Mexico - Uruguay FTA (2003)
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Investors of the other Party or their investments may only participate, directly or indirectly, up to 49 per cent in Mexican enterprises engaged in providing port pilotage services to vessels for inland navigation operations.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Water Transportation

Industry Classification:

CMAP 712011 Deep Sea Shipping Service.

CMAP 712012 Coastal Marine Transportation Service

CMAP 712013 High Seas and Coastal Towage Service

CMAP 712021 River and Lake Transport Service and Dams

CMAP 712022 Inland Port Transport Services

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Articles 10-03 and 13-03) Most Favoured Nation Treatment (Articles 10-04 and 13-04)

Level of Government: Federal


Shipping and Maritime Commerce Act, Title III, Chapter I

Law on Foreign Investment, Title I, Chapter III

Federal Law on Economic Competition, Chapter IV.

As rated in the Description element

Description: Cross Border Trade in Services and Investment

The operation or exploitation of vessels in deep-sea shipping, including international maritime transport and towing, is open to shipowners and vessels of all countries, where there is reciprocity under the terms of international treaties. The Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), following the opinion of the Federal Competition Commission (CFC), may reserve, in whole or in part,

certain international deep-sea cargo transport services, so that they can only be carried out by Mexican shipping companies, with Mexican vessels or vessels reputed as such, when the principles of free competition are not respected and the national economy is affected.

The operation and exploitation of inland waterway vessels is reserved to Mexican shipping companies with Mexican vessels. When there are no suitable and available Mexican vessels, or the public interest so requires, the SCT may grant temporary navigation permits to Mexican shipowners to operate and exploit with foreign vessels, or in the event that Mexican vessels are not available, the SCT may grant temporary navigation permits to Mexican shipowners to operate and exploit with foreign vessels, or in the event that Mexican vessels are not available.

foreign vessels, or in case there are no interested Mexican shipowners, it may grant these permits to foreign shipping companies.

The operation and exploitation of vessels in cabotage navigation may be carried out by Mexican or foreign shipowners, with Mexican or foreign vessels. In the case of foreign shipping companies or vessels, a permit will be required from the SCT, after verifying the existence of reciprocity and equivalence conditions with the country where the vessel is registered and with the country where the shipping company has its registered office and its real and effective business headquarters.

The operation and exploitation in inland navigation and cabotage of tourist cruise ships, as well as dredgers and naval artefacts for the construction, conservation and operation of ports, may be carried out by Mexican or foreign shipowners, with Mexican or foreign vessels or naval artefacts.

The SCT, with the prior opinion of the CFC, may decide that all or part of certain cabotage traffic may only be carried out by Mexican shipowners with Mexican vessels or vessels reputed as such, when the principles of competition are not respected and the national economy is affected.

national economy is affected.

Investors of the other Party or their investments may only participate, directly or indirectly, up to 49 per cent in the capital of a Mexican shipping company established or to be established in the territory of Mexico, which is engaged in the commercial operation of vessels for inland navigation and cabotage, with the exception of

tourist cruises and the exploitation of dredges and naval artefacts for the construction, conservation and operation of ports.

A favourable resolution of the National Foreign Investment Commission is required for investors of the other Party or their investments to participate, directly or indirectly, in a percentage greater than 49 per cent in companies established or to be established in the territory of Mexico dedicated to the operation of vessels in deep-sea traffic.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Pipelines other than energy pipelines

Industry classification:

Reservation Type: National Treatment (Article 10-03) Local Presence (Article 10-05)

Level of Government: Federal


Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Article 32

Ley de Vías Generales de Comunicación, Book 1, Chapters I, II and III.

Ley de Aguas Nacionales, Title I, Chapter II, Title IV, Chapter II

Description: Cross-border trade in services

A concession granted by the Ministry of Communications and Transport is required to build and operate, or only operate, pipelines transporting goods other than energy or basic petrochemical products. Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a concession.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Specialised Personnel

Industry Classification: CMAP 951023 Other Professional, Technical and Specialized Services not mentioned above (limited to ship captains; aircraft pilots; shipmasters; ship engineers; ship mechanics; airfield commanders; harbour masters; port pilots; personnel manning any vessel or aircraft flying a Mexican merchant flag or insignia).

