China - Korea, Republic FTA (2015)
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Insurance and insurance-related services

(a) Direct insurance (including co-insurance):

(i) life,

(ii) non-life;

(b) Reinsurance and retrocession; (c) Insurance intermediation, such as brokerage and agency; and

(d) Services auxiliary to insurance, such as consultancy, actuarial, risk assessment, and claim settlement services.

Banking and other financial services (excluding insurance)

(e) Acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds from the public;

(f) Lending of all types, including consumer credit, mortgage credit, factoring, and financing of commercial transactions;

(g) Financial leasing;

(h) All payment and money transmission services, including credit, charge and debit cards, traveller's cheques, and bankers drafts;

(i) Guarantees and commitments;

(j) Trading for own account or for account of customers, whether on an exchange, in an over-the-counter market, or otherwise, the following:

(i) money market instruments (including cheques, bills, certificates of deposits);

(ii) foreign exchange;

(iii) derivative products including, but not limited to, futures and options;

(iv) exchange rate and interest rate instruments, including products such as swaps, forward rate agreements;

(v) transferable securities; and

(vi) other negotiable instruments and financial assets, including bullion;

(k) Participation in issues of all kinds of securities, including underwriting and placement as agent (whether publicly or privately) and provision of services related to such issues;

(l) Money broking;

(m) Asset management, such as cash or portfolio management, all forms of collective investment management, pension fund management, custodial, depository, and trust services;

(n) Settlement and clearing services for financial assets, including securities, derivative products, and other negotiable instruments;

(o) Provision and transfer of financial information, and financial data processing and related software by suppliers of other financial services; and

(p) Advisory, intermediation, and other auxiliary financial services on all the activities listed in subparagraphs (e) through (o), including credit reference and analysis, investment and portfolio research and advice, advice on acquisitions and on corporate restructuring and strategy;

financial service supplier means any natural or juridical person of a Party wishing to supply or supplying financial services but the term "financial service supplier" does not include a public entity;

measures means any measure by a Party, whether in the form of a law, regulation, rule, procedure, decision, administrative action, or any other form taken by:

(i) central or local governments and authorities; and

(ii) non-governmental bodies in the exercise of powers delegated by central or local governments or authorities;

supply of a financial service means the supply of a service:

(i) from the territory of a Party into the territory of the other Party;

(ii) in the territory of a Party by a person of that Party to a person of the other Party;

(iii) by a financial service supplier of a Party, through commercial presence in the territory of the other Party; or

(iv) by a financial service supplier of a Party, through presence of natural persons of a Party in the territory of the other Party;

public entity means a government, a central bank or monetary authority of a Party, or an entity owned or controlled by a Party, that is principally engaged in carrying out governmental functions or activities for governmental purposes, not including an entity principally engaged in supplying financial services on commercial terms; or a private entity, performing functions normally performed by a central bank or monetary authority, when exercising those functions.

Chapter 10. Telecommunications

Article 10.1. Scope

1. This Chapter shall apply to measures adopted or maintained by a Party affecting trade in telecommunications services.

2. Except to ensure that enterprises operating broadcast stations and cable systems have continued access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services, this Chapter shall not apply to any measure relating to broadcast or cable distribution of radio or television programming.

3. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to:

(a) require a Party to compel any enterprise to establish, construct, acquire, lease, operate, or provide telecommunications networks or services not offered to the public generally; or

(b) require a Party to compel any enterprise exclusively engaged in the broadcast or cable distribution of radio or television programming to make available its broadcast or cable facilities as a public telecommunications network.

4. Nothing in this Chapter shall be interpreted as creating additional commitments other than those under Annex 8-A (Schedule of Specific Commitments) of Chapter 8 (Trade in Services).

Article 10.2. Relation to other Chapters

In the event of any inconsistency between this Chapter and another Chapter, this Chapter shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Section A. Access to and Use of Public Telecommunications Networks or Services

Article 10.3. Access and Use

1. Each Party shall ensure that service suppliers of the other Party have access to and use of any public telecommunications network or service, including leased circuits, offered in its territory or across its borders on a timely basis, and on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including as set out in paragraphs 2 through 6.

