China - Nicaragua FTA (2023)
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Article 22.4. Termination

1. This Agreement shall remain in force unless either Party notifies the other Party in writing to terminate this Agreement. Such termination shall take effect 180 days after the date of receipt of the notification.

2. Within 30 days of notification under paragraph 1, either Party may request consultations regarding whether the termination of any provision of this Agreement should take effect on a later date than provided under paragraph 1. Such consultations shall commence within 30 days from the delivery of such request to the other Party.

Article 22.5. Relation to the Early Harvest Arrangement

As of the entry into force of this Agreement, in the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of the Early Harvest Arrangement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.

Article 22.6. Authentic Texts

This Agreement is done in duplicate in Chinese, Spanish and English languages. All texts shall be equally authentic. In case of any divergence, the English text shall prevail.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE in Beijing and Managua, on the thirty first day of August in the year of two thousand and twenty three, each Party shall keep one copy in Chinese, Spanish and English languages.


Annex I. Cross-Border Trade in Services and Investment Non-Conforming Measures


Explanatory Notes

1. The Schedule of China to this Annex sets out, pursuant to Articles 11.10 (Non- Conforming Measures) and Articles 8.6 (Non-Conforming Measures), China’s existing measures that are not subject to some or all of the obligations imposed by:

(a) Article 11.2 (National Treatment) or Article 8.2 (National Treatment);

(b) Article 11.3 (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) or Article 8.3 (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment);

(c) Article 11.8 (Performance Requirements);

(d) Article 11.9 (Senior Management and Boards of Directors);

(e) Article 8.4 (Market Access); or

(f) Article 8.5 (Local Presence).

2. Each Schedule entry sets out the following elements:

(a) Sector refers to the sector for which the entry is made;

(b) Obligations Concerned specifies the article(s) referred to in paragraph 1 that, pursuant to Articles 11.10.1(a) (Non-Conforming Measures) and Articles 8.6.1(a) (Non-Conforming Measures), do not apply to the non-conforming aspects of the Measures or the Description, as set out in paragraph 3;

(c) Level of Government indicates the level of government maintaining the scheduled measure(s);

(d) Measures (1) identifies the laws, regulations, or other measures for which the entry is made. A measure cited in the Measures element:

(i) means the measure as amended, continued or renewed as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement ; and

(ii) includes any subordinate measure adopted or maintained under the authority of and consistent with the measure;

(e) Description sets out the non-conforming aspects of the measure for which the entry is made.

3. In accordance with Article 11.10.1(a) (Non-Conforming Measures) and Article 8.6.1(a) (Non-Conforming Measures), and subject to Article 11.10.1(c) (Non-Conforming Measures) and Article 8.6.1(c) (Non-Conforming Measures), the articles of this Agreement specified in the Obligations Concerned element of an entry do not apply to the non-conforming aspects of the Description element, or the law, regulation, or other measure, as applicable, identified in the Measures element of that entry.

4. In the interpretation of a Schedule entry, all elements of the entry, as well as the articles against which the entry is made, shall be considered. Unless otherwise explicitly indicated in the entry, the Measures element shall prevail over all other elements, including where a difference exists between the Description element and the Measures element in the aspect of liberalization commitments.

5. Where there is overlap between the contents of Annex I and Annex II, notwithstanding the obligations a Party assumes under Article 11.10.1, and Article 8.6.1 and Annex I, the Party remains entitled to adopt or maintain relevant measures in accordance with Article 11.10.2, Article 8.6.2 and Annex II.

6. For greater certainty, unless otherwise specified, “all sectors” referred to in this Annex shall mean all sectors including financial services.

7. For the purposes of the Schedules of China to this Annex:

(a) “foreign investor” means any investor of the other Party or a non-Party.

(b) “foreign investor may not invest” means a foreign investor may not directly or indirectly invest, including by holding any shares, stock or other forms of rights or interest directly or indirectly, in the territory of China.

