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Convergence between documents
Percentage calculated as the average of the metrics (shown below) and weighted with the slider of each metric.
Convergence by features (2º level)
Percentage of features (2nd level) that the documents share with each other, with respect to the total number of features (2nd level) contained in the documents.
Convergence by features (4º level)
Percentage of features (4nd level) that the documents share with each other, with respect to the total number of features (4nd level) contained in the documents.
Convergence by parties on documents
Percentage of countries that share the documents with each other, with respect to the total number of countries contained in the documents.
Convergence by number of articles on documents
Percentage of the number of articles that the documents share with each other, with respect to the total number of articles contained in the documents.
Convergence by name of articles on documents
Percentage of articles with the same title that the documents share with each other, with respect to the total number of articles contained in the documents.
Convergence by type of documents
Percentage of documents of the same type (BIT, OIIA, Model), with respect to the total number of documents.
Convergence by signed date of documents
Percentage of proximity in years of the signed date between the documents.
Convergence by in force date of documents
Percentage of proximity in years of the in force date between the documents.