EU - Ukraine Association Agreement (2014)
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4. A Party shall provide a copy of each of its written submissions to the other Party and to each of the arbitrators. A copy of the document shall also be provided in electronic format.

5. All notifications, including requests for consultations, shall be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and to the Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission, respectively.

6. Minor errors of a clerical nature in any request, notice, written submission or other document related to the arbitration panel proceeding may be corrected by delivery of a new document clearly indicating the changes.

7. If the last day for delivery of a document falls on a legal holiday of Ukraine or of the institutions of the European Union, the document may be delivered on the next business day.


8. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, they shall meet the arbitration panel within seven days of its establishment in order to determine such matters that the Parties or the arbitration panel deem appropriate, including the remuneration and expenses to be paid to the arbitrators, which will be in accordance with WTO standards.


9. The complaining Party shall deliver its initial written submission no later than 20 days after the date of establishment of the arbitration panel. The Party complained against shall deliver its written counter-submission no later than 20 days after the date of delivery of the initial written submission.


10. The chairperson of the arbitration panel shall preside at all its meetings. An arbitration panel may delegate to the chairperson authority to make administrative and procedural decisions.

11. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement and without prejudice to paragraph 24, the arbitration panel may conduct its activities by any means, including telephone, facsimile transmissions or computer links.

12. Only arbitrators may take part in the deliberations of the arbitration panel, but the arbitration panel may permit its assistants to be present at its deliberations.

13. The drafting of any ruling shall remain the exclusive responsibility of the arbitration panel and shall not be delegated.

14. Where a procedural question arises which is not covered by the provisions of this Agreement and its annexes, an arbitration panel may adopt any appropriate procedure provided that the procedure ensures equal treatment between the Parties and is compatible with the provisions of this Agreement and its annexes.

15. When the arbitration panel considers that there is a need to modify any time limit applicable in the proceedings or to make any other procedural or administrative adjustment, it shall inform the Parties in writing of the reasons for the change or adjustment and of the period or adjustment needed. The time limits of Article 310(2) of this Agreement shall not be modified without the agreement of the Parties.


16. If an arbitrator is unable to participate in the proceeding, withdraws, or must be replaced, a replacement shall be selected in accordance with Article 307(3) and (4) of this Agreement.

17. Where a Party considers that an arbitrator does not comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct and for this reason should be replaced, this Party should notify the other Party within 15 days from the time at which it came to know of the circumstances underlying the arbitrator's violation of the Code of Conduct.

18. a) Where a Party considers that an arbitrator other than the chairperson does not comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct, the Parties shall consult and, if they so agree, replace the arbitrator by selecting a replacement following the procedure set out in Article 307(3) and (4) of this Agreement.

b) If the Parties fail to agree on the need to replace an arbitrator, any Party may request that such matter be referred to the chairperson of the arbitration panel, whose decision shall be final.

c)  If, pursuant to such a request, the chairperson finds that an arbitrator does not comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct, she or he shall select a new arbitrator by lot among the pool of individuals referred to under Article 323(1) of this Agreement of which the original arbitrator was a Member. If the original arbitrator was chosen by the Parties pursuant to Article 307(2) of this Agreement, the replacement shall be selected by lot among the pools of individuals that have been proposed by the complaining Party and by the Party complained against under Article 323(1) of this Agreement. The selection of the new arbitrator shall be done in the presence of the Parties and within five days of the date of the submission of the request to the chairperson of the arbitration panel.

19.a) Where a Party considers that the chairperson of the arbitration panel does not comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct, the Parties shall consult and, if they so agree, replace the chairperson by selecting a replacement following the procedure set out in Article 307(3) and (4) of this Agreement.

b) If the Parties fail to agree on the need to replace the chairperson, any Party may request that such matter be referred to one of the remaining members of the pool of individuals selected to act as chairpersons under Article 323(1) of this Agreement. Her or his name shall be drawn by lot, in the presence of the Parties, by the chair of the Trade Committee, or the chair's delegate. The decision by this person on the need to replace the chairperson shall be final.

c) If this person decides that the original chairperson does not comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct, she or he shall select a new chairperson by lot among the remaining pool of individuals referred to under Article 323(1) of this Agreement who may act as chairpersons. This selection of the new chairperson shall be done in the presence of the Parties and within five days of the date of the submission of the request referred to in this paragraph.

20. The arbitration panel proceedings shall be suspended for the period taken to carry out the procedures provided for in paragraphs 16, 17, 18 and 19.


21. The chairperson shall fix the date and time of the hearing in consultation with the Parties and the other members of the arbitration panel, and confirm this in writing to the Parties. This information shall also be made publicly available by the Party in charge of the logistical administration of the proceedings unless the hearing is closed to the public. Unless the Parties disagree, the arbitration panel may decide not to convene a hearing.

22. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the hearing shall be held in Brussels if the complaining Party is Ukraine and in Kyiv if the complaining Party is the European Union.

