Australia - Singapore FTA (2003)
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(a) the respondent agrees to the appointment of each individual member of a tribunal established under the ICSID Convention or the ICSID Additional Facility Rules;

(b) a claimant referred to in Article 24.1(a) (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration) may submit a claim to arbitration under this Section, or continue a claim, under the ICSID Convention or the ICSID Additional Facility Rules, only on condition that the claimant agrees in writing to the appointment of each individual member of the tribunal; and

(c) a claimant referred to in Article 24.1(b) (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration) may submit a claim to arbitration under this Section, or continue a claim, under the ICSID Convention or the ICSID Additional Facility Rules, only on condition that the claimant and the enterprise agree in writing to the appointment of each individual member of the tribunal.

5. Any person appointed as a member or chair of a tribunal shall meet the requirements set out in Article 5 (Composition of Arbitral Tribunals) of Chapter 16 (Dispute Settlement).

6. In addition to any applicable arbitral rules regarding independence and impartiality of arbitrators, arbitrators shall comply with Annex 7 (Code of Conduct for Arbitrators appointed under Chapter 8 (Investment) and Chapter 16 (Dispute Settlement)) and any other guidance on the application of relevant rules or guidelines on conflicts of interest in international arbitration that the Parties may provide.

Article 28. Conduct of the Arbitration

1. The disputing parties may agree on the legal place of any arbitration under the arbitration rules applicable under Article 24.4 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration). If the disputing parties fail to reach agreement, the tribunal shall determine the place in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules, provided that the place shall be in the territory of a State that is a party to the New York Convention.

2. A non-disputing Party may make oral and written submissions to the tribunal regarding the interpretation of this Agreement.

3. After consultation with the disputing parties, the tribunal may accept and consider written amicus curiae submissions regarding a matter of fact or law within the scope of the dispute that may assist the tribunal in evaluating the submissions and arguments of the disputing parties from a person or entity that is not a disputing party but has a significant interest in the arbitral proceedings. Each submission shall identify the author; disclose any affiliation, direct or indirect, with any disputing party; and identify any person, government or other entity that has provided, or will provide, any financial or other assistance in preparing the submission. Each submission shall be in a language of the arbitration and comply with any page limits and deadlines set by the tribunal. The tribunal shall provide the disputing parties with an opportunity to respond to such submissions. The tribunal shall ensure that the submissions do not disrupt or unduly burden the arbitral proceedings, or unfairly prejudice any disputing party.

4. Without prejudice to a tribunal's authority to address other objections as a preliminary question, such as an objection that a dispute is not within the competence of the tribunal, including an objection to the tribunal's jurisdiction, a tribunal shall address and decide as a preliminary question any objection by the respondent that, as a matter of law, a claim submitted is not a claim for which an award in favour of the claimant may be made under Article 33 (Awards) or that a claim is manifestly without legal merit.

(a) An objection under this paragraph shall be submitted to the tribunal as soon as possible after the tribunal is constituted, and in no event later than the date the tribunal fixes for the respondent to submit its counter- memorial or, in the case of an amendment to the notice of arbitration, the date the tribunal fixes for the respondent to submit its response to the amendment.

(b) On receipt of an objection under this paragraph, the tribunal shall suspend any proceedings on the merits, establish a schedule for considering the objection consistent with any schedule it has established for considering any other preliminary question, and issue a decision or award on the objection, stating the grounds therefor.

(c) In deciding an objection under this paragraph that a claim submitted is not a claim for which an award in favour of the claimant may be made under Article 33 (Awards), the tribunal shall assume to be true the claimant's factual allegations in support of any claim in the notice of arbitration (or any amendment thereof) and, in disputes brought under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the statement of claim referred to in the relevant article of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The tribunal may also consider any relevant facts not in dispute.

(d) The respondent does not waive any objection as to competence, including an objection to jurisdiction, or any argument on the merits merely because the respondent did or did not raise an objection under this paragraph or make use of the expedited procedure set out in paragraph 5.

5. In the event that the respondent so requests within 45 days after the tribunal is constituted, the tribunal shall decide on an expedited basis an objection under paragraph 4 or any objection that the dispute is not within the tribunal's competence, including an objection that the dispute is not within the tribunal's jurisdiction. The tribunal shall suspend any proceedings on the merits and issue a decision or award on the objection, stating the grounds therefor, no later than 150 days after the date of the request. However, if a disputing party requests a hearing, the tribunal may take an additional 30 days to issue the decision or award. Regardless of whether a hearing is requested, a tribunal may, on a showing of extraordinary cause, delay issuing its decision or award by an additional brief period, which may not exceed 30 days.