(c) “Chinese control” means the circumstances where the total investment proportion held by foreign investors, whether directly and indirectly, is not greater than 49%.

(d) “EJV” means investments may be made only in the form of equity joint venture.

8. For greater certainty, with respect to a reservation concerning the supply of a service, if the means of delivery is not specified or otherwise described or limited, the reservation shall apply to all means of delivery of the service.

(1) For greater certainty, in the case of China, a change in the level of government at which a measure is administered or enforced does not, by itself, decrease the conformity of the measure with the obligations referred to in Article 11.10.1 and Article 8.6.1.

Annex I Entry 1 – Seed Industry

Sector: Seed Industry

Obligations Concerned:

National Treatment (Article 11.2)

Level of Government


Measures: Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021),Article 1, 2, 3.

Description: Investment

1. Foreign investor may not invest in the research and development, cultivation or planting of the precious and quality varieties which are rare and special in China, and the production of the relevant reproductive materials thereof (including high quality genes in the industries of crop production, livestock industry and aquaculture ).

2. Chinese control is required for investments by foreign investors in the selection and breeding of new varieties of wheat and corn and seed production of wheat and corn.

3. Foreign investors may not invest in the selection and breeding of transgenic varieties of crops, livestock and poultry raised for breeding purpose, seeds and sprouts of aquatic products, and the production oftheir transgenic seeds (sprouts).

Annex I Entry 2–Fishery

Sector: Fishery/Services Incidental to Fishing

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2 and Article 8.2) Most Favored Nation Treatment (Article 8.3)

Level of Government:  Central

Measures: Fisheries Law of People’ s Republic of China (2013), full text;

Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf (1998);

Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (1992), Article 11;

Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021), Article 4;

Interim Provisions on the Administration of Fishery Activities of

Foreigners and Foreign Ships in the Territorial Sea of the People's Republic of China(2004).

Description: Investment and Cross-border Trade in Services

1. Foreign investors may not invest in the fishing of aquatic products within the sea and inland waters under the jurisdiction of China.

2. Foreigners and foreign fishing vessels must obtain approval from Chinese government before entering the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China for carrying out fishery activities. If those persons and vessels belong to countries that have signed relevant accords or agreements with China, their activities shall be conducted in accordance with those accords or agreements.

Annex I Entry 3 –Exploration and Exploitation of Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf

Sector: Exploration and Exploitation of Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf

Obligations Concerned:  National Treatment (Article 11.2)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf (1998), Article 7.

Description: Investment

Any international organization, foreign entity or individual must obtain approval from Chinese government for carrying out activities of exploring and exploiting natural resources in the exclusive economic zone of China or on the Chinese continental shelf, or drilling on the Chinese continental shelf for any purpose.

Annex I Entry 4 –Exploration, Exploitation and Smelting of Minerals

Sector: Exploration, Exploitation and Smelting of Minerals

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2)

Level of Government:  Central

Measures: The State Council Notice on Tungsten, Tin, Antimony, Ion Type Rare Earth Minerals Being Listed as Nation-wide Protective Specific Minerals for Mining (1991), Article 2 (Indicative Translation);

Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021), Article 5.

Description: Investment

Foreign investors may not invest in the exploration, exploitation or ore dressing of rare earth and tungsten.

Annex I Entry 5–Printing of Publications

Sector: Printing of Publications

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2 )

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Regulations on the Administration of Printing Industry (2017), Article 14;

Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021),Article 6.

Description: Investment

Chinese control is required for investment (excluding those in free trade pilot zones) by foreign investors in the printing of publications.

Annex I Entry 6–Government-granted Monopoly

Sector: Government-granted Monopoly/Services related to Government-granted Monopoly

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2 and Article 8.2) Market Access (Article 8.4)

Level of Government:  Central

Measures: Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly (2015) , Article 1,2 and 3;

Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021),Article 9;

Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly (2016).

Description: Investment and Cross-border Trade in Services

Foreign investors or foreign service suppliers may not invest or engage in the production, whole sale, retail or import and export of leaf tobacco, cigarettes, re-dried leaf tobacco, cigars, cut tobacco and other tobacco products (1).