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Article 10-03)

Level of Government: Federal

Measures: Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, Article 32

Description: Cross-border trade in services

Only Mexicans by birth may be:

(a) captains. pilots, boat masters, machinists, mechanics and crew of vessels or aircraft flying the Mexican flag; and.

b) harbour masters, harbour pilots and airfield commanders.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Rail Transport

Industry Classification: CMAP 711101 Railway Transport Service

Reservation Type: National Treatment (Articles 10-03 and 13-03) Local Presence (Article 10-05)

Level of Government: Federal


Foreign Investment Act, Title I, Chapter III

Ley Reglamentaria del Servicio Ferroviario, Chapter I and Chapter II, Section III.

Rail Service Regulations, Title I, Chapters I, II and III, Title II, Chapters I and IV, and Title III, Chapter I, Sections I and II.

Description: Cross-border trade in services and investment.

A favourable resolution of the National Foreign Investment Commission (CNIE) is required for investors of the other Party or their investments to participate, directly or indirectly, in a percentage greater than 49 per cent in enterprises established or to be established in the territory of Mexico engaged in the construction, operation and exploitation of railways that are considered general communication routes, or in the provision of public rail transport services.

When deciding, the CNIE shall consider that national and technological development is promoted, and the sovereign integrity of the nation is safeguarded.

A concession granted by the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) is required to build, operate and exploit rail transport services and provide public rail transport service. Only Mexican companies may obtain such a concession. A permit granted by the SCT is required to provide ancillary services;

to build accesses, crossings and marginal facilities on the railroad right-of-way; the installation of advertisements and advertising signs on the right-of-way; and the construction and operation of bridges over railroad tracks. Only Mexican nationals and Mexican

Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a permit.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Land Transport

Industry Classification: CMAP 973101 Management Service of Passenger Trucking Stations and Auxiliary Services (limited to truck terminals and truck and bus stations)

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Article 10-03) Most Favoured Nation Treatment (Article 10-04) Local Presence (Article 10-05)

Level of Government: Federal


Ley de Caminos, Puentes y Autotransporte Federal, Title I, Chapter III.

Reglamento para el Aprovechamiento del Derecho de Vía de las Carreteras Federales y Zonas Aledañas, Chapters II and IV

Reglamento de Autotransporte Federal y Servicios Auxiliares, Chapter I.

Description: Cross-border trade in services

A permit granted by the Ministry of Communications and Transport is required to establish or operate a bus or truck station or terminal. Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a permit.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Land Transport

Industry Classification: CMAP 973102 Servicio de Administración de Caminos, Puentes y Servicios Auxiliares (Roads, Bridges and Auxiliary Services Administration Service)

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Article 10-03) Local Presence (Article 10-05)

Level of Government: Federal


Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, Article 32

Ley de Caminos, Puentes y Autotransporte Federal, Title I, Chapter III

Description: Cross-border trade in services

Concession granted by the Ministry of Communications and Transport is required to provide road, bridge and auxiliary services administration services. Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a concession.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Land Transport

Industry Classification:

CMAP 711201 Construction materials motor transport service.

CMAP 711202 Motor transportation services of moving goods

CMAP 711203 Other Specialized Freight Trucking Services

CMAP 711204 General Freight Forwarding Services CMAP 711204 General Freight Forwarding Services

CMAP 711311 Foreign Passenger Bus Transportation Service

CMAP 711318 School and Tourist Transport Service (limited to tourist transport services)

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Articles 10-03 and 13-03) Most Favoured Nation Treatment (Article 10-04) Local Presence (Article 10-05)

Level of Government: Federal


Foreign Investment Law, Title I, Chapter II

Ley de Caminos, Puentes y Autotransporte Federal, Titulo I, Capítulos I y III (Law on Roads, Bridges and Federal Motor Transport, Title I, Chapters I and III)

Reglamento de Autotransporte Federal y Servicios Auxiliares, Chapter I.

As qualified by the element Description

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services and Investment

Investors of the other Party or their investments may not participate, directly or indirectly, in the capital of enterprises established or to be established in the territory of Mexico that provide domestic cargo transportation services between points in the territory of Mexico, except for parcel and courier services.

