Australia - Singapore FTA (2003)
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4. Each Party shall specify the following information in its Schedule to Annex 3:

(a) in Section A, the central government entities whose procurement is covered by this Chapter;

(b) in Section B, the sub-central government entities whose procurement is covered by this Chapter;

(c) in Section C, other entities whose procurement is covered by this Chapter;

(d) in Section D, the goods covered by this Chapter;

(e) in Section E, the services, other than construction services, covered by this Chapter;

(f) in Section F, the construction services covered by this Chapter;

(g) in Section G, any General Notes;

(h) in Section H, the applicable Threshold Adjustment Formula;

(i) in Section I, the publication information required under Article 5.2 (Publication of Procurement Information); and

(j) in Section J, any Implementation Arrangements.


5. Each Party shall ensure that its procuring entities comply with this Chapter in conducting covered procurements.

6. No procuring entity shall prepare or design a procurement, or otherwise structure or divide a procurement into separate procurements in any stage of the procurement, or use a particular method to estimate the value of a procurement, in order to avoid the obligations of this Chapter.

7. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party, including its procuring entities, from developing new procurement policies, procedures or contractual means, provided that they are not inconsistent with this Chapter.


8. In estimating the value of a procurement for the purposes of ascertaining whether it is a covered procurement, a procuring entity shall include the estimated maximum total value of the procurement over its entire duration, taking into account:

(a) all forms of remuneration, including any premium, fee, commission, interest or other revenue stream that may be provided for under the contract;

(b) the value of any option clause; and

(c) any contract awarded at the same time or over a given period to one or more suppliers under the same procurement.

9. If the total estimated maximum value of a procurement over its entire duration is not known, the procurement shall be deemed a covered procurement, unless otherwise excluded under this Agreement.

10. In the case of procurement by lease, rental or hire purchase of goods or services, or procurement for which a total price is not specified, the basis for valuation shall be:

(a) in the case of a fixed-term contract:

(i) where the term of the contract is 12 months or less, the total estimated maximum value for its duration; or

(ii) where the term of the contract exceeds 12 months, the total estimated maximum value, including any estimated residual value;

(b) where the contract is for an indefinite period, the estimated monthly instalment multiplied by 48; and

(c) where it is not certain whether the contract is to be a fixed-term contract, subparagraph (b) shall be used.

11. For the procurement described in paragraph 10, paragraph 9 may also be used as a valid valuation method.

Article 3. Exceptions

1. Subject to the requirement that the measure is not applied in a manner that would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between Parties where the same conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction on international trade between the Parties, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party, including its procuring entities, from adopting or maintaining a measure:

(a) necessary to protect public morals, order or safety;

(b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health;

(c) necessary to protect intellectual property; or

(d) relating to the good or service of a person with disabilities, of philanthropic or not-for-profit institutions, or of prison labour.

2. The Parties understand that paragraph 1(b) includes environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health.

Article 4. General Principles

National Treatment and Non-Discrimination

1. With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall accord immediately and unconditionally to the goods and services of the other Party and to the suppliers of the other Party, treatment no less favourable than the treatment that the Party, including its procuring entities, accords to domestic goods, services and suppliers.

2. With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, neither Party, including its procuring entities, shall:

(a) treat a locally established supplier less favourably than another locally established supplier on the basis of degree of foreign affiliation or ownership; or

(b) discriminate against a locally established supplier on the basis that the good or service offered by that supplier for a particular procurement is a good or service of the other Party.

3. All orders under contracts awarded for covered procurement shall be subject to paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of this Article.

Procurement Methods

4. A procuring entity shall use an open tendering procedure for covered procurement unless Article 8 (Qualification of Suppliers) or Article 9 (Limited Tendering) applies.

Rules of Origin

5. Each Party shall apply to covered procurement of a good the rules of origin that it applies in the normal course of trade to that good.