6. When the tribunal decides a respondent's objection under paragraph 4 or 5, it may, if warranted, award to the prevailing disputing party reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred in submitting or opposing the objection. In determining whether such an award is warranted, the tribunal shall consider whether either the claimant's claim or the respondent's objection was frivolous, and shall provide the disputing parties a reasonable opportunity to comment.

7. For greater certainty, if an investor of a Party submits a claim under this Section, including a claim alleging that a Party breached Article 6 (Minimum Standard of Treatment), the investor has the burden of proving all elements of its claims, consistent with general principles of international law applicable to international arbitration.

8. A respondent may not assert as a defence, counterclaim, right of set-off or for any other reason, that the claimant has received or will receive indemnification or other compensation for all or part of the alleged damages pursuant to an insurance or guarantee contract.

9. A tribunal may order an interim measure of protection to preserve the rights of a disputing party, or to ensure that the tribunal's jurisdiction is made fully effective, including an order to preserve evidence in the possession or control of a disputing party or to protect the tribunal's jurisdiction. A tribunal may not order attachment or enjoin the application of a measure alleged to constitute a breach referred to in Article 24 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration). For the purposes of this paragraph, an order includes a recommendation.

10. In any arbitration conducted under this Section, at the request of a disputing party, a tribunal shall, before issuing a decision or award on liability, transmit its proposed decision or award to the disputing parties. Within 60 days after the tribunal transmits its proposed decision or award, the disputing parties may submit written comments to the tribunal concerning any aspect of its proposed decision or award. The tribunal shall consider any comments and issue its decision or award no later than 45 days after the expiration of the 60 day comment period.

11. In the event that an appellate mechanism for reviewing awards rendered by investor-State dispute settlement tribunals is developed in the future under other institutional arrangements including under another Agreement to which both Parties are party, the Parties shall consider whether awards rendered under Article 33 (Awards) should be subject to that appellate mechanism. The Parties shall strive to ensure that any such appellate mechanism they consider adopting provides for transparency of proceedings similar to the transparency provisions established in Article 29 (Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings).

Article 29. Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings

1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 4, the respondent shall, after receiving the following documents, promptly transmit them to the non-disputing Party and make them available to the public:

(a) the notice of intent;

(b) the notice of arbitration;

(c) pleadings, memorials and briefs submitted to the tribunal by a disputing party and any written submissions submitted pursuant to Articles 28.2 and 28.3 (Conduct of the Arbitration) and Article 32 (Consolidation);

(d) minutes or transcripts of hearings of the tribunal, if available; and (e) orders, awards and decisions of the tribunal.

2. The tribunal shall conduct hearings open to the public and shall determine, in consultation with the disputing parties, the appropriate logistical arrangements. If a disputing party intends to use information in a hearing that is designated as protected information or otherwise subject to paragraph 3 it shall so advise the tribunal. The tribunal shall make appropriate arrangements to protect such information from disclosure which may include closing the hearing for the duration of the discussion of that information.

3. Nothing in this Section, including paragraph 4(d), requires a respondent to make available to the public or otherwise disclose during or after the arbitral proceedings, including the hearing, protected information, or to furnish or allow access to information that it may withhold in accordance with Article 2 (Security Exceptions) of Chapter 17 (Final Provisions) or Article 21 (Disclosure of Confidential Information)(20).

4. Any protected information that is submitted to the tribunal shall be protected from disclosure in accordance with the following procedures:

(a) subject to subparagraph (d), neither the disputing parties nor the tribunal shall disclose to the non-disputing Party or to the public any protected information if the disputing party that provided the information clearly designates it in accordance with subparagraph (b);

(b) any disputing party claiming that certain information constitutes protected information shall clearly designate the information according to any schedule set by the tribunal;

(c) a disputing party shall, according to any schedule set by the tribunal, submit a redacted version of the document that does not contain the protected information. Only the redacted version shall be disclosed in accordance with paragraph 1; and

(d) the tribunal, subject to paragraph 3, shall decide any objection regarding the designation of information claimed to be protected information. If the tribunal determines that the information was not properly designated, the disputing party that submitted the information may:

(i) withdraw all or part of its submission containing that information; or

(ii) agree to resubmit complete and redacted documents with corrected designations in accordance with the tribunal's determination and subparagraph (c).

In either case, the other disputing party shall, whenever necessary, resubmit complete and redacted documents which either remove the information withdrawn under subparagraph (d)(i) by the disputing party that first submitted the information or redesignate the information consistent with the designation under subparagraph (d)(ii) of the disputing party that first submitted the information.

5. Nothing in this Section requires a respondent to withhold from the public information required to be disclosed by its laws. The respondent should endeavour to apply those laws in a manner sensitive to protecting from disclosure information that has been designated as protected information.