A permit issued by the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) is required to provide passenger transport services, tourist transport services or cargo transport services to or from the territory of Mexico. Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a permit.

A permit issued by the SCT is required to provide inter-city passenger transport services, tourist transport services or international cargo transport services between points in the territory of Mexico.

Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a permit.

Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies with a foreigner exclusion clause, using equipment registered in Mexico that has been built in Mexico or legally imported and with drivers who are Mexican nationals may provide domestic cargo services between points in the territory of Mexico.

A permit from the SCT is required to provide courier and parcel services. Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies may obtain such a permit.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Rail Transport Services

Industry Classification: CMAP 711101 Railway Transportation Services (limited to rail crew)

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Article 10-03)

Level of Government: Federal

Measures: Federal Labour Law, Title VI, Chapter V

Description: Cross-border trade in services

Railway crew members must be Mexican nationals.

Reduction schedule: None

Sector: Transport

Subsector: Land Transport

Industry classification:

CMAP 711312 Urban and Suburban Bus Passenger Transport Service.

CMAP 711315 Motor carriage service by rowing cars

CMAP 711316 Fixed Route Motor Transport Service

CMAP 711317 On-Site Motor Car Service

CMAP 711318 School and Tourist Transportation Service (limited to School Transportation Service)

Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Articles 10-03 and 13-03)

Level of Government: Federal


Law on Foreign Investment, Title I, Chapter II

Ley de Vías Generales de Comunicación, Book I, Chapters I and II

Ley de Caminos Puentes y Autotransporte Federal, Title I, Chapter III

Reglamento de Autotransporte Federal y Servicios Auxiliares, Chapter I.

Description: Cross-border trade in services and investment.

Only Mexican nationals and Mexican companies with foreign exclusion clause may provide urban and suburban passenger bus transport, school bus services, taxi, roulette and other collective transport services.

Reduction schedule: None

List of Uruguay

Sector: All sectors



Type of Reservation: National Treatment (Articles 10-03 and 13-03) Local Presence (Article 10-05)

Performance Requirements (Article 13-07) Senior Executives and Boards of Directors (Article 13-08)