(1) For the purpose of this entry, “tobacco products” refer to products entirely or partly made of the leaf tobacco as raw material, which are manufactured to be used for smoking, sucking, chewing or snuffing, including electronic cigarettes and other new-type tobacco products.

Annex I Entry 7–Postal and Delivery Services

Sector: Postal and Delivery Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2 and Article 8.2) Market Access (Article 8.4) Local Presence (Article 8.5)

Level of Government:  Central

Measures: Postal Law of the People's Republic of China (2015), Article 5, 14, 15, 42, 51, 52, 55, 84;

Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Universal Postal Services(2015),Article 21;

Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021),Article 13.

Description: Investment and Cross-border Trade in Services

1. Foreign investors or foreign service suppliers may not invest in postal enterprises (1) or operate postal services (2).

2. Foreign investors or foreign service suppliers may not invest or engage in the operation of domestic express delivery service (3) for correspondence (4).

3. Only the corporate legal person established in China is allow to operate delivery service within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

(1) For the purpose of this entry, “postal enterprise(s)” refer to the China Post Group and its wholly owned and/or controlled enterprises that provide postal services.
(2) For the purpose of this entry, “postal services” refer to postal services supplied by a postal enterprise, including mail delivery, postal remittance, stamp issuance, issuance of newspapers and magazines required by the government, post office counter services, P.O. box leasing services, and poste restante services.
(3) For the purpose of this entry, “domestic express delivery service” refers to express delivery service in which the entire process from the acceptance of mail to delivery occurs within the territory of China.
(4) For the purpose of this entry, “correspondence” refers to letters or postcards. The term “letter” refers to a sealed information carrier delivered in an envelope to a specific individual or entity according to the name and address indicated thereon, excluding books, newspapers, periodicals, etc.

Annex I Entry 8 –Telecommunication Services

Sector: Telecommunication Services

Obligations Concerned: Investment and CBTS National Treatment (Article 11.2 and Article 8.2) Market Access (Article 8.4) Local Presence (Article 8.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Telecommunication Regulation of the People's Republic of China (2016), Article 10;

Administrative Provisions on Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprise (Revised in 2022);

Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for the Access of Foreign Investment (2021),Article 14;

Management Measures on Telecommunication Business License (2017);

Measures on the Administration of International Communication Accesses(2002);

Radio Regulation of the People's Republic of China(2016);

Measures for the Administration of Internet Domain Names (2017);

Notice of the Telecommunications Administration Bureau of Ministry

of Information and Industry on Further Standardizing the Market of Satellite Communication Business(2001).

Description: Investment and Cross-border Trade in Services

1. Foreign investors may not invest in the international communication facility service, satellite communication service, cluster communication service, network access facilities service,

network trusteeship service, domestic communication facilities

service (excluding domestic private-line circuit lease services), internet data center service, content delivery network service, internet access service and domestic internet virtual private network services.

2. For fixed communication service, cellular mobile communication service, data communication service, IP telephone service or domestic private line leasing service, the shareholding percentage of that foreign investor may not exceed 49% (the foregoing services may be provided on the basis of facilities). For online data processing and transaction processing services (E-commerce not included), code and protocol conversion services, radio paging services and information services the shareholding percentage of that foreign investor may not exceed 50%.

3. China adopts a licensing system for telecommunications business. Only companies established in the territory of China in accordance with the law, after obtaining a telecommunication business license, may be engaged in telecommunications business.

4. The provision of international communications service within the territory of China shall only be conducted through international communications accesses (ICAs). The establishment of an ICA shall be applied by a wholly state-owned telecommunication business operator, who shall undertake the operation and maintenance of the ICA, and be approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

5. Foreign investors or foreign service suppliers shall not conduct radio wave parameter testing or radio wave monitoring within the territory of China.

