Peru - United States Trade Promotion Agreement (2006)
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Sector: Professional Services – Patent Attorneys, Patent Agents, and Other Practice before the Patent and Trademark Office

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Most-Favored-Nation Treatment (Article 11.3) Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: 35 U.S.C. Chapter 3 (practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) 37 C.F.R. Part 10 (representation of others before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)

Description: Cross-Border Services

As a condition to be registered to practice for others before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO): (a) a patent attorney must be a U.S. citizen or an alien lawfully residing in the United States (37 C.F.R. § 10.6(a)); (b) a patent agent must be a U.S. citizen, an alien lawfully residing in the United States, or a non-resident who is registered to practice in a country that permits patent agents registered to practice before the USPTO to practice in that country; the latter is permitted to practice for the limited purpose of presenting and prosecuting patent applications of applicants located in the country in which he or she resides (37 C.F.R. § 10.6(c)); and (c) a practitioner in trademark and non-patent cases must be an attorney licensed in the United States, a “grandfathered” agent, an attorney licensed to practice in a country that accords equivalent treatment to attorneys licensed in the United States, or an agent registered to practice in such a country; the latter two are permitted to practice for the limited purpose of representing parties located in the country in which he or she resides (37 C.F.R. § 10.14(a)- (c)).

Sector: All Sectors

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Articles 10.3 and 11.2) Most-Favored-Nation Treatment (Articles 10.4 and 11.3) Local Presence (Article 11.5) Performance Requirements (Article 10.9) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 10.10)

Level of Government: Regional

Measures: All existing non-conforming measures of all states of the United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico

Description: Cross-Border Services and Investment

Annex I. Schedule of Peru

Sector: All Sectors

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 10.3)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Constitución Política del Perú (1993), Artículo 71. Decreto Legislativo N° 757, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 13 de noviembre de 1991, Ley Marco para el Crecimiento de la Inversión Privada, Artículo 13.

Description: Investment

No foreign national, enterprise organized under foreign law or enterprise organized under Peruvian law and owned in whole or part, directly or indirectly, by foreign nationals may acquire or own by any title, directly or indirectly, land or water (including a mine, forest land, or energy sources) located within 50 kilometers of the Peruvian border. Exceptions may be authorized by Supreme Decree approved by the Council of Ministers in cases of expressly declared public necessity. (1)

(1) For example, authorizations have been granted in the mining sector.

Sector: Free-to-Air Radio Communications Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Articles 10.3 and 11.2) Most Favored Nation Treatment (Article 10.4) Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Ley Nº 28278, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 16 de julio de 2004, Ley de Radio y Televisión, Artículo 24. Decreto Supremo N° 005-2005-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 15 de febrero de 2005, Reglamento de la Ley de Radio y Televisión, Artículo 20.

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Only Peruvian nationals or juridical persons organized under Peruvian law and domiciled in Peru may be authorized or licensed to offer free-to-air radio communications. Foreign nationals may not own more than 40 percent of the total shares or equity interest in such a juridical person and must be owners or share-holders or hold an equity interest in a radio or television broadcast enterprise in their country of origin. No foreign national may receive or hold an authorization or a license directly or through a sole proprietorship. If a foreign national is, directly or indirectly, a shareholder, partner, or associate in a juridical person, that juridical person may not hold a broadcasting authorization in a zone bordering that foreign national’s country of origin, except in a case of public necessity authorized by the Council of Ministers. This restriction does not apply to juridical persons with foreign equity which have two or more current authorizations, as long as they are of the same frequency band.

Sector: Audio-Visual Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Performance Requirements (Article 10.9)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Ley Nº 28278, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 16 de julio de 2004, Ley de Radio y Televisión, Octava Disposición Complementaria y Final.

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

At least 30 percent, on average, of the total weekly programs by free-to-air television broadcasters between the hours of 5:00 and 24:00 must be produced in Peru. Annex I-Peru-3 Sector: Notary Services Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Articles 10.3 and 11.2) Market Access (Article 11.4) Level of Government: Central Measures: Decreto Ley N° 26002, Diario Oficial El Peruano del 27 de Diciembre de 1992, Ley del Notariado, Artículos 5 (modificado por Ley N° 26741) y Artículo 10 (modificado por Ley N° 27094).

