint execution of projects by competent bodies from both sides,
- promotion of European standards and certification systems,
- promotion of new communications facilities, services and installations, particularly those with commercial applications.
2. These activities shall focus on the following priority areas:
- development and application of a sectoral market policy in telecommunications, postal services and broadcasting in Estonia, of legal acts and procedures,
- modernisation of Estonia's telecommunications network and its integration into European and world networks,
- cooperation within European standardisation structures,
- integration of trans-European systems,
- legal aspects of telecommunications,
- management of telecommunications in the new European business environment: organisational structures, strategy and planning, purchasing principles, tariffs structure in voice telephony,
- land-use planning, construction and town planning,
- upgrading of the data network and development of data-based information services.
Article 85. Information Infrastructure
The Parties shall endeavour to expand and strengthen cooperation, with a view to setting up a global information infrastructure. This shall involve:
- exchange of information on policies and programmes aimed at setting up the information infrastructure and the corresponding services,
- close cooperation between institutions managing current information networks (academic and/or government agencies),
- exchange of information on technologies, market needs and other information, organisation of seminars, workshops and conferences for experts and industrialists from both sides,
- training and advisory operations,
- joint execution of projects,
- promotion and agreement of standards, certification and testing,
- promotion of an appropriate regulatory framework,
- action to promote the growth of information services and infrastructure.
Article 86 Banking, insurance and other financial services
1. The Parties shall cooperate with the aim of establishing and developing a suitable framework for the encouragement of a banking, insurance and financial services sector in Estonia.
2. The cooperation shall focus on:
- the improvement of efficient accounting and audit systems in Estonia based on international rules and European Community standards,
- the strengthening and restructuring of the banking and financial systems,
- the improvement and harmonisation of supervision and regulation system of banking and financial services,
- the preparation of glossaries of terminology,
- the exchange of information in particular in respect of laws in force or being drafted,
- the preparation and translation of Community and Estonian legislation.
3. To this end, the cooperation shall include the provision of technical assistance and training.
Article 87 Audit and financial control cooperation
1. The Parties shall cooperate with the aim to developing efficient financial control and audit systems in the Estonian administration following standard Community methods and proceedings.
2. Cooperation shall focus on:
- the exchange of relevant information on audit systems,