2. Each Party shall ensure that service suppliers of the other Party are permitted to:

(a) purchase or lease, and attach terminal or other equipment that interfaces with a public telecommunications network;

(b) provide services to individual or multiple end-users over owned or leased circuits;

(c) connect owned or leased circuits with public telecommunications networks or services in the territory, or across the borders, of that Party, or with circuits leased or owned by another service supplier;

(d) perform switching, signalling, processing, and conversion functions; and

(e) use operating protocols of their choice in the supply of any service.

3. Each Party shall ensure that service suppliers of the other Party may use public telecommunications networks or services for the movement of information in its territory or across its borders in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Party, including for intra-corporate communications, and for access to information contained in databases or otherwise stored in machine-readable form in the territory of either Party or any non-Party which is a party to the WTO Agreement.

4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, a Party may take such measures as are necessary to:

(a) ensure the security and confidentiality of messages; and

(b) protect personal information of end-users of public telecommunications networks or services, provided that such measures are not applied in a manner that would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade in services.

5. Each Party shall ensure that no condition is imposed on access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services, other than as necessary to:

(a) safeguard the public service responsibilities of suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services, in particular their ability to make their networks or services available to the public generally; or

(b) protect the technical integrity of public telecommunications networks or services. 6. Provided that they satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph 5, conditions for access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services may include: (a) a requirement to use specified technical interfaces, including interface protocols, for interconnection with such networks or services;

(b) requirements, where necessary, for the inter-operability of such networks or services; and

(c) type approval of terminal or other equipment which interfaces with the network and technical requirements relating to the attachment of such equipment to such networks.

Section B. Obligations Relating to Interconnection Provided by Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Networks or Services

Article 10.4. Interconnection

1. (a) Each Party shall ensure that suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services in its territory provide, directly or indirectly, interconnection with suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party, which have obtained licenses in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Party. The rates, terms and conditions of such interconnection will generally be determined through commercial negotiation between the service suppliers concerned, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Party.

(b) In carrying out subparagraph (a), each Party shall ensure that suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services in its territory take reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information of, or relating to, suppliers and end-users of public telecommunications networks or services and only use such information for the purpose of providing these services.

2. Each Party shall ensure that major suppliers in its territory provide interconnection for the facilities and equipment of suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party, which have obtained licenses in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Party:

(a) at any technically feasible point in the major supplier's network;

(b) under non-discriminatory terms, conditions (including technical standards and specifications) and rates;

(c) of a quality no less favourable than that provided by the major supplier for its own like services, for like services of non-affiliated service suppliers, or for its subsidiaries or other affiliates;

(d) in a timely fashion, and on terms and conditions (including technical standards and specifications), and at cost-oriented rates, that are transparent, reasonable, having regard to economic feasibility, and sufficiently unbundled so that the suppliers seeking interconnection need not pay for network components or facilities that they do not require for the service to be provided; and

(e) on request, at points in addition to the network termination points offered to the majority of users, subject to charges that reflect the cost of construction of necessary additional facilities.

3. Each Party shall ensure that suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party may interconnect their facilities and equipment with those of major suppliers in its territory in accordance with at least one of the following options:

(a) a reference interconnection offer or another standard interconnection offer containing the rates, terms, and conditions that the major supplier offers generally to suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services;

(b) the terms and conditions of an existing interconnection agreement; or

(c) a negotiation of a new interconnection agreement.

4. Each Party shall ensure that applicable procedures for interconnection negotiations with major suppliers in its territory are made publicly available.

5. Each Party shall ensure that major suppliers in its territory may be required to file interconnection agreements with the Party's telecommunications regulatory body.

6. Each Party shall ensure, where interconnection is provided under paragraph 3(a), that the rates, terms and conditions are made publicly available.

Article 10.5. Submarine Cable Systems

Where a supplier of telecommunications networks or services operates a submarine cable system to provide public telecommunications networks or services, the Party in whose territory the supplier is located shall ensure that such supplier accords the suppliers of public telecommunication networks or services of the other Party reasonable and non-discriminatory treatment with respect to access (23) to that submarine cable system (including landing facilities) in its territory, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Party.

(23) For greater certainty: 1) access to submarine cable landing facilities is subject to capacity; and 2) with respect to access for suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party that do not own facilities in the territory of the Party, a Party may comply with this provision by ensuring access to submarine cable systems through facilities leased from, or public telecommunications services provided by, a supplier of public telecommunications networks or services licensed in its territory.

