Italy - Tunisia Agreement for Economic and Technical Cooperation (1961)


Agreement between Italy and Tunisia for economic and technical cooperation  


The Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Tunisian Republic, motivated by the desire to facilitate the implementation of a Programme of economic and technical co-operation between the two countries, both in the public and private sectors, have agreed as follows: (1)

(1) Entered into force on 23 November 1961, with the initial duration of 2 years and tacit renewal for one year at a time, if not terminated with 3 months' notice.
The text has been inserted in conjunction with the contents of Articles 1 and 3.


Article 1.

The Government of the Italian Republic will facilitate the implementation of the proposals that the Government of the Tunisian Republic considers useful to put forward in all economic and technical fields and in particular through the participation of Italian industry and technology in the economic development of Tunisia.

In particular, the two Governments will facilitate initiatives aimed at studying and setting up programmes for the development in Tunisia, through the employment of Italian technicians and equipment, of the construction of public works, the communications system and the exploitation of economic resources.

Article 2.

In carrying out the above-mentioned initiatives, the Government of the Tunisian Republic will guarantee to Italian companies operating in Tunisia treatment no less favourable than that accorded to companies and initiatives of any other country by virtue of the laws and regulations in force and of the existing conventions between those countries and the Tunisian Republic as regards the transfer of salaries, income and capital to be repatriated.

Article 3.

The Government of the Italian Republic shall facilitate the recruitment in Italy of technicians and specialists destined for Tunisia at the request of the latter and on the basis of the agreement between the Government of the Tunisian Republic on the one hand and the Italian technicians and specialists on the other. The Italian Government will also provide assistance for the training of Tunisian technicians in Italy.

Technical cooperation between the two countries could include in particular:

a) the exchange of information on economic legislation;

b) exchange of publications and technical information

c) exchange of experts;

d) the assignment of patent rights and the licensing of patents;

e) the specialisation of technicians and workers;

f) the transfer of technical documentation;

g) collaboration between economic, technical and scientific bodies;

h) collaboration between companies and organisations of the two countries in the sectors of industry, construction, agriculture, fisheries, transport, trade, tourism, cinematography and sports;

i) study missions.

Article 4.

The Government of the Italian Republic is prepared to grant, to Italian firms which so request, authorizations for the supply, in instalments, of equipment to The Government of the Italian Republic is prepared to grant authorizations to Italian firms which so request, for the supply, in instalments, of capital goods to Tunisian state and private enterprises, in accordance with the legislation in force in Italy.

Credits arising from the supply of capital goods by Italy will be covered by the guarantee provided for by the Italian laws in force.

For its part, the Government of the Tunisian Republic shall provide the necessary guarantees for the transfer, at each due date, of the sums due to Italian creditors, in accordance with the legislation in force in Tunisia.

Article 5.

In order to facilitate the implementation of the programme of economic and technical cooperation provided for in this Agreement, a Joint Commission shall be set up, consisting of representatives of the two Governments and of Italian and Tunisian technicians.

Article 6.

The Joint Commission provided for in Article 5 may meet in principle every six months to study the projects drawn up in conformity with the present Agreement and shall submit its suggestions to the two Governments with a view to accelerating and improving economic and technical co-operation between the two countries.

Article 7.

The present Agreement shall enter into force on the day of its signature and shall have a duration of two years. It shall be tacitly renewed from year to year until either of the High Contracting Parties denounces it with three months' notice.

The denunciation of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of contracts already concluded and guarantees already provided under this Agreement.


In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this Agreement, done in two originals, in the French language.

Done at Rome, 23 November 1961.

For the Government of the Italian Republic


For the Government of the Tunisian Republic