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

Only a Peruvian national by birth may supply notary services. The number of notary positions is limited as follows: (a) 200 for the capital; (b) 40 for each department capital; and (c) 20 for each provincial capital (including the Constitutional Province of Callao).

Sector: Architecture Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Articles 10.3 and 11.2) Market Access (Article 11.4)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Ley Nº 14085, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 30 de junio de 1962, Ley de Creación del Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú. Ley Nº 16053, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 14 de febrero de 1966, Ley del Ejercicio Profesional, Autoriza a los Colegios de Arquitectos e Ingenieros del Perú para supervisar a los profesionales de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la República, Artículo 1. Acuerdo del Consejo de Arquitectos, del 06 de octubre de 1987.

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

To practice as an architect in Peru, an individual must join the appropriate Colegio de Arquitectos and pay a fee in accordance with the following schedule: (a) US$250 for a Peruvian national with a degree from a Peruvian university; (b) US$400 for a Peruvian national with a degree from a foreign university; or (c) US$3,000 for a foreign national with a degree from a foreign university. Also, to obtain temporary registration, nonresident foreign architects must have a contract of association with a Peruvian architect residing in Peru.

Sector: Security Services Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 10.10)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Decreto Supremo N° 005-94-IN, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 12 de mayo de 1994, Reglamento de Servicios de Seguridad Privada, Artículos 81 y 83.

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

A security watchman must be a Peruvian national by birth. A senior manager of an enterprise that supplies security services must be a Peruvian national by birth and be a resident of Peru.

Sector: Bullfighting

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Level of Government: Central Measures: Ley N° 28131, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 18 de diciembre de 2003, Ley del Artista, Intérprete y Ejecutante, Artículo 28.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

At least one bullfighter of Peruvian nationality must participate in any bullfighting event. At least one apprentice bullfighter of Peruvian nationality must participate in fights involving young bulls.

Sector: Audio-Visual Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Performance Requirements ( Article 10.9) Level of Government: Central Measures: Ley Nº 28131, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 18 de diciembre de 2003, Ley del Artista, Intérprete y Ejecutante, Artículos 25 y 45.

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

A free-to-air radio communications enterprise must dedicate at least ten percent of daily programming to folklore, national music, and series or programs produced in Peru on the history, literature, culture, or current issues in Peru. For greater certainty, nothing in Chapter 11 (Cross-Border Trade in Services) other than Article 11.2 (National Treatment) prohibits Peru from maintaining this requirement.

Sector: Customs Warehouses Services

Obligations Concerned: Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Decreto Supremo Nº 08-95-EF, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 5 de febrero de 1995, Aprueban el Reglamento de Almacenes Aduaneros, Artículo 7.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

Only natural or juridical persons domiciled in Peru may apply for an authorization to operate a customs warehouse.

Sector: Air Transport Specialty Air Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Articles 10.3 and 11.2) Local Presence (Article 11.5) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 10.10)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Ley N° 27261, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 10 de mayo del 2000, Ley de Aeronáutica Civil, Artículo 79. Decreto Supremo N° 050-2001-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 26 de diciembre de 2001, Reglamento de la Ley de Aeronáutica Civil, Artículos 159, 160 y VI Disposición Complementaria.

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

National Commercial Aviation Service is reserved to a Peruvian natural or juridical person. National Commercial Aviation Service includes specialty air services. For purposes of this entry, a Peruvian juridical person is an enterprise that fulfils the following requirements: (a) is constituted under Peruvian law, specifies commercial aviation as its corporate purpose, is domiciled in Peru, and has its principal activities and administration located in Peru; (b) at least half plus one of the directors, managers ,and persons who control or manage the enterprise are Peruvian nationals or have permanent domicile or are normally resident in Peru; and (c) at least 51 percent of the capital must be owned by Peruvian nationals and be under the real and effective control of Peruvian shareholders or partners permanently domiciled in Peru. (This limitation shall not apply to the enterprises constituted under law Nº 24882, which may maintain the ownership percentages set in such law). Six months after the date of authorization of the enterprise to provide commercial air transportation services, foreign nationals or foreign citizens may own up to 70 percent of the capital of the enterprise.