(20) For greater certainty, when a respondent chooses to disclose to the tribunal information that may be withheld in accordance with Article 2 (Security Exceptions) of Chapter 17 (Final Provisions) or Article 21 (Disclosure of Confidential Information), the respondent may still withhold that information from disclosure to the public.

Article 30. Governing Law

When a claim is submitted under Articles 24.1(a) or 24.1(b) (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration), the tribunal shall decide the issues in dispute in accordance with this Agreement and applicable rules of international law. (21)

(21) For greater certainty, this provision is without prejudice to any consideration of the domestic law of the respondent when it is relevant to the claim as a matter of fact.

Article 31. Expert Reports

Without prejudice to the appointment of other kinds of experts when authorised by the applicable arbitration rules, a tribunal, on request of a disputing party or, unless the disputing parties disapprove, on its own initiative, may appoint one or more experts to report to it in writing on any factual issue concerning scientific matters raised by a disputing party in a proceeding, subject to any terms and conditions that the disputing parties may agree.

Article 32. Consolidation

1. If two or more claims have been submitted separately to arbitration under Article 24.1 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration) and the claims have a question of law or fact in common and arise out of the same events or circumstances, any disputing party may seek a consolidation order in accordance with the agreement of all the disputing parties sought to be covered by the order or the terms of paragraphs 2 through 10.

2. A disputing party that seeks a consolidation order under this Article shall deliver, in writing, a request to the Secretary-General and to all the disputing parties sought to be covered by the order and shall specify in the request:

(a) the names and addresses of all the disputing parties sought to be covered by the order;

(b) the nature of the order sought; and

(c) the grounds on which the order is sought.

3. Unless the Secretary-General finds within a period of 30 days after the date of receiving a request under paragraph 2 that the request is manifestly unfounded, a tribunal shall be established under this Article.

4. Unless all the disputing parties sought to be covered by the order agree otherwise, a tribunal established under this Article shall comprise three arbitrators:

(a) one arbitrator appointed by agreement of the claimants;

(b) one arbitrator appointed by the respondent; and

(c) the presiding arbitrator appointed by the Secretary-General, provided that the presiding arbitrator is not a national of the respondent or of a Party of any claimant.

5. If, within a period of 60 days after the date when the Secretary-General receives a request made under paragraph 2, the respondent fails or the claimants fail to appoint an arbitrator in accordance with paragraph 4, the Secretary-General, on request of any disputing party sought to be covered by the order, shall appoint, in his or her discretion, the arbitrator or arbitrators not yet appointed.

6. If a tribunal established under this Article is satisfied that two or more claims that have been submitted to arbitration under Article 24.1 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration) have a question of law or fact in common, and arise out of the same events or circumstances, the tribunal may, in the interest of fair and efficient resolution of the claims, and after hearing the disputing parties, by order:

(a) assume jurisdiction over, and hear and determine together, all or part of the claims;

(b) assume jurisdiction over, and hear and determine one or more of the claims, the determination of which it believes would assist in the resolution of the others; or

(c) instruct a tribunal previously established under Article 27 (Selection of Arbitrators) to assume jurisdiction over, and hear and determine together, all or part of the claims, provided that:

(i) that tribunal, on request of a claimant that was not previously a disputing party before that tribunal, shall be reconstituted with its original members, except that the arbitrator for the claimants shall be appointed pursuant to paragraphs 4(a) and 5; and

(ii) that tribunal shall decide whether a prior hearing shall be repeated.

7. If a tribunal has been established under this Article, a claimant that has submitted a claim to arbitration under Article 24.1 (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration) and that has not been named in a request made under paragraph 2 may make a written request to the tribunal that it be included in any order made under paragraph 6. The request shall specify:

(a) the name and address of the claimant;

(b) the nature of the order sought; and

(c) the grounds on which the order is sought. The claimant shall deliver a copy of its request to the Secretary-General.

8. A tribunal established under this Article shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, except as modified by this Section.

9. A tribunal established under Article 27 (Selection of Arbitrators) shall not have jurisdiction to decide a claim, or a part of a claim, over which a tribunal established or instructed under this Article has assumed jurisdiction.

10. On the application of a disputing party, a tribunal established under this Article, pending its decision under paragraph 6, may order that the proceedings of a tribunal established under Article 27 (Selection of Arbitrators) be stayed, unless the latter tribunal has already adjourned its proceedings.

Article 33. Awards

1. When a tribunal makes a final award, the tribunal may award, separately or in combination, only:

(a) monetary damages and any applicable interest; and

(b) restitution of property, in which case the award shall provide that the respondent may pay monetary damages and any applicable interest in lieu of restitution.

2. For greater certainty, if an investor of a Party submits a claim to arbitration under Article 24.1(a) (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration), it may recover only for loss or damage that it has incurred in its capacity as an investor of a Party.

