Article 17.12. Cooperation In the Matter of Quality, Productivity, Innovation, and Technological Development
Each Party shall promote the cooperation to improve the institutional capacities and the competitiveness of the micro, small-and-medium enterprises in the fields of quality, productivity, innovation, and technological development, considering, but not limited to, the following topics:
(a) technological strengthening for testing laboratories and industrial metrology;
(b) assistance for updating academic curricula of technical careers (middle level education, technical education, and higher education);
(c) support with internships related to the fields of quality and productivity, technological innovation, and development, for private enterprises, academic and public sector employees; and
(d) strengthen the capacities of human resources of the public sector, in fields related to quality, productivity, innovation, and technological development.
Article 17.13. Ministerial Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation
1. The Parties hereby establish the Ministerial Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation ("the Committee"), comprising the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Economic Affairs or their designees for the Republic of China (Taiwan); the Ministro de Economía or its designee in the case of the Republic of El Salvador; and the Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de Industria y Comercio or its designee in the case of the Republic of Honduras.
2. The Committee shall have the following functions:
(a) promote activities that foster cooperation;
(b) review in a timely and expeditious manner, any matter of mutual interest that the Parties decide to consider;
(c) follow up the cooperation programs included in this Chapter; and
(d) create, in addition to what has been established in this Chapter, the instruments and technical mechanisms to support its implementation and solve the differences that might arise in its prosecution.
3. The Parties agree that in the meetings of the Committee, the representatives of their corresponding private sectors may participate, prior to consultations among them on this matter and by mutual agreement.
4. The Committee will meet within the first year following the entry into force of this Agreement and, unless otherwise agreed, annually, thereafter alternatively in the Republic of China (Taiwan) or in the Republics of El Salvador or Honduras, in order to review the implementation of this Chapter and its progress, as well as to consider the status of the cooperation activities developed under this Chapter. Upon request by one of the Parties, extraordinary meetings of the Committee may be convened.
5. The chairmanship of the Committee shall be alternated annually among the Parties, and all the decisions will be adopted by consensus.
Article 17.14. Points of Contact
1. The Parties shall designate points of contact in order to implement the decisions adopted by the Committee, as well as for following up the cooperation programs agreed upon by the Committee for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of this Chapter. The points of contact will be able to make publicly available the cooperation activities carried out according to this Chapter.
2. The designation of these points of contact must be notified between the Parties within three (3) months after this Agreement enters into force.
Article 17.15. Work Plan
The Parties shall develop a work plan that reflects the national priorities regarding cooperation activities to be agreed by the Committee. The work plan may include short, medium, and long term activities. The Committee shall also be in charge of supervising the effective implementation of this work plan.
Chapter 18. Final Provisions
Article 18.01. Modifications
1. Any modification to this Agreement shall require the agreement of all Parties.
2. When so agreed, and approved in accordance with the applicable legal procedures of each Party, a modification or addition shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 18.02. Reservations
No Party may enter a reservation in respect of any provision of this Agreement without the written consent of the other Parties.
Article 18.03. Entry Into Force
This Agreement shall have indefinite duration and shall enter into force between the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Republic of El Salvador and the Republic of Honduras on the thirtieth (30th) day after they have respectively exchanged their corresponding instruments of ratification certifying that the procedures and legal formalities have been concluded, unless the Parties agree otherwise.
Article 18.04. Annexes, Appendices and Footnotes
The annexes, appendices and footnotes to this Agreement constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 18.05. Withdrawal
1. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in force for the other Parties, provided that the Republic of China (Taiwan) is not the withdrawing Party.
2. A withdrawal shall become effective one hundred eighty (180) days after the Party provides written notice to the other Party, unless the Parties agree on a different period.
Article 18.06. Authentic Texts
The English, Spanish and Chinese texts of this Agreement are equally authentic. In case of discrepancies in the interpretation of the text, the English version shall be used as reference.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE at San Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, in triplicate in the Chinese, English and Spanish languages, on this seventh day of May of the year two thousand and seven. For the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan): Steve Ruey-Long Chen Minister of Economic Affairs For the Government of the Republic of El Salvador: Yolanda Mayora de Gavidia Ministra de Economía For the Government of the Republic of Honduras: Miriam Elizabeth Azcona Bocock Secretaria de Estado en los Despachos de Industria y Comercio As witnesses of honor: Elías Antonio Saca Gonzalez José Manuel Zelaya Rosales President of the Republic of El Salvador President of the Republic of Honduras