Sector: Specialty Air Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2)

Level of Government: Central Measures: Ley N° 27261, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 10 de mayo de 2000, Ley de Aeronáutica Civil, Artículo 75.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

Only Peruvian nationals may perform aeronautical functions on board of national commercial aviation suppliers’ aircraft (“explotadores nacionales”), which are suppliers that hold an Operating Permit or Flight Permit. For greater certainty, an individual is not a senior manager for purposes of Article 10.10 (Senior Management and Boards of Directors) if the individual’s sole duties are as an aircraft pilot or captain.

Sector: Merchant Marine

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Articles 10.3 and 11.2) Market Access (Article 11.4) Local Presence (Article 11.5) Senior Management and Boards of Directors (Article 10.10)

Level of Government Central

Measures: Ley Nº 28583, Ley de Reactivación y Promoción de la Marina Mercante Nacional, Diario Oficial “EL Peruano” del 22 de julio de 2005, Artículos 4.1, 6.1, 7.1, 7.2., 7.4 y 13.6. Decreto Supremo Nº 028 DE/MGP, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” de 25 de mayo de 2001, Reglamento de la Ley Nº 26620, Artículo I-010106, literal a).

Description: Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services

1. Only a “National shipowner” or “National Ship Enterprise” may supply maritime cabotage services. (2)  A “National shipowner” or “National Ship Enterprise” means a Peruvian national or juridical person organized under Peruvian law, with its principal domicile and real and effective headquarters in Peru, whose business is to provide water transportation services for cabotage or international traffic and which is the owner or lessee under a financial lease or a bareboat charter, with an obligatory purchase option, of at least one Peruvian flag merchant ship and that has obtained the relevant Operation Permit from the General Aquatic Transport Directorate.

2. At least 51 percent of the subscribed and paid-in capital must be owned by Peruvian citizens.

3. The chairman of the board of directors, a majority of the directors, and the General Manager of a National Ship Enterprise must be nationals and resident in Peru.

4. The captain of the Peruvian-flagged vessels must be a Peruvian national. In cases where there is no duly qualified Peruvian captain, a foreign national may be authorized to serve as captain.

5. Only a Peruvian national may be a licensed harbor pilot.

6. Cabotage is exclusively reserved to Peruvian flagged vessels owned by a National Shipowner or National Ship Enterprise or leased under a financial lease or a bareboat charter, with an obligatory purchase option, except that:

(i) Twenty-five per cent of the transport of hydrocarbons in national waters is reserved for the boats of the Peruvian Navy; and

(ii) Foreign-flagged vessels may be used by a National Shipowner or National Ship Enterprise for a period of no more than six months for water transportation exclusively between Peruvian ports or cabotage when such an entity does not own its own vessels or lease vessels.

(2) For greater certainty, maritime cabotage services includes transport by lakes and rivers.

Sector: Maritime Transport and Related Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Decreto Supremo Nº 056-2000-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 31 de diciembre de 2000, Disponen que servicios de transporte marítimo y conexos realizados en bahías y áreas portuarias deberán ser prestados por personas naturales y jurídicas autorizadas, con embarcaciones y artefactos de bandera nacional, Artículo 1. Resolución Ministerial Nº 259-2003-MTC/02, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 4 de abril de 2003, Aprueban Reglamento de los servicios de Transporte Acuático y Conexos Prestados en Tráfico de Bahía y Areas Portuarias, Artículos 5 y 7.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

The following water transport and related services supplied in bay and port areas must be supplied by natural persons domiciled in Peru, and juridical persons constituted and domiciled in Peru, properly authorized with Peruvian flag vessels and equipment: Fuel replenishment services; Mooring and unmooring services; Diving services; Victualing services; Dredging services; Harbor pilotage services; Waste collection services; Tug boat services; and Transport of persons.

Sector: Maritime Tourist Transport

Obligations Concerned: Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Resolución Suprema Nº 011-78-TC-DS, 6 de febrero de 1978, Reglamento de Empresas de Transporte Turístico, Artículo 13.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

Only natural persons domiciled in Peru or juridical persons constituted and domiciled in Peru may provide tourist water transportation services.

Sector: Port Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Ley Nº 27866, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 16 de noviembre de 2002, Ley del Trabajo Portuario, Artículo 3.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

Only a Peruvian national may register in the Registry of Port Workers. For greater certainty, measures relating to landside aspects of port activities are subject to the application of Article 22.2 (Essential Security).