Level of government: Central

  • Article   1-01 Establishment of the Free Trade Zone. 1
  • Article   1-02 Objectives. 1
  • Article   1-03 Relationship with other Treaties and International Agreements. 1
  • Article   1-04 Compliance with the Treaty. 1
  • Article   1-05 Succession of Treaties. 1
  • Article   1-06 Petroleum. 1
  • Article   1-07 Automotive Sector. 1
  • Article   2-01 General Definitions. 1
  • Annex 2-01  Country-Specific Definitions 1
  • Section   A Definitions and Scope 1
  • Article   3-01 Definitions 1
  • Section   B National Treatment 1
  • Article   3-02 National Treatment. 1
  • Section   C Tariffs 1
  • Article   3-03 Tariff Elimination. 1
  • Article   3-04 Customs Valuation. 1
  • Article   3-05 Temporary Importation of Goods. 1
  • Article   3-06 Duty-free Import for Some Commercial Samples and Printed Advertising Materials. 1
  • Article   3-07 Goods Reimported or Re-exported after Having Been Repaired or Altered. 1
  • Section   D Non-Tariff Measures 1
  • Article   3-08 Import and Export Restrictions. 1
  • Article   3-09 Elimination of Performance Requirements. 2
  • Article   3-10 Export Taxes. 2
  • Article   3-11 International Obligations. 2
  • Article   3-12 Export Subsidies on Non-agricultural Goods. 2
  • Article   3-13 Export Subsidies on Agricultural Goods. 2
  • Article   3-14 Internal Support. 2
  • Section   E Consultations 2
  • Article   3-15 Committee on Trade In Goods. 2
  • Article   3-16 Provision of Information and Consultations. 2
  • Chapter   IV REGIME OF ORIGIN 2
  • Article   4-01 Definitions and Terms 2
  • Article   4-02 Instruments of Application and Interpretation. 2
  • Article   4-03 Originating Goods. 2
  • Article   4-04 Value of Regional Content. 2
  • Article   4-05 Value of Materials. 3
  • Article   4-06 De Minimis. 3
  • Article   4-07 Intermediate Materials. 3
  • Article   4-08 Accumulation. 3
  • Article   4-09 Expendable Property and Materials. 3
  • Article   4-10 Sets or Assortments. 3
  • Article   4-11 Indirect Materials. 3
  • Article   4-12 Accessories, Spare Parts and Tools. 3
  • Article   4-13 Retail Containers and Packaging Materials. 3
  • Article   4-14 Containers and Packing Materials for Shipment. 3
  • Article   4-15 Non-origin Conferring Transactions and Practices. 3
  • Article   4-16 Proceedings Conducted Outside the Territories of the Parties. 3
  • Article   4-17 Shipment, Transportation and Transit of Goods. 3
  • Article   4-18 Committee on Rules of Origin and Customs Procedures. 3
  • Article   5-01 Definitions and Terms. 3
  • Article   5-02 Declaration and Certification of Origin. 3
  • Article   5-03 Obligations with Respect to Imports. 3
  • Article   5-04 Obligations with Respect to Exports. 3
  • Article   5-05 Exceptions. 3
  • Article   5-06 Accounting Records. 4
  • Article   5-07 Operations Invoiced by Third Party Operators. 4
  • Article   5-08 Procedures to Verify Origin. 4
  • Article   5-09 Confidentiality. 4
  • Article   5-10 Anticipated Resolutions. 4
  • Article   5-11 Penalties. 4
  • Article   5-12 Review and Challenge. 4
  • Article   5-13 Uniform Regulations. 4
  • Article   5-14 Cooperation. 4
  • Annex 5-01  Customs Authority 4
  • Chapter   VI SAFEGUARDS 4
  • Article   6-01 Definitions. 4
  • Article   6-02 General Provisions. 4
  • Article   6-03 Global Safeguards. 4
  • Article   6-04 Criteria for the Adoption of a Global Safeguard Measure. 4
  • Article   6-05 Bilateral Safeguards. 4
  • Article   6-06 Provisional Bilateral Safeguard. 4
  • Article   6-07 Procedures Relating to the Application of Global or Bilateral Safeguards Measures. 4
  • Article   6-08 Investigation. 4
  • Article   6-09 Determination of Serious Injury or Threat of Serious Injury. 5
  • Article   6-10 Access to Information. 5
  • Article   6-11 Confidential Information. 5
  • Article   6-12 Transparency. 5
  • Article   6-13 Public Hearings. 5
  • Article   6-14 Publication 5
  • Article   6-15 Review of the Decision of the Competent Authority. 5
  • Article   6-16 Compensation. 5
  • Article   6-17 Notification. 5
  • Article   6-18 Consultations. 5
  • Article   6-19 Extension. 5
  • Annex 6-01  Competent Authority 5
  • Article   7-01 Definitions. 5
  • Article   7-02 General Provisions. 5
  • Article   7-03 Determination of the Existence of Dumping or Subsidies. 5