6. With regard to covered procurement, neither Party, including its procuring entities, shall seek, take account of, impose or enforce any offset, at any stage of a procurement.

Measures Not Specific to Procurement

7. Paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 shall not apply to customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation, the method of levying such duties and charges, other import regulations or formalities, and measures affecting trade in services other than measures governing covered procurement.

Use of Electronic Means

8. The Parties shall seek to provide opportunities for covered procurement to be undertaken through electronic means, including for the publication of procurement information, notices and tender documentation, and for the receipt of tenders.

9. When conducting covered procurement by electronic means, a procuring entity shall:

(a) ensure that the procurement is conducted using information technology systems and software, including those related to authentication and encryption of information, that are generally available and interoperable with other generally available information technology systems and software; and

(b) establish and maintain mechanisms that ensure the integrity of information provided by suppliers, including requests for participation and tenders.

Article 5. Publication of Procurement Information

1. Each Party shall promptly publish any measure of general application relating to covered procurement, and any change or addition to this information.

2. Each Party shall list in Section I of its Schedule to Annex 3 the paper or electronic means through which the Party publishes the information described in paragraph 1 and the notices required by Article 6 (Notices of Intended Procurement), Article 8.3 (Qualification of Suppliers) and Article 15.3 (Post-Award Information).

3. Each Party shall, on request, respond to an inquiry relating to the information referred to in paragraph 1.

Article 6. Notices of Intended Procurement

1. For each covered procurement, except in the circumstances described in Article 9 (Limited Tendering), a procuring entity shall publish a notice of intended procurement through the appropriate paper or electronic means listed in Annex 3. The notices shall remain readily accessible to the public until at least the expiration of the time period for responding to the notice or the deadline for submission of the tender.

2. The notices shall, if accessible by electronic means, be provided free of charge:

(a) for central government entities that are covered under Annex 3, through a single point of access; and

(b) for sub-central government entities and other entities covered under Annex 3, through links in a single electronic portal.

3. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter, each notice of intended procurement shall include the following information, unless that information is provided in the tender documentation that is made available free of charge to all interested suppliers at the same time as the notice of intended procurement:

(a) the name and address of the procuring entity and other information necessary to contact the procuring entity and obtain all relevant documents relating to the procurement, and the cost and terms of payment to obtain the relevant documents, if any;

(b) a description of the procurement, including, if appropriate, the nature and quantity of the goods or services to be procured and a description of any options, or the estimated quantity if the quantity is not known;

(c) if applicable, the time-frame for delivery of goods or services or the duration of the contract;

(d) if applicable, the address and any final date for the submission of requests for participation in the procurement;

(e) the address and the final date for the submission of tenders;

(f) the language or languages in which tenders or requests for participation may be submitted, if other than an official language of the Party of the procuring entity;

(g) a list and a brief description of any conditions for participation of suppliers, that may include any related requirements for specific documents or certifications that suppliers must provide;

(h) if, pursuant to Article 8 (Qualification of Suppliers), a procuring entity intends to select a limited number of qualified suppliers to be invited to tender, the criteria that will be used to select them and, if applicable, any limitation on the number of suppliers that will be permitted to tender; and

(i) an indication that the procurement is covered by this Chapter, unless that indication is publicly available through information published pursuant to Article 5.2 (Publication of Procurement Information).

4. For greater certainty, paragraph 3 does not preclude a Party from charging a fee for tender documentation if the notice of intended procurement includes all of the information set out in paragraph 3.

Notice of Planned Procurement

5. Procuring entities are encouraged to publish as early as possible in each fiscal year a notice regarding their future procurement plans (notice of planned procurement), which should include the subject matter of the procurement and the planned date of publication of the notice of intended procurement.

Article 7. Conditions for Participation

1. A procuring entity shall limit any conditions for participation in a covered procurement to those conditions that ensure that a supplier has the legal and financial capacities and the commercial and technical abilities to fulfil the requirements of that procurement.

