MERCOSUR Services Protocol
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1. Negotiate on services in Mercosur is under competence of the Common Market Group. With respect to this Protocol, the Common Market Group shall have the following functions:

a. Convene and oversee the negotiations referred to in Article XIX of this Protocol. To this end, the Common Market Group shall establish the scope, approaches and tools for the conclusion of negotiations on specific commitments;

b. Receive notifications and the results of the consultations regarding amendments and / or suspension of specific commitments pursuant to article XX;

c. Compliance with the functions assigned to it in article XI;

d. Periodically assess the evolution of trade in services in the common market; and

e. Carrying out other tasks conferred by the Common Market Council on Trade in Services.

2. For purposes of the functions referred to above, the Common Market Group shall constitute a subsidiary body and regulate its composition and methods of operation.

Article XXIII. Mercosur Trade Commission

1. Without prejudice to the functions referred to above the application of this Protocol shall be entrusted to the Commission on the trade of MERCOSUR, which shall have the following functions:

a. Any information which, in accordance with article VIII of this Protocol shall be notified by the States Parties;

b. Receive information from States parties subject to the exceptions provided for in article XIV.

c. Receive information from States parties with regard to actions that may constitute abuse of dominant position or distorting competition practices and make it available to the national bodies for the implementation of the Protocol of competition;

d. In the consultations and claims submitted by States parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Protocol and non-compliance with the commitments made in the schedules of specific commitments, applying the existing mechanisms and procedures within the common market; and

e. Carrying out other tasks conferred by the Common Market Group on Services.

Article XXIV. Settlement of Disputes

Disputes that may arise between the parties concerning the interpretation or application, commitments laid down in this Protocol, shall be settled in accordance with the procedures and mechanisms in force in the MERCOSUR.

Article XXV. Annexes

The annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof.

Article XXVI. Review

1. With the aim of achieving the object and purpose of this Protocol may be revised, taking into account the development and regulation of trade in services in Mercosur and the progress of services in the World Trade Organization and other specialized forums.

2. In particular, the evolution of the operation of the institutional provisions of this Protocol and institutional structure of MERCOSUR, part IV hereof with a view to their further development.

Article XXVII. Duration

1. This Protocol shall form an integral part of the Treaty of Asunción, it has indefinite duration and shall enter into force thirty days after the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification.

2. This Protocol and its instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Republic of Paraguay, which shall transmit certified true copies of this Protocol to the Governments of the other States parties.

3. Schedules of specific commitments are incorporated into the national legal systems in accordance with the procedures laid down in each State Party.

Article XXVIII. Notifications

The Government of the Republic of Paraguay shall notify the governments of the other States parties the date of deposit of instruments of the Ratification and Entry into Force of this Protocol.

Article XXIX. Accession or Denunciation

In respect of accession or denunciation shall be applied, to this Protocol, the rules established by the Treaty of Asunción. The complaint or denunciation to the Treaty of Asunción or to this Protocol, mean ipso jure, accession or complaint to this Protocol and the Treaty of Asunción.

Article XXX. Title

This Protocol shall be named as Montevideo Protocol on Trade in Services of the Southern Common Market.


Done at the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, on the 15th day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven in one original in the English and Portuguese languages, both texts being equally authentic.

The Government of the Argentine Republic

The Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Guido Di Tella

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship

Luiz Felipe Lampreia

Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Government of the Republic of Paraguay

The Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Ruben Melgarejo

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Carlos Perez Castillo

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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