3. A tribunal may also award costs and attorney's fees incurred by the disputing parties in connection with the arbitral proceeding, and shall determine how and by whom those costs and attorney's fees shall be paid, in accordance with this Section and the applicable arbitration rules.

4. For greater certainty, for claims alleging the breach of an obligation under Section A with respect to an attempt to make an investment, when an award is made in favour of the claimant, the only damages that may be awarded are those that the claimant has proven were sustained in the attempt to make the investment, provided that the claimant also proves that the breach was the proximate cause of those damages. If the tribunal determines such claims to be frivolous, the tribunal may award to the respondent reasonable costs and attorney's fees.

5. Subject to paragraph 1, if a claim is submitted to arbitration under Article 24.1(b) (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration) and an award is made in favour of the enterprise:

(a) an award of restitution of property shall provide that restitution be made to the enterprise;

(b) an award of monetary damages and any applicable interest shall provide that the sum be paid to the enterprise; and

(c) the award shall provide that it is made without prejudice to any right that any person may have under applicable domestic law with respect to the relief provided in the award.

6. A tribunal shall not award punitive damages.

7. An award made by a tribunal shall have no binding force except between the disputing parties and in respect of the particular case.

8. Subject to paragraph 9 and the applicable review procedure for an interim award, a disputing party shall abide by and comply with an award without delay.

9. A disputing party shall not seek enforcement of a final award until: (a) in the case of a final award made under the ICSID Convention:

(i) 120 days have elapsed from the date the award was rendered and no disputing party has requested revision or annulment of the award; or

(ii) revision or annulment proceedings have been completed; and

(b) in the case of a final award under the ICSID Additional Facility Rules, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, or the rules selected pursuant to Article 24.4 (d) (Submission of a Claim to Arbitration):

(i) 90 days have elapsed from the date the award was rendered and no disputing party has commenced a proceeding to revise, set aside or annul the award; or

(ii) a court has dismissed or allowed an application to revise, set aside or annul the award and there is no further appeal.

10. Each Party shall provide for the enforcement of an award in its territory.

11. If the respondent fails to abide by or comply with a final award, on delivery of a request by the Party of the claimant, a tribunal shall be established under Chapter 16 (Dispute Settlement). The requesting Party may seek in those proceedings:

(a) a determination that the failure to abide by or comply with the final award is inconsistent with the obligations of this Agreement; and

(b) a recommendation that the respondent abide by or comply with the final award.

12. A disputing party may seek enforcement of an arbitration award under the ICSID Convention or the New York Convention regardless of whether proceedings have been taken under paragraph 11.

13. A claim that is submitted to arbitration under this Section shall be considered to arise out of a commercial relationship or transaction for the purposes of Article I of the New York Convention.

Article 34. Service of Documents

1. Notices and other documents in disputes under Section B (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) shall be served on Australia by delivery to:

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade R.G. Casey Building

John McEwen Crescent

Barton ACT 0221


2. Notices and other documents in disputes under Section B (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) shall be served on Singapore by delivery to:

Permanent Secretary Ministry of Trade & Industry

100 High Street #09-01 Singapore 179434


ANNEX 8-A. Expropriation

The Parties confirm their shared understanding that:

1. An action or a series of actions by a Party cannot constitute an expropriation unless it interferes with a tangible or intangible property right or property interest in an investment.

2. Article 13.1 (Expropriation and Nationalisation) addresses two situations. The first is direct expropriation, where an investment is nationalised or otherwise directly expropriated through formal transfer of title or outright seizure.

3. The second situation addressed by Article 13.1 (Expropriation and Nationalisation) is indirect expropriation, where an action or series of actions by a Party has an effect equivalent to direct expropriation without formal transfer of title or outright seizure.

(a) The determination of whether an action or series of actions by a Party, in a specific fact situation, constitutes an indirect expropriation, requires a case-by-case, fact-based inquiry that considers, among other factors:

(i) the economic impact of the government action, although the fact that an action or series of actions by a Party has an adverse effect on the economic value of an investment, standing alone, does not establish that an indirect expropriation has occurred;

(ii) the extent to which the government action interferes with distinct, reasonable investment-backed expectations; and

(iii) the character of the government action.

(b) Non-discriminatory regulatory actions by a Party that are designed and applied to protect legitimate public welfare objectives, such as public health, (22) safety, and the environment, do not constitute indirect expropriation, except in rare circumstances.

(22) For preater certainty and without limiting the scope of this subparagraph, regulatory actions to protect public health include, among others, such measures with respect to the regulation, pricing and supply of, and reimbursement for, pharmaceuticals (including biological products), diagnostics, vaccines, medical devices, gene therapies and technologies, health-related aids and appliances and blood and blood-related products.