2. In establishing the conditions for participation, a procuring entity:

(a) shall not impose the condition that, in order for a supplier to participate in a procurement, the supplier has previously been awarded one or more contracts by a procuring entity of a Party or that the supplier has prior work experience in the territory of that Party; and

(b) may require relevant prior experience if essential to meet the requirements of the procurement.

3. In assessing whether a supplier satisfies the conditions for participation, a procuring entity shall:

(a) evaluate the financial capacity and the commercial and technical abilities of a supplier on the basis of that supplier's business activities both inside and outside the territory of the Party of the procuring entity; and

(b) base its evaluation solely on the conditions that the procuring entity has specified in advance in notices or tender documentation.

4. If there is supporting material, a Party, including its procuring entities, may exclude a supplier on grounds such as:

(a) bankruptcy or insolvency;

(b) false declarations;

(c) significant or persistent deficiencies in the performance of any substantive requirement or obligation under a prior contract or contracts;


(d) failure to pay taxes.

Article 8. Qualification of Suppliers

Registration Systems and Qualification Procedures

1. A Party, including its procuring entities, may maintain a supplier registration system under which interested suppliers are required to register and provide certain information.

2. Neither Party, including its procuring entities, shall:

(a) adopt or apply any registration system or qualification procedure with the purpose or the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles to the participation of suppliers of the other Party in its procurement; or

(b) use such registration system or qualification procedure to prevent or delay the inclusion of suppliers of the other Party on a list of suppliers or prevent those suppliers from being considered for a particular procurement.

Selective Tendering

3. Ifa procuring entity intends to use selective tendering, the procuring entity shall:

(a) publish a notice of intended procurement that invites suppliers to submit a request for participation in a covered procurement; and

(b) include in the notice of intended procurement the information specified in Articles 6.3(a), (b), (d), (g), (hb) and (i) (Notices of Intended Procurement).

4. The procuring entity shall:

(a) publish the notice sufficiently in advance of the procurement to allow interested suppliers to request participation in the procurement;

(b) provide, by the commencement of the time period for tendering, at least the information in Articles 6.3 (c), (e) and (f) (Notices of Intended Procurement) to the qualified suppliers that it notifies as specified in Article 13.3(b) (Time Periods); and

(c) allow all qualified suppliers to submit a tender, unless the procuring entity stated in the notice of intended procurement a limitation on the number of suppliers that will be permitted to tender and the criteria or justification for selecting the limited number of suppliers.

5. If the tender documentation is not made publicly available from the date of publication of the notice referred to in paragraph 3, the procuring entity shall ensure that the tender documentation is made available at the same time to all the qualified suppliers selected in accordance with paragraph 4(c).

Multi-Use Lists

6. A Party, including its procuring entities, may establish or maintain a multi-use list provided that it publishes annually, or otherwise makes continuously available by electronic means, a notice inviting interested suppliers to apply for inclusion on the list.

The notice shall include:

(a) a description of the goods and services, or categories thereof, for which the list may be used;

(b) the conditions for participation to be satisfied by suppliers for inclusion on the list and the methods that the procuring entity or other government agency will use to verify a supplier's satisfaction of those conditions;

(c) the name and address of the procuring entity or other government agency and other information necessary to contact the procuring entity and to obtain all relevant documents relating to the list;

(d) the period of validity of the list and the means for its renewal or termination or, if the period of validity is not provided, an indication of the method by which notice will be given of the termination of use of the list;

(e) the deadline for submission of applications for inclusion on the list, if applicable; and

(f) an indication that the list may be used for procurement covered by this Chapter, unless that indication is publicly available through information published pursuant to Article 5.2 (Publication of Procurement Information).

7. A Party, including its procuring entities, that establishes or maintains a multi- use list, shall include on the list, within a reasonable period of time, all suppliers that satisfy the conditions for participation set out in the notice referred to in paragraph 6.