Section C. Additional Obligations Relating to Major Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Networks or Services

Article 106. Competitive Safeguards

1. Each Party shall maintain appropriate measures for the purposes of preventing suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services that, alone or together, are a major supplier in its territory from engaging in or continuing anti-competitive practices.

2. The anti-competitive practices referred to in paragraph 1 include, in particular:

(a) engaging in anti-competitive cross-subsidisation;

(b) using information obtained from competitors with anti-competitive results;

(c) not making available, on a timely basis, to suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services, technical information about essential facilities and commercially relevant information that are necessary for them to provide services; and

(d) pricing services in a manner that is likely to unreasonably restrict competition, including predatory pricing.

Article 10.7. Independent Regulatory Bodies

1. Each Party shall ensure that its telecommunications regulatory body is separate from and functionally independent of any supplier of public telecommunications networks or services. To this end, each Party shall ensure that its telecommunications regulatory body does not own equity (24) or maintain an operating or management role in any such supplier.

2. Each Party shall ensure that the decisions and procedures of its telecommunications regulatory body are impartial with respect to all market participants (25) and shall be made and implemented on a timely basis.

(24) For greater certainty, this paragraph shall not prohibit a government entity of a Party other than the telecommunications regulatory body from owning equity in a supplier of telecommunications services.
(25) For greater certainty, the term "market participants" includes service suppliers seeking to participate in the telecommunications market.

Article 10.8. Universal Service

Each Party shall administer any universal service obligation that it maintains in a transparent, non-discriminatory, and competitively neutral manner and shall ensure that its universal service obligation is not more burdensome than necessary for the kind of universal service that it has defined.

Article 10.9. Licensing Process

1. When a Party requires a supplier of public telecommunications networks or services to have a licence, the Party shall make publicly available:

(a) all the licensing criteria and procedures it applies;

(b) the period it normally requires to reach a decision concerning an application for a licence; and

(c) the terms and conditions of all licences in effect.

2. Each Party shall ensure that, on request, an applicant receives the reasons for the denial of, revocation of, refusal to renew, or imposition of conditions on, a licence.

Article 10.10. Allocation and Use of Scarce Telecommunications Resources

1. Each Party shall administer its procedures for the allocation and use of scarce telecommunications resources, including frequencies, numbers, and rights-of-way, in an objective, timely, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner.

2. Each Party shall make publicly available the current state of allocated frequency bands related to telecommunication service (especially public telecommunication service), but shall not be required to provide detailed identification of frequencies allocated or assigned for specific government uses.

3. For greater certainty, a Party's measures allocating and assigning spectrum and managing frequency are not measures that are per se inconsistent with Chapters 8 (Trade in Services) and 12 (Investment). Accordingly, each Party shall retain the right to establish and apply spectrum and frequency management policies that may have the effect of limiting the number of suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services, provided that it does so in a manner consistent with other provisions of this Agreement. This includes the ability to allocate frequency bands, taking into account current and future needs.

4. Each Party shall endeavour to allocate and assign spectrum for non-government telecommunications services in a transparent manner that considers the overall public interest, including the encouragement of the economically efficient use of the spectrum and competition among suppliers of telecommunications services, recognising that a Party may encourage such activities through a variety of means, including through administrative incentive pricing, auctions, unlicensed use, or inviting for bidding, etc.

Article 10.11. Enforcement

1. Each Party shall provide its telecommunications regulatory body with the authority to enforce the Party's measures relating to the obligations in Articles 10.3 through 10.6.

2. Such authority shall include the ability to impose, or seek from administrative or judicial bodies, effective sanctions, which may include financial penalties, or revocation of licences, etc.

Article 10.12. Resolution of Telecommunications Disputes

Further to Articles 18.3 (Administrative Proceedings) and 18.4 (Review and Appeal), each Party shall ensure that:


(a) (i) suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services may have recourse to a telecommunications regulatory body or other relevant body of the Party in its territory to resolve disputes between suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services on a timely basis regarding measures relating to matters in Articles 10.3 through 10.6;

(ii) suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party, which have obtained licenses in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Party, that have requested interconnection with a major supplier in the Party's territory may have recourse, within a reasonable and publicly specified period after the supplier requests interconnection, to a telecommunications regulatory body or other relevant body to resolve disputes regarding the terms, conditions, and rates for interconnection with such major supplier; and

 Judicial Review

(b) any service supplier whose legally-protected interests are adversely affected by a determination or decision of the Party's telecommunications regulatorybody may obtain review of the determination or decision by an impartial and independent judicial authority of the Party according to the laws of the Party. Neither Party shall permit the making of an application for judicial review to constitute grounds for non-compliance with the determination or decision of the telecommunications regulatory body, unless the relevant judicial body otherwise determines.