For greater certainty, a decision under Australia's foreign investment policy, which consists of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975, Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations 2015, Foreign Acquisitions Fees Imposition Act 2015 (Commonwealth), Foreign Acquisitions Fees Imposition Regulation 2015 (Commonwealth), Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998 and associated Ministerial Statements by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia or a minister acting on his or her behalf, on whether or not to approve a foreign investment proposal, shall not be subject to the dispute settlement provisions under Section B (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) or Chapter 16 (Dispute Settlement).

Chapter 09. Financial Services

Article 1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) "Chapter 16 arbitral tribunal" means an arbitral tribunal appointed under Chapter 16 (Dispute Settlement);

(b) "cross-border financial service supplier of a Party" means a person of a Party that is engaged in the business of supplying a financial service within the territory of the Party and that seeks to supply or supplies a financial service through the cross-border supply of such a service;

(c) "cross-border trade in financial services or cross-border supply of financial services" means the supply ofa financial service:

(i) from the territory of a Party into the territory of the other Party;

(iI) in the territory of a Party to a person of the other Party; or (iii)

by a national of a Party in the territory of the other Party,

but does not include the supply of a financial service in the territory of a Party by an investment in that territory;

(d) "enterprise" means any entity constituted or organised under applicable law, whether or not for profit, and whether privately or governmentally owned or controlled, including any corporation, trust, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture, association or similar organisation;

(e) "financial institution" means any financial intermediary or other enterprise that is authorised to do business and regulated or supervised as a financial institution under the law of the Party in whose territory it is located;

(f) "financial institution of the other Party" means a financial institution, including a branch, located in the territory of a Party that is controlled by persons of the other Party;

(g) "financial service" means any service of a financial nature. Financial services include all insurance and insurance-related services, and all banking and other financial services (excluding insurance), as well as services incidental or auxiliary to a service of a financial nature. Financial services include the following activities:

Insurance and insurance-related services

(i) direct insurance (including co-insurance):

(A) life;

(B) non-life;

(ii) reinsurance and retrocession;

(iii) insurance intermediation, such as brokerage and agency; and

(iv) services auxiliary to insurance, such as consultancy, actuarial, risk assessment and claim settlement services;

Banking and other financial services (excluding insurance)

(v) acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds from the public;

(vi) lending of all types, including consumer credit, mortgage credit, factoring and financing of commercial transaction;

(vii) financial leasing;

(viii) all payment and money transmission services, including credit, charge and debit cards, travellers cheques and bankers drafts;

(ix) guarantees and commitments;

(x) trading for own account or for account of customers, whether on an exchange, in an over-the-counter market or otherwise, the following:

(A) money market instruments (including cheques, bills, certificates of deposits);

(B) foreign exchange;

(C) derivative products, including futures and options;

(D) exchange rate and interest rate instruments, including products such as swaps, forward rate agreements;