8. If a supplier that is not included on a multi-use list submits a request for participation in a procurement based on the multi-use list and submits all required documents, within the time period provided for in Article 13.2 (Time Periods), a procuring entity shall examine the request. The procuring entity shall not exclude the supplier from consideration in respect of the procurement unless the procuring entity is not able to complete the examination of the request within the time period allowed for the submission of tenders.

Information on Procuring Entity Decisions

9. A procuring entity or other entity of a Party shall promptly inform any supplier that submits a request for participation in a procurement or application for inclusion on a multi-use list of the decision with respect to the request or application.

10. If a procuring entity or other entity of a Party rejects a supplier's request for participation or application for inclusion on a multi-use list, ceases to recognise a supplier as qualified, or removes a supplier from a multi-use list, the entity shall promptly inform the supplier and on request of the supplier, promptly provide the supplier with a written explanation of the reason for its decision.

Article 9. Limited Tendering

1. Provided that it does not use this provision for the purpose of avoiding competition between suppliers, to protect domestic suppliers or in a manner that discriminates against suppliers of the other Party, a procuring entity may use limited tendering.

2. If a procuring entity uses limited tendering, it may choose, according to the nature of the procurement, not to apply Articles 6 (Notices of Intended Procurement), 7 (Conditions for Participation), 8 (Qualification of Suppliers), 10 (Negotiations), 11 (Technical Specifications), 12 (Tender Documentation), 13 (Time Periods) or 14 (Treatment of Tenders and Awarding of Contracts). A procuring entity may use limited tendering only under the following circumstances:

(a) if, in response to a prior notice, invitation to participate or invitation to tender:

(i) no tenders were submitted or no suppliers requested participation;

(ii) no tenders were submitted that conform to the essential requirements in the tender documentation;

(iii) no suppliers satisfied the conditions for participation; or

(iv) the tenders submitted were collusive,

provided that the procuring entity does not substantially modify the essential requirements set out in the notices or tender documentation;

(b) if the good or service can be supplied only by a particular supplier and no reasonable alternative or substitute good or service exists for any of the following reasons:

(i) the requirement is for a work of art;

(ii) the protection of patents, copyrights or other exclusive rights; or

(iii) due to an absence of competition for technical reasons;

(c) for additional deliveries by the original supplier or its authorised agents, of goods or services that were not included in the initial procurement if a change of supplier for such additional goods or services:

(i) cannot be made for technical reasons such as requirements of interchangeability or interoperability with existing equipment, software, services or installations procured under the initial procurement, or due to conditions under original supplier warranties; and

(ii) would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs for the procuring entity;

(d) for a good purchased on a commodity market or exchange;

(e) if a procuring entity procures a prototype or a first good or service that is intended for limited trial or that is developed at its request in the course of, and for, a particular contract for research, experiment, study or original development. Original development of a prototype or a first good or service may include limited production or supply in order to incorporate the results of field testing and to demonstrate that the prototype or the first good or service is suitable for production or supply in quantity to acceptable quality standards, but does not include quantity production or supply to establish commercial viability or to recover research and development costs. Subsequent procurements of these newly developed goods or services, however, shall be subject to this Chapter;

(f) if additional construction services that were not included in the initial contract but that were within the objectives of the original tender documentation have, due to unforeseeable circumstances, become necessary to complete the construction services described therein. However, the total value of contracts awarded for additional construction services may not exceed 50 per cent of the value of the initial contract;

(g) for purchases made under exceptionally advantageous conditions that only arise in the very short term, such as from unusual disposals, unsolicited innovative proposals, liquidation, bankruptcy or receivership, but not for routine purchases from regular suppliers;

(h) if a contract is awarded to the winner of a design contest, provided that:

(i) the contest has been organised in a manner that is consistent with this Chapter; and

(ii) the contest is judged by an independent jury witha view to award a design contract to the winner; or

(i) in so far as is strictly necessary if, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the procuring entity, the good or service could not be obtained in time by means of open or selective tendering.

