(e) budget transparency and scrutiny are ensured;
(f) the operational framework for internal control defines responsibilities and powers, and is implemented by budget institutions in line with the overall internal control policy;
(g) the operational framework for internal audit reflects international standards and is applied consistently by government institutions;
(h) public procurement regulations are aligned with internationally recognised principles of economy, efficiency, transparency, openness and accountability, and there is central institutional and administrative capacity to develop, implement and monitor procurement policy effectively and efficiently;
(i) the remedies system is aligned with applicable agreements and international regulations, with internationally recognised good practice of independence, probity and transparency, and provides for rapid and competent handling of complaints and sanctions;
(j) public procurement operations comply with basic principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, proportionality and transparency, and ensure the most efficient use of public funds, and contracting authorities have appropriate capacities and use modern procurement techniques;
(k) the independence, mandate and organisation of the supreme audit institution are established and protected by the constitutional and legal frameworks and are respected in practice;
(l) the supreme audit institution applies standards in a neutral and objective manner to ensure high-quality audits which positively impact on the governance and functioning of the public sector.
Article 251. Cooperation In the Area of Taxation
The Parties recognise and shall implement the principles of good governance in the area of taxation, including the global standards on transparency and exchange of information, fair taxation, and the minimum standards against base erosion and profit shifting ("BEPS"). The Parties shall promote good governance in tax matters, improve international cooperation in the tax area and facilitate the collection of legitimate tax revenues.
Article 252. Cooperation In the Area of Statistics
1. The Parties shall promote the harmonisation of statistical methods and practice, including the gathering and dissemination of statistics by a sustainable, efficient and professionally independent national statistical system.
2. Cooperation in the area of statistics shall focus on exchange of knowledge, fostering good practices and respect for the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics adopted by the UN General Assembly Resolution 68/261 of 29 January 2014 and, when relevant, the European Statistics Code of Practice adopted by the Statistical Programme Committee on 24 February 2005.
3. The Parties shall exchange best practices in the field of training and capacity building in all fields of statistics.
Article 253. General Energy Cooperation Objectives
1. The Parties shall cooperate on energy matters with the objective to promote the use of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and energy security.
2. This cooperation shall be based on a comprehensive partnership and shall be guided by mutual interest, reciprocity, transparency and predictability according to the principles of market economy and the Energy Charter Treaty, done at Lisbon on 17 December 1994.
3. This cooperation shall also aim at promoting regional energy cooperation, with special regard to the integration of the Central Asian countries with each other and into international markets and corridors.
Article 254. Cooperation In the Energy Sector
Cooperation in the energy sector shall cover, inter alia, the following areas:
(a) enhancing renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and energy security, especially reliability, safety and sustainability of energy supply, by promoting regional energy cooperation, including the establishment of the regional energy markets and facilitating intra- and inter-regional energy trade and exchanges;
(b) implementation of energy strategies and policies, discussion of outlooks and scenarios, including global market conditions for energy products, as well as improvement of the statistical system in the energy sector;
(c) creation of an attractive and stable investment climate and the encouragement of mutual investments in the energy field on a non-discriminatory and transparent basis;
(d) exchanges with the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other relevant international financial institutions and instruments in the field of energy;
(e) scientific and technical exchanges for the development of energy technologies with particular attention to energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies;
(f) collaboration in multilateral energy fora, initiatives and institutions;
(g) exchange of knowledge and experience as well as technology transfer in innovation, including in the areas of management and energy technologies.
Article 255. Renewable Energy Sources
Cooperation shall be pursued, inter alia, through:
(a) the development of renewable energy sources in an economic and environmentally sound manner, including cooperation on regulatory issues, certification and standardisation as well as on technological development;
(b) facilitating exchanges and research cooperation between institutions, laboratories and private sector entities of the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic, including through joint programmes, with the aim of implementing best practices towards creating the energy of the future and the green economy;
(c) conducting joint seminars, conferences and training programmes, and exchanging information and open statistical data, as well as information on the development of renewable energy sources.
Article 256. Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings
Cooperation in the promotion of energy efficiency and energy savings, including in the coal sector, gas flaring (and the use of associated gas), buildings, appliances and transport, shall be pursued, inter alia, through:
(a) exchanging information about energy efficiency policies and legal and regulatory frameworks and action plans;
(b) facilitating the exchange of experiences and know-how in the field of energy efficiency and energy savings;
(c) initiating and implementing projects, including demonstration projects, for the introduction of innovative technologies and solutions in the field of energy efficiency and energy savings;
(d) training programmes and training courses in the field of energy efficiency in order to achieve the objectives of this Agreement.
Article 257. General Transport Cooperation Objectives
The Parties shall cooperate in the area of transport with the following objectives:
(a) promoting complementarity between their transport sectors;
(b) enhancing the sustainable regional and international connectivity of their transport networks;
(c) promoting efficient, safe and secure transport operations and systems;
(d) developing sustainable transport systems, including their social and environmental aspects, in particular regarding climate change.
Article 258. Cooperation In the Area of Transport
Cooperation in the area of transport shall cover, inter alia:
(a) the exchange of best practices on transport policies;
(b) the improvement of the movement of passengers and goods, the increase of fluidity of transport flows by removing administrative, technical and other obstacles, and the pursuit of closer market integration;
(c) the improvement of transport infrastructure and the promotion of interoperability along transport corridors;
(d) the exchange of information and joint activities at regional and international level and the implementation of applicable international agreements and conventions;
(e) the improvement of transport safety and environmental protection;
(f) the exchange of experience in green technologies for transport systems, including on the introduction of environmentally friendly transport;
(g) interaction in the field of air transport.
Article 259. General Environment Cooperation Objectives
The Parties shall develop and strengthen cooperation on environmental issues, thereby contributing to sustainable development and good governance in environmental protection and disaster risk reduction.
Article 260. Cooperation In the Area of the Environment
1. Cooperation in the area of the environment shall aim at preserving, protecting, improving, and rehabilitating the quality of the environment, protecting human health, sustainable utilisation of natural resources and promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or global environmental problems, including in the areas of:
(a) environmental governance and horizontal issues, including strategic planning, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment, education and training, monitoring and environmental information systems, inspection and enforcement, environmental liability, combating environmental crime, public access to environmental information, decision-making processes and effective administrative and judicial review procedures;
(b) air quality;
(c) water quality and water resource management, including improvement of water pollution monitoring system;
(d) resource and waste management, including hazardous waste;
(e) resource-efficiency, green and circular economy;
(f) nature protection, including forestry and conservation of biological diversity;
(g) industrial pollution and industrial hazards;
(h) chemicals management;
(i) disaster risk reduction.
2. Cooperation shall also aim at integrating the environment into sector policies other than environmental policy in order to contribute to the implementation of the Agenda 2030.
Article 261. Integration of the Environment Into other Sectors
The Parties shall exchange experience in promoting integration of the environment into other sectors, including exchanging best practices, increasing knowledge and competence, environmental education and awareness raising in the areas referred to in this Chapter.
Article 262. Environmental Cooperation at Regional and International Level
The Parties shall exchange information and expertise and intensify environmental cooperation at regional and international levels and in the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements, ratified by the Parties.
Article 263. General Climate Change Cooperation Objectives
The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation to combat and to adapt to climate change. Cooperation shall be conducted while taking into account the interests of the Parties on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, as well as the interdependence existing between their bilateral and multilateral commitments in that field.
Article 264. Measures at Domestic, Regional and International Level
Cooperation shall promote measures at domestic, regional and international level, including with regard to:
(a) the mitigation of climate change;
(b) adaptation to climate change;
(c) market and non-market mechanisms for addressing climate change;
(d) the promotion of new, innovative, safe and sustainable low-carbon and adaptation technologies;
(e) the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change once ratified by the Parties;
(f) the mainstreaming of climate considerations into general and sector-specific policies;
(g) awareness raising, education and training.
Article 265. Cooperation on Climate Change
1. The Parties shall, inter alia:
(a) exchange information and expertise;
(b) implement joint research activities and exchanges of information on cleaner and environmentally sound technologies;
(c) implement joint activities at regional and international level, including with regard to multilateral environmental agreements ratified by the Parties, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change done at New York on 9 May 1992 (hereinafter referred to as the "UNFCCC") and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
2. Cooperation on climate change shall cover, inter alia:
(a) measures to enhance the capacity to take effective climate action;
(b) the implementation of a climate strategy and action plan for the long-term mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, including the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases;
(c) the development of vulnerability and adaptation assessments;
(d) measures to promote technology transfer;
(e) measures related to ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated gases.
3. The Parties shall promote regional cooperation on climate change.
Article 266. General Industrial and Enterprise Policy Cooperation Objectives
The Parties shall endeavour to develop and strengthen their cooperation on industrial and enterprise policy, thereby improving the business environment for all economic operators, with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "SMEs").
Article 267. Cooperation In the Area of Industrial and Enterprise Policy
Cooperation in the area of industrial and enterprise policy shall include, inter alia:
(a) the exchange of information and best practice to support entrepreneurship and SME development policies;
(b) the exchange of information and best practice on productivity and efficiency of resource use, including reduction of energy consumption and cleaner production;
(c) the exchange of information and best practice to enhance the role of business and industry in sustainable development and respect for human rights;
(d) public supporting measures for industry sectors, based on WTO requirements and other international rules applicable to the Parties;
(e) the encouragement of the development of innovation policy, via the exchange of information and best practice regarding the commercialisation of results of research and development (including support instruments for technology-based business start-ups), cluster development and access to finance;
(f) the promotion of business initiatives and industrial cooperation between enterprises of the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic;
(g) the promotion of a more business-friendly environment, with a view to enhancing growth potential, trade and investment opportunities.
Article 268. General Cooperation Objectives In the Area of Company Law
The Parties recognise the importance of an effective set of rules and practices in the areas of company law and corporate governance, as well as in accounting and auditing, in a functioning market economy with a predictable and transparent business environment, and underline the importance of promoting regulatory convergence in this field.
Article 269. Cooperation In the Area of Company Law
The Parties shall cooperate on the following:
(a) the exchange of best practice to promote the availability of and access to information regarding the organisation and representation of registered companies in a transparent and easily accessible way;
(b) the further development of corporate governance policy in line with international and particularly OECD standards;
(c) the continued implementation and consistent application of International Financial Reporting Standards developed by the International Accounting Standards Board for the consolidated accounts of listed companies;
(d) the approximation of accounting rules and financial reporting, including as regards SMEs;
(e) the exchange of experience and best practice in regulation and oversight of auditing and accounting activities;
(f) the application of international auditing standards and the Code of Ethics of the International Federation of Accountants (hereinafter referred to as the "IFAC"), with the aim of improving the professional level of auditors by means of observance of standards and ethical norms by professional organisations, audit organisations and auditors.
Article 270. General Cooperation Objectives In the Area of Financial Services and Markets
1. The Parties agree on the importance of effective legislation and practices and shall cooperate in the area of financial services and markets with the following objectives:
(a) to improve the regulation of financial services and markets;
(b) to ensure effective and adequate protection of investors and consumers of financial services;
(c) to contribute to the stability and integrity of the financial markets;
(d) to promote cooperation between different actors of the financial markets, including regulators and supervisors;
(e) to promote independent and effective supervision.
2. The Parties shall promote regulatory convergence with international standards for sound financial markets.
Article 271. General Cooperation Objectives In the Area of the Digital Economy and Society
The Parties shall promote cooperation on the development of the digital economy and society, including on the associated infrastructure and governance to benefit citizens and businesses through the widespread availability of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as the "ICT") and through better quality of electronic services at affordable prices, in particular in the areas of trade and commerce, health and education as well as government and administration in general. This cooperation shall aim at promoting the development of competition in, and openness of, ICT markets as well as encouraging investments in this sector.
Article 272. Cooperation In the Area of the Digital Economy and Society
Cooperation in the area of the digital economy and society shall cover, inter alia:
(a) the exchange of information and best practice on the implementation of national digital strategies including, initiatives aiming at promoting broadband access, improving rules for cross-border data transfer and network security and developing public online services (e‑government);
(b) the exchange of information, best practice and experience to promote the development of a comprehensive regulatory framework for electronic communications including the role of a national regulator, foster a better use of spectrum resources and promote interoperability of electronic communications infrastructure in the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 273. Cooperation between Regulators In the Field of Information and Communication Technologies
The Parties shall promote cooperation between regulators from the European Union and the authorised state body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of information and communication technologies, including electronic communications, as appropriate.
Article 274. General Cooperation Objectives In the Area of Tourism
The Parties shall cooperate in the field of tourism with the aim of strengthening the development of a competitive and sustainable tourism industry as a generator of economic growth, empowerment, employment and exchanges in the tourism sector.
Article 275. Principles of Cooperation In the Area of Sustainable Tourism
Cooperation in the area of sustainable tourism shall be based on the following principles:
(a) respect for the integrity and interests of local communities, particularly in rural areas;
(b) the importance of preserving cultural, historical and natural heritage; and
(c) positive interaction between tourism and environmental preservation.
Article 276. Cooperation In the Area of Tourism
Cooperation in the area of tourism shall include, inter alia:
(a) exchange information on statistics in tourism, innovative technologies, business practices and new market demands;
(b) promote sustainable and responsible tourism development models and exchange best practice, experience and know‑how;
(c) exchange information and best practices in training and skills development in tourism;
(d) encourage greater contacts between private, public and community stakeholders of the Member States of the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 277. General Agriculture and Rural Development Cooperation Objectives
Cooperation between the Parties in the area of agriculture and rural development shall cover, inter alia:
(a) the facilitation of the mutual understanding of agricultural and rural development policies;
(b) the exchange of best practice in enhancing the administrative capacities at central and local level in the planning, evaluation and implementation of agricultural and rural development policies;
(c) the promotion of the modernisation and the sustainable development of agricultural production;
(d) the sharing of knowledge and best practice with regard to rural development policies to promote economic well-being for rural communities;