Article 10.13. Transparency

Further to Article 18.1 (Publication), each Party shall ensure that:

(a) regulatory decisions, including the basis for such decisions, of its telecommunications regulatory body are promptly published or otherwise made available to all interested persons;

(b) its measures relating to public telecommunications networks or services are made publicly available, including:

(i) tariffs and other terms and conditions of service;

(ii) specifications of technical interfaces;

(iii) conditions for attaching terminal or other equipment to public telecommunications networks;

(iv) licensing requirements and other related measures, if any;

(v) the amendment and adoption of measures concerning technologies or standards affecting access and use; and

(vi) procedures relating to judicial or administrative review; and

(c) each Party shall ensure that its telecommunications regulatory body or other relevant body provides, on the request by a supplier of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party, a written explanation of reasons for any decision that denies access of the kind specified in Article 10.4.

Article 10.14. Measures Concerning Technologies and Standards  (26)

1. Neither Party shall prevent suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services or value-added services from having the flexibility to choose the technologies that they use to supply their services.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, a Party may apply a measure that limits the technologies or standards that a supplier of public telecommunications networks or services or value-added services may use to supply its services, provided that the measure is designed to satisfy a legitimate public policy objective and is not prepared, adopted or applied in a manner that creates unnecessary obstacles to trade. (27)

(26) For greater certainty, except for paragraph 1, this Article shall not apply to measures adopted before the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
(27) For greater certainty: 1) a Party retains the right to define its own legitimate public policy objectives; and 2) whenever such a measure is based on relevant international standards, it shall be rebuttably presumed not to create unnecessary obstacles to trade.

Article 10.15. Consultation with Industry

Each Party shall facilitate consultation with suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services of the other Party operating in its territory in the development of telecommunications policy, regulations and standards.

Article 10.16. International Roaming Rates

The Parties shall encourage their respective telecommunications service suppliers to reduce the wholesale rates for international mobile roaming between the Parties, with a view to reducing international mobile roaming rates.

Article 10.17. Relation to International Organisations

The Parties recognise the importance of international standards for global compatibility and inter-operability of telecommunications networks and services and undertake to promote such standards through the work of relevant international organisations, including the International Telecommunication Union and the International Organization for Standardization.

Section E. Definitions

Article 10.18. Definitions

For the purposes of this Chapter:

commercial mobile services means public telecommunications services supplied through mobile wireless means;

cost-oriented means based on cost, and may include a reasonable profit, and may involve different cost methodologies for different facilities or services;

end-user means a final consumer of or subscriber to a public telecommunications service, including a service supplier other than a supplier of public telecommunications services;

essential facilities means facilities of a public telecommunications network or service that:

(a) are exclusively or predominantly provided by a single or limited number of suppliers; and

(b) cannot feasibly be economically or technically substituted in order to provide a service;

