East African Community Treaty (1999)
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3. The Community shall continue with its remaining membership notwithstanding withdrawal or expulsion of any Partner State.

Article 150. Amendment of the Treaty

1. This Treaty may be amended at any time by agreement of all the Partner States.

2. Any Partner State or the Council may submit proposals for the amendment of this Treaty.

3. Any proposals for the amendment of this Treaty shall be submitted to the Secretary General in writing who shall, within thirty days (30) of its receipt, communicate the proposed amendment to the Partner States.

4. The Partner States which wish to comment on the proposals shall do so within ninety days (90) from the date of the dispatch of the proposal by the Secretary General.

5. After the expiration of the period prescribed under paragraph 4 of this Article, the Secretary General shall submit the proposals and any comments thereon received from the Partner States to the Summit through the Council.

6. Any amendment to this Treaty shall be adopted by the Summit and shall enter into force when ratified by all the Partner States.

Article 151. Annexes and Protocols to the Treaty

1. The Partner States shall conclude such Protocols as may be necessary in each area of co-operation which shall spell out the objectives and scope of, and institutional mechanisms for co-operation and integration.

2. Each Protocol shall be approved by the Summit on the recommendation of the Council.

3. Each Protocol shall be subject to signature and ratification by the parties hereto.

4. The Annexes and Protocols to this Treaty shall form an integral part of this Treaty.

Article 152. Entry Into Force

This Treaty shall enter into force upon ratification and deposit of instruments of ratification with the Secretary General by all Partner States.

Article 153. Depository and Registration

1. This Treaty and all instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary General who shall transmit certified true copies thereof to all the Partner States.

2. The Secretary General shall register this Treaty with the Organisation of African Unity, the United Nations, and such other organisations as the Council may determine.


DONE at Arusha, Tanzania, on the 30th day of November, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine.

IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned have appended their signatures hereto:

for the Republic of Uganda: Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President

for the Republic of Kenya: Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, President