Sector: Land Transport of Passengers

Obligations Concerned: Market Access (Article 11.4)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Decreto Supremo N° 032-2002-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 12 de julio de 2002, Modifican artículos del Reglamento Nacional de Administración de Transporte y suspenden incremento de flota vehicular para el Servicio Público de Transporte Nacional de Pasajeros, Artículo 2. Decreto Supremo N° 035-2002-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 01 de julio de 2003, Amplían suspensión de otorgamiento de nuevas concesiones a que se refiere el Decreto Supremo N° 032-2002-MTC y modifican artículo del Reglamento Nacional de Administración de Transportes, Artículo 1. Decreto Supremo N° 009-2004-MTC, Diario Oficial "El Peruano" del 3 de marzo de 2004, Reglamento Nacional de administración de transporte terrestre, Décimo Cuarta Disposición Transitoria. Decreto Supremo N° 038-2004-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 13 de noviembre de 2004, Modifican artículos y anexos I y II del Reglamento Nacional de Administración de Transportes, Artículo 5.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

The granting of new concessions for inter-provincial passenger transport along specific routes is suspended.

Sector: Land Transport

Obligations Concerned: Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Decreto Supremo N° 009-2004-MTC, Diario Oficial “El Peruano” del 27 de febrero de 2004, Reglamento Nacional de Administración de Transportes, Artículos 47 y 48.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

A supplier of land transport services in Peru must certify in writing that it maintains ground terminals, offices, route stations, stops, and administrative offices in the territory of Peru, according to the corresponding transport services. The transport enterprise must have its own installations, or those of third parties, properly maintained for the management of the enterprise, which will constitute its legal domicile, where the competent authority can conduct the inspections and verifications it deems necessary.

Sector: Archaeological Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Resolución Suprema Nº 004-2000-ED, Diario Oficial "El Peruano" del 25 de Enero de 2000, Reglamento de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Artículo 30.

Description Cross-Border Trade in Services

Archaeological research projects headed by foreign archaeologists must employ a Peruvian archaeologist registered with the National Registry of Archaeologists as scientific co-director or sub-director of the project. The co-director and sub-director shall participate in all aspects of the project in the field and in the office.

Sector: Services Related to Energy Services

Obligations Concerned: National Treatment (Article 11.2) Local Presence (Article 11.5)

Level of Government: Central

Measures: Ley Nº 26221, Diario Oficial "El Peruano" del 19 de agosto de 1993, Ley General de Hidrocarburos, Artículo 15.

Description: Cross-Border Trade in Services

In order to enter into an exploration contract in Peru, foreign enterprises must establish a branch or organize under the “Ley General de Sociedades”, be domiciled in Lima, and appoint a Peruvian national as an executive agent. Foreign nationals must register in the Public Registry and provide a power of attorney to a Peruvian national resident in Lima, Peru.

Annex II. Explanatory Notes

1. The Schedule of a Party to this Annex sets out, pursuant to Articles 10.13 (Non-Conforming Measures) and 11.6 (Non-Conforming Measures), the specific sectors, subsectors, or activities for which that Party may maintain existing, or adopt new or more restrictive, measures that do not conform with obligations imposed by:

(a) Article 10.3 or 11.2 (National Treatment);

(b) Article 10.4 or 11.3 (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment);

(c) Article 11.5 (Local Presence);

(d) Article 10.9 (Performance Requirements);

(e) Article 10.10 (Senior Management and Boards of Directors); or

(f) Article 11.4 (Market Access).