  • Chapter   1 Initial Provisions and Definitions 1
  • Section   A Initial Provisions 1
  • Article   1.1 Establishment of a Free Trade Area 1
  • Article   1.2 Objectives 1
  • Article   1.3 Relation to other Agreements 1
  • Article   1.4 Extent of Obligations 1
  • Article   1.5 Territorial Application 1
  • Section   B Definitions 1
  • Article   1.6 Definitions 1
  • Chapter   2 National Treatment and Market Access for Goods 1
  • Section   A Common Provisions 1
  • Article   2.1 Scope and Coverage 1
  • Article   2.2 Definitions 1
  • Section   B National Treatment 1
  • Article   2.3 National Treatment 1
  • Section   C Reduction or Elimination of Customs Duties 1
  • Article   2.4 Reduction or Elimination of Customs Duties 1
  • Article   2.5 Standstill 1
  • Section   D Special Regimes 1
  • Article   2.6 Temporary Admission of Goods 1
  • Article   2.7 Duty-free Entry of No Commercial Value Articles That Are for Advertising Purposes or to Be Used as Samples 1
  • Section   E Non-Tariff Measures  (3) 1
  • Article   2.8 Import and Export Restrictions 1
  • Article   2.9 Import Licensing 1
  • Article   2.10 Administrative Fees and Formalities 1
  • Article   2.11 State Trading Enterprises 2
  • Article   2.12 Trade Related Non-tariff Measures 2
  • Article   2.13 Establishment of Working Group 2
  • Article   2.14 Tariff Rate Quota (trq) Administration 2
  • Article   2.15 Designation of Testing Laboratories 2
  • Section   F : Institutional Provisions 2
  • Article   2.16 Committee on Trade In Goods 2
  • Chapter   3 Rules of Origin and Origin Implementation Procedures 2
  • Section   A Rules of Origin 2
  • Article   3.1 Definitions 2
  • Article   3.2 Originating Goods 2
  • Article   3.3 Treatment of Certain Goods 2
  • Article   3.4 Goods Wholly Obtained or Produced 2
  • Article   3.5 Regional Value Content 2
  • Article   3.6 Accumulation 2
  • Article   37 Minimal Operations or Processes 2
  • Article   3.8 De Minimis 2
  • Article   3.9 Fungible Materials 2
  • Article   3.10 Neutral Elements 2
  • Article   3.11 Sets 2
  • Article   3.12 Packing Materials and Containers 2
  • Article   3.13 Accessories, Spare Parts and Tools 2
  • Article   3.14 Direct Transport 2
  • Section   B Origin Implementation Procedures 2
  • Article   3.15 Certificate of Origin 2
  • Article   3.16 Authorized Body 3
  • Article   3.17 Claims for Preferential Tariff Treatment 3
  • Article   3.18 Post-importation Preferential Tariff Treatment 3
  • Article   3.19 Exemption of Obligation of Submitting Certificate of Origin 3
  • Article   3.20 Record Keeping Requirements 3
  • Article   3.21 Minor Discrepancies and Errors 3
  • Article   3.22 Non-party Invoice 3
  • Article   3.23 Verification of Origin 3
  • Article   3.24 Confidentiality 3
  • Article   3.25 Denial of Preferential Tariff Treatment 3
  • Article   3.26 Transitional Provision for Goods In Transit or Storage 3
  • Article   3.27 Electronic Origin Data Exchange System 3
  • Article   3.28 Sub-committee on Rules of Origin 3
  • Chapter   4 Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation 3
  • Article   4.1 Definitions 3
  • Article   4.2 Scope and Objectives 3
  • Article   4.3 Facilitation 3
  • Article   4.4 Consistency 3
  • Article   4.5 Transparency 3
  • Article   4.6 Customs Valuation 3
  • Article   4.7 Tariff Classification 3
  • Article   4.8 Customs Cooperation 3
  • Article   4.9 Review and Appeal 3
  • Article   4.10 Advance Rulings 3
  • Article   4.11 Penalties 3
  • Article   4.12 Use of Automated Systems 3
  • Article   4.13 Risk Management 3
  • Article   4.14 Release of Goods 3
  • Article   4.15 Express Shipments 4
  • Article   4.16 Post Clearance Audit 4
  • Article   4.17 Confidentiality 4
  • Article   4.18 Consultation 4
  • Article   4.19 Committee on Customs 4
  • Chapter   5 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 4
  • Article   5.1 Objectives 4
  • Article   5.2 Scope and Definitions 4
  • Article   5.3 Reaffirmation of the Sps Agreement 4
  • Article   5.4 Technical Cooperation 4
  • Article   5.5 Committee on the SPS Measures 4
  • Article   5.6 Non-application of Dispute Settlement 4
  • Chapter   6 Technical Barriers to Trade 4
  • Article   6.1 Objectives 4
  • Article   6.2 Scope and Definitions 4
  • Article   6.3 Affirmation of the Tbt Agreement 4
  • Article   6.4 Standards 4
  • Article   6.5 Technical Regulations 4