6. To establish a domain name root server or a domain name root server operating institution, domain name registry or domain name registrar within the territory of China, the corresponding license issued by the telecommunications administrations shall be obtained.

7. Foreign satellite companies providing lease services for satellite transponders within the territory of China shall, in advance, complete the work of coordination with China's satellite network and so on, lease satellite transponders to domestic satellite companies qualified to operate lease services for satellite transponders in China or to user entities authorized by the Chinese government, and then domestic satellite companies sublease the satellite transponders to domestic user entities. Domestic satellite companies are responsible for technical support, marketing, user service and user supervision. No foreign satellite companies may lease satellite transponders directly to domestic users without the approval of the Chinese government.

Annex I Entry 9 –Legal Services

Sector: Legal Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2 ) Senior Management and Board of Directors (Article 11.9) National Treatment (Article 8.2) Market Access (Article 8.4) Local Presence (Article 8.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Law Firms' Representative Offices in China (2001);

Provisions of the Ministry of Justice on the Execution of the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Law Firms' Representative Offices in China (2004);

  • Article   1.1 Establishment of a Free Trade Area 1
  • Article   1.2 Objectives 1
  • Article   1.3 Relation to other Agreements 1
  • Article   1.4 Geographical Applicability (1) 1
  • Article   1.5 General Definitions 1
  • Chapter   2 TRADE IN GOODS 1
  • Article   2.1 Scope 1
  • Article   2.2 National Treatment 1
  • Article   2.3 Elimination of Customs Duties 1
  • Article   2.4 Acceleration of Tariff Commitments 1
  • Article   2.5 Temporary Admission of Goods 1
  • Article   2.6 Import and Export Restrictions 1
  • Article   2.7 Tariff-Rate Quota 1
  • Article   2.8 Tariff-Rate Quota Administration 1
  • Article   2.9 Import Licensing Procedures 1
  • Article   2.10 Administrative Fees and Formalities 1
  • Article   2.11 Agricultural Export Subsidies 1
  • Article   2.12 Committee on Trade In Goods 1
  • Article   2.13 Definition 2
  • Section   A Rules of Origin 2
  • Article   3.1 Originating Goods 2
  • Article   3.2 Goods Wholly Obtained 2
  • Article   3.3 Regional Value Content 2
  • Article   3.4 De Minimis 2
  • Article   3.5 Accumulation 2
  • Article   3.6 Minimal Operations or Processes 2
  • Article   3.7 Fungible Materials 2
  • Article   3.8 Neutral Elements 2
  • Article   3.9 Packing, Packages and Containers 2
  • Article   3.10 Accessories, Spare Parts and Tools 2
  • Article   3.11 Sets 2
  • Article   3.12 Direct Consignment 2
  • Section   B Implementation Procedures 2
  • Article   3.13 Certificate of Origin 2
  • Article   3.14 Retention of Origin Documents 2
  • Article   3.15 Obligations Regarding Importations 2
  • Article   3.16 Refund of Import Customs Duties or Deposit 2
  • Article   3.17 Verification of Origin 2
  • Article   3.18 Denial of Preferential Tariff Treatment 3
  • Article   3.19 Third Country Invoicing 3
  • Article   3.20 Electronic Origin Data Exchange System 3
  • Article   3.21 Committee on Rules of Origin 3
  • Article   3.22 Contact Points 3
  • Article   3.23 Definitions 3
  • Article   4.1 Scope and Objectives 3
  • Article   4.2 Facilitation 3
  • Article   4.3 Customs Valuation 3
  • Article   4.4 Tariff Classification 3
  • Article   4.5 Customs Cooperation 3
  • Article   4.6 Transparency 3