  • Chapter   One Initial Provisions and General Definitions 1
  • Section   A Initial Provisions 1
  • Article   1.1 Establishment of a Free Trade Area 1
  • Article   1.2 Relation to other Agreements 1
  • Section   B General Definitions 1
  • Article   1.3 Definitions of General Application 1
  • Chapter   Two National Treatment and Market Access for Goods 1
  • Article   2.1 Scope and Coverage 1
  • Section   A National Treatment 1
  • Article   2.2 National Treatment 1
  • Section   B Tariff Elimination 1
  • Article   2.3 Tariff Elimination 1
  • Section   C Special Regimes 1
  • Article   2.4 Waiver of Customs Duties 1
  • Article   2.5 Temporary Admission of Goods 1
  • Article   2.6 Goods Re-entered after Repair or Alteration 1
  • Article   2.7 Duty-Free Entry of Commercial Samples of Negligible Value and Printed Advertising Materials 1
  • Section   D Non-Tariff Measures 1
  • Article   2.8 Import and Export Restrictions 1
  • Article   2.9 Import Licensing 2
  • Article   2.10 Administrative Fees and Formalities 2
  • Article   2.11 Export Taxes 2
  • Section   E Other Measures 2
  • Article   2.12 Distinctive Products 2
  • Section   F Institutional Provisions 2
  • Article   2.13 Committee on Trade In Goods 2
  • Section   G Agriculture 2
  • Article   2.14 Scope and Coverage 2
  • Article   2.15 Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas 2
  • Article   2.16 Agricultural Export Subsidies 2
  • Article   2.17 Export State Trading Enterprises 2
  • Article   2.18 Agricultural Safeguard Measures 2
  • Article   2.19 Sugar Compensation Mechanism 2
  • Article   2.20 Consultations on Trade In Chicken 2
  • Article   2.21 Committee on Agricultural Trade 2
  • Section   H Definitions 2
  • Article   2.22 Definitions 2
  • Chapter   Three Textiles and Apparel (1) 2
  • Article   3.1 Textile Safeguard Measures 2
  • Article   3.2 Customs Cooperation and Verification of Origin 2
  • Article   3.3 Rules of Origin, Origin Procedures, and Related Matters 3
  • Article   3.4 Committee on Textile and Apparel Trade Matters 3
  • Article   3.5 Definitions 3
  • Chapter   Four Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures 3
  • Section   A Rules of Origin 3
  • Article   4.1 Originating Goods 3
  • Article   4.2 Regional Value Content 3
  • Article   4.3 Value of Materials 3
  • Article   4.4 Further Adjustments to the Value of Materials 3
  • Article   4.5 Accumulation 3
  • Article   4.6 De Minimis 3
  • Article   4.7 Fungible Goods and Materials 3
  • Article   4.8 Accessories, Spare Parts, and Tools 3
  • Article   4.9 Sets of Goods 4
  • Article   4.10 Packaging Materials and Containers for Retail Sale 4
  • Article   4.11 Packing Materials and Containers for Shipment 4
  • Article   4.12 Indirect Materials Used In Production 4
  • Article   4.13 Transit and Transshipment 4
  • Article   4.14 Consultation and Modifications 4
  • Section   B Origin Procedures 4
  • Article   4.15 Claims for Preferential Treatment 4
  • Article   4.16 Exceptions 4
  • Article   4.17 Record Keeping Requirements 4
  • Article   4.18 Verification 4
  • Article   4.19 Obligations Relating to Importations 4
  • Article   4.20 Obligations Relating to Exportations 4
  • Article   4.21 Common Guidelines 4
  • Article   4.22 Implementation Peru Shall: 4
  • Article   4.23 Definitions 4
  • Chapter   Five Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation 5
  • Article   5.1 Publication 5
  • Article   5.2 Release of Goods 5
  • Article   5.3 Automation 5
  • Article   5.4 Risk Management 5
  • Article   5.5 Cooperation 5
  • Article   5.6 Confidentiality 5
  • Article   5.7 Express Shipments 5
  • Article   5.8 Review and Appeal 5
  • Article   5.9 Penalties 5
  • Article   5.10 Advance Rulings 5
  • Article   5.11 Implementation 5
  • Chapter   Six Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 5
  • Article   6.1 Scope and Coverage 5
  • Article   6.2 General Provisions 5
  • Article   6.3 Standing Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Matters 5
  • Chapter   Seven Technical Barriers to Trade 5
  • Article   7.1 Affirmation of the TBT Agreement 5
  • Article   7.2 Scope and Coverage 5