  • Article   6.6 Conformity Assessment Procedures 4
  • Article   6.7 Transparency 4
  • Article   6.8 Cooperation 4
  • Article   6.9 Consumer Product Safety 4
  • Article   6.10 Implementing Arrangements 4
  • Article   6.11 Marking and Labeling 4
  • Article   6.12 Measures at the Border 4
  • Article   613 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade 4
  • Article   6.14 Information Exchange 5
  • Article   6.15 Non-application of Dispute Settlement 5
  • Chapter   7 Trade Remedies 5
  • Section   A Safeguard Measures 5
  • Article   7.1 Application of a Safeguard Measure 5
  • Article   7.2 Conditions and Limitations 5
  • Article   7.3 Provisional Measures 5
  • Article   7.4 Compensation 5
  • Article   7.5 Global Safeguard Measures 5
  • Article   7.6 Definitions 5
  • Section   B Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties 5
  • Article   7.7 General Provisions 5
  • Article   7.8 Notification and Consultations 5
  • Article   7.9 Undertakings 5
  • Article   7.10 Verification 5
  • Article   7.11 Public Hearing 5
  • Article   7.12 Investigation after Termination Resulting from a Review 5
  • Article   7.13 Cumulative Assessment 5
  • Article   7.14 De-minimis Standard Applicable to New Shipper Review 5
  • Section   C Committee on Trade Remedies 5
  • Article   7.15 Committee on Trade Remedies 5
  • Chapter   8 Trade In Services 5
  • Article   8.1 Definitions 5
  • Article   8.2 Scope 5
  • Article   8.3 Market Access 6
  • Article   8.4 National Treatment 6
  • Article   8.5 Additional Commitments 6
  • Article   8.6 Schedule of Specific Commitments 6
  • Article   8.7 Domestic Regulation 6
  • Article   8.8 Transparency 6
  • Article   89 Recognition 6
  • Article   8.10 Payments and Transfers 6
  • Article   8.11 Denial of Benefits 6
  • Article   8.12 Monopolies and Exclusive Service Suppliers 6
  • Article   8.13 Subsidies 6
  • Article   8.14 Committee on Trade In Services 6
  • Article   8.15 Business Practices 6
  • Article   8.16 Contact Points 6
  • Chapter   9 Financial Services 6
  • Article   9.1 Scope and Coverage 6
  • Article   9.2 National Treatment 6
  • Article   9.3 Market Access for Financial Institutions 6
  • Article   9.4 Treatment of Certain Information 6
  • Article   9.5 Prudential Carve Out 6
  • Article   9.6 Transparency  (20) 6
  • Article   9.7 Payment and Clearing Systems 6
  • Article   9.8 Recognition of Prudential Measures 6
  • Article   9.9 Specific Commitments  (22) 6
  • Article   9.10 Committee on Financial Services 6
  • Article   9.11 Consultations 6
  • Article   9.12 Dispute Settlement 6
  • Article   9.13 Prior Consultation for Investment Disputes In Financial Services 6
  • Article   9.14 Definitions 6
  • Chapter   10 Telecommunications 7
  • Article   10.1 Scope 7
  • Article   10.2 Relation to other Chapters 7
  • Section   A Access to and Use of Public Telecommunications Networks or Services 7
  • Article   10.3 Access and Use 7
  • Section   B Obligations Relating to Interconnection Provided by Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Networks or Services 7
  • Article   10.4 Interconnection 7
  • Article   10.5 Submarine Cable Systems 7
  • Section   C Additional Obligations Relating to Major Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Networks or Services 7
  • Article   106 Competitive Safeguards 7
  • Article   10.7 Independent Regulatory Bodies 7
  • Article   10.8 Universal Service 7
  • Article   10.9 Licensing Process 7
  • Article   10.10 Allocation and Use of Scarce Telecommunications Resources 7
  • Article   10.11 Enforcement 7
  • Article   10.12 Resolution of Telecommunications Disputes 7
  • Article   10.13 Transparency 7
  • Article   10.14 Measures Concerning Technologies and Standards  (26) 7
  • Article   10.15 Consultation with Industry 7
  • Article   10.16 International Roaming Rates 7
  • Article   10.17 Relation to International Organisations 7
  • Section   E Definitions 7
  • Article   10.18 Definitions 7
  • Chapter   11 Movement of Natural Persons 8
  • Article   11.1 Definitions 8
  • Article   11.2 General Principles 8
  • Article   11.3 General Obligations 8
  • Article   11.4 Visa Facilitation 8
  • Article   11.5 Grant of Temporary Entry 8
  • Article   11.6 Transparency 8
  • Article   11.7 Committee on Movement of Natural Persons 8
  • Article   11.8 Dispute Settlement 8
