Search Explanation/Guide

The Electronic Database of Investment Treaties (EDIT), is a new systematic and comprehensive database on international investment agreements (IIAs), including available texts in one single language (English) and format (XML), which allows to search information out of them with more detail, as well as do annotations on their text, including metadata, as well as automated and manual labelling by categories.

Filter by Text

Full-text search: EDIT use a full-text search on the name, preamble and body sections of the database documents.

Exact Phrase: EDIT search for a exact sequence of words, not only for the documents which e.g. contain each of your search words in a different sentence. Assuming you are trying to find documents about 'transition words'. Instead of typing [transition words] into the search box, you will likely be better off searching for the exact phrase. To do so, enclose the search phrase within double quotes: "transition words".

Not case sensitive: EDIT search engines are not case sensitive when it comes to keywords.

Filter by Parties

Use the drop-down menu to select Parties that have concluded an investment treaty. The filter will indicate all treaties concluded by any of the Parties you select and not exclusively between these Parties.


ALL operator: All treaties signed by the selected countries, for example, all treaties signed by Spain and Chile.

AND operator: All treaties signed between the selected countries, for example all treaties signed between Spain and Chile. This option should also allow you to select a country (e.g. Chile) and a country grouping, region or categories below. For example, all the treaties signed between Chile and the European Union.

Filter by Country Groupings

Use the drop-down menu to select the Country Groupings from where the Parties that have concluded an investment treaty are members of (Andean Community, African Union, etc.). The filter will indicate all treaties concluded by any of the Parties included in the Country Grouping you select and not exclusively between these Parties.

OR operator: If you want to filter the investment treaties concluded among any of the Parties included in the Country Grouping you have selected, mark the filter “OR operator”.

AND operator: If you want to filter only the investment treaties concluded among the Parties included in the Country Grouping you have selected, mark the filter “AND operator”.

Only operator: If you want to filter only the investment treaties concluded by the Country Grouping you have selected, mark the filter “Only operator”.

Filter by Regions

Use the drop-down menu to select the Regions from where the Parties that have concluded an investment treaty come from (Africa, Asia, etc..). The filter will indicate all treaties concluded by any of the Parties included in the Region you select and not exclusively between these Parties.

OR operator: If you want to filter the investment treaties concluded among any of the Parties included in the Region you have selected, mark the filter “OR operator”.

Only operator: If you want to filter only the investment treaties concluded among the Parties included in the Region you have selected, mark the filter “Only operator”. Not include any treaties that contains a country or group different to the countries of the Regions.

Filter by Country Categories

Use the drop-down menu to select the Country Categories from where the Parties that have concluded an investment treaty belong to (Developed Economies, Developing Economies, etc.). The filter will indicate all treaties concluded by any of the Parties included in the Country Category you select and not exclusively between these Parties.

OR operator: If you want to filter the investment treaties concluded among any of the Parties included in the Country Category you have selected, mark the filter “OR operator”.

Only operator: If you want to filter only the investment treaties concluded among the Parties included in the Country Category you have selected, mark the filter “Only operator”. ot include any treaties that contains a country or group different to the countries of the Country Category.

Filter by EDIT categorization

Treaties have been categorized through an iterative process of manual labelling and automated annotation.

The current categorization is work-in-progress and may contain errors. Please notify us of mistakes or missing categories.

Filter by Availability of Text

Availability of text: Select the filter “Availability of text” to search exclusively for investment treaties where the text is available at EDIT.

Unavailability of text: Select the filter “Unavailability of text” to search exclusively for investment treaties where the text is not available at EDIT.

Filter by Signed Date

Use the calendars to filter investment treaties by their date of signature, indicating a complete period of search (from – to) in format DD.MM.YYYY.

Filter by Date Into Force

Use the calendars to filter investment treaties by their date of entry into force, indicating a complete period of search (from – to) in format DD.MM.YYYY.

Filter by Date of Termination

Use the calendar to filter investment treaties by their date of termination, indicating a complete period of search (from – to) in format DD.MM.YYYY.