23. The arbitration panel may convene additional hearings if the Parties so agree.

24. All arbitrators shall be present during the entirety of any hearing.

25. The following persons may attend the hearing, irrespective of whether the hearing is closed to the public or not:

(a)  representatives of the Parties;

(b) advisers to the Parties;

(c) administrative staff, interpreters, translators and court reporters; and

(d) arbitrators' assistants.

Only the representatives and advisers of the Parties may address the arbitration panel.

26. No later than five days before the date of a hearing, each Party shall deliver to the arbitration panel a list of the names of persons who will make oral arguments at the hearing on behalf of that Party and of other representatives or advisers who will be attending the hearing.

27. The hearings of the arbitration panels shall be open to the public, unless the Parties decide that the hearings shall be partially or completely closed to the public. However the arbitration panel shall meet in closed session when the submission and arguments of a Party contain confidential information.

28. The arbitration panel shall conduct the hearing in the following manner, ensuring that the complaining Party and the Party complained against are afforded equal time:


(a) argument of the complaining Party

(b) argument of the Party complained against

Rebuttal Argument

(a) argument of the complaining Party

(b) counter-reply of the Party complained against

29. The arbitration panel may direct questions to either Party at any time during the hearing.

30. The arbitration panel shall arrange for a transcript of each hearing to be prepared and delivered as soon as possible to the Parties.

31. Each Party may deliver a supplementary written submission concerning any matter that arose during the hearing within 10 days of the date of the hearing.


32. The arbitration panel may at any time during the proceedings address questions in writing to one or both Parties. Each of the Parties shall receive a copy of any questions put by the arbitration panel.

33. A Party shall provide a copy of its written response to the arbitration panel's questions to the other Party. Each Party shall be given the opportunity to provide written comments on the other Party's reply within five days of the date of delivery.


34. The Parties and their advisers shall maintain the confidentiality of the arbitration panel hearings where the hearings are held in closed session, in accordance with paragraph 27. Each Party and its advisers shall treat as confidential any information submitted by the other Party to the arbitration panel which that Party has designated as confidential. Where a Party submits a confidential version of its written submissions to the arbitration panel, it shall also, upon request of the other Party, provide a non-confidential summary of the information contained in its submissions that could be disclosed to the public no later than 15 days after the date of either the request or the submission, whichever is later. Nothing in these rules shall preclude a Party from disclosing statements of its own positions to the public to the extent that they do not contain confidential information.


35. The arbitration panel shall not meet or contact a Party in the absence of the other Party.

36. No member of the arbitration panel may discuss any aspect of the subject matter of the proceedings with one Party or both Parties in the absence of the other arbitrators.


37. Unless the Parties agree otherwise within three days of the date of the establishment of the arbitration panel, the arbitration panel may receive unsolicited written submissions from interested natural or legal persons established in the territories of the Parties, provided that they are made within 30 days of the date of the establishment of the arbitration panel, that they are concise, including any annexes, and that they are directly relevant to the factual and legal issues under consideration by the arbitration panel. The arbitration panel may decide to impose a page limit on such submissions.

38. The submission shall contain a description of the person making the submission, whether natural or legal, including its place of establishment, the nature of its activities and the source of its financing, and specify the nature of the interest that the person has in the arbitration proceeding.

39. The arbitration panel shall list in its ruling all the submissions it has received that conform to the above rules. The arbitration panel shall not be obliged to address in its ruling the factual or legal arguments made in such submissions. Any submission obtained by the arbitration panel under this rule shall be submitted to the Parties for their comments.


40. In cases of urgency referred to in Article 310(2) of this Agreement, the arbitration panel shall adjust the time limits referred to in these rules as appropriate.


41. During the consultations referred to in Article 305 of this Agreement, and no later than the meeting referred to in paragraph 8(b) of these Rules of Procedure, the Parties shall endeavour to agree on a common working language for the proceedings before the arbitration panel.

42. If the Parties are unable to agree on a common working language, each Party shall expeditiously arrange for and bear the costs of the translation of its written submissions into the language chosen by the other Party and the Party complained against shall arrange for the interpretation of oral submissions into the languages chosen by the Parties.

43. Arbitration panel rulings shall be notified in the language or languages chosen by the Parties.

44. The costs incurred for translation of an arbitration ruling shall be borne equally by the Parties.

45. Any Party may provide comments on any translated version of a document drawn up in accordance with these rules.


46. Where, by reason of the application of paragraph 7 of these Rules of Procedure, a Party receives a document on a date other than the date on which this document is received by the other Party, any period of time that is calculated on the basis of the date of receipt of that document shall be calculated from the latter date of receipt of that document.


47. These Rules of Procedure are also applicable to procedures established under Article 312(2), Article 313(2), Article 315(3) and Article 316(2) of this Agreement. However, the time-limits laid down in these Rules of Procedure shall be adjusted in line with the special time-limits provided for the adoption of a ruling by the arbitration panel in those other procedures.