  • Article   7.3 Trade Facilitation 5
  • Article   7.4 Conformity Assessment 5
  • Article   7.5 Technical Regulations 5
  • Article   7.6 Transparency 5
  • Article   7.7 Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade 6
  • Article   7.8 Information Exchange 6
  • Article   7.9 Definitions 6
  • Chapter   Eight Trade Remedies 6
  • Section   A Safeguard Measures 6
  • Article   8.1 Imposition of a Safeguard Measure 6
  • Article   8.2 Standards for a Safeguard Measure 6
  • Article   8.3 Investigation Procedures and Transparency Requirements 6
  • Article   8.4 Notification and Consultation 6
  • Article   8.5 Compensation 6
  • Article   8.6 Global Safeguard Measures 6
  • Article   8.9 Definitions 6
  • Section   B Antidumping and Countervailing Measures 6
  • Chapter   Nine Government Procurement 6
  • Article   9.1 Scope and Coverage 6
  • Article   9.2 General Principles 6
  • Article   9.3 Publication of Procurement Information 6
  • Article   9.4 Publication of Notices 6
  • Article   9.5 Time Limits 7
  • Article   9.6 Information on Intended Procurements 7
  • Article   9.7 Conditions for Participation General Requirements 7
  • Article   9.8 Limited Tendering 7
  • Article   9.9 Treatment of Tenders and Awarding of Contracts 7
  • Article   9.10 Ensuring Integrity In Procurement Practices 7
  • Article   9.11 Domestic Review of Supplier Challenges 7
  • Article   9.12 Modifications and Rectifications to Coverage 7
  • Article   9.13 Disclosure of Information 7
  • Article   9.14 Exceptions 8
  • Article   9.15 Committee on Procurement 8
  • Article   9.16 Definitions 8
  • Chapter   Ten Investment 8
  • Section   A Investment 8
  • Article   10.1 Scope and Coverage (1) 8
  • Article   10.2 Relation to other Chapters 8
  • Article   10.3 National Treatment 8
  • Article   10.4 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 8
  • Article   10.5 Minimum Standard of Treatment  (3) 8
  • Article   10.6 Treatment In Case of Strife 8
  • Article   10.7 Expropriation and Compensation (4) 8
  • Article   10.8 Transfers 8
  • Article   10.9 Performance Requirements 8
  • Article   10.10 Senior Management and Boards of Directors 8
  • Article   10.11 Investment and Environment 8
  • Article   10.12 Denial of Benefits 8
  • Article   10.13 Non-Conforming Measures 8
  • Article   10.14 Special Formalities and Information Requirements 9
  • Section   B Investor-State Dispute Settlement 9
  • Article   10.15 Consultation and Negotiation 9
  • Article   10.16 Submission of a Claim to Arbitration 9
  • Article   10.17 Consent of Each Party to Arbitration 9
  • Article   10.18 Conditions and Limitations on Consent of Each Party 9
  • Article   10.19 Selection of Arbitrators 9
  • Article   10.20 Conduct of the Arbitration 9
  • Article   10.21 Transparency of Arbitral Proceedings 9
  • Article   10.22 Governing Law 9
  • Article   10.23 Interpretation of Annexes 9
  • Article   10.24 Expert Reports 9
  • Article   10.25 Consolidation 9
  • Article   10.26 Awards 9
  • Article   10/27 Service of Documents 10
  • Section   C Definitions 10
  • Article   10.28 Definitions 10
  • Annex 10-A  Customary International Law 10
  • Annex 10-B  Expropriation 10
  • Annex 10-C  Service of Documents on a Party under Section B 10
  • Annex 10-D  Appellate Body or Similar Mechanism 10
  • Annex 10-E  Special Dispute Settlement Provisions 10
  • Annex 10-F  Public Debt 10
  • Annex 10-G  Submission of a Claim to Arbitration 10
  • Annex 10-H  Certain Agreements between Peru and Covered Investments or Investors of Another Party (22) 10
  • Appendix 10-H.A  10
  • Appendix 10-H.B  11
  • Chapter   Eleven Cross-Border Trade In Services 11
  • Article   11.1 Scope and Coverage 11
  • Article   11.2 National Treatment 11
  • Article   11.3 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 11
  • Article   11.4 Market Access 11
  • Article   11.5 Local Presence 11
  • Article   11.6 Non-Conforming Measures 11
  • Article   11.7 Domestic Regulation 11
  • Article   11.8 Transparency In Developing and Applying Regulations (3) 11
  • Article   11.9 Recognition 11
  • Article   11.10 Transfers and Payments 11