  • Article   7-04 Export Subsidies. 5
  • Article   7-05 National Legislation. 5
  • Article   7-06 Procedure. 5
  • Article   7-07 Publication. 5
  • Article   7-08 Notifications and Deadlines. 5
  • Article   7-09 Contents of the Resolutions. 5
  • Article   7-10 Review of Countervailing Duties. 5
  • Article   7-11 Validity of the Measures. 5
  • Article   7-12 Technical Information Meetings. 5
  • Article   7-13 Hearings. 5
  • Article   7-14 Public Hearings. 5
  • Article   7.15 Access to Information. 5
  • Article   7-16 Confidential Information. 6
  • Article   7-17 Transparency. 6
  • Article   7-18 Establishment of Countervailing Duties. 6
  • Article   7-19 New Exporter Procedure. 6
  • Article   7-20 Imports from Third Countries. 6
  • Article   7-21 Clarification Procedure. 6
  • Article   7-22 Reimbursement or Reimbursement. 6
  • Annex 7-01  Competent Authority 6
  • Annex 7-01.1  Official media outlets 6
  • Article   8-01 General Provisions. 6
  • Article   8-02 Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 6
  • Article   8-03 Equivalence. 6
  • Article   8-04 Risk Assessment. 6
  • Article   8-05 Recognition of Pest or Disease Free Areas. 6
  • Article   8-06 Sanitary Inspections and Verifications. 6
  • Article   8-07 Phytosanitary Certification and Verification. 6
  • Article   8-08 Food Safety. 6
  • Article   8-09 Transparency. 6
  • Article   8-10 Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 6
  • Article   8-11 Settlement of Disputes. 6
  • Article   9-01 Definitions. 6
  • Article   9-02 General Provision. 6
  • Article   9-03 Scope of Application. 6
  • Article   9-04 Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 6
  • Article   9-05 Compatibility and Equivalence. 6
  • Article   9-06 Evaluation of Potential Damages. 6
  • Article   9-08 Notification, Publication and Delivery of Information. 6
  • Article   9-09 Technical Cooperation. 6
  • Article   9-10 Limitations on the Provision of Information. 6
  • Article   9-11 Bilateral Meetings. 6
  • Article   10-01 Definitions. 7
  • Article   10-02 Scope of Application. 7
  • Article   10-03 National Treatment. 7
  • Article   10-04 Most Favored Nation Treatment. 7
  • Article   10-05 Local Presence. 7
  • Article   10-06 Reservations and Exceptions. 7
  • Article   10-07 Non-discriminatory Quantitative Restrictions. 7
  • Article   10-08 Future Liberalization. 7
  • Article   10-09 Procedures. 7
  • Article   10-10 National Regulations. 7
  • Article   10-11 Granting of Licenses and Certificates. 7
  • Article   10-12 Denial of Benefits. 7
  • Article   11-01 Definitions. 7
  • Article   11-02 Scope of Application and Extent of Obligations. 7
  • Article   11-03 Access to and Use of Public Networks and Telecommunication Services. 7
  • Article   11-04 Conditions for the Provision of Enhanced or Value-added Services. 7
  • Article   11-05 Measures Relating to Standardization. 8
  • Article   11-06 Anti-competitive Practices. 8
  • Article   11-07 Relationship with International Organizations and Agreements. 8
  • Article   11-08 Technical Cooperation and other Consultations. 8
  • Article   11-09 Transparency. 8
  • Article   12-01 Definitions. 8
  • Article   12-02 General Principles 8
  • Article   12-03 General Obligations. 8
  • Article   12-04 Authorization for Temporary Entry. 8
  • Article   12-05 Provision of Information. 8
  • Article   12-06 Committee on Temporary Entry. 8
  • Article   12-07 Settlement of Disputes. 8
  • Article   12-08 Relationship with other Chapters. 8
  • Annex 12-04  Temporary entry of business persons 8
  • Section   A Business Visitors 8
  • Section   B Merchants and Investors 8
  • Section   C Transfers of Personnel Within a Company 8
  • Chapter   D Professionals 8
  • Chapter   XIII INVESTMENT 8
  • Section   A Definitions 8
  • Article   13-01 Definitions 8
  • Section   B Investment 9
  • Article   13-02 Scope of Application. 9
  • Article   13-03 National Treatment. 9
  • Article   13-04 Most Favored Nation Treatment. 9
  • Article   13-05 Level of Treatment. 9
  • Article   13-06 Minimum Standard of Treatment. 9
  • Article   13-07 Performance Requirements. 9
  • Article   13-08 Senior Executives and Boards of Directors. 9
  • Article   13-09 Reservations and Exceptions. 9
  • Article   13-10 Transfers. 9