  • Article   11.9 Relation to other Chapters 8
  • Section   A China’s Specific Commitments 8
  • Section   B Korea’s Specific Commitments 8
  • Chapter   12 Investment 9
  • Article   12.1 Definitions 9
  • Article   12.2 Promotion and Protection of Investments 9
  • Article   12.3 National Treatment 9
  • Article   12.4 Most-favored-nation Treatment 9
  • Article   12.5 Minimum Standard of Treatment  (35) 9
  • Article   12.6 Access to the Courts of Justice 9
  • Article   12.7 Prohibition of Performance Requirements 9
  • Article   12.8 Transparency 9
  • Article   12.9 Expropriation and Compensation  (37) 9
  • Article   12.10 Transfers 9
  • Article   12.11 Subrogation 9
  • Article   12.12 Settlement of Investment Disputes between a Party and an Investor of the other Party 9
  • Article   12.13 Special Formalities and Information Requirements 9
  • Article   12.14 Security Exceptions 9
  • Article   12.15 Denial of Benefits 10
  • Article   12.16 Environmental Measures 10
  • Article   12.17 Committee on Investment 10
  • Article   12.18 Services-investment Linkage  (44) 10
  • Article   12.19 Contact Points for Improving Investment Environment 10
  • Annex 12-B  EXPROPRIATION 10
  • Annex 12-C  TRANSFERS 10
  • Chapter   13 Electronic Commerce 10
  • Article   13.1 General 10
  • Article   13.2 Relation to other Chapters 10
  • Article   13.3 Customs Duties  (46) 10
  • Article   13.4 Electronic Authentication and Electronic Signatures 10
  • Article   13.5 Protection of Personal Information In Electronic Commerce 10
  • Article   13.6 Paperless Trading 10
  • Article   13.7 Cooperation on Electronic Commerce 10
  • Article   13.8 Definitions 10
  • Article   13.9 Non-application of Dispute Settlement 10
  • Chapter   14 Competition 10
  • Article   14.1 Objectives 10
  • Article   14.2 Competition Laws and Authorities 10
  • Article   14.3 Principles In Law Enforcement 10
  • Article   14.4 Transparency 10
  • Article   14.5 Application of Competition Laws 10
  • Article   14.6 Cooperation In Law Enforcement 10
  • Article   14.7 Notification 10
  • Article   14.8 Consultation 10
  • Article   14.9 Exchange of Information 10
  • Article   14.10 Technical Cooperation 10
  • Article   14.11 Independence of Competition Law Enforcement 10
  • Article   14.12 Dispute Settlement 10
  • Article   1413 Definitions 10
  • Chapter   15 Intellectual Property Rights 11
  • Section   A General Provisions 11
  • Article   151 Objectives 11
  • Article   15.2 General Principles 11
  • Article   15.3 International Agreements 11
  • Article   15.4 More Extensive Protection 11
  • Article   15.5 Intellectual Property and Public Health 11
  • Section   B Copyright and Related Rights 11
  • Article   15.6 Protection of Copyright and Related Rights 11
  • Article   15.7 Broadcasting and Communication to the Public 11
  • Article   15.8 Protection of Technological Measures 11
  • Article   15.9 Protection of Rights Management Information 11
  • Article   15.10 Limitations and Exceptions 11
  • Section   C Trademarks 11
  • Article   15.11 Trademarks Protection 11
  • Article   15.12 Exceptions to Trademarks Rights 11
  • Article   15.13 Well-known Trademarks 11
  • Article   15.14 Registration and Applications of Trademarks 11
  • Section   D Patents and Utility Model 11
  • Article   15.15 Patents Protection 11
  • Article   15.16 Utility Model 11
  • Section   E Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore 11
  • Article   15.17 Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore 11
  • Section   F Plant Variety Protection 11
  • Article   15.18 Plant Variety Protection 11
  • Section   G Undisclosed Information 11
  • Article   15.19 Undisclosed Information 11
  • Section   H Industrial Designs 11
  • Article   15.20 Industrial Designs 11
  • Section   I Acquisition and Maintenance of Intellectual Property Rights 11
  • Article   15.21 Acquisition and Maintenance of Intellectual Property Rights 11
  • Section   J Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights 11
  • Article   15.22 General Obligation 11
  • Article   15.23 Presumption of Authorship or Ownership 11
  • Article   15.24 Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies 11
  • Article   15.25 Provisional Measures 11
  • Article   15.26 Special Requirements Related to Border Measures 11
  • Article   15.27 Criminal Procedures and Remedies 12
