Cooperation between the Parties in the field of agriculture and rural development shall cover, inter alia, the following areas:
(a) facilitating mutual understanding of agricultural and rural development policies, including through the exchange of knowledge and practices on high value added agricultural and food production and mechanisms of its support;
(b) enhancing administrative capacities at central and local levels for the planning, evaluation and implementation of policies;
(c) promoting modern and sustainable agricultural production, respectful of the environment and of animal welfare, including extension of the use of organic production methods and the use of biotechnologies, inter alia through the implementation of best practices in those fields, taking into account climate change;
(d) sharing knowledge and best practices of rural development policies to promote economic well-being for rural communities;
(e) improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and the efficiency and transparency of the markets as well as conditions for investment;
(f) disseminating knowledge through training and information events;
(g) favouring innovation through research and promoting extension services to agricultural producers;
(h) enhancing harmonisation of issues addressed within the framework of international organisations;
(i) exchanging best practices on support mechanisms for agricultural policies and rural areas;
(j) promoting the policy of quality of agricultural products in the areas of product standards, production requirements and quality schemes.
Article 370.
1. The Parties shall cooperate on mutually beneficial matters of common interest in the fisheries sector, including conservation and management of living aquatic resources, inspection and control, data collection, and the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
2. Such cooperation will respect the international obligations of the Parties concerning management and conservation of living aquatic resources.
Article 371.
The Parties shall take joint actions, exchange information and provide support to each other in order to promote:
(a) good governance and best practices in fisheries management with a view to ensuring conservation and management of fish stocks in a sustainable manner, and based on the ecosystem approach;
(b) responsible fishing and fisheries management consistent with the principles of sustainable development, so as to conserve fish stocks and ecosystems in a healthy state;
(c) cooperation through Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs). ARTICLE 372 The Parties will support initiatives, such as mutual exchange of experience and providing support, designed to ensure the implementation of a sustainable fisheries policy, including:
(a) management of living aquatic resources, fishing effort and technical measures;
(b) inspection and control of fishing activities, using the necessary surveillance equipment, including a vessel monitoring system, as well as development of corresponding administrative and judicial structures capable of applying appropriate measures;
(c) harmonised collection of catch, landing, fleet, biological and economic data;
(d) management of fishing capacity, including a functioning fishing fleet register;
(e) improving the efficiency of the markets, in particular by promoting producer organisations, providing information to consumers, and through marketing standards and traceability;
(f) development of a structural policy for the fisheries sector, paying particular attention to the sustainable development of coastal communities.
Article 370.
1. The Parties shall cooperate on mutually beneficial matters of common interest in the fisheries sector, including conservation and management of living aquatic resources, inspection and control, data collection, and the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
2. Such cooperation will respect the international obligations of the Parties concerning management and conservation of living aquatic resources.
Article 371.
The Parties shall take joint actions, exchange information and provide support to each other in order to promote:
(a) good governance and best practices in fisheries management with a view to ensuring conservation and management of fish stocks in a sustainable manner, and based on the ecosystem approach;
(b) responsible fishing and fisheries management consistent with the principles of sustainable development, so as to conserve fish stocks and ecosystems in a healthy state;
(c) cooperation through Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs).
Article 372.
The Parties will support initiatives, such as mutual exchange of experience and providing support, designed to ensure the implementation of a sustainable fisheries policy, including:
(a) management of living aquatic resources, fishing effort and technical measures;
(b) inspection and control of fishing activities, using the necessary surveillance equipment, including a vessel monitoring system, as well as development of corresponding administrative and judicial structures capable of applying appropriate measures;
(c) harmonised collection of catch, landing, fleet, biological and economic data;
(d) management of fishing capacity, including a functioning fishing fleet register;
(e) improving the efficiency of the markets, in particular by promoting producer organisations, providing information to consumers, and through marketing standards and traceability;
(f) development of a structural policy for the fisheries sector, paying particular attention to the sustainable development of coastal communities.
Article 375.