  • Article   4.7 Advance Rulings 3
  • Article   4.8 Review and Appeal 3
  • Article   4.9 Penalties 3
  • Article   4.10 Application of Information Technology 3
  • Article   4.11 Risk Management 3
  • Article   4.12 Release of Goods 3
  • Article   4.13 Authorized Economic Operator 3
  • Article   4.14 Consultation 3
  • Article   4.15 Committee on Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation 3
  • Article   4.16 Definitions 3
  • Article   5.1 Objectives 3
  • Article   5.2 Scope and Definitions 3
  • Article   5.3 Affirmation 3
  • Article   5.4 Risk Analysis 3
  • Article   5.5 Regionalisation 3
  • Article   5.6 Equivalence 3
  • Article   5.7 Transparency 3
  • Article   5.8 Emergency Measures 3
  • Article   5.9 Technical Cooperation 3
  • Article   5.10 Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 4
  • Article   5.11 Contact Points and Competent Authorities 4
  • Article   6.1 Objectives 4
  • Article   6.2 Scope 4
  • Article   6.3 General Provision 4
  • Article   6.4 International Standards 4
  • Article   6.5 Technical Regulations 4
  • Article   6.6 Conformity Assessment Procedures 4
  • Article   6.7 Measures at the Border 4
  • Article   6.8 Transparency and Information Exchange 4
  • Article   6.9 Technical Consultations 4
  • Article   6.10 Cooperation 4
  • Article   6.11 Contact Point 4
  • Article   6.12 Definitions 4
  • Chapter   7 TRADE REMEDIES 4
  • Section   A Bilateral Safeguard Measures 4
  • Article   7.1 Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure 4
  • Article   7.2 Scope and Duration of Bilateral Safeguard Measures 4
  • Article   7.3 Investigation Procedures 4
  • Article   7.4 Provisional Measure 4
  • Article   7.5 Notification and Consultation 4
  • Article   7.6 Compensation 4
  • Article   7.7 Procedural Rules 4
  • Section   B Global Safeguards Measures 4
  • Article   7.8 General Provisions 4
  • Section   C Antidumping and Countervailing Duties 4
  • Article   7.9 General Provisions 4
  • Article   7.10 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 4
  • Section   D Definitions 4
  • Article   7.11 Definitions 4
  • Article   8.1 Scope 4
  • Article   8.2 National Treatment (5) 5
  • Article   8.3 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 5
  • Article   8.4 Market Access 5
  • Article   8.5 Local Presence 5
  • Article   8.6 Article 8.6: Non-Conforming Measures 5
  • Article   8.7 Transparency 5
  • Article   8.8 Domestic Regulation 5
  • Article   8.9 Recognition 5
  • Article   8.10 Payments and Transfers 5
  • Article   8.11 Denial of Benefits 5
  • Article   8.12 Public Telecommunications Services (10) 5
  • Article   Article 8.13: Definitions 5
  • Chapter   9 FINANCIAL SERVICES 5
  • Article   9.1 Scope and Coverage 5
  • Article   9.2 National Treatment (12) 5
  • Article   9.3 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 5
  • Article   9.4 Market Access for Financial Institutions 5
  • Article   9.5 Cross-Border Trade 5
  • Article   9.6 New Financial Services 5
  • Article   9.7 Treatment of Certain Information 5
  • Article   9.8 Senior Management and Boards of Directors 5
  • Article   9.9 Non-Conforming Measures 5
  • Article   9.10 Exceptions 6
  • Article   9.11 Transparency and Administration of Certain Measures 6
  • Article   9.12 Self-Regulatory Organisations 6
  • Article   9.13 Payment and Clearing Systems 6
  • Article   9.14 Transfers of Information and Processing of Information 6
  • Article   9.15 Recognition 6
  • Article   9.16 Financial Services Committee 6
  • Article   9.17 Supervisory Cooperation 6
  • Article   9.18 Consultations 6
  • Article   9.19 Article 9.19: Dispute Settlement 6
  • Article   9.20 Contact Points 6