  • Article   11.11 Denial of Benefits 1. a Party May Deny the Benefits of this Chapter to a Service Supplier of Another Party If the 11
  • Article   11.12 Specific Commitments 11
  • Article   11.13 Implementation 12
  • Article   11.14 Definitions 12
  • Chapter   Twelve  Financial Services 12
  • Article   12.1 Scope and Coverage 12
  • Article   12.2 National Treatment 12
  • Article   12.3 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 12
  • Article   12.4 Market Access for Financial Institutions 12
  • Article   12.5 Cross-Border Trade 12
  • Article   12.6 New Financial Services (2) 12
  • Article   12.7 Treatment of Certain Information 12
  • Article   12.8 Senior Management and Boards of Directors 12
  • Article   12.9 Non-Conforming Measures 12
  • Article   12.10 Exceptions 12
  • Article   12.11 Transparency and Administration of Certain Measures 12
  • Article   12.12 Self-Regulatory Organizations 12
  • Article   12.13 Payment and Clearing Systems 12
  • Article   12.14 Expedited Availability of Insurance Services 12
  • Article   12.15 Specific Commitments 12
  • Article   12.16 Financial Services Committee 12
  • Article   12.17 Consultations 12
  • Article   12.18 Dispute Settlement 12
  • Article   12.19 Investment Disputes In Financial Services 12
  • Article   12.20 Definitions 12
  • Chapter   Thirteen Competition Policy, Designated Monopolies, and State Enterprises 13
  • Article   13.1 Objectives 13
  • Article   13.2 Competition Law and Anticompetitive Business Conduct 13
  • Article   13.3 Cooperation 1. the Parties Agree to Cooperate In the Area of Competition Policy. the Parties Recognize 13
  • Article   13.4 Working Group 13
  • Article   13.5 Designated Monopolies 13
  • Article   13.6 State Enterprises 13
  • Article   13.7 Differences In Pricing 13
  • Article   13.8 Transparency and Information Requests 13
  • Article   13.9 Consultations 13
  • Article   13.10 Dispute Settlement 13
  • Article   13.11 Definitions 13
  • Chapter   Fourteen Telecommunications 13
  • Article   14.1 Scope and Coverage 13
  • Article   14.2 Access to and Use of Public Telecommunications Servicesâ (1) 13
  • Article   14.3 Obligations Relating to Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Services (2) 13
  • Article   14.4 Additional Obligations Relating to Major Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Services (4) 13
  • Article   14.5 Submarine Cable Systems 14
  • Article   14.6 Conditions for the Supply of Information Services 14
  • Article   14.7 Independent Regulatory Bodies and Government-owned Telecommunications Suppliers 14
  • Article   14.8 Universal Service 14
  • Article   14.9 Licenses and other Authorizations 14
  • Article   14.10 Allocation and Use of Scarce Resources 14
  • Article   14 Enforcement 14
  • Article   14.12 Resolution of Telecommunications Disputes 14
  • Article   14.13 Transparency 14
  • Article   14.14 14
  • Article   14.15 Forbearance 14
  • Article   14.16 Relationship to other Chapters 14
  • Article   14.17 Definitions 14
  • Chapter   Fifteen Electronic Commerce 14
  • Article   15.1 General 14
  • Article   15.2 Electronic Supply of Services 14
  • Article   15.3 Digital Products 14
  • Article   15.4 Transparency 14
  • Article   15.5 Consumer Protection 14
  • Article   15.6 Authentication 14
  • Article   15.7 Paperless Trade Administration 14
  • Article   15.8 Definitions 14
  • Chapter   Sixteen  Intellectual Property Rights 14
  • Article   16.1 General Provisions 14
  • Article   16.2 Trademarks 15
  • Article   16.3 Geographical Indications 15
  • Article   16.4 Domain Names on the Internet 15
  • Article   16.5 Copyrights 15
  • Article   16.6 Related Rights 15
  • Article   16.7 Obligations Common to Copyright and Related Rights 15
  • Article   16.8 Protection of Encrypted Program-Carrying Satellite Signals 16
  • Article   16.9 Patents 16
  • Article   16.10 Measures Related to Certain Regulated Products 16
  • Article   16.11 Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights 16
  • Article   16.12 Promotion of Innovation and Technological Development 17
  • Article   16.13 Understandings Regarding Certain Public Health Measures 17