1. In this Code of Conduct:

(a) "arbitrator" means a member of an arbitration panel established under Article 307 of this Agreement;

(b) "mediator" means a person who conducts a mediation procedure in accordance with Chapter 15 (Mediation Mechanism) of Title IV;

(c) "candidate" means an individual whose name is on the list of arbitrators referred to in Article 323 of this Agreement and who is under consideration for selection as a member of an arbitration panel under Article 307 of this Agreement;

(d) "assistant" means a person who, under the terms of appointment of an arbitrator or mediator, conducts research or provides assistance to the arbitrator or mediator;

(e) "proceeding", unless otherwise specified, means an arbitration panel or mediation proceeding under this Agreement;

(f) "staff", in respect of an arbitrator or mediator, means persons under the direction and control of the arbitrator or mediator, other than assistants.

Responsibilities to the process

2. Every candidate and arbitrator or mediator shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety, shall be independent and impartial, shall avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interests and shall observe high standards of conduct so that the integrity and impartiality of the dispute settlement mechanism is preserved. Former candidates, arbitrators or mediators must comply with the obligations established in paragraphs 15, 16, 17 and 18 of this Code of Conduct.

Disclosure obligations

3. Prior to confirmation of her or his selection as an arbitrator or as a mediator under this Agreement, a candidate shall disclose any interest, relationship or matter that is likely to affect his or her independence or impartiality or that might reasonably create an appearance of impropriety or bias in the proceeding. To this end, a candidate shall make all reasonable efforts to become aware of any such interests, relationships and matters.

4. A candidate, arbitrator or mediator shall communicate matters concerning actual or potential violations of this Code of Conduct only to the Trade Committee for consideration by the Parties.

5. Once selected, an arbitrator or mediator shall continue to make all reasonable efforts to become aware of any interests, relationships or matters referred to in paragraph 3 of this Code of Conduct and shall disclose them. The disclosure obligation is a continuing duty which requires an arbitrator or mediator to disclose any such interests, relationships or matters that may arise during any stage of the proceeding. The member shall disclose such interests, relationships or matters by informing the Trade Committee, in writing, for consideration by the Parties.

Duties of arbitrators or mediators

6. Upon selection an arbitrator or mediator shall perform her or his duties thoroughly and expeditiously throughout the course of the proceeding, and with fairness and diligence.

7. An arbitrator or mediator shall consider only those issues raised in the proceeding and necessary for a ruling and shall not delegate this duty to any other person.

8. An arbitrator or mediator shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that his or her assistants and staff are aware of, and comply with, paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17 and 18 of this Code of Conduct.

9. Without prejudice to Article 330 of this Agreement, an arbitrator or mediator shall not engage in ex parte contacts concerning the proceeding.

Independence and impartiality of arbitrators or mediators

10. An arbitrator or mediator must be independent and impartial and avoid creating an appearance of impropriety or bias and shall not be influenced by self-interest, outside pressure, political considerations, public clamour, and loyalty to a Party or fear of criticism.

11. An arbitrator or mediator shall not, directly or indirectly, incur any obligation or accept any benefit that would in any way interfere, or appear to interfere, with the proper performance of her or his duties.

12. An arbitrator or mediator may not use her or his position on the arbitration panel to advance any personal or private interests and shall avoid actions that may create the impression that others are in a special position to influence her or him.

13. An arbitrator or mediator may not allow financial, business, professional, family or social relationships or responsibilities to influence her or his conduct or judgement.

14. An arbitrator or mediator must avoid entering into any relationship or acquiring any financial interest that is likely to affect her or his impartiality or that might reasonably create an appearance of impropriety or bias.

Obligations of former arbitrators or mediators

15. All former arbitrators or mediators must avoid actions that may create the appearance that they were biased in carrying out their duties or derived advantage from any decision or ruling of the arbitration panel or from an advisory opinion.


16. No arbitrator or mediator or former arbitrator or mediator shall at any time disclose or use any non-public information concerning a proceeding or acquired during a proceeding except for the purposes of that proceeding and shall not, in any case, disclose or use any such information to gain personal advantage or advantage for others or to adversely affect the interest of others.

17. An arbitrator shall not disclose an arbitration panel ruling or parts thereof prior to its publication in accordance with this Agreement.

18. An arbitrator or former arbitrator shall not at any time disclose the deliberations of an arbitration panel, or any arbitrator's views.