  • Chapter   01 Objectives and General Definitions 1
  • Article   1 Objectives 1
  • Article   2 General Definitions 1
  • Chapter   02 Trade In Goods 1
  • Article   1 Definitions 1
  • Article   2 National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation 1
  • Article   3 Customs Duties 1
  • Article   4 Customs Value 1
  • Article   5 Goods Re-entered after Repair and Alteration 1
  • Article   6 Duty-free Entry of Commercial Samples of Negligible Value and Printed Advertising Material 1
  • Article   7 Temporary Admission of Goods 1
  • Article   8 Import and Export Restrictions 1
  • Article   9 Remanufactured goods 2
  • Article   10 Import licensing 2
  • Article   11 Export duties 2
  • Article   12 Non-tariff measures 2
  • Article   13 Subsidies and countervailing measures 2
  • Article   14 Anti-dumping measures 2
  • Article   15 Safeguard measures 2
  • Article   16 Transparency 2
  • Article   17 Measures to safeguard the balance of payments 2
  • Article   18 General exceptions 2
  • Chapter   03 Rules of origin and origin procedures 2
  • Section   A Rules of origin 2
  • Article   1 Definitions 2
  • Article   2 Originating goods 2
  • Article   3 Wholly obtained or produced goods 2
  • Article   4 Treatment of recovered materials used in production of a remanufactured good 2
  • Article   5 Regional value content 2
  • Article   6 Materials used in production 2
  • Article   7 Value of materials used in production 2
  • Article   8 Further adjustments to the value of materials 3
  • Article   9 Accumulation 3
  • Article   10 De minimis 3
  • Article   11 Fungible goods or materials 3
  • Article   12 Accessories, spare parts, tools and instructional or other information materials 3
  • Article   13 Packaging materials and containers for retail sale 3
  • Article   14 Packing materials and containers for shipment 3
  • Article   15 Indirect materials 3
  • Article   16 Sets of goods 3
  • Article   17 Transit and transhipment 3
  • Section   B Origin procedures 3
  • Article   18 Claims for preferential treatment 3
  • Article   19 Basis of a certification of origin 3
  • Article   20 Discrepancies 3
  • Article   21 Waiver of certification of origin 3
  • Article   22 Obligations relating to importation 3
  • Article   23 Obligations relating to exportation 3
  • Article   24 Record keeping requirements 3
  • Article   25 Verification of origin 3
  • Article   26 Verification visit 3
  • Article   27 Determinations on claims for preferential tariff treatment 3
  • Article   28 Refunds and claims for preferential tariff treatment after importation 3
  • Article   29 Penalties 3
  • Article   30 Confidentiality 3
  • Section   C Other matters 3
  • Article   31 Consultation on rules of origin and origin procedures 3
  • ANNEX 3-A  Minimum data requirements 3
  • Chapter   04 Customs procedures 4
  • Article   1 Purpose and definitions 4
  • Article   2 Scope 4
  • Article   3 General provisions 4
  • Article   4 Paperless trading 4
  • Article   5 Risk management 4
  • Article   6 Sharing of best practices 4
  • Chapter   05 Technical regulations and sanitary and phytosanitary measures 4
  • Article   1 Purposes and definitions 4
  • Article   2 Scope and obligations 4
  • Article   3 Origin 4
  • Article   4 Harmonisation 4
  • Article   5 Equivalence of mandatory requirements 4
  • Article   6 Cooperative activities on sanitary and phytosanitary/quarantine matters 4
  • Article   7 Conformity assessment 4
  • Article   8 Exchange of information, and consultation 4
  • Article   9 Confidentiality 4
  • Article   10 Final provisions on sectoral annexes 4
  • Chapter   06 Government procurement 4
  • Article   1 Definitions 4
  • Article   2 Scope 4
  • Article   3 Exceptions 5
  • Article   4 General principles 5
  • Article   5 Publication of procurement information 5
  • Article   6 Notices of intended procurement 5
  • Article   7 Conditions for participation 5
  • Article   8 Qualification of suppliers 5
  • Article   9 Limited tendering 5
  • Article   10 Negotiations 5
  • Article   11 Technical specifications 6
  • Article   12 Tender documentation 6
  • Article   13 Time periods general 6
  • Article   14 Treatment of tenders and awarding of contracts 6
  • Article   15 Post-award information 6
  • Article   16 Disclosure of information 6
  • Article   17 Ensuring integrity in procurement practices 6
  • Article   18 Domestic review 6
  • Article   19 Modifications and rectifications of annex 6
  • Article   20 Facilitation of participation by smes 6
  • Article   21 Cooperation and further negotiations 6
  • Chapter   07 Cross-border trade in services 6
  • Article   1 Definitions 6
  • Article   2 Scope 7
  • Article   3 Market access 7
  • Article   4 National treatment (3) 7
  • Article   5 Most-favoured-nation treatment 7
  • Article   6 Local presence 7
  • Article   7 Reservations 7
  • Article   8 Additional commitments 7
  • Article   9 Transparency 7
  • Article   10 Disclosure of confidential information 7
  • Article   11 Domestic regulation 7
  • Article   12 Monopoly and exclusive service supplier 7
  • Article   13 Safeguard measures 7
  • Article   14 Payments and transfers 7
  • Article   15 Denial of benefits 7
  • Article   16 General exceptions 7
  • Article   17 Review of subsidies 7