3. For each contract awarded in accordance with paragraph 2, a procuring entity shall prepare a report in writing, or maintain a record, that includes the name of the procuring entity, the value and kind of good or service procured, and a statement that indicates the circumstances and conditions described in paragraph 2 that justified the use of limited tendering.

Article 10. Negotiations

A Party may provide for its procuring entities to conduct negotiations in the context of covered procurement if:

(a) the procuring entity has indicated its intent to conduct negotiations in the notice of intended procurement required under Article 6 (Notices of Intended Procurement); or

(b) it appears from the evaluation that no tender is obviously the most advantageous in terms of the specific evaluation criteria set out in the notice of intended procurement or tender documentation.

  • Chapter   01 Objectives and General Definitions 1
  • Article   1 Objectives 1
  • Article   2 General Definitions 1
  • Chapter   02 Trade In Goods 1
  • Article   1 Definitions 1
  • Article   2 National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation 1
  • Article   3 Customs Duties 1
  • Article   4 Customs Value 1
  • Article   5 Goods Re-entered after Repair and Alteration 1
  • Article   6 Duty-free Entry of Commercial Samples of Negligible Value and Printed Advertising Material 1
  • Article   7 Temporary Admission of Goods 1
  • Article   8 Import and Export Restrictions 1
  • Article   9 Remanufactured goods 2
  • Article   10 Import licensing 2
  • Article   11 Export duties 2
  • Article   12 Non-tariff measures 2
  • Article   13 Subsidies and countervailing measures 2
  • Article   14 Anti-dumping measures 2
  • Article   15 Safeguard measures 2
  • Article   16 Transparency 2
  • Article   17 Measures to safeguard the balance of payments 2
  • Article   18 General exceptions 2
  • Chapter   03 Rules of origin and origin procedures 2
  • Section   A Rules of origin 2
  • Article   1 Definitions 2
  • Article   2 Originating goods 2
  • Article   3 Wholly obtained or produced goods 2
  • Article   4 Treatment of recovered materials used in production of a remanufactured good 2
  • Article   5 Regional value content 2
  • Article   6 Materials used in production 2
  • Article   7 Value of materials used in production 2
  • Article   8 Further adjustments to the value of materials 3
  • Article   9 Accumulation 3
  • Article   10 De minimis 3
  • Article   11 Fungible goods or materials 3
  • Article   12 Accessories, spare parts, tools and instructional or other information materials 3
  • Article   13 Packaging materials and containers for retail sale 3
  • Article   14 Packing materials and containers for shipment 3
  • Article   15 Indirect materials 3
  • Article   16 Sets of goods 3
  • Article   17 Transit and transhipment 3
  • Section   B Origin procedures 3
  • Article   18 Claims for preferential treatment 3
  • Article   19 Basis of a certification of origin 3
  • Article   20 Discrepancies 3
  • Article   21 Waiver of certification of origin 3
  • Article   22 Obligations relating to importation 3
  • Article   23 Obligations relating to exportation 3
  • Article   24 Record keeping requirements 3
  • Article   25 Verification of origin 3
  • Article   26 Verification visit 3
  • Article   27 Determinations on claims for preferential tariff treatment 3
  • Article   28 Refunds and claims for preferential tariff treatment after importation 3
  • Article   29 Penalties 3
  • Article   30 Confidentiality 3
  • Section   C Other matters 3
  • Article   31 Consultation on rules of origin and origin procedures 3
  • ANNEX 3-A  Minimum data requirements 3
  • Chapter   04 Customs procedures 4
  • Article   1 Purpose and definitions 4
  • Article   2 Scope 4
  • Article   3 General provisions 4
  • Article   4 Paperless trading 4
  • Article   5 Risk management 4
  • Article   6 Sharing of best practices 4
  • Chapter   05 Technical regulations and sanitary and phytosanitary measures 4
