Estonia - Turkey FTA (1997)
Previous page

Article 35. Validity and Termination

1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Each Party to this Agreement may terminate it by means of a written notification to the other Party. In such case the termination of this Agreement shall take effect six (6) months after the notification.

Article 36. Entry Into Force

This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of receipt of the latter diplomatic note confirming that the respective legal requirements of the Parties concerning the entry into force of this Agreement have been fulfilled.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Agreement.

Done at Tallinn on June 3, 1997, in two authentic copies, each in the English language.

For the Republic of Estonia


For the Republic of Turkey


Previous page Page 2
  • Article   1 Objectives 1
  • Article   2 Basic Duties 1
  • Section   CHAPTER I Industrial Products 1
  • Article   3 Scope 1
  • Article   4 Customs Duties on Imports and Charges Having Equivalent Effect 1
  • Article   5 Customs Duties of a Fiscal Nature 1
  • Article   6 Customs Duties on Exports and Charges Having Equivalent Effect 1
  • Article   7 Quantitative Restrictions on Imports and Measures Having Equivalent Effect 1
  • Article   8 Quantitative Restrictions on Exports and Measures Having Equivalent Effect 1
  • Section   CHAPTER II Agricultural, Processed Agricultural and Fishery Products 1
  • Article   9 Scope 1
  • Article   10 Concessions and Agricultural Policies 1
  • Article   11 Veterinary, Health and Phytosanitary Measures 1
  • Section   CHAPTER III General Provisions 1
  • Article   12 Services and Investment 1
  • Article   13 Internal Taxation 1
  • Article   14 Customs Unions, Free Trade Areas and Frontier Trade 1
  • Article   15 Structural Adjustment 1
  • Article   16 Dumping 1
  • Article   17 General Safeguards 1
  • Article   18 Re-export and Serious Shortage 1
  • Article   19 State Monopolies 1
  • Article   20 Procedure for the Application of Safeguard Measures 1
  • Article   21 Rules of Origin and Cooperation In Customs Administration 1
  • Article   22 General Exceptions 1
  • Article   23 Payments 1
  • Article   24 Rules of Competition Concerning Undertakings, Public Aid 1
  • Article   25 Balance of Payments Difficulties 1
  • Article   26 Protection of Intellectual, Industrial and Commercial Property Rights 1
  • Article   27 Public Procurement 1
  • Article   28 Establishment of the Joint Committee 1
  • Article   29 Procedures of the Joint Committee 1
  • Article   30 Security Exceptions 1
  • Article   31 Fulfilment of Obligations 1
  • Article   32 Evolutionary Clause 1
  • Article   33 Amendments 1
  • Article   34 Protocols and Annexes 1
  • Article   35 Validity and Termination 2
  • Article   36 Entry Into Force 2