  • Article   13-11 Expropriation and Compensation. 9
  • Article   13-12 Special Formalities and Information Requirements. 9
  • Article   13-13 Relationship with other Chapters. 9
  • Article   13-14 Denial of Benefits. 9
  • Section   C Dispute Settlement between a Party and an Investor of Another Party . 9
  • Article   13-15 Objective. 9
  • Article   13-16 Claim by a Party's Investor for Its Own Account for Damages Suffered by Itself. 9
  • Article   13-17 Claim by an Investor of a Party on Behalf of an Enterprise for Damages Suffered by an Enterprise of the other Party That Is a Juridical Person Owned or Controlled Directly or Indirectly by the Investor.  9
  • Article   13-18 Settlement of a Claim Through Consultation and Negotiation. 9
  • Article   13-19 Notice of Intention to Submit Claim to Arbitration. 9
  • Article   13-20 Submission of the Claim to Arbitration. 9
  • Article   13-21 Conditions for Submitting a Claim to Arbitration. 9
  • Article   13-22 Consent to Arbitration. 9
  • Article   13-23 Number of Arbitrators and Method of Appointment. 10
  • Article   13-24 Integration of the Tribunal In the Event That a Party Fails to Appoint an Arbitrator or the Disputing Parties Fail to Agree on the Appointment of the Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal. 10
  • Article   13-25 Consent to the Appointment of Arbitrators. 10
  • Article   13-26 Joinder of Proceedings. 10
  • Article   13-27 Notification. 10
  • Article   13-28 Participation of a Party. 10
  • Article   13-29 Documentation. 10
  • Article   13-30 Place of Arbitration Proceedings. 10
  • Article   13-31 Applicable Law. 10
  • Article   13-32 Interpretation of Annexes. 10
  • Article   13-33 Expert Opinions. 10
  • Article   13-34 Provisional Measures of Protection. 10
  • Article   13-35 Final Award. 10
  • Article   13-36 Finality and Enforcement of the Award. 10
  • Article   13-37 General Provisions. 10
  • Article   13-38 Exclusions. 10
  • Annex 13-06.1  Minimum Standard of Treatment Under international Law 10
  • Annex 13-37.2  Delivery of documents to a Party in accordance with Section C 10
  • Article   Annex 13-37.4 Publication of Awards 10
  • Article   Annex 13-38.2 Exclusions from Dispute Resolution Provisions 10
  • Article   14-01 Definitions 10
  • Article   14-02 Competition Legislation. 10
  • Article   14-03 State Monopolies. 10
  • Article   14-04 State-Owned-Enterprises. 10
  • Article   14-05 Trade and Competition Committee. 11
  • Section   A Definitions and General Provisions 11
  • Article   15-01 Definitions. 11
  • Article   15-02 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights 11
  • Article   15-03 Relationship with other Intellectual Property Conventions. 11
  • Article   15-04 National Treatment. 11
  • Article   15-05 Most Favored Nation Treatment. 11
  • Article   15-06 Control of Abusive or Anticompetitive Practices and Conditions. 11
  • Article   15-07 Cooperation to Eliminate Trade In Infringing Goods. 11
  • Section   B Copyright Article 11
  • Article   15-08 Copyright. 11
  • Article   15-09 Performers. 11
  • Article   15-10 Producers of Phonograms. 11
  • Article   15-11 Protection of Program-carrying Satellite Signals. 11
  • Article   15-12 Powers Conferred on the Parties with Respect to Copyright and Related Rights. 11
  • Article   15-13 Duration of Copyright and Related Rights. 11
  • Section   C Trademarks 11
  • Article   15-14 Subject Matter of Protection. 11
  • Article   15-15 Rights Conferred. 11
  • Article   15-16 Well-known Trademarks. 11
  • Article   15-17 Exceptions. 11
  • Article   15-18 Duration of Protection. 11
  • Article   15-19 Requirement of Use of the Mark. 11
  • Article   15-20 Other Requirements. 11
  • Article   15-21 Licenses and Assignment of Trademarks. 11
  • Section   D Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin 11
  • Article   15-22 Protection of Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin. 11
  • Section   E Patents 11
  • Article   15-23 Patentable Subject Matter. 11
  • Article   15-24 Rights Conferred. 11
  • Article   15-25 Exceptions. 11
  • Article   15-26 Other Uses without Authorization of the Right Holder. 11
  • Article   15-27 Nullity or Forfeiture. 11
  • Article   15-28 Evidence In Cases of Infringement of Patented Processes. 11
  • Article   15-29 Duration of Protection. 11