  • Article   18 Air transport services 7
  • Article   19 Recognition 8
  • ANNEX 7-A  Professional services 8
  • Chapter   08 Investment 8
  • Section   A 8
  • Article   1 Definitions 8
  • Article   2 Scope 8
  • Article   3 Relation to other chapters 8
  • Article   4 National treatment (8) 8
  • Article   5 Most-favoured-nation treatment 8
  • Article   6 Minimum standard of treatment 8
  • Article   7 Prohibition of performance requirements 8
  • Article   8 Senior management and boards of directors 8
  • Article   9 Special formalities and information requirements 8
  • Article   10 Transparency 9
  • Article   11 Reservations 9
  • Article   12 Additional commitments 9
  • Article   13 Expropriation and nationalisation 9
  • Article   14 Treatment in cases of armed conflict or civil strife 9
  • Article   15 Transfers 9
  • Article   16 Subrogation 9
  • Article   17 Review of subsidies 9
  • Article   18 Denial of benefits 9
  • Article   19 General exceptions 9
  • Article   20 Investment and environmental, health and other regulatory objectives 9
  • Article   21 Disclosure of confidential information 9
  • Section   B Investor-state dispute settlement (18) 9
  • Article   22 Tobacco control measures 9
  • Article   23 Consultation and negotiation 9
  • Article   24 Submission of a claim to arbitration 9
  • Article   25 Consent of each party to arbitration 9
  • Article   26 Conditions and limitations on consent of each party 9
  • Article   27 Selection of arbitrators 9
  • Article   28 Conduct of the arbitration 10
  • Article   29 Transparency of arbitral proceedings 10
  • Article   30 Governing law 10
  • Article   31 Expert reports 10
  • Article   32 Consolidation 10
  • Article   33 Awards 10
  • Article   34 Service of documents 10
  • ANNEX 8-A  Expropriation 10
  • ANNEX 8-B  10
  • Chapter   09 Financial services 10
  • Article   1 Definitions 10
  • Article   2 Scope 11
  • Article   3 National treatment (5) 11
  • Article   4 Most-favoured-nation treatment 11
  • Article   5 Market access for financial institutions 11
  • Article   6 Cross-border trade 11
  • Article   7 New financial services (7) 11
  • Article   8 Treatment of certain information 11
  • Article   9 Senior management and boards of directors 11
  • Article   10 Non-conforming measures 11
  • Article   11 Exceptions 11
  • Article   12 Recognition 11
  • Article   13 Transparency and administration of certain measures 11
  • Article   14 Self-regulatory organisations 11
  • Article   15 Payment and clearing systems 11
  • Article   16 Expedited availability of insurance services 11
  • Article   17 Performance of back-office functions 11
  • Article   18 Specific commitments 11
  • Article   19 Committee on financial services 11
  • Article   20 Consultations 11
  • Article   21 Dispute settlement 11
  • Article   22 Investinent disputes in financial services 12
  • ANNEX 9-A  Cross-border trade 12
  • ANNEX 9-B  Specific commitments 12
  • Section   A Portfolio management 12
  • Section   B Transfer of information 12
  • Section   C Supply of insurance by postal insurance entities 12
  • Section   D Electronic payment card services 12
  • Section   E Transparency considerations 12
  • ANNEX 9-C  Authorities responsible for financial services 12
  • Chapter   10 Telecommunications services 12
  • Article   1 Definitions 12
  • Article   2 Scope 13
  • Article   3 Access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services (3) 13
  • Article   4 Transparency 13
  • Article   5 Independent regulatory bodies 13
  • Article   6 Dispute settlement and appeal 13
  • Article   7 General competitive safeguards 13
  • Article   8 Interconnection between suppliers of public telecommunications networks 13
  • Article   9 Additional obligations relating to major suppliers (7) 13
  • Article   10 Number portability 13
  • Article   11 International mobile roaming 13
  • Article   12 International submarine cable systems 14
  • Article   13 Universal service 14
  • Article   14 Allocation and use of scarce resources (14) 14
  • Article   15 Flexibility in the choice of technology 14
  • Article   16 Industry participation 14
  • Article   17 Enforcement 14
  • Article   18 Exceptions 14
  • Chapter   11 Movement of natural persons 14
  • Article   1 Scope and definitions 14
  • Section   1 Short-term temporary entry 14
  • Article   2 Business visitors 14
  • Article   3 Installers and servicers 14
  • Section   2 Long-term temporary entry 14
  • Article   4 Contractual service suppliers 14
  • Article   5 Independent executives 14
  • Article   6 Intra-corporate transferees 14
  • Article   7 Provision of information 14
  • Article   8 Dispute settlement 14
  • Article   9 Immigration measures 14
  • Article   10 Immigration requirements and procedures 14
  • Article   11 Licensing requirements 14
  • Article   12 Expeditious application procedures 14
  • Article   13 Notification of outcome of application 14
  • Article   14 Online lodgement and processing 14
  • Article   15 Resolution of problems 14
  • Article   16 Labour market testing 14
  • Article   17 Immigration formality requirements 14
  • Article   18 Employment of spouses and dependants 14
  • Article   19 Relation to other chapters 14
  • Chapter   12 Competition policy 14