for the Republic of Tanzania: Benjamin William Mkapa, President

Previous page Page 9
  • Chapter   One Interpretation 1
  • Article   1 Interpretation 1
  • Chapter   Two Establishment and Principles of the Community 1
  • Article   2 Establishment of the Community 1
  • Article   3 Membership of the Community 1
  • Article   4 Legal Capacity of the Community 1
  • Article   5 Objectives of the Community 1
  • Article   6 Fundamental Principles of the Community 1
  • Article   7 Operational Principles of the Community 1
  • Article   8 General Undertaking as to Implementation 2
  • Chapter   Three Establishment of the Organs and Institutions of the Community 2
  • Article   9 Establishment of the Organs and Institutions of the Community 2
  • Chapter   Four The Summit 2
  • Article   10 Membership of the Summit 2
  • Article   11 Functions of the Summit 2
  • Article   12 Meetings of the Summit 2
  • Chapter   Five The Council 2
  • Article   13 Membership of the Council 2
  • Article   14 Functions of the Council 2
  • Article   15 Meetings of the Council 2
  • Article   16 Effects of Regulations, Directives, Decisions and Recommendations of the Council 2
  • Chapter   Six The Co-ordination Committee 2
  • Article   17 Composition of the Co-ordination Committee 2
  • Article   18 Functions of the Co-ordination Committee the Co-ordination Committee: 2
  • Article   19 Meetings of the Co-ordination Committee 2
  • Chapter   Seven Sectoral Committees 2
  • Article   20 Establishment and Composition of Sectoral Committees 2
  • Article   21 Functions of the Sectoral Committees 2
  • Article   22 Meetings of the Sectoral Committees 2
  • Chapter   Eight The East African Court of Justice 2
  • Article   23 Role of the Court 2
  • Article   24 Judges of the Court 2
  • Article   25 Tenure of Office of Judges 2
  • Article   26 Removal from Office and Temporary Membership of the Court 2
  • Article   27 Jurisdiction of the Court 3
  • Article   28 Reference by Partner States 3
  • Article   29 Reference by the Secretary General 3
  • Article   30 Reference by Legal and Natural Persons 3
  • Article   31 Disputes between the Community and Its Employees 3
  • Article   32 Arbitration Clauses and Special Agreements 3
  • Article   33 Jurisdiction of National Courts 3
  • Article   34 Preliminary Rulings of National Courts 3
  • Article   35 Judgment of the Court 3
  • Article   35A Appeals 3
  • Article   36 Advisory Opinions of the Court 3
  • Article   37 Appearance Before the Court 3
  • Article   38 Acceptance of Judgments of the Court 3
  • Article   39 Interim Orders 3
  • Article   40 Intervention 3
  • Article   41 Proceedings 3
  • Article   42 Rules of the Court and Oaths of Office 3
  • Article   43 Immunity of the Judges and the Holding of other Offices 3
  • Article   44 Execution of Judgments 3
  • Article   45 Registrar of the Court and other Staff 3
  • Article   46 Official Language of the Court 3
  • Article   47 Seat of the Court 3
  • Chapter   Nine The East African Legislative Assembly 3
  • Article   48 Membership of the Assembly 3
  • Article   49 Functions of the Assembly 3
  • Article   50 Election of Members of the Assembly 3
  • Article   51 Tenure of Office of Elected Members 3
  • Article   52 Questions as to Membership of the Assembly 3
  • Article   53 Speaker of the Assembly 3
  • Article   54 Invitation of Persons to Assist the Assembly 3
  • Article   55 Meetings of the Assembly 3
  • Article   56 Presiding In the Assembly 3
  • Article   57 Quorum and Vacancies In the Assembly 3
  • Article   58 Voting In the Assembly 3
  • Article   59 Bills and Motions In the Assembly 3
  • Article   60 Rules of Procedure of the Assembly 4
  • Article   61 Powers, Privileges and Immunities of the Assembly and Its Members 4
  • Article   62 Acts of the Community 4
  • Article   63 Assent to Bills 4
  • Article   64 Publication of Acts of the Community 4
  • Article   65 Relations between the Assembly and the National Assemblies of the Partner States 4
  • Chapter   Ten The Secretariat and Staff of the Community 4
  • Article   66 Establishment of the Secretariat 4
  • Article   67 Secretary General 4
  • Article   68 Deputy Secretaries General 4
  • Article   69 Counsel to the Community 4
  • Article   70 Other Officers and Staff of the Secretariat 4
  • Article   71 Functions of the Secretariat 4
  • Article   72 Relationship between the Secretariat and the Partner States 4
  • Article   73 Immunities 4
  • Chapter   Eleven Co-operation In Trade Liberalisation and Development 4
  • Article   74 East African Trade Regime 4
  • Article   75 Establishment of a Customs Union 4
  • Article   76 Establishment of a Common Market 4
  • Article   77 Measures to Address Imbalances Arising from the Application of the Provisions for the Establishment of a Customs Union and a Common Market 4
  • Article   78 Safeguard Clause 4
  • Chapter   Twelve Co-operation In Investment and Industrial Development 4
  • Article   79 Industrial Development 4
  • Article   80 Strategy and Priority Areas 4
  • Chapter   Thirteen Co-operation In Standardisation, Quality Assurance, Metrology and Testing 5
  • Article   81 Standardisation, Quality Assurance, Metrology and Testing 5
  • Chapter   Fourteen Monetary and Financial Co-operation 5
  • Article   82 Scope of Co-operation 5
  • Article   83 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Harmonisation 5
  • Article   84 Macro-economic Co-ordination Within the Community 5
  • Article   85 Banking and Capital Market Development 5
  • Article   86 Movement of Capital 5
  • Article   87 Joint Project Financing 5
  • Article   88 Safeguard Measures 5
  • Chapter   Fifteen Co-operation In Infrastructure and Services 5
  • Article   89 Common Transport and Communications Policies 5
  • Article   90 Roads and Road Transport 5
  • Article   91 Railways and Rail Transport 5
  • Article   92 Civil Aviation and Civil Air Transport 5
  • Article   93 Maritime Transport and Ports 5
  • Article   94 Inland Waterways Transport 5
  • Article   95 Multimodal Transport 6
  • Article   96 Freight Booking Centres 6
  • Article   97 Freight Forwarders, Customs Clearing Agents and Shipping Agents 6
  • Article   98 Postal Services 6
  • Article   99 Telecommunications 6
  • Article   100 Meteorological Services 6
  • Article   101 Energy 6
  • Chapter   Sixteen Co-operation In the Development of Human Resources, Science and Technology 6
  • Article   102 Education and Training 6
  • Article   103 Science and Technology 6
  • Chapter   Seventeen Free Movement of Persons, Labour, Services, Right of Establishment and Residence 6
  • Article   104 Scope of Co-operation 6
  • Chapter   Eighteen Agriculture and Food Security 6
  • Article   105 Scope of Co-operation 6
  • Article   106 Seed Multiplication and Distribution 6
  • Article   107 Livestock Multiplication and Distribution 6
  • Article   108 Plant and Animal Diseases Control 6
  • Article   109 Irrigation and Water Catchment Management 6
  • Article   110 Food Security 7
  • Chapter   Nineteen Co-operation In Environment and Natural Resources Management 7
  • Article   111 Environmental Issues and Natural Resources 7
  • Article   112 Management of the Environment 7
  • Article   113 Prevention of Illegal Trade In and Movement of Toxic Chemicals, Substances and Hazardous Wastes 7
  • Article   114 Management of Natural Resources 7
  • Chapter   Twenty Co-operation In Tourism and Wildlife Management 7
  • Article   115 Tourism 7
  • Article   116 Wildlife Management 7
  • Chapter   Twenty-One Health, Social and Cultural Activities 7
  • Article   117 Scope of Co-operation 7
  • Article   118 Health 7
  • Article   119 Culture and Sports 7
  • Article   120 Social Welfare 7
  • Chapter   Twenty-Two Enhancing the Role of Women In Socio-economic Development 7
  • Article   121 The Role of Women In Socio-economic Development 7
  • Article   122 The Role of Women In Business 7
  • Chapter   Twenty-Three Co-operation In Political Matters 7
  • Article   123 Political Affairs 7
  • Article   124 Regional Peace and Security 8
  • Article   125 Defence 8
  • Chapter   Twenty Four Legal and Judicial Affairs 8
  • Article   126 Scope of Co-operation 8
  • Chapter   Twenty Five The Private Sector and the Civil Society 8
  • Article   127 Creation of an Enabling Environment for the Private Sector and the Civil Society 8
  • Article   128 Strengthening the Private Sector 8
  • Article   129 Co-operation Among Business Organisations and Professional Bodies 8
  • Chapter   Twenty Six Relations with other Regional and International Organisations and Development Partners 8
  • Article   130 International Organisations and Development Partners 8
  • Chapter   Twenty Seven Co-operation In other Fields 8
  • Article   131 Other Fields 8
  • Chapter   Twenty Eight Financial Provisions 8
  • Article   132 Budget 8
  • Article   133 Other Resources 8
  • Article   134 Audit of Accounts 8
  • Article   135 Financial Rules and Regulations 8
  • Chapter   Twenty Nine General, Transitional and Final Provisions 8
  • Article   136 Headquarters and other Offices of the Community 8
  • Article   137 Official Language 8
  • Article   138 Status, Privileges and Immunities 8
  • Article   139 Dissolution of the Permanent Tripartite Commission and Its Secretariat 8
  • Article   140 Transitional Provisions 8
  • Article   140 (A) Transition 8
  • Article   141 Transfer of Assets and Liabilities 8
  • Article   142 Saving Provisions 8
  • Article   143 Sanctions 8
  • Article   144 Duration of the Treaty 8
  • Article   145 Withdrawal of a Member 8
  • Article   146 Suspension of a Member 8
  • Article   147 Expulsion of a Member 8
  • Article   148 Exceptions to the Rule of Consensus 8
  • Article   149 Rights Over Property and Assets of the Community Upon Cessation of Membership 8
  • Article   150 Amendment of the Treaty 9
  • Article   151 Annexes and Protocols to the Treaty 9
  • Article   152 Entry Into Force 9
  • Article   153 Depository and Registration 9