  • Article   9.21 Definitions 6
  • Section   A CHINA (20) 6
  • Section   B NICARAGUA 6
  • Article   10.1 Objectives 6
  • Article   10.2 Scope 7
  • Article   10.3 Article 10.3: Expeditious Application Procedures 7
  • Article   10.4 Grant of Temporary Entry 7
  • Article   10.5 Transparency 7
  • Article   10.6 Contact Points 7
  • Article   10.7 Committee on Temporary Entry of Business Persons 7
  • Article   10.8 Cooperation 7
  • Article   10.9 Definitions 7
  • Section   A China’s Commitments 7
  • Section   B Nicaragua’s Commitments 7
  • Chapter   11 INVESTMENT 7
  • Section   A Investment 7
  • Article   11.1 Scope and Coverage 7
  • Article   11.2 National Treatment (25) 7
  • Article   11.3 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 7
  • Article   11.4 Minimum Standard of Treatment (26) 7
  • Article   11.5 Compensation for Losses 7
  • Article   11.6 Expropriation and Compensation (27) 7
  • Article   11.7 Transfers (28) 7
  • Article   11.8 Performance Requirements 7
  • Article   11.9 Senior Management and Boards of Directors 8
  • Article   11.10 Non-Conforming Measures 8
  • Article   11.11 Special Formalities and Information Requirements 8
  • Article   11.12 Subrogation 8
  • Article   11.13 Denial of Benefits 8
  • Article   11.4 Disclosure of Information 8
  • Article   11.5 Financial Services 8
  • Article   11.16 Taxation 8
  • Section   B Investor-State Dispute Settlement 8
  • Article   11.17 Consultations 8
  • Article   11.18 Submission of a Claim to Arbitration 8
  • Article   11.19 Consent of Each Party to Arbitration 8
  • Article   11.20 Conditions and Limitations on Consent of Each Party 8
  • Article   11.21 Constitution of the Tribunal 8
  • Article   11.22 Conduct of the Arbitration 8
  • Article   11.23 Governing Law 8
  • Article   11.24 Discontinuance 9
  • Article   11.25 Awards 9
  • Article   11.26 Expert Reports 9
  • Article   11.27 Service of Documents 9
  • Article   11.28 Definitions 9
  • Annex 11-B  EXPROPRIATION 9
  • Chapter   12 DIGITAL ECONOMY 9
  • Article   12.1 General Provisions 9
  • Article   12.2 Domestic Electronic Transactions Framework 9
  • Article   12.3 Electronic Signatures 9
  • Article   12.4 Online Consumer Protection 9
  • Article   12.5 Online Personal Data Protection 9
  • Article   12.6 Paperless Trading 9
  • Article   12.7 Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises 9
  • Article   12.8 Cooperation on Digital Economy 9
  • Article   12.9 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 10
  • Article   12.10 Definitions 10
  • Chapter   13 COMPETITION POLICIES 10
  • Article   13.1 Objectives and Principles 10
  • Article   13.2 Competition Laws and Authorities 10
  • Article   13.3 Implementation of Competition Laws 10
  • Article   13.4 Transparency 10
  • Article   13.5 Cooperation In Law Enforcement 10
  • Article   13.6 Information Exchange and Confidentiality (48) 10
  • Article   13.7 Technical Cooperation 10
  • Article   13.8 Consultations 10
  • Article   13.9 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 10
  • Article   13.10 Definitions 10
  • Article   14.1 Purposes and Principles 10
  • Article   14.2 Scope of Intellectual Property 10
  • Article   14.3 Obligations Are Minimum Obligations 10
  • Article   14.4 International Agreements 10
  • Article   14.5 Intellectual Property and Public Health 10
  • Article   14.6 Exhaustion 10
  • Article   14.7 Procedures on Acquisition and Maintenance 10
  • Article   14.8 Patentable Subject Matter 10
  • Article   14.9 Amendments, Corrections and Observations on Patent Applications 10
  • Article   14.10 Transparency 10
  • Article   14.11 Types of Signs as Trademarks 10