The Parties shall cooperate in order to ensure a high level of consumer protection and to achieve compatibility between their systems of consumer protection.
Article 376.
In order to achieve these objectives, the cooperation shall comprise, in particular:
(a) promotion of exchange of information on consumer protection systems;
(b) provision of expertise on legislative and technical capacity to enforce legislation and market surveillance systems;
(c) improvement of information provided to consumers;
(d) training activities for administration officials and persons representing consumer interests;
(e) encouraging the development of independent consumer associations and contacts between consumer representatives.
Article 377.
Taking account of Chapter 13 (Trade and Sustainable Development) of Title IV (Trade and Trade-related Matters) of this Agreement, the Parties shall strengthen their dialogue and cooperation on promoting the decent work agenda, employment policy, health and safety at work, social dialogue, social protection, social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination.
Article 378.
Cooperation in the areas covered by Article 377 of this Agreement shall pursue the following goals:
(a) improve the quality of human life;
(b) meet common challenges, such as globalisation and demographic change;
(c) aim at more and better jobs with decent working conditions;
(d) promote social fairness and justice, while reforming labour markets;
(e) promote conditions of labour markets that combine flexibility with security;
(f) promote active labour market measures and improve efficiency of employment services to match the needs of the labour market;
(g) foster more inclusive labour markets that integrate disadvantaged people;
(h) reduce the informal economy by transforming undeclared work;
(i) improve the level of protection of health and safety at work, including by education and training on health and safety issues, promotion of preventive measures, prevention of major accident hazards, management of toxic chemicals, and exchange of good practice and research in this area;
(j) enhance the level of social protection and modernise social protection systems, in terms of quality, accessibility, and financial sustainability;
(k) reduce poverty and enhance social cohesion;
(l) aim at gender equality and ensure equal opportunities for women and men in employment, education, training, economy and society, and decision-making;
(m) combat discrimination on all grounds;
(n) enhance the capacity of social partners and promote social dialogue.
Article 379.
The Parties shall encourage the involvement ofall relevant stakeholders, in particular social partners, as well as civil society organisations, in Ukraineâs policy reforms and in the cooperation between the Parties under this Agreement.
Article 380.
The Parties shall promote corporate social responsibility and accountability and encourage responsible business practices, such as those promoted by the UN Global Compact of 2000, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy of 1977 as amended in 2006, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of 1976 as amended in 2000.
Article 381.
The Parties shall aim at enhancing cooperation on employment and social policy matters in all relevant regional, multilateral and international fora and organisations.
Article 382.
The Parties shall develop their cooperation in the public health field, to raise the level of public health safety and protection of human health as a precondition for sustainable development and economic growth.
Article 383.
1. Such cooperation shall cover, in particular, the following areas:
(a) strengthening of the public health system and its capacity in Ukraine, in particular through implementation of reforms, further development of primary health care, and training of staff;
(b) prevention and control of communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, increased preparedness regarding highly pathogenic disease outbreaks, and implementation of the International Health Regulations;
(c) prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, through exchange of information and good practices, promoting healthy lifestyles, addressing major health determinants and problems, such as mother and child health, mental health, and addiction to alcohol, drugs and tobacco, including implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control of 2003;
(d) quality and safety of substances of human origin, such as blood, tissues and cells;
(e) health information and knowledge, including as regards the âhealth in all policies' approach.
2. To that end, the Parties shall exchange data and best practices, and undertake other joint activities through participation in international networks in the public health field.
Article 384.
Fully respecting the responsibility of the Parties for the content of teaching and the organisation of education systems and their cultural and linguistic diversity, the Parties shall promote cooperation in the field of education, training and youth in order to enhance mutual understanding, promote intercultural dialogue and increase the knowledge of their respective cultures.
Article 385.
The Parties shall cooperate in the field of higher education, aiming, in particular at:
(a) reforming and modernising the higher education systems;
(b) promoting convergence in the field of higher education deriving from the Bologna process;
(c) enhancing the quality and relevance of higher education;
(d) stepping up cooperation between higher education institutions;
(e) building up the capacity of higher education institutions;
(f) increasing student and teacher mobility, paying particular attention to cooperation in the field of education with a view to facilitating access to higher education.