  • Article   15.28 Measures Against Repetitive Copyright Infringements on the Internet 12
  • Article   15.29 Request for Information on the Alleged Infringer 12
  • Article   15.30 Cooperation 12
  • Article   15.31 Committee on Intellectual Property Rights 12
  • Chapter   16 Environment and Trade 12
  • Article   16.1 Context and Objectives 12
  • Article   16.2 Scope 12
  • Article   16.3 Levels of Protection 12
  • Article   16.4 Multilateral Environmental Agreements 12
  • Article   16.5 Enforcement of Environmental Measures Including Laws and Regulations 12
  • Article   16.6 Environmental Impact 12
  • Article   16.7 Bilateral Cooperation 12
  • Article   16.8 Institutional and Financial Arrangement 12
  • Article   16.9 Non-application of Dispute Settlement 12
  • Chapter   17 Economic Cooperation 12
  • Section   A General Provisions 12
  • Article   17.1 Objectives 12
  • Article   17.2 Methods and Means 12
  • Article   17.3 Non-application of Dispute Settlement 12
  • Article   17.4 Committee on Economic Cooperation 12
  • Section   B Agro-Fisheries Cooperation 12
  • Article   17.5 Food Security 12
  • Article   176 Fisheries Cooperation 12
  • Article   17.7 Forestry 12
  • Section   C Industrial Cooperation 12
  • Article   17.8 Steel Cooperation 12
  • Article   17.9 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Cooperation 12
  • Article   17.10 Information and Communications Technology Cooperation 12
  • Article   17.11 Cooperation In Textile 13
  • Article   17.12 Contact Points 13
  • Section   D Government Procurement 13
  • Article   17.13 Objectives 13
  • Article   17.14 Transparency 13
  • Article   17.15 Exchange of Information 13
  • Article   17.16 Contact Points 13
  • Article   17.17 Further Negotiation 13
  • Section   E Other Areas for Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.18 Energy and Resources Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.19 Science and Technology Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.20 Maritime Transport Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.21 Tourism Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.22 Outbound Tourist Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.23 Cultural Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.24 Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.25 Local Economic Cooperation 13
  • Article   17.26 China-korea Industrial Complexes/parks 13
  • Article   17.27 Contact Points 13
  • Chapter   18 Transparency 13
  • Article   18.1 Publication 13
  • Article   18.2 Notification and Provision of Information 13
  • Article   18.3 Administrative Proceedings 13
  • Article   18.4 Review and Appeal 13
  • Chapter   19 Institutional Provisions 13
  • Article   19.1 Joint Commission 13
  • Article   19.2 Functions of the Joint Commission 13
  • Article   19.3 Rules of Procedure of the Joint Commission 13
  • Article   19.4 Committees and other Bodies 13
  • Article   19.5 Contact Points 14
  • Chapter   20 Dispute Settlement 14
  • Article   20.1 Cooperation 14
  • Article   20.2 Scope 14
  • Article   20.3 Choice of Forum 14
  • Article   20.4 Consultations 14
  • Article   20.5 Good Offices, Conciliation or Mediation 14
  • Article   20.6 Establishment of Panel 14
  • Article   20.7 Composition of Panel 14
  • Article   20.8 Functions of Panel 14
  • Article   20.9 Rules of Procedure 14
  • Article   20.10 Suspension or Termination of Panel Proceedings 14
  • Article   20.11 Panel Report 14
  • Article   20.12 Implementation of the Final Report of the Panel 14
  • Article   20.13 Reasonable Period of Time 14
  • Article   20.14 Compliance Review 14
  • Article   20.15 Suspension of Concessions or other Obligations 14
  • Article   20.16 Post Suspension 14
  • Article   20.17 Private Rights 14
  • Annex 20-A  RULES OF PROCEDURE 14
  • Chapter   21 Exceptions 15
  • Article   211 General Exceptions 15
  • Article   21.2 Essential Security 15
  • Article   21.3 Taxation 15
  • Article   21.4 Disclosure of Information 15
  • Article   21.5 Measures to Safeguard the Balance of Payments 15
  • Chapter   22 Final Provisions 15
  • Article   22.1 Annexes, Appendices and Footnotes 15
  • Article   22.2 Amendments 15
  • Article   22.3 Amendment of the Wto Agreement 15
  • Article   224 Entry Into Force and Termination 15
  • Article   22.5 Accession 15
  • Article   22.6 Authentic Text 15