  • Article   1 Purpose and definitions 14
  • Article   2 Promotion of competition 14
  • Article   3 Application of competition laws 14
  • Article   4 Competitive neutrality 14
  • Article   5 Exemptions 14
  • Article   6 Consultation and review 14
  • Article   7 Transparency 15
  • Article   8 General 15
  • Chapter   13 Intellectual property 15
  • Article   1 Purpose and definitions 15
  • Article   2 Adherence to international instruments 15
  • Article   3 Storage of intellectual property in electronic media 15
  • Article   4 Term of protection for copyright 15
  • Article   5 Effective technological measures 15
  • Article   6 Rights management information 15
  • Article   7 Protection of encrypted programme-carrying satellite signals 15
  • Article   8 Presumptions for copyright 15
  • Article   9 Civil enforcement of intellectual property rights 15
  • Article   10 Measures to prevent the export of goods that infringe copyright or trade marks 15
  • Article   11 Criminal procedures and remedies 15
  • Article   12 Limitation on liability of service providers 15
  • Article   13 Cooperation on enforcement 15
  • Article   14 Cooperation on education and exchange of information on protection, management and exploitation of intellectual property rights 15
  • Article   15 Settlement of disputes relating to domain names and trade marks 15
  • Chapter   14 Electronic commerce 15
  • Article   1 Definitions 15
  • Article   2 Scope 16
  • Article   3 Transparency 16
  • Article   4 Customs duties 16
  • Article   5 Non-discriminatory treatment of digital products 16
  • Article   6 Domestic electronic transactions framework 16
  • Article   7 Electronic authentication and electronic signatures 16
  • Article   8 Online consumer protection 16
  • Article   9 Personal information protection 16
  • Article   10 Paperless trading 16
  • Article   11 Exceptions 16
  • Article   12 Principles on access to and use of the internet for electronic commerce 16
  • Article   13 Cross-border transfer of information by electronic means 16
  • Article   14 Internet interconnection charge sharing 16
  • Article   15 Location of computing facilities 16
  • Article   16 Unsolicited commercial electronic messages 16
  • Article   17 Cooperation 16
  • Article   18 Cooperation on cybersecurity matters 16
  • Article   19 Source code 16
  • Chapter   15 Education cooperation 16
  • Article   1 Scope and purpose 16
  • Article   2 Fields of cooperation 16
  • Article   3 Facilitation of cooperation 16
  • Article   4 Student mobility and scholarship arrangements 16
  • Article   5 Costs 16
  • Chapter   16 Dispute settlement 16
  • Article   1 Scope and coverage 17
  • Article   2 Consultations 17
  • Article   3 Good offices, conciliation or mediation 17
  • Article   4 Appointment of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   5 Composition of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   6 Functions of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   7 Proceedings of arbitral tribunals 17
  • Article   8 Suspension and termination of proceedings 17
  • Article   9 Implementation 17
  • Article   10 Compensation and suspension of benefits 17
  • Article   11 Expenses 17
  • Chapter   17 Final provisions 17
  • Article   1 Regional and local government 17
  • Article   2 Security exceptions 17
  • Article   3 Taxation measures 17
  • Article   4 Temporary safeguard measures 17
  • Article   5 General exceptions 17
  • Article   6 Contact point 17
  • Article   7 Review 17
  • Article   8 Association with the agreement 17
  • Article   9 Relation to other agreements 17
  • Article   10 Annexes 17
  • Article   11 Amendments 17
  • Article   12 Entry into force, duration and termination 17
  • ANNEX 4-I  Reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 17
  • ANNEX 4-I(A)  Australia's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 17
  • 1 18
  • 2 18
  • 3 18
  • 4 18
  • 5 18
  • 6 18
  • 7 18
  • 8 18
  • 9 18
  • 10 18
  • 11 18
  • 12 18
  • 13 19
  • 14 19
  • 15 19
  • 16 19
  • 17 19
  • 18 19
  • 19 19
  • 20 19
  • 21 19
  • 22 19
  • 23 19
  • ANNEX 4-I(B)  Singapore's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 19
  • 1 19
  • 2 19
  • 3 19
  • 4 19
  • 5 20
  • 6 20
  • 7 20
  • 8 20
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  • 27 21
  • 28 21
  • 29 21
  • 30 21
  • ANNEX 4-II  Reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 21
  • ANNEX II-A  Australia's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 22
  • 1 22
  • 2 22
  • 3 22
  • 4 22
  • 5 22
  • 6 22
  • 7 22
  • 8 22
  • 9 22
  • 10 22
  • 11 22
  • 12 22
  • 13 22
  • 14 22
  • 15 22
  • 16 22
  • APPENDIX A  22
  • ANNEX 4-II(B)  Singapore's reservations to chapter 7 (cross-border trade in services) and chapter 8 (investment) 23
  • 1 23
  • 2 23
  • 3 23
  • 4 23
  • 5 23
  • 6 23
  • 7 23
  • 8 23
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  • 10 23
  • 11 23
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  • 16 24
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  • 29 24
  • 30 24
  • 31 24
  • 32 25
  • Annex 7  Code of conduct for arbitrators appointed under chapter 8 (investment) and chapter 16 (dispute settlement) 25
  • Singapore's note 25
  • APPENDIX I  Article xx* taxation measures as expropriation 25