Previous page Page 22
  • Article   1 Objectives 1
  • Article   2 1
  • Article   3 1
  • Article   4 Aims of Political Dialogue 1
  • Article   5 Fora for the Conduct of Political Dialogue 1
  • Article   6 Dialogue and Cooperation on Domestic Reform 1
  • Article   7 Foreign and Security Policy 1
  • Article   8 International Criminal Court 1
  • Article   9 Regional Stability 1
  • Article   10 Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Military-technological Cooperation 1
  • Article   11 Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction 1
  • Article   12 Disarmament, Arms Controls, Arms Export Control and the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Arms 1
  • Article   13 Combating Terrorism 1
  • Article   14 The Rule of Law and Respect for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1
  • Article   15 Protection of Personal Data 1
  • Article   16 Cooperation on Migration, Asylum and Border Management 1
  • Article   17 Treatment of Workers 2
  • Article   18 Mobility of Workers 2
  • Article   19 Movement of Persons 2
  • Article   20 Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing 2
  • Article   21 Cooperation In the Fight Against Illicit Drugs, and on Precursors and Psychotropic Substances 2
  • Article   22 Fight Against Crime and Corruption 2
  • Article   23 Cooperation In Fighting Terrorism 2
  • Article   24 Legal Cooperation 2
  • Chapter   1 National Treatment and Market Access for Goods 2
  • Section   1 Common Provisions 2
  • Article   25 Objective 2
  • Article   26 Scope and Coverage 2
  • Section   2 Elimination of Customs Duties, Fees and other Charges 2
  • Article   27 Definition of Customs Duties 2
  • Article   28 Classification of Goods 2
  • Article   29 Elimination of Customs Duties on Imports 2
  • Article   30 Standstill Neither Party May Increase Any Existing Customs Duty, or Adopt Any New 2
  • Article   31 Customs Duties on Exports 2
  • Article   32 Export Subsidies and Measures of Equivalent Effect 2
  • Article   33 Fees and other Charges 2
  • Section   3 Non-Tariff Measures 2
  • Article   34 National Treatment 2
  • Article   35 Import and Export Restrictions 2
  • Section   4 Specific Provisions Related to Goods 2
  • Article   36 General Exceptions 2
  • Section   5 Administrative Cooperation and Coordination with other Countries 2
  • Article   37 Special Provisions on Administrative Cooperation 2
  • Article   38 Management of Administrative Errors 2
  • Article   39 Agreements with other Countries 2
  • Chapter   2 Trade Remedies 2
  • Section   1 Global Safeguard Measures 2
  • Article   40 General Provisions 2
  • Article   41 Transparency 2
  • Article   42 Application of Measures 2
  • Article   43 Developing Country 2
  • Section   2 Safeguard Measures on Passenger Cars 2
  • Article   44 Safeguard Measures on Passenger Cars 2
  • Article   45 Definitions 2
  • Section   3 Non-cumulation 3
  • Article   45bis Non-cumulation 3
  • Section   4 Anti-dumping and Countervailing Measures 3
  • Article   46 General Provisions 3
  • Article   47 Transparency 3
  • Article   48 Consideration of Public Interest 3
  • Article   49 Lesser Duty Rule 3
  • Article   50 Application of Measures and Reviews 3
  • Section   5 Consultations 3
  • Article   50bis Consultations 3
  • Section   6 Institutional Provisions 3
  • Article   51 Dialogue on Trade Remedies 3
  • Section   7 Dispute Settlement 3
  • Article   52 Dispute Settlement 3
  • Chapter   3 Technical Barriers to Trade 3
  • Article   53 Scope and Definitions 3
  • Article   54 Affirmation of the TBT Agreement 3
  • Article   55 Technical Cooperation 3
  • Article   56 Approximation of Technical Regulations, Standards, and Conformity Assessment 3
  • Article   57 Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products 3
  • Article   58 Marking and Labelling 3
  • Chapter   4 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 3
  • Article   59 Objective 3
  • Article   60 Multilateral Obligations 3
  • Article   61 Scope 3
  • Article   62 Definitions 3
  • Article   63 Competent Authorities 4
  • Article   64 Regulatory Approximation 4
  • Article   65 Recognition for Trade Purposes of Animal Health and Pest Status and Regional Conditions 4
  • Article   66 Determination of Equivalence 4
  • Article   67 Transparency and Exchange of Information 4
  • Article   68 Notification, Consultation and Facilitation of Communication 4
  • Article   69 Trade Conditions 4
  • Article   70 Certification Procedure 4
  • Article   71 Verification 4
  • Article   72 Import Checks and Inspection Fees 4
  • Article   73 Safeguard Measures 4
  • Article   74 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Management (SPS) Sub-Committee 4
  • Chapter   5 Customs and Trade Facilitation 4
  • Article   75 Objectives 4
  • Article   76 Legislation and Procedures 4
  • Article   77 Relations with the Business Community 5
  • Article   78 Fees and Charges 5
  • Article   79 Customs Valuation 5