Article 386.
The Parties shall endeavour to exchange information and expertise, in order to encourage closer cooperation in the field of vocational education and training with a view, in particular, to developing systems of vocational education and training, and further professional training throughout the working life, in response to the needs of the changing labour market.
Article 387.
The Parties shall examine the possibility of developing their cooperation in other areas, such as secondary education, distance education, and life-long learning.
Article 388.
The Parties shall encourage closer cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of youth policy and non-formal education for young people, with the aim of:
(a) facilitating the integration of young people into society at large by encouraging their active citizenship and spirit of initiative;
(b) helping young people acquire knowledge, skills and competencies outside the educational systems, including through volunteering, and recognising the value of such experiences;
(c) enhancing cooperation with third countries;
(d) promoting cooperation between youth organisations in the UK and in Ukraine;
(e) promoting healthy lifestyles, with a particular focus on youth.
Chapter 23. CULTURE
Article 389.
The Parties shall promote cultural cooperation in order to enhance mutual understanding and foster cultural exchanges, as well as to boost the mobility of art and artists from the UK and Ukraine.
Article 390.
The Parties shall encourage intercultural dialogue between the individuals and organisations representing organised civil society and cultural institutions in the UK and in Ukraine.
Article 391.
The Parties shall closely cooperate in relevant international fora, including United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Council of Europe (CoE), inter alia, in order to develop cultural diversity, and to preserve and valorise cultural and historical heritage.
Article 392.
1. The Parties shall cooperate in the field of sport and physical activity in order to help develop a healthy lifestyle among all age groups, to promote the social functions and educational values of sport and to fight against threats to sport such as doping, match-fixing, racism and violence.
2. Such cooperation shall, in particular, include the exchange of information and good practices in the following areas:
(a) promotion of physical activity and sport through the educational system, in cooperation with public institutions and non-governmental organisations;
(b) sports participation and physical activity as a means to contribute to a healthy lifestyle and general well-being;
(c) development of national competence and qualifications systems in the sport sector;
(d) integration of disadvantaged groups through sport;
(e) the fight against doping;
(f) the fight against match-fixing;
(g) security during major international sporting events.
Article 393.
The Parties shall foster civil society cooperation, which shall aim to achieve the following objectives:
(a) to strengthen contacts and encourage mutual exchange of experience between all sectors of civil society in the UK and in Ukraine;
(b) to involve civil society organisations in the implementation of this Agreement, including its monitoring, and in the development of bilateral relations between the Parties;
(c) to ensure a better knowledge and mutual understanding of the UK and Ukraine, including their history and culture.
Article 394.
The Parties shall promote dialogue and cooperation between civil society stakeholders from both sides as an integral part of UK-Ukraine relations, by means of:
(a) strengthening of contacts and mutual exchange of experience between civil society organisations in the UK and in Ukraine, in particular through professional seminars, training, etc;
(b) facilitating institution-building and consolidation of civil society organisations, including, amongst others, advocacy, informal networking, visits, workshops, etc;
(c) enabling the familiarisation of Ukrainian representatives with the process of consultation and dialogue between social and civil partners in the UK, with a view to integrating civil society into the policy process in Ukraine.
Article 395.
1. The Parties shall promote mutual understanding and bilateral cooperation in the field of regional policy, on methods of formulation and implementation of regional policies, including multi-level governance and partnership.
2. The Parties shall also promote the involvement of local and regional-level authorities in regional cooperation to sustain and develop capacity-building measures and to promote the strengthening of regional networks relating to, inter alia, transport, energy, communication networks, culture, education, tourism and health.
Article 396.
Ukraine may benefit from financial assistance to contribute to achieving the objectives of this Agreement, if agreed by both Parties. Any financial assistance will be provided in accordance with the following Articles of this Agreement.