  • Article   16.14 Final Provisions 17
  • Chapter   Seventeen Labor 17
  • Article   17.1 Statement of Shared Commitments 17
  • Article   17.2 Fundamental Labor Rights (1) 17
  • Article   17.3 Enforcement of Labor Laws 17
  • Article   17.4 Procedural Guarantees and Public Awareness 17
  • Article   17.5 Institutional Arrangements 17
  • Article   17.6 Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism 17
  • Article   17.7 Cooperative Labor Consultations 17
  • Article   17.8 Definitions 17
  • Chapter   Eighteen Environment 17
  • Article   18.1 Levels of Protection 17
  • Article   18.2 Environmental Agreements! (1)  17
  • Article   18.3 Enforcement of Environmental Laws 17
  • Article   18.4 Procedural Matters 17
  • Article   18.5 Mechanisms to Enhance Environmental Performance 17
  • Article   18.6 Environmental Affairs Council 17
  • Article   18.7 Opportunities for Public Participation 18
  • Article   18.8 Submissions on Enforcement Matters 18
  • Article   18.9 Factual Records and Related Cooperation 18
  • Article   18.10 Environmental Cooperation 18
  • Article   18.11 Biological Diversity 18
  • Article   18.12 Environmental Consultations and Panel Procedure 18
  • Article   18.13 Relationship to Environmental Agreements 18
  • Article   18.14 Definitions 18
  • Chapter   Nineteen  Transparency 18
  • Section   A Transparency 18
  • Section   A Transparency 18
  • Article   19.1 Contact Points 18
  • Article   19.2 Publication 18
  • Article   19.3 Notification and Provision of Information 18
  • Article   19.4 Administrative Proceedings 18
  • Article   19.5 Review and Appeal 18
  • Article   19.6 Definitions 18
  • Section   B Anti-Corruption 18
  • Article   19.7 Statement of Principle 18
  • Article   19.8 Cooperation In International Fora 18
  • Article   19.9 Anti-Corruption Measures 18
  • Article   19.10 Definitions 18
  • Chapter   Twenty  Administration of the Agreement and Trade Capacity Building 19
  • Section   A Administration of the Agreement 19
  • Article   20.1  The Free Trade Commission 19
  • Article   20.2 Free Trade Agreement Coordinators 19
  • Article   20.3 Administration of Dispute Settlement Proceedings 19
  • Section   B Trade Capacity Building 19
  • Article   20.4 Committee on Trade Capacity Building 19
  • Chapter   Twenty-One Dispute Settlement 19
  • Section   A Dispute Settlement 19
  • Article   21.1 Cooperation 19
  • Article   21.2 Scope of Application 19
  • Article   21.3 Choice of Forum 19
  • Article   21.4 Consultations 19
  • Article   21.5 Intervention of the Commission 19
  • Article   21.6 Request for an Arbitral Panel 19
  • Article   21.7 Indicative Roster 19
  • Article   21.8 Qualifications of Panelists 19
  • Article   21.9 Panel Selection 19
  • Article   21.10 Rules of Procedure 19
  • Article   21.11 Third Party Participation 19
  • Article   21.12 Role of Experts 19
  • Article   21.13 Initial Report 19
  • Article   21.14 Final Report 19
  • Article   21.15 Implementation of Final Report 19
  • Article   21.16 Non-Implementation —Suspension of Benefits 19
  • Article   21.17 Compliance Review 19
  • Article   21.18 Five-Year Review 19
  • Section   B Domestic Proceedings and Private Commercial Dispute Settlement 19
  • Article   21.19 Referral of Matters from Judicial or Administrative Proceedings 19
  • Article   21.20 Private Rights 20
  • Article   21.21 Alternative Dispute Resolution 20
  • Chapter   Twenty-two Exceptions 20
  • Article   22.1 General Exceptions 20
  • Article   22.2 Essential Security 20
  • Article   22.3 Taxation 20
  • Article   22.4 Disclosure of Information 20
  • Article   22.5 Definitions 20
  • Chapter   Twenty-Three Final Provisions 20
  • Article   23.1 Annexes, Appendices, and Footnotes 20
  • Article   23.2 Amendments 20
  • Article   23.3 Amendment of the WTO Agreement 20
  • Article   23.4 Entry Into Force and Termination 20
  • Article   23.5 Accession 20
  • Article   23.6 Authentic Texts 20
  • Annex I  Explanatory Notes 20
  • Annex I  Schedule of the United States 20
  • Annex I  Schedule of Peru 21
  • Annex II  Explanatory Notes 21
  • Annex II  Schedule of the United States 22
  • Annex II  Schedule of Peru 22