  • Section   F Utility Models 11
  • Article   15-30 Protection of Utility Models. 11
  • Section   G Industrial Designs 11
  • Article   15-31 Conditions for Protection. 11
  • Article   15-32 Duration of Protection. 11
  • Article   15-33 Rights Conferred. 11
  • Section   H Protection of Plant Breeders' Rights 11
  • Article   15-34 Protection of Plant Breeders' Rights 11
  • Section   I Protection of Undisclosed Information 11
  • Article   15-35 Protection of Industrial and Business Secrets. 11
  • Section   J Control of Anticompetitive Practices In Contractual Licenses 12
  • Article   15-36 Control of Anticompetitive Practices In Contractual Licenses. 12
  • Section   K Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. 12
  • Article   15-37 General Obligations. 12
  • Article   15-38 Fair and Equitable Procedures. 12
  • Article   15-39 Tests. 12
  • Article   15-40 Injunctions. 12
  • Article   15-41 Damages. 12
  • Article   15-42 Other Resources. 12
  • Article   15-43 Right to Information. 12
  • Article   15-44 Indemnification of Defendant. 12
  • Article   15-45 Administrative Proceedings. 12
  • Article   15-46 Provisional Measures. 12
  • Section   L Special Requirements Relating to Border Measures 12
  • Article   15-47 Suspension of Customs Clearance by Customs Authorities. 12
  • Article   15-48 Claim. 12
  • Article   15-49 Surety or Equivalent Guarantee. 12
  • Article   15-50 Notification of Suspension. 12
  • Article   15-51 Duration of Suspension. 12
  • Article   15-52 Indemnification of the Importer and the Owner of the Goods. 12
  • Article   15-53 Right of Inspection and Information. 12
  • Article   15-54 Ex Officio Action. 12
  • Article   15-55 Resources. 12
  • Article   15-56 Insignificant Imports. 12
  • Section   M Criminal Provisions 12
  • Article   15-57 Criminal Proceedings. 12
  • Section   N Final Provisions 12
  • Article   15-58 Application of the Rules of this Chapter. 12
  • Chapter   XVI TRANSPARENCY 12
  • Article   16-01 Information Center. 12
  • Article   16-02 Publication. 12
  • Article   16-03 Notification and Provision of Information. 12
  • Article   17-01 Administrative Commission. 12
  • Article   17-02 Secretariat. 12
  • Annex 17-01.1  Officers of the Administrative Commission 12
  • Annex 17-01.2  Committees 12
  • Annex 17-02  Remuneration and Expenses Payment 12
  • Article   18-01 Scope of Application. 12
  • Article   18-02 Dispute Settlement Under the WTO Agreement. 12
  • Article   18-03 Consultations. 12
  • Article   18-04 Request for the Establishment of an Arbitral Tribunal. 12
  • Article   18-05 Integration of the Arbitral Tribunal.  Arbitrators. 12
  • Article   18-06 Qualifications of the Arbitrators. 12
  • Article   18-07 Role of the Arbitral Tribunal. 13
  • Article   18-08 Consolidation of Procedures. 13
  • Article   18-09 Rules of Procedure. 13
  • Article   18-10 Award of the Arbitral Tribunal. 13
  • Article   18-11 Adoption of the Award of the Arbitral Tribunal. 13
  • Article   18-12 Compliance with the Award of the Arbitral Tribunal. 13
  • Article   18-13 Noncompliance - Suspension of Benefits. 13
  • Article   18-14 Special Arbitral Tribunal. 13
  • Article   18-15 Emergency Situations - Perishable Products. 13
  • Article   18-16 Encouragement of Arbitration. 13
  • Annex 18-01  Nullification and impairment 13
  • Chapter   XIX EXCEPTIONS 13
  • Article   19-01 Definitions 13
  • Article   19-02 General Exceptions. 13
  • Article   19 National Security. Nothing In this Agreement Shall Be Construed to Mean: 13
  • Article   19-03 Exceptions to the Disclosure of Confidential Information. 13
  • Article   19-04 Taxation. 13
  • Article   19-05 Balance of Payments. 13
  • Annex 19-05  Competent authorities 13
  • Chapter   XX FINAL PROVISIONS 13
  • Article   20-01 Annexes 13
  • Article   20-02 Amendments 13
  • Article   20-03 Entry Into Force. 13
  • Article   20-04 Future Negotiations - Public Sector Procurement and Financial Services. 13
  • Article   20-05 Reservations. 13
  • Article   20-06 Accession. 13
  • Article   20-07 Denunciation. 13
  • Article   20-08 Treaty Revision Clause. 13
  • Article   20-09 Repeals and Transitory Provisions. 13
  • Annex I  Reservations and Exceptions 13
  • Interpretative Notes 13
  • List of Mexico 14
  • List of Uruguay 19