  • Article   14.12 Well-Known Trademarks 10
  • Article   14.13 Geographical Indications 10
  • Article   14.14 Plant Breeders’ Rights 10
  • Article   14.15 Copyrights 10
  • Article   14.16 Collective Management of Copyright 10
  • Article   14.17 Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore 10
  • Article   14.18 Enforcement 10
  • Article   14.19 Ex Officio Compliance at the Border 10
  • Article   14.20 Cooperation-General 10
  • Chapter   15 ENVIRONMENT AND TRADE 10
  • Article   15.1 Context 10
  • Article   15.2 Objectives 10
  • Article   15.3 Scope 10
  • Article   15.4 Levels of Protection 10
  • Article   15.5 Enforcement of Environmental Laws and Regulations 11
  • Article   15.6 Multilateral Environmental Agreements 11
  • Article   15.7 Review of Environmental Impact 11
  • Article   15.8 Cooperation 11
  • Article   15.9 Institutional Arrangements 11
  • Article   15.10 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 11
  • Article   16.1 Objectives 11
  • Article   16.2 Information Sharing 11
  • Article   16.3 Cooperation 11
  • Article   16.4 Contact Points 11
  • Article   16.5 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 11
  • Chapter   17 TRANSPARENCY 11
  • Article   17.1 Publication 11
  • Article   17.2 ^Notification and Provision of Information 11
  • Article   17.3 Incorporation 11
  • Article   17.4 Definitions 11
  • Chapter   18 ECONOMIC COOPERATION 11
  • Section   A General Provisions 11
  • Article   18.1 Objectives 11
  • Article   18.2 Methods and Means 11
  • Article   18.3 Scope 11
  • Article   18.4 Non-Application of Dispute Settlement 11
  • Section   B Areas of Cooperation 11
  • Article   18.5 Agricultural Cooperation 11
  • Article   18.6 Other Areas of Cooperation 11
  • Article   18.7 Cooperation In the Law-Based Internet Governance 11
  • Article   19.1 Disclosure and Confidentiality of Information 11
  • Article   19.2 General Exceptions 11
  • Article   19.3 Security Exceptions 11
  • Article   19.4 Taxation 11
  • Article   19.5 Review of Agreement 11
  • Article   19.6 Measures to Safeguard the Balance-of-Payments 11
  • Article   20.1 FTA Joint Commission 11
  • Article   20.2 Rules of Procedure of the FTA Joint Commission 12
  • Article   20.3 Free Trade Agreement Coordinators 12
  • Article   20.4 Contact Point 12
  • Chapter   21 DISPUTE SETTLEMENT 12
  • Article   21.1 Cooperation 12
  • Article   21.2 Scope of Application (52) 12
  • Article   21.3 Choice of Forum 12
  • Article   21.4 Consultations 12
  • Article   21.5 Good Offices, Conciliation and Mediation 12
  • Article   21.6 Establishment of an Arbitral Tribunal 12
  • Article   21.7 Composition of an Arbitral Tribunal 12
  • Article   21.8 Functions of Arbitral Tribunal 12
  • Article   21.9 Rules of Procedure of an Arbitral Tribunal 12
  • Article   21.10 Suspension or Termination of Proceedings 12
  • Article   21.11 Report of the Arbitral Tribunal 12
  • Article   21.12 Implementation of Arbitral Tribunal’s Final Report 12
  • Article   21.13 Reasonable Period of Time 12
  • Article   21.14 Compliance Review 12
  • Article   21.15 Suspension of Concessions or other Obligations 12
  • Article   21.16 Post Suspension 12
  • Article   21.117 Private Rights 12
  • Chapter   22 FINAL PROVISIONS 12
  • Article   22.1 Annexes 12
  • Article   22.2 Entry Into Force 12
  • Article   22.3 Amendments 12
  • Article   22.4 Termination 13
  • Article   22.5 Relation to the Early Harvest Arrangement 13
  • Article   22.6 Authentic Texts 13
  • Annex I  Cross-Border Trade in Services and Investment Non-Conforming Measures 13
  • Appendix A  22
  • Section   A 23
  • Section   B 24
  • Section   A 25
  • Section   B 25