  • Article   1 Purposes and definitions 4
  • Article   2 Scope and obligations 4
  • Article   3 Origin 4
  • Article   4 Harmonisation 4
  • Article   5 Equivalence of mandatory requirements 4
  • Article   6 Cooperative activities on sanitary and phytosanitary/quarantine matters 4
  • Article   7 Conformity assessment 4
  • Article   8 Exchange of information, and consultation 4
  • Article   9 Confidentiality 4
  • Article   10 Final provisions on sectoral annexes 4
  • Chapter   06 Government procurement 4
  • Article   1 Definitions 4
  • Article   2 Scope 4
  • Article   3 Exceptions 5
  • Article   4 General principles 5
  • Article   5 Publication of procurement information 5
  • Article   6 Notices of intended procurement 5
  • Article   7 Conditions for participation 5
  • Article   8 Qualification of suppliers 5
  • Article   9 Limited tendering 5
  • Article   10 Negotiations 5
  • Article   11 Technical specifications 6
  • Article   12 Tender documentation 6
  • Article   13 Time periods general 6
  • Article   14 Treatment of tenders and awarding of contracts 6
  • Article   15 Post-award information 6
  • Article   16 Disclosure of information 6
  • Article   17 Ensuring integrity in procurement practices 6
  • Article   18 Domestic review 6
  • Article   19 Modifications and rectifications of annex 6
  • Article   20 Facilitation of participation by smes 6
  • Article   21 Cooperation and further negotiations 6
  • Chapter   07 Cross-border trade in services 6
  • Article   1 Definitions 6
  • Article   2 Scope 7
  • Article   3 Market access 7
  • Article   4 National treatment (3) 7
  • Article   5 Most-favoured-nation treatment 7
  • Article   6 Local presence 7
  • Article   7 Reservations 7
  • Article   8 Additional commitments 7
  • Article   9 Transparency 7
  • Article   10 Disclosure of confidential information 7
  • Article   11 Domestic regulation 7
  • Article   12 Monopoly and exclusive service supplier 7
  • Article   13 Safeguard measures 7
  • Article   14 Payments and transfers 7
  • Article   15 Denial of benefits 7
  • Article   16 General exceptions 7
  • Article   17 Review of subsidies 7
  • Article   18 Air transport services 7
  • Article   19 Recognition 8
  • ANNEX 7-A  Professional services 8
  • Chapter   08 Investment 8
  • Section   A 8
  • Article   1 Definitions 8
  • Article   2 Scope 8
  • Article   3 Relation to other chapters 8
  • Article   4 National treatment (8) 8
  • Article   5 Most-favoured-nation treatment 8
  • Article   6 Minimum standard of treatment 8
  • Article   7 Prohibition of performance requirements 8
  • Article   8 Senior management and boards of directors 8
  • Article   9 Special formalities and information requirements 8
  • Article   10 Transparency 9
  • Article   11 Reservations 9
  • Article   12 Additional commitments 9
  • Article   13 Expropriation and nationalisation 9
  • Article   14 Treatment in cases of armed conflict or civil strife 9
  • Article   15 Transfers 9
  • Article   16 Subrogation 9
  • Article   17 Review of subsidies 9
  • Article   18 Denial of benefits 9
  • Article   19 General exceptions 9
  • Article   20 Investment and environmental, health and other regulatory objectives 9
  • Article   21 Disclosure of confidential information 9
  • Section   B Investor-state dispute settlement (18) 9
  • Article   22 Tobacco control measures 9
  • Article   23 Consultation and negotiation 9
  • Article   24 Submission of a claim to arbitration 9
  • Article   25 Consent of each party to arbitration 9
  • Article   26 Conditions and limitations on consent of each party 9
  • Article   27 Selection of arbitrators 9
  • Article   28 Conduct of the arbitration 10
  • Article   29 Transparency of arbitral proceedings 10
  • Article   30 Governing law 10
  • Article   31 Expert reports 10
  • Article   32 Consolidation 10
  • Article   33 Awards 10
  • Article   34 Service of documents 10
  • ANNEX 8-A  Expropriation 10
  • ANNEX 8-B  10
  • Chapter   09 Financial services 10
  • Article   1 Definitions 10
  • Article   2 Scope 11
  • Article   3 National treatment (5) 11
  • Article   4 Most-favoured-nation treatment 11
  • Article   5 Market access for financial institutions 11
  • Article   6 Cross-border trade 11
  • Article   7 New financial services (7) 11
  • Article   8 Treatment of certain information 11
  • Article   9 Senior management and boards of directors 11
  • Article   10 Non-conforming measures 11
  • Article   11 Exceptions 11
  • Article   12 Recognition 11
  • Article   13 Transparency and administration of certain measures 11
  • Article   14 Self-regulatory organisations 11
  • Article   15 Payment and clearing systems 11
  • Article   16 Expedited availability of insurance services 11
  • Article   17 Performance of back-office functions 11
  • Article   18 Specific commitments 11
  • Article   19 Committee on financial services 11
  • Article   20 Consultations 11
  • Article   21 Dispute settlement 11
  • Article   22 Investinent disputes in financial services 12
  • ANNEX 9-A  Cross-border trade 12
  • ANNEX 9-B  Specific commitments 12
  • Section   A Portfolio management 12
  • Section   B Transfer of information 12
  • Section   C Supply of insurance by postal insurance entities 12
  • Section   D Electronic payment card services 12
  • Section   E Transparency considerations 12
  • ANNEX 9-C  Authorities responsible for financial services 12
  • Chapter   10 Telecommunications services 12
  • Article   1 Definitions 12
  • Article   2 Scope 13
  • Article   3 Access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services (3) 13
  • Article   4 Transparency 13
  • Article   5 Independent regulatory bodies 13
  • Article   6 Dispute settlement and appeal 13
  • Article   7 General competitive safeguards 13
  • Article   8 Interconnection between suppliers of public telecommunications networks 13
  • Article   9 Additional obligations relating to major suppliers (7) 13
  • Article   10 Number portability 13
  • Article   11 International mobile roaming 13
  • Article   12 International submarine cable systems 14
  • Article   13 Universal service 14
  • Article   14 Allocation and use of scarce resources (14) 14
  • Article   15 Flexibility in the choice of technology 14
  • Article   16 Industry participation 14
  • Article   17 Enforcement 14
  • Article   18 Exceptions 14
  • Chapter   11 Movement of natural persons 14
  • Article   1 Scope and definitions 14
  • Section   1 Short-term temporary entry 14
  • Article   2 Business visitors 14
  • Article   3 Installers and servicers 14
  • Section   2 Long-term temporary entry 14
  • Article   4 Contractual service suppliers 14
  • Article   5 Independent executives 14
  • Article   6 Intra-corporate transferees 14
  • Article   7 Provision of information 14
  • Article   8 Dispute settlement 14
  • Article   9 Immigration measures 14
  • Article   10 Immigration requirements and procedures 14
  • Article   11 Licensing requirements 14
  • Article   12 Expeditious application procedures 14
  • Article   13 Notification of outcome of application 14
  • Article   14 Online lodgement and processing 14
  • Article   15 Resolution of problems 14
  • Article   16 Labour market testing 14
  • Article   17 Immigration formality requirements 14
  • Article   18 Employment of spouses and dependants 14
  • Article   19 Relation to other chapters 14
  • Chapter   12 Competition policy 14
  • Article   1 Purpose and definitions 14
  • Article   2 Promotion of competition 14
  • Article   3 Application of competition laws 14
  • Article   4 Competitive neutrality 14
  • Article   5 Exemptions 14
  • Article   6 Consultation and review 14
  • Article   7 Transparency 15
  • Article   8 General 15
  • Chapter   13 Intellectual property 15
  • Article   1 Purpose and definitions 15
  • Article   2 Adherence to international instruments 15
  • Article   3 Storage of intellectual property in electronic media 15
  • Article   4 Term of protection for copyright 15
  • Article   5 Effective technological measures 15
  • Article   6 Rights management information 15
  • Article   7 Protection of encrypted programme-carrying satellite signals 15
  • Article   8 Presumptions for copyright 15
  • Article   9 Civil enforcement of intellectual property rights 15
  • Article   10 Measures to prevent the export of goods that infringe copyright or trade marks 15
  • Article   11 Criminal procedures and remedies 15
  • Article   12 Limitation on liability of service providers 15
  • Article   13 Cooperation on enforcement 15
  • Article   14 Cooperation on education and exchange of information on protection, management and exploitation of intellectual property rights 15
  • Article   15 Settlement of disputes relating to domain names and trade marks 15
  • Chapter   14 Electronic commerce 15
  • Article   1 Definitions 15
  • Article   2 Scope 16
  • Article   3 Transparency 16
  • Article   4 Customs duties 16
  • Article   5 Non-discriminatory treatment of digital products 16
  • Article   6 Domestic electronic transactions framework 16
  • Article   7 Electronic authentication and electronic signatures 16
  • Article   8 Online consumer protection 16
  • Article   9 Personal information protection 16
  • Article   10 Paperless trading 16
  • Article   11 Exceptions 16
  • Article   12 Principles on access to and use of the internet for electronic commerce 16
  • Article   13 Cross-border transfer of information by electronic means 16
  • Article   14 Internet interconnection charge sharing 16
  • Article   15 Location of computing facilities 16
  • Article   16 Unsolicited commercial electronic messages 16
  • Article   17 Cooperation 16
  • Article   18 Cooperation on cybersecurity matters 16
  • Article   19 Source code 16
  • Chapter   15 Education cooperation 16
  • Article   1 Scope and purpose 16
  • Article   2 Fields of cooperation 16
  • Article   3 Facilitation of cooperation 16
  • Article   4 Student mobility and scholarship arrangements 16
  • Article   5 Costs 16
  • Chapter   16 Dispute settlement 16
  • Article   1 Scope and coverage 17
  • Article   2 Consultations 17
  • Article   3 Good offices, conciliation or mediation 17
  • Article   4 Appointment of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   5 Composition of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   6 Functions of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   7 Proceedings of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   8 Suspension and termination of proceedings 17
  • Article   9 Implementation 17
  • Article   10 Compensation and suspension of benefits 17
  • Article   11 Expenses 17
  • Chapter   17 Final provisions 17
  • Article   1 Regional and local government 17
  • Article   2 Security exceptions 17
  • Article   3 Taxation measures 17
  • Article   4 Temporary safeguard measures 17
  • Article   5 General exceptions 17
  • Article   6 Contact point 17
  • Article   7 Review 17
  • Article   8 Association with the agreement 17
  • Article   9 Relation to other agreements 17
  • Article   10 Annexes 17
  • Article   11 Amendments 17
  • Article   12 Entry into force, duration and termination 17
  • ANNEX 4-I  Reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 17
  • ANNEX 4-I(A)  Australia's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 17
  • 1 18
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  • ANNEX 4-I(B)  Singapore's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 19
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  • ANNEX 4-II  Reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 21
  • ANNEX II-A  Australia's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 22
  • 1 22
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  • APPENDIX A  22
  • ANNEX 4-II(B)  Singapore's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 23
  • 1 23
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  • Annex 7  Code of conduct for arbitrators appointed under chapter 8 (investment) and chapter 16 (dispute settlement) 25
  • Singapore's note 25
  • APPENDIX I  Article xx* taxation measures as expropriation 25