  • Article   80 Customs Cooperation 5
  • Article   81 Mutual Administrative Assistance In Customs Matters 5
  • Article   82 Technical Assistance and Capacity-building 5
  • Article   83 Customs Sub-Committee 5
  • Article   84 Approximation of Customs Legislation 5
  • Chapter   6 Establishment, Trade In Services and Electronic Commerce 5
  • Section   1 General Provisions 5
  • Article   85 Objective, Scope and Coverage 5
  • Article   86 Definitions 5
  • Section   2 Establishment 5
  • Article   87 Scope 5
  • Article   88 National Treatment and Most Favourable Nation Treatment 5
  • Article   89 Review 5
  • Article   90 Other Agreements 5
  • Article   91 Standard of Treatment for Branches and Representative Offices 5
  • Section   3 Cross-Border Supply of Services 5
  • Article   92 Scope 5
  • Article   93 Market Access 6
  • Article   94 National Treatment 6
  • Article   95 Lists of Commitments 6
  • Article   96 Review 6
  • Section   4 Temporary Presence of Natural Persons for Business Purposes 6
  • Article   97 Scope 6
  • Article   98 Key Personnel 6
  • Article   99 Graduate Trainees 6
  • Article   100 Business Services Sellers 6
  • Article   101 Contractual Services Suppliers 6
  • Article   102 Independent Professionals 6
  • Section   5 Regulatory Framework 6
  • Subsection   1 Domestic Regulation 6
  • Article   103 Scope and Definitions 6
  • Article   104 Conditions for Licensing 6
  • Article   105 Licensing Procedures 6
  • Subsection   2 Provisions of General Application 6
  • Article   106 Mutual Recognition 6
  • Article   107 Transparency and Disclosure of Confidential Information 6
  • Subsection   3 Computer Services 6
  • Article   108 Understanding on Computer Services 6
  • Subsection   4 Postal and Courier Services 6
  • Article   109 Scope and Definitions 6
  • Article   110 Prevention of Anti-competitive Practices In the Postal and Courier Sector 6
  • Article   111 Universal Service 6
  • Article   112 Licences 7
  • Article   113 Independence of the Regulatory Body 7
  • Article   114 Regulatory Approximation 7
  • Subsection   5 Electronic Communications 7
  • Article   115 Scope and Definitions 7
  • Article   116 Regulatory Authority 7
  • Article   117 Authorisation to Provide Electronic Communication Services 7
  • Article   118 Access and Interconnection 7
  • Article   119 Scarce Resources 7
  • Article   120 Universal Service 7
  • Article   121 Cross-border Provision of Electronic Communication Services 7
  • Article   122 Confidentiality of Information 7
  • Article   123 Disputes between Service Suppliers 7
  • Article   124 Regulatory Approximation 7
  • Subsection   6 Financial Services 7
  • Article   125 Scope and Definitions 7
  • Article   126 Prudential Carve-out 7
  • Article   127 Effective and Transparent Regulation 7
  • Article   128 New Financial Services 7
  • Article   129 Data Processing 7
  • Article   130 Specific Exceptions 7
  • Article   131 Self-regulatory Organisations 7
  • Article   132 Clearing and Payment Systems 7
  • Article   133 Regulatory Approximation 7
  • Subsection   7 Transport Services 8
  • Article   134 Scope 8
  • Article   135 International Maritime Transport 8
  • Article   136 Road, Rail and Inland Waterways Transport 8
  • Article   137 Air Transport 8
  • Article   138 Regulatory Approximation 8
  • Section   6 Electronic Commerce 8
  • Article   139 Objective and Principles 8
  • Article   140 Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Commerce 8
  • Section   7 Exceptions 8
  • Article   141 General Exceptions 8
  • Article   142 Taxation Measures 8
  • Article   143 Security Exceptions 8
  • Chapter   7 Current Payments and Movement of Capital 8
  • Article   144 Current Payments 8
  • Article   145 Capital Movements 8
  • Article   146 Safeguard Measures 8
  • Article   147 Facilitation and Further Liberalization Provisions 8
  • Chapter   8 Public Procurement 8
  • Article   148 Objectives 8
  • Article   149 Scope 8
  • Article   150 Institutional Background 8
  • Article   151 Basic Standards Regulating the Award of Contracts 8
  • Article   152 Planning of Legislative Approximation 9
  • Article   153 Legislative Approximation 9
  • Article   154 Market Access 9
  • Article   155 Information 9
  • Article   156 Cooperation 9
  • Chapter   9 Intellectual Property 9
  • Section   1 General Provisions 9
  • Article   157 Objectives 9
  • Article   158 Nature and Scope of Obligations 9
  • Article   159 Transfer of Technology 9
  • Article   160 Exhaustion 9
  • Section   2 Standards Concerning Intellectual Property Rights 9
  • Subsection   1 Copyright and Related Rights 9
  • Article   161 Protection Granted 9
  • Article   162 Duration of Authors' Rights 9
  • Article   163 Duration of Protection of Cinematographic or Audiovisual Works 9
  • Article   164 Duration of Related Rights 9
  • Article   165 Protection of Previously Unpublished Works 9
  • Article   166 Critical and Scientific Publications 9
  • Article   167 Protection of Photographs 9
  • Article   168 Cooperation on Collective Management of Rights 9
  • Article   169 Fixation Right 9
  • Article   170 Broadcasting and Communication to the Public 9
  • Article   171 Distribution Right 9
  • Article   172 Limitations 9
  • Article   173 Reproduction Right 9
  • Article   174 Right of Communication to the Public of Works and Right of Making Available to the Public other Subject-matter 9
  • Article   175 Exceptions and Limitations 9
  • Article   176 Protection of Technological Measures 9
  • Article   177 Protection of Rights Management Information 9
  • Article   178 Right Holders and Subject Matter of Rental and Lending Right 9
  • Article   179 Unwaivable Right to Equitable Remuneration 9
  • Article   180 Protection of Computer Programmes 9
  • Article   181 Authorship of Computer Programmes 10
  • Article   182 Restricted Acts Relating to Computer Programmes 10
  • Article   183 Exceptions to the Restricted Acts Relating to Computer Programs 10
  • Article   184 Decompilation 10
  • Article   185 Protection of Databases 10
  • Article   186 Object of Protection 10
  • Article   187 Database Authorship 10
  • Article   188 Restricted Acts Relating to Databases 10
  • Article   189 Exceptions to Restricted Acts Relating to Databases 10
  • Article   190 Resale Right 10
  • Article   191 Broadcasting of Programmes by Satellite 10
  • Article   192 Cable Retransmission 10
  • Subsection   2 Trade-Marks 10
  • Article   193 Registration Procedure 10
  • Article   194 Well-known Trade-marks 10
  • Article   195 Rights Conferred by a Trade-mark 10
  • Article   196 Exceptions to the Rights Conferred by a Trade-mark 10
  • Article   197 Use of Trade-marks 10
  • Article   198 Grounds for Revocation 10
  • Article   199 Partial Refusal, Revocation or Invalidity 10
  • Article   200 Term of Protection 10
  • Subsection   3 Geographical Indications 10
  • Article   201 Scope of the Sub-section 10
  • Article   202 Established Geographical Indications 10
  • Article   203 Addition of New Geographical Indications 10
  • Article   204 Scope of Protection of Geographical Indications 10
  • Article   205 Right of Use of Geographical Indications 10
  • Article   206 Relationship with Trade-marks 10
  • Article   207 Enforcement of Protection 10
  • Article   208 Temporary Measures 10
  • Article   209 General Rules 11
  • Article   210 Cooperation and Transparency 11
  • Article   211 Sub-Committee on Geographical Indications 11
  • Subsection   4 Designs 11
  • Article   212 Definition 11
  • Article   213 Requirements for Protection 11
  • Article   214 Term of Protection 11
  • Article   215 Invalidity or Refusal of Registration 11
  • Article   216 Rights Conferred 11
  • Article   217 Exceptions 11
  • Article   218 Relationship to Copyright 11
  • Subsection   5 Patents 11
  • Article   219 Patents and Public Health 11
  • Article   220 Supplementary Protection Certificate 11
  • Article   221 Protection of Biotechnological Inventions 11
  • Article   222 Protection of Data Submitted to Obtain an Authorisation to Put a Medicinal Product on the Market 11
  • Article   223 Data Protection on Plant Protection Products 11
  • Subsection   6 Topographies of Semiconductor Products 11
  • Article   224 Definition 11
  • Article   225 Requirements for Protection 11
  • Article   226 Exclusive Rights 12
  • Article   227 Term of Protection 12
  • Subsection   7 Other Provisions 12
  • Article   228 Plant Varieties 12
  • Article   229 Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore 12
  • Section   3 Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights 12
  • Article   230 General Obligations 12
  • Article   231 Entitled Applicants 12
  • Subsection   1 Civil Measures, Procedures and Remedies 12
  • Article   232 Presumption of Authorship or Ownership 12
  • Article   233 Evidence 12
  • Article   234 Measures for Preserving Evidence 12
  • Article   235 Right to Information 12
  • Article   236 Provisional and Precautionary Measures 12
  • Article   237 Corrective Measures 12
  • Article   238 Injunctions 12
  • Article   239 Alternative Measures 12
  • Article   240 Damages 12
  • Article   241 Legal Costs 12
  • Article   242 Publication of Judicial Decisions 12
  • Article   243 Administrative Procedures 12
  • Subsection   2 Liability of Intermediary Service Providers 12
  • Article   244 Use of Intermediaries' Services 12
  • Article   245 Liability of Intermediary Service Providers: "Mere Conduit" 12
  • Article   246 Liability of Intermediary Service Providers: "Caching" 12
  • Article   247 Liability of Intermediary Service Providers: "Hosting" 12
  • Article   248 No General Obligation to Monitor 12
  • Article   249 Transitional Period 12
  • Subsection   3 Other Provisions 12
  • Article   250 Border Measures 12
  • Article   251 Codes of Conduct and Forensic Cooperation 12
  • Article   252 Cooperation 12
  • Chapter   16 Competition 12
