Greece - Tunisia Economic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation Agreement (1962)




The Government of the Kingdom of Greece and the Government of the Republic of Tunisia,

Desiring to further the friendly relations and strengthen the economic ties between the two countries,

Desiring to foster the development of economic, technical and scientific co-operation between the two countries,

Have agreed as follows :

(1) Came into force on 26 May 1962, upon signature, in accordance with article 6.


Article 1.

The Government of the Republic of Tunisia and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece shall endeavour to the extent of their abilities to co-operate with and assist each other in the economic, technical and scientific fields. They shall work together as partners with equal rights.

Article 2.

With a view to achieving the purposes of this Agreement and by virtue of special arrangements which may, if appropriate, take the form of programmes drawn up in accordance with article 5 below, the Government of the Kingdom of Greece shall :

(1) Give favourable consideration to the possibilities of Greek investments in Tunisia;

(2) Facilitate the implementation of such proposals in the economic, technical and scientific fields as the Government of the Republic of Tunisia considers it worth-while to put forward;

(3) Afford representatives of the Government of the Republic of Tunisia an opportunity to consider with Greek experts matters concerning the study, financing and execution of economic, technical and scientific projects;

(4) Make available, to the extent possible, to students and trainees from the Republic of Tunisia scholarships and fellowships and opportunities for education and training in Greek educational establishments, in the Greek Government service and in industrial, banking and other establishments in Greece;

(5) Foster collaboration between Greek and Tunisian scientific and technical bodies through such means as the exchange of publications and information relating to scientific and technical research;

(6) Provide technical assistance in any other form agreed upon by the two Governments.

Article 3.

Within the terms of this Agreement, the Government of the Republic of Tunisia shall exempt :

(a) Goods supplied by Greece, whether originating in the government or private sector and whether of Greek or foreign manufacture, from import duties and other fiscal charges;

(b) Greek experts and technicians, for the period of their service under this Agreement, from taxes and other fiscal charges on salaries and wages which are not chargeable to the Government of the Republic of Tunisia and which are paid outside Tunisia;

(c) Furniture and personal effects imported by the Greek experts and technicians referred to in sub-paragraph (4) and their families at the time of the initial assumption of duties in Tunisia, as well as one automobile per family, from import and export duties and other fiscal charges.

The Government of the Republic of Tunisia shall, in conformity with the regulations in force in Tunisia, authorize the transfer under the most favourable conditions of an adequate portion of the salaries and wages paid in Tunisia to Greek experts and technicians. Upon their final departure from Tunisia, such experts and technicians shall be authorized to transfer the entire amount of their savings on salaries and wages.

Article 4.

The Government of the Republic of Tunisia shall guarantee to Greek companies operating in Tunisia under this Agreement treatment no less favourable than that accorded to the companies and undertakings of other countries under the laws and regulations in force and the agreements in effect between such countries and the Republic of Tunisia, with particular regard to the transfer of income and the repatriation of capital.

Article 5.

The two Contracting Parties shall draw up by joint agreement the programmes necessary for attaining the purposes of the present Agreement and shall, as the need arises, conclude special agreements, including tax agreements, setting out the forms and methods of economic, technical and scientific co-operation. The programmes shall be carried out under the auspices of the Secretariat of State for Planning and Finance, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tunisia, and of the Ministry of Co-ordination, on behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of Greece.

Article 6.

This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signature and shall remain in force for a period of two years; it shall be renewed by tacit consent unless it is denounced by one of the Parties not later than three months before the expiry of the agreed period.

If the present Agreement is denounced, the two Parties shall come to an understanding concerning the completion of the projects started thereunder.


Done at Athens on 26 May 1962, in duplicate in French, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Greece : M. D. ALEXANDRAKIS

For the Government of the Republic of Tunisia : Abdesselam BEN AYED