  • Section   1 Antitrust and Mergers 12
  • Article   253 Definitions 12
  • Article   254 Principles 13
  • Article   255 Implementation 13
  • Article   256 Approximation of Law and Enforcement Practice 13
  • Article   257 Public Enterprises and Enterprises Entrusted with Special or Exclusive Rights 13
  • Article   258 State Monopolies 13
  • Article   259 Exchange of Information and Enforcement Cooperation 13
  • Article   260 Consultations 13
  • Article   261 13
  • Section   2 State Aid 13
  • Article   262 General Principles 13
  • Article   263 Transparency 13
  • Article   264 Interpretation 13
  • Article   265 Relationship with WTO 13
  • Article   266 Scope 13
  • Article   267 Domestic System of State Aid Control 13
  • Chapter   1 Trade-Related Energy 13
  • Article   268 Definitions 13
  • Article   269 Domestic Regulated Prices 13
  • Article   270 Prohibition of Dual Pricing 13
  • Article   271 Customs Duties and Quantitative Restrictions 13
  • Article   272 Transit 13
  • Article   273 Transport 13
  • Article   274 Cooperation on Infrastructure 13
  • Article   275 Unauthorised Taking of Energy Goods 13
  • Article   276 Interruption 13
  • Article   277 Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas 13
  • Article   278 Relationship with the Energy Community Treaty 13
  • Article   279 Access to and Exercise of the Activities of Prospecting, Exploring for and Producing Hydrocarbons 13
  • Article   280 Licensing and Licensing Conditions 13
  • Chapter   12 Transparency 13
  • Article   281 Definitions 13
  • Article   282 Objective and Scope 13
  • Article   283 Publication 14
  • Article   284 Enquiries and Contact Points 14
  • Article   285 Administrative Proceedings 14
  • Article   286 Review and Appeal 14
  • Article   287 Regulatory Quality and Performance and Good Administrative Behaviour 14
  • Article   288 Non-discrimination 14
  • Chapter   13 Trade and Sustainable Development 14
  • Article   289 Context and Objectives 14
  • Article   290 Right to Regulate 14
  • Article   291 Multilateral Labour Standards and Agreements 14
  • Article   292 Multilateral Environmental Agreements 14
  • Article   293 Trade Favouring Sustainable Development 14
  • Article   294 Trade In Forest Products 14
  • Article   295 Trade In Fish Products 14
  • Article   296 Upholding Levels of Protection 14
  • Article   297 Scientific Information 14
  • Article   298 Review of Sustainability Impacts 14
  • Article   299 Civil Society Institutions 14
  • Article   300 Institutional and Monitoring Mechanisms 14
  • Article   301 Group of Experts 14
  • Article   302 Cooperation on Trade and Sustainable Development 14
  • Chapter   14 Dispute Settlement  (1) 14
  • Article   303 Objective 14
  • Article   304 Scope 14
  • Article   305 Consultations 14
  • Section   1 Arbitration Procedure 14
  • Article   306 Initiation of the Arbitration Procedure 14
  • Article   307 Composition of the Arbitration Panel 14
  • Article   308 Interim Panel Report 14
  • Article   309 Conciliation for Urgent Energy Disputes 14
  • Article   310 Arbitration Panel Ruling 14
  • Section   2 Compliance 14
  • Article   311 Compliance with the Arbitration Panel Ruling 14
  • Article   312 Reasonable Period of Time for Compliance 14
  • Article   313 Review of Any Measure Taken to Comply with the Arbitration Panel Ruling 14
  • Article   314 Remedies for Urgent Energy Disputes 15
  • Article   315 Temporary Remedies In Case of Non-compliance 15
  • Article   316 Review of Any Measure Taken to Comply after the Suspension of Obligations 15
  • Section   3 Common Provisions 15
  • Article   317 Mutually Agreed Solution 15
  • Article   318 Rules of Procedure 15
  • Article   319 Information and Technical Advice 15
  • Article   320 Rules of Interpretation 15
  • Article   321 Arbitration Panel Decisions and Rulings 15
  • Article   322 Dispute Settlement Relating to Regulatory Approximation 15
  • Section   4 General Provisions 15
  • Article   323 Arbitrators 15
  • Article   324 Relation with WTO Obligations 15
  • Article   325 Time Limits 15
  • Article   326 Modification of the Chapter 15
  • Chapter   15 Mediation Mechanism 15
  • Article   327 Objective and Scope 15
  • Section   1 Procedure Under the Mediation Mechanism 15
  • Article   328 Request for Information 15
  • Article   329 Initiation of the Procedure 15
  • Article   330 Selection of the Mediator 15
  • Article   331 Rules of the Mediation Procedure 15
  • Section   2 Implementation 15
  • Article   332 Implementation of a Mutually Agreed Solution 15
  • Section   3 General Provisions 15
  • Article   333 Relationship to Dispute Settlement 15
  • Article   334 Time Limits 15
  • Article   335 Costs 15
  • Article   336 Review 15
  • Chapter   1 Energy Cooperation, Including Nuclear Issues 15
  • Article   337 15
  • Article   338 15
  • Article   339 15
  • Article   340 15
  • Article   341 15
  • Article   342 15
  • Chapter   2 Macro-Economic Cooperation 15
  • Article   343 15
  • Article   344 15
  • Article   345 16
  • Chapter   3 Management of Public Finances: Budget Policy, Internal Control and External Audit. 16
  • Article   346 16
  • Article   347 16
  • Article   348 16
  • Chapter   4 Taxation 16
  • Article   349 16
  • Article   350 16
  • Article   351 16
  • Article   352 16
  • Article   353 16
  • Article   354 16
  • Chapter   5 Statistics 16
  • Article   355 16
  • Article   356 16
  • Article   357 16
  • Article   358 16
  • Article   359 16
  • Chapter   6 Environment 16
  • Article   360 16
  • Article   361 16
  • Article   362 16
  • Article   363 16
  • Article   364 16
  • Article   365 16
  • Article   366 16
  • Chapter   7 Transport 16
  • Article   367 16
  • Article   368 16
  • Article   369 16
  • Article   370 16
  • Chapter   8 Space 16
  • Article   371 16
  • Article   372 16
  • Article   373 16
  • Chapter   9 Cooperation In Science and Technology 16
  • Article   374 16
  • Article   375 16
  • Article   376 16
  • Article   377 17
  • Chapter   10 Industrial and Enterprise Policy 17
  • Article   378 17
  • Article   379 17
  • Article   380 17
  • Chapter   11 Mining and Metals 17
  • Article   381 17
  • Article   382 17
  • Chapter   12 Financial Services 17
  • Article   383 17
  • Article   384 17
  • Article   385 17
  • Article   386 17
  • Chapter   13 Company Law, Corporate Governance, Accounting and Auditing 17
  • Article   387 17
  • Article   388 17
  • Chapter   14 Information Society 17
  • Article   389 17
  • Article   390 17
  • Article   391 17
  • Article   392 17
  • Article   393 17
  • Article   394 17
  • Article   395 17
  • Chapter   15 Audio-Visual Policy 17
  • Article   396 17
  • Article   397 17
  • Article   398 17
  • Chapter   16 Tourism 17
  • Article   399 17
  • Article   400 17
  • Article   401 Cooperation Shall Focus on the Following Aspects: 17
  • Article   402 17
  • Chapter   17 Agriculture and Rural Development 17
  • Article   403 17
  • Article   404 17
  • Article   405 17
  • Article   406 17
  • Chapter   18 Fisheries and Maritime Policies 17
  • Section   1 Fisheries Policy 17
  • Article   407 17
  • Article   408 17
  • Article   409 17
  • Article   410 17
  • Section   2 Maritime Policy 17
  • Article   411 17
  • Article   412 18
  • Section   3 Regular Dialogue on Fisheries and Maritime Policies 18
  • Article   413 18
  • Chapter   19 Danube River 18
  • Article   414 18
  • Chapter   26 Consumer Protection 18
  • Article   415 18
  • Article   416 18
  • Article   417 18
  • Article   418 18
  • Chapter   21 Cooperation on Employment, Social Policy and Equal Opportunities 18
  • Article   419 18
  • Article   420 18
  • Article   421 18
  • Article   422 18
  • Article   423 18
  • Article   424 18
  • Article   425 18
  • Chapter   22 Public Health 18
  • Article   426 18
  • Article   427 18
  • Article   428 18
  • Article   429 18
  • Chapter   23 Education, Training, and Youth 18
  • Article   430 18
  • Article   431 18
  • Article   432 18
  • Article   433 18
  • Article   434 18
  • Article   435 18
  • Article   436 18
  • Chapter   24 Culture 18
  • Article   437 18
  • Article   438 18
  • Article   439 18
  • Article   440 18
  • Chapter   25 Cooperation In the Field of Sport and Physical Activity 18
  • Article   441 18
  • Article   442 18
  • Chapter   26 Civil Society Cooperation 18
  • Article   443 18
  • Article   444 18
  • Article   445 18
  • Chapter   27 Cross-Border and Regional Cooperation 18
  • Article   446 18
  • Article   447 18
  • Article   448 18
  • Article   449 18
  • Chapter   28 Participation In European Union Agencies and Programmes 18
  • Article   450 18
  • Article   451 18
  • Article   452 18
  • Article   453 19
  • Article   454 19
  • Article   455 19
  • Article   456 19
  • Article   457 19
  • Article   458 19
  • Article   459 19
  • Chapter   1 Institutional Framework 19
  • Article   460 19
  • Article   461 19
  • Article   462 19
  • Article   463 19
  • Article   464 19
  • Article   465 19
  • Article   466 19
  • Article   467 19
  • Article   468 19
  • Article   469 19
  • Article   470 19
  • Chapter   2 General and Final Provisions 19
  • Article   471 Access to Courts and Administrative Organs 19
  • Article   472 Measures Related to Essential Security Interests 19
  • Article   473 Non-discrimination 19
  • Article   474 Gradual Approximation 19
  • Article   475 Monitoring 19
  • Article   476 Fulfilment of Obligations 19
  • Article   477 Dispute Settlement 19
  • Article   478 Appropriate Measures In Case of Non-fulfilment of Obligations 19
  • Article   479 Relation to other Agreements 19
  • Article   480 Annexes and Protocols 19
  • Article   481 Duration 19
  • Article   482 Definition of the Parties 19
  • Article   483 Territorial Application 19
  • Article   484 Depository of the Agreement 19
  • Article   485 Authentic Texts 19
  • Article   486 